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Integrated Basic Education Department

Senior High School
Lagao, General Santos City

Physical Education and Health 1

Quarter/Term: Midterm Date: 2022.09.06 – 2022.09.06

Week No.: 1 21st Century Skills:
Damean’s Beat: Select Damean’s Beat here.  Critical Thinking
NDDU’s 4Cs:  Christian Leaders ☐ Computing/ICT Literacy
☐ Competent Professionals ☐ Communication
☐ Community-Oriented Citizens ☐ Creativity
☐ Culture-Sensitive Individuals ☐ Collaboration
Teacher/s: Key Heart R. Mariveles ☐ Cross Cultural Understanding
☐ Career and Learning Self Reliance

Online Lesson:
I. I Topic: Introduction to Physical Education, Five aspects of Physical education, Physical activity
and Exercise, Physical fitness, Health and skill related of Physical fitness
II. Learning Targets:
At the end of the lesson, I can:
1. describe the nature of Physical Education and Physical Fitness and Self-assesses health-related
fitness (HRF). status, barriers to physical activity assessment participation and one’s diet.
2. define physical fitness, physical activity, and exercise;
3. identify the health- and skill-related components of fitness;
4. share the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle; and
5. create a collage that will describe your physical, social, and mental health

Module No.: Choose Module No.

III. Introduction/Review/Content:

What is Physical Education?

PHYSICAL EDUCATION - is an integral part of the educational program designed to

promote the optimum development of the individual physically, mentally, socially, emotionally, and
spiritually through total body movement in the performance of properly selected physical

Five Aspects of Physical Education

Physical- Physical education develops physical skills such as agility, speed, endurance, strength,
power, etc. it could also develop our organic vigor, specifically our muscles from upper extremity,
core region and lower extremity of our body. By that, we can do things where a physically fit person

Mental- In physical education not only our physical appearance will be developed as well as our
cognitive domain where people could think critically and comprehend well the concept and
understand it as well. It also develops their ability to analyze things, for example the instruction
and other direction that probably leads to the right way to have a good quality output because he
possesses the right to understand rules and create his or her own strategy to compete towards
others not only in terms of physical but as well as mental activity. In short there is cognitive
awareness in all matters.

Social- physical education promotes belongingness of individuals to the community or to

colleagues so that people could understand the differences of each other considering that we
have these individual differences. It could also develop our different skills such as interpersonal
skill and communication skill where the learners could easily communicate with others to ask
guidance or ask suggestions to others to create a good output with quality. It promotes
cooperation, good leadership as well as sportsmanship.

Emotional- Is a state of feeling that involves distinct physiological reactions and, as students
have a natural tendency to display their emotion through physical movement and interactions,
emotional well-being is especially important in physical education. It also helps individuals to
master their emotion and develop their confidence to express their ideas and emotion which is
indeed healthy in today’s generation.

Spiritual- Spirituality is a fundamental, everyday life process involving a joy of living, sacrifice and
love for others, and a connection to self, others, nature, and to a larger meaning or purpose.
Distinct from moral or religious beliefs, spirituality engages interactively with the psyche, body,
and sociocultural setting to influence human functioning, holistic health, and moral outcomes like
altruism and well-being. In this paper, we consider that spiritual health has been overshadowed in
physical education due to an emphasis that is intent on transforming the body without giving full
consideration to the whole person.


SPORTS – is an institutionalized competitive activity that involves vigorous physical exertion and
mental skills by individuals whose participation is motivated by a combination of the intrinsic and
extrinsic satisfaction or reward earned through participation.
DANCE – refers to a rhythmic bodily movement that projects an ordered sequence of moving visual
patterns of line, solid, shape, and color.
RECREATION – refers to activities that take place during an experience known as leisure.

Everyone wants to be fit and healthy. There are over a hundred researches that show how to achieve
fitness and wellness – the clear solution is to move more and eat well. The solution might be simple
but choosing which fitness program to follow or what food to eat is overwhelming. The fitness industry
is flooded with various tools and programs that promise to help you to get fit fast with less work. This
subject will help you weed out the jungle of choices and provide quick answers to common fitness

Physical Activity and Exercise

Physical Activity
It involves any bodily movement caused by muscular contractions that result in the expenditure of
energy. It is usually classified according to its purpose.

Many people believe that one should engage in sports and exercise to be active, which is a
misconception. In fact, sports and exercise are just part of the activities that can be classified under
recreational physical activities.

Is a planned program of physical activities usually designed to improve physical fitness with the
purpose of increasing physical fitness level.

While physical activity is different from exercise, research shows that both physical activity and
exercise can improve one’s well-being. It should be noted that the protection conferred by being fit is
higher than being physically active.

Physical Fitness
Is a condition that allows the body to effectively cope with the demands of daily activities and still has
the energy to enjoy other activities. It is a broad term and has many components. It is inappropriate
to ay that a dancer is more fit than a fighter.

In relation to health and wellness, experts have identified several components that an individual
should maintain at an adequate level to remain healthy and reduce the risk of premature death,
disease, and injury.

What does it mean to be physically "fit?"

Physical fitness is defined as "a set of attributes that people have or achieve that relates to the ability
to perform physical activity" (USDHHS, 1996). In other words, it is more than being able to run a long
distance or lift a lot of weight at the gym. Being fit is not defined only by what kind of activity you do,
how long you do it, or at what level of intensity. While these are important measures of fitness, they
only address single areas. Overall fitness is made up of five main components:
Health-related Physical Fitness

The health-related components of fitness include aerobic capacity, muscular strength, muscular
endurance, flexibility, and body composition. These components are important in preventing injuries
and noncommunicable diseases.

Aerobic Capacity/Cardiorespiratory Endurance

The ability of your heart, blood vessels, lungs, and blood to deliver oxygen and nutrients to all of your
body's cells while you are being physically active.

Muscular Strength
Is the amount of force that a muscle can apply in a given contraction. The key to making your muscles
stronger is working them against resistance, whether that be from weights or gravity. If you want to
gain muscle strength, try exercises such as lifting weights or resistance exercises.

Muscular Endurance
Is the ability of the muscles to keep working (contract) over a period of time. When most people think
of muscular endurance, they think of things like running and cycling. The fact is, muscular endurance
is important to almost any activity that requires any use of physical strength and is one of the more
important aspects of physical fitness and performance.

The ability of the joints to move through their full range of motion.

Body Composition
Refers to the ratio of lean body tissue (muscle & bone) to body-fat tissue. A person's total body weight
(what you see on a scale) may not change over time. But the bathroom scale does not assess how
much is lean mass (muscle, bone, tendons, and ligaments). Body composition is important to
consider for health and managing your weight. To improve your body composition all the health-
related components of fitness and good nutrition are critical. Keep in mind that nutrition impacts
exercise, and exercise impacts nutritional needs.
Skill-related Physical Fitness

The six skill-related components of fitness contribute to your ability to successfully participate in
sports and activities. Those that have a high level of skill-related fitness are more likely to be
physically active than those who have a lower level of skill. To improve levels of fitness one must first
know their level of fitness, and set goals and work toward improving both their health and skill related
fitness components.

Is the ability to change the position of your body and to control the movement of your whole body.
Agility is an important quality in many sports, because you must change direction rapidly and always
have your body under control.

Is the ability to keep an upright posture while either standing still or moving. Good balance is essential
in many activities like skating, surfing, skiing, and gymnastics.
Is the ability to perform with strength at a rapid pace. Strength and speed are both involved in power.
Football players, swimmers, shot-putters, discus throwers, and high jumpers are examples of athletes
who typically have a high degree of power.

Reaction Time
Is the amount of time it takes to start a movement once your senses signal the need to move. People
with good reaction time can usually start quickly in track and swimming or react quickly in ping pong
or karate.

Is the integration of eye, hand, and foot movements. This component is necessary for success in
such sports as baseball, softball, tennis, golf, and basketball.

Is the ability to cover a distance in a short amount of time. Speed is a very important factor in many
sports and activities. Short runs are used to evaluate speed.

Physical fitness is divided into five health and six skill-related components. Skill- or performance-
related fitness involves skills that will enhance one’s performance in athletic or sports events.
Health-related fitness involves skills that enable one to become and stay physically healthy.

In general, these benefits can be acquired by adopting a sound exercise program. A good exercise
program will address the weaknesses or the demands in the occupation of an individual. It is
important to note that an exercise program of a firefighter for instance, is different from a dancer
because of different demands for each fitness component.


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