Setting Up Chinese Input Methods

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Pinyin and Jyutping WuBiHua Tips Troubleshooting

Setting up
BlackBerry® Chinese Input Methods
Type using the Pinyin or Jyutping Predictive Default: Off Type using the WuBiHua input To Press The handheld displays characters but they are difficult to
input method Suggests words as you type, based on possible method Switch between Chinese and English Alt key + read.
1. Open a file or program. matches between the selected character and the 1. Set the input method to WuBiHua. Enter key Possible solution
2. Press the letters representing the sound of a next possible letter. 2. Open a file or program. In the handheld options, click Screen/Keyboard. Set the
character. If the Tones field is set to On, you can Select a character The trackwheel
Smart numbers Default: Off 3. Type the complete sequence of numbers, from Font Size field to at least 11.
specify a tone by pressing the Alt key + the tone 1 through 5, corresponding to the ideogram that Scroll left using the Space key Alt key +
Enables you to type numbers without pressing the
number (for example, to type ni2, type ni, then the you are composing. For example, typing 2511 Space key
Alt key first. WuBiHua keyboard Characters appear to be a mix of both Simplified and
Alt key + 2). generates the following menu: Exit a character list and continue Escape button Welcome! This card explains how to use the following Note: For information on how to start using your
Shortcuts Default: On layout Traditional.
composing a character Chinese input methods on your BlackBerry Wireless BlackBerry Wireless Handheld, see the Getting Started
Allows you to create keyboard shortcuts and assign Possible solution
Input a character quickly (Smart The menu Handheld™: and Quick Reference Card that accompanied your
them to frequently used words and phrases. For In the handheld options, click Screen/Keyboard. Set the
Numbers On and Tones Off) number handheld.
3. Use the trackwheel to scroll through the characters. more information, see Edit shortcuts. 4. Use the trackwheel to scroll through the ideograms. Font Family field to BBSimpChinese or BBTradChinese.
(If the Tones field is Off and the Smart numbers 5. If you are using Jyutping, proceed to step 7. If you 5. Click the trackwheel to finalize your selection. Input a character quickly (Smart The menu
field is On, you can press the number that appears are using Pinyin, you can link phonetically similar numbers On and Tones On) number twice Simplified, CangJie: Alphabetic keys are mapped to Set input and display language
Characters in messages sent using the BlackBerry Web
beside the character.) syllables so that typing either combination of letters CangJie Input a character quickly (Smart Alt key + the Client Messaging Service do not display correctly. strokes. For more information, see the CangJie keyboard To type using a Chinese input method, or edit any of the
generates a list of characters for both options. numbers Off and Tones Off) menu number Possible solution layout diagram in the CangJie section. options described in this card, you must first set the
In the Fuzzy Syllables section, select a pair of Input Locale field to Pinyin, Jyutping, WuBiHua, or
Type using the CangJie input Q W E R T Y U I O P
When sending messages from Microsoft Outlook® to
syllables. CangJie.
4. Click the trackwheel to finalize your selection. method your BlackBerry Web Client account, set the message
6. Press the Space key (a check mark appears in the Simplified, Pinyin: Use alphabetic keys to compose 1. In the handheld options, click Localization.
box beside the syllable pair).
Set the input method to CangJie.
Open a file or program.
Limitations encoding option in Microsoft Outlook to either Big5 or
UTF-8. ideograms based on pronunciation. 2. In the Input Locale field, press the Space key until
Set Pinyin or Jyutping input options 7. Click the trackwheel. A S D F G H J K L the input method that you want to use appears.
1. Set the input method to Pinyin or Jyutping. 3. Type a combination of keys corresponding to
8. Click Save. The Chinese input method functionality version 3.7.3 is 3. Click the trackwheel.
the ideogram that you are composing. For example,
2. In the handheld options, click Localization. not compatible with the following features and programs: A line appears below letters and characters when typing. Simplified, WuBiHua: Use keys 1 through 5 to compose 4. Click Save.
typing AB generates the following menu:
3. Click Edit Chinese Options. Edit shortcuts Z X C V B N M Possible solution ideograms using strokes. For more information, see the To set options and learn how to type using each input
Shortcuts enable input customization by linking • BlackBerry Enterprise Server™ This line indicates that the ideogram is still being WuBiHua keyboard layout in the WuBiHua section. method, see the Pinyin, Jyutping, WuBiHua, and CangJie
4. In the following fields, press the Space key until the
sequences of letters to user-defined Chinese text. • BlackBerry Desktop Redirector composed. To finalize your selection, click the trackwheel sections in this card.
preferred option appears. The options that are
1. In the handheld options, click Localization. CangJie keyboard layout • viewing Chinese .html and .pdf file attachments or press the Alt key + the number beside the menu item
available depend on the input method that is 4. Use the trackwheel to scroll through the ideograms.
2. Click Edit Chinese Options. • changing encoding on the BlackBerry Browser that you want to select. Traditional, Jyutping: Cantonese input method in which
selected. 5. Click the trackwheel to finalize your selection.
3. Click Edit Shortcuts. you can use alphabetic keys to compose ideograms Use Chinese input methods on the
Tones Default: Off 4. Click the trackwheel. based on pronunciation. BlackBerry handheld keyboard
Allows you to specify a tone (from 1 through 5 for
Set CangJie input options A character is missing from the list.
5. Select one of the following options: As you type, a list of possible combinations of strokes or
1. In the handheld options, click Localization. Autoresolution Default: On Possible solution
Pinyin, or 1 through 6 for Jyutping) for a particular • To create a new shortcut, click New. Proceed to characters appears. The elements of the ideogram you
2. Click the Edit Chinese Options button. Automatically re-orders strokes entered out of Set the Tones field to On. If the Learning field is set to On, a
character. For example, if you type ni2, only step 6. Traditional, CangJie: Alphabetic keys are mapped to are currently composing are highlighted and underlined.
3. In the following fields, press the Space key until the sequence. character will always appear in the list after you have input it
characters with the second tone appear for you to • To edit a shortcut, click Edit. Proceed to step 6. strokes. Includes the Quick CangJie option, which allows Use the trackwheel or the Space key to scroll through the
preferred option appears: once. You can also create a shortcut for the character.
choose from. • To delete a shortcut, click Delete. Skip the rest Phrases input Default: Off you to compose an ideogram by typing its first and last strokes or characters. Click the trackwheel, or press the
of this procedure. Quick input Default: Off Suggests phrases as you type, based on possible character. For more information, see the CangJie Alt key + the number that appears beside the menu item
Learning Default: On
6. In the Replace field, type the letters that you want Enables you to input strokes by typing the first and matches with the current input. keyboard layout diagram in the CangJie section. to select that combination.
Orders menus based on previously selected
to use as a shortcut. last CangJie key (see the CangJie keyboard layout ©2004 Research In Motion Limited. All Rights Reserved. The BlackBerry and RIM families of
combinations of characters. If Learning is set to On, Word predictive Default: On related marks, images, and symbols are the exclusive properties of, and trademarks of, Research
7. In the With field, type the Chinese ideograms that diagram on this card). Several optional settings enable you to customize the
Phrases input is set to On automatically. Suggests words as you type, based on possible In Motion Limited (RIM). All other brands and marks are the properties of their respective owners.
you want to assign to the shortcut. Smart numbers Default: Off matches with the current input. There are no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the contents of this document, and all way that you type, including the ability to select
Phrases input Default: On information provided herein is provided “as is”. In no event shall RIM or its affiliates be liable to characters by tone, link phonetically similar characters,
Note: The shortcut must be the same length as the Enables you to select an ideogram by number any party for any direct, indirect, special, or consequential damages in connection with your use
Suggests phrases as you type, based on possible 4. Click the trackwheel. ® and create shortcuts.
replacement text, and cannot be any combination of without pressing the Alt key first. of this document, including, without limitation, loss of business revenue or earnings, lost data,
matches with the current input. If Learning is set to 5. Click Save. damages caused by delays, lost profits, or a failure to realize expected savings, even if RIM was
On, Phrases input is set to On automatically. letters that already represents a character. For expressly advised of the possibility of such damages. RIM reserves the right to periodically
example, do not use "ni" as a shortcut. change information that is contained in this document; however, RIM makes no commitment to
provide any such changes in a timely manner or at all. Published in Canada. MAT-06993-001
8. Click the trackwheel.
9. Click Save.
Pinyin and Jyutping WuBiHua Tips Troubleshooting
Setting up
BlackBerry® Chinese Input Methods
Type using the Pinyin or Jyutping Predictive Default: Off Type using the WuBiHua input To Press The handheld displays characters but they are difficult to
input method Suggests words as you type, based on possible method Switch between Chinese and English Alt key + read.
1. Open a file or program. matches between the selected character and the 1. Set the input method to WuBiHua. Enter key Possible solution
2. Press the letters representing the sound of a next possible letter. 2. Open a file or program. In the handheld options, click Screen/Keyboard. Set the
character. If the Tones field is set to On, you can Select a character The trackwheel
Smart numbers Default: Off 3. Type the complete sequence of numbers, from Font Size field to at least 11.
specify a tone by pressing the Alt key + the tone 1 through 5, corresponding to the ideogram that Scroll left using the Space key Alt key +
Enables you to type numbers without pressing the
number (for example, to type ni2, type ni, then the you are composing. For example, typing 2511 Space key
Alt key first. WuBiHua keyboard Characters appear to be a mix of both Simplified and
Alt key + 2). generates the following menu: Exit a character list and continue Escape button Welcome! This card explains how to use the following Note: For information on how to start using your
Shortcuts Default: On layout Traditional.
composing a character Chinese input methods on your BlackBerry Wireless BlackBerry Wireless Handheld, see the Getting Started
Allows you to create keyboard shortcuts and assign Possible solution
Input a character quickly (Smart The menu Handheld™: and Quick Reference Card that accompanied your
them to frequently used words and phrases. For In the handheld options, click Screen/Keyboard. Set the
Numbers On and Tones Off) number handheld.
3. Use the trackwheel to scroll through the characters. more information, see Edit shortcuts. 4. Use the trackwheel to scroll through the ideograms. Font Family field to BBSimpChinese or BBTradChinese.
(If the Tones field is Off and the Smart numbers 5. If you are using Jyutping, proceed to step 7. If you 5. Click the trackwheel to finalize your selection. Input a character quickly (Smart The menu
field is On, you can press the number that appears are using Pinyin, you can link phonetically similar numbers On and Tones On) number twice Simplified, CangJie: Alphabetic keys are mapped to Set input and display language
Characters in messages sent using the BlackBerry Web
beside the character.) syllables so that typing either combination of letters CangJie Input a character quickly (Smart Alt key + the Client Messaging Service do not display correctly. strokes. For more information, see the CangJie keyboard To type using a Chinese input method, or edit any of the
generates a list of characters for both options. numbers Off and Tones Off) menu number Possible solution layout diagram in the CangJie section. options described in this card, you must first set the
In the Fuzzy Syllables section, select a pair of Input Locale field to Pinyin, Jyutping, WuBiHua, or
Type using the CangJie input Q W E R T Y U I O P
When sending messages from Microsoft Outlook® to
syllables. CangJie.
4. Click the trackwheel to finalize your selection. method your BlackBerry Web Client account, set the message
6. Press the Space key (a check mark appears in the Simplified, Pinyin: Use alphabetic keys to compose 1. In the handheld options, click Localization.
box beside the syllable pair).
Set the input method to CangJie.
Open a file or program.
Limitations encoding option in Microsoft Outlook to either Big5 or
UTF-8. ideograms based on pronunciation. 2. In the Input Locale field, press the Space key until
Set Pinyin or Jyutping input options 7. Click the trackwheel. A S D F G H J K L the input method that you want to use appears.
1. Set the input method to Pinyin or Jyutping. 3. Type a combination of keys corresponding to
8. Click Save. The Chinese input method functionality version 3.7.3 is 3. Click the trackwheel.
the ideogram that you are composing. For example,
2. In the handheld options, click Localization. not compatible with the following features and programs: A line appears below letters and characters when typing. Simplified, WuBiHua: Use keys 1 through 5 to compose 4. Click Save.
typing AB generates the following menu:
3. Click Edit Chinese Options. Edit shortcuts Z X C V B N M Possible solution ideograms using strokes. For more information, see the To set options and learn how to type using each input
Shortcuts enable input customization by linking • BlackBerry Enterprise Server™ This line indicates that the ideogram is still being WuBiHua keyboard layout in the WuBiHua section. method, see the Pinyin, Jyutping, WuBiHua, and CangJie
4. In the following fields, press the Space key until the
sequences of letters to user-defined Chinese text. • BlackBerry Desktop Redirector composed. To finalize your selection, click the trackwheel sections in this card.
preferred option appears. The options that are
1. In the handheld options, click Localization. CangJie keyboard layout • viewing Chinese .html and .pdf file attachments or press the Alt key + the number beside the menu item
available depend on the input method that is 4. Use the trackwheel to scroll through the ideograms.
2. Click Edit Chinese Options. • changing encoding on the BlackBerry Browser that you want to select. Traditional, Jyutping: Cantonese input method in which
selected. 5. Click the trackwheel to finalize your selection.
3. Click Edit Shortcuts. you can use alphabetic keys to compose ideograms Use Chinese input methods on the
Tones Default: Off 4. Click the trackwheel. based on pronunciation. BlackBerry handheld keyboard
Allows you to specify a tone (from 1 through 5 for
Set CangJie input options A character is missing from the list.
5. Select one of the following options: As you type, a list of possible combinations of strokes or
1. In the handheld options, click Localization. Autoresolution Default: On Possible solution
Pinyin, or 1 through 6 for Jyutping) for a particular • To create a new shortcut, click New. Proceed to characters appears. The elements of the ideogram you
2. Click the Edit Chinese Options button. Automatically re-orders strokes entered out of Set the Tones field to On. If the Learning field is set to On, a
character. For example, if you type ni2, only step 6. Traditional, CangJie: Alphabetic keys are mapped to are currently composing are highlighted and underlined.
3. In the following fields, press the Space key until the sequence. character will always appear in the list after you have input it
characters with the second tone appear for you to • To edit a shortcut, click Edit. Proceed to step 6. strokes. Includes the Quick CangJie option, which allows Use the trackwheel or the Space key to scroll through the
preferred option appears: once. You can also create a shortcut for the character.
choose from. • To delete a shortcut, click Delete. Skip the rest Phrases input Default: Off you to compose an ideogram by typing its first and last strokes or characters. Click the trackwheel, or press the
of this procedure. Quick input Default: Off Suggests phrases as you type, based on possible character. For more information, see the CangJie Alt key + the number that appears beside the menu item
Learning Default: On
6. In the Replace field, type the letters that you want Enables you to input strokes by typing the first and matches with the current input. keyboard layout diagram in the CangJie section. to select that combination.
Orders menus based on previously selected
to use as a shortcut. last CangJie key (see the CangJie keyboard layout ©2004 Research In Motion Limited. All Rights Reserved. The BlackBerry and RIM families of
combinations of characters. If Learning is set to On, Word predictive Default: On related marks, images, and symbols are the exclusive properties of, and trademarks of, Research
7. In the With field, type the Chinese ideograms that diagram on this card). Several optional settings enable you to customize the
Phrases input is set to On automatically. Suggests words as you type, based on possible In Motion Limited (RIM). All other brands and marks are the properties of their respective owners.
you want to assign to the shortcut. Smart numbers Default: Off matches with the current input. There are no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the contents of this document, and all way that you type, including the ability to select
Phrases input Default: On information provided herein is provided “as is”. In no event shall RIM or its affiliates be liable to characters by tone, link phonetically similar characters,
Note: The shortcut must be the same length as the Enables you to select an ideogram by number any party for any direct, indirect, special, or consequential damages in connection with your use
Suggests phrases as you type, based on possible 4. Click the trackwheel. ® and create shortcuts.
replacement text, and cannot be any combination of without pressing the Alt key first. of this document, including, without limitation, loss of business revenue or earnings, lost data,
matches with the current input. If Learning is set to 5. Click Save. damages caused by delays, lost profits, or a failure to realize expected savings, even if RIM was
On, Phrases input is set to On automatically. letters that already represents a character. For expressly advised of the possibility of such damages. RIM reserves the right to periodically
example, do not use "ni" as a shortcut. change information that is contained in this document; however, RIM makes no commitment to
provide any such changes in a timely manner or at all. Published in Canada. MAT-06993-001
8. Click the trackwheel.
9. Click Save.
Pinyin and Jyutping WuBiHua Tips Troubleshooting
Setting up
BlackBerry® Chinese Input Methods
Type using the Pinyin or Jyutping Predictive Default: Off Type using the WuBiHua input To Press The handheld displays characters but they are difficult to
input method Suggests words as you type, based on possible method Switch between Chinese and English Alt key + read.
1. Open a file or program. matches between the selected character and the 1. Set the input method to WuBiHua. Enter key Possible solution
2. Press the letters representing the sound of a next possible letter. 2. Open a file or program. In the handheld options, click Screen/Keyboard. Set the
character. If the Tones field is set to On, you can Select a character The trackwheel
Smart numbers Default: Off 3. Type the complete sequence of numbers, from Font Size field to at least 11.
specify a tone by pressing the Alt key + the tone 1 through 5, corresponding to the ideogram that Scroll left using the Space key Alt key +
Enables you to type numbers without pressing the
number (for example, to type ni2, type ni, then the you are composing. For example, typing 2511 Space key
Alt key first. WuBiHua keyboard Characters appear to be a mix of both Simplified and
Alt key + 2). generates the following menu: Exit a character list and continue Escape button Welcome! This card explains how to use the following Note: For information on how to start using your
Shortcuts Default: On layout Traditional.
composing a character Chinese input methods on your BlackBerry Wireless BlackBerry Wireless Handheld, see the Getting Started
Allows you to create keyboard shortcuts and assign Possible solution
Input a character quickly (Smart The menu Handheld™: and Quick Reference Card that accompanied your
them to frequently used words and phrases. For In the handheld options, click Screen/Keyboard. Set the
Numbers On and Tones Off) number handheld.
3. Use the trackwheel to scroll through the characters. more information, see Edit shortcuts. 4. Use the trackwheel to scroll through the ideograms. Font Family field to BBSimpChinese or BBTradChinese.
(If the Tones field is Off and the Smart numbers 5. If you are using Jyutping, proceed to step 7. If you 5. Click the trackwheel to finalize your selection. Input a character quickly (Smart The menu
field is On, you can press the number that appears are using Pinyin, you can link phonetically similar numbers On and Tones On) number twice Simplified, CangJie: Alphabetic keys are mapped to Set input and display language
Characters in messages sent using the BlackBerry Web
beside the character.) syllables so that typing either combination of letters CangJie Input a character quickly (Smart Alt key + the Client Messaging Service do not display correctly. strokes. For more information, see the CangJie keyboard To type using a Chinese input method, or edit any of the
generates a list of characters for both options. numbers Off and Tones Off) menu number Possible solution layout diagram in the CangJie section. options described in this card, you must first set the
In the Fuzzy Syllables section, select a pair of Input Locale field to Pinyin, Jyutping, WuBiHua, or
Type using the CangJie input Q W E R T Y U I O P
When sending messages from Microsoft Outlook® to
syllables. CangJie.
4. Click the trackwheel to finalize your selection. method your BlackBerry Web Client account, set the message
6. Press the Space key (a check mark appears in the Simplified, Pinyin: Use alphabetic keys to compose 1. In the handheld options, click Localization.
box beside the syllable pair).
Set the input method to CangJie.
Open a file or program.
Limitations encoding option in Microsoft Outlook to either Big5 or
UTF-8. ideograms based on pronunciation. 2. In the Input Locale field, press the Space key until
Set Pinyin or Jyutping input options 7. Click the trackwheel. A S D F G H J K L the input method that you want to use appears.
1. Set the input method to Pinyin or Jyutping. 3. Type a combination of keys corresponding to
8. Click Save. The Chinese input method functionality version 3.7.3 is 3. Click the trackwheel.
the ideogram that you are composing. For example,
2. In the handheld options, click Localization. not compatible with the following features and programs: A line appears below letters and characters when typing. Simplified, WuBiHua: Use keys 1 through 5 to compose 4. Click Save.
typing AB generates the following menu:
3. Click Edit Chinese Options. Edit shortcuts Z X C V B N M Possible solution ideograms using strokes. For more information, see the To set options and learn how to type using each input
Shortcuts enable input customization by linking • BlackBerry Enterprise Server™ This line indicates that the ideogram is still being WuBiHua keyboard layout in the WuBiHua section. method, see the Pinyin, Jyutping, WuBiHua, and CangJie
4. In the following fields, press the Space key until the
sequences of letters to user-defined Chinese text. • BlackBerry Desktop Redirector composed. To finalize your selection, click the trackwheel sections in this card.
preferred option appears. The options that are
1. In the handheld options, click Localization. CangJie keyboard layout • viewing Chinese .html and .pdf file attachments or press the Alt key + the number beside the menu item
available depend on the input method that is 4. Use the trackwheel to scroll through the ideograms.
2. Click Edit Chinese Options. • changing encoding on the BlackBerry Browser that you want to select. Traditional, Jyutping: Cantonese input method in which
selected. 5. Click the trackwheel to finalize your selection.
3. Click Edit Shortcuts. you can use alphabetic keys to compose ideograms Use Chinese input methods on the
Tones Default: Off 4. Click the trackwheel. based on pronunciation. BlackBerry handheld keyboard
Allows you to specify a tone (from 1 through 5 for
Set CangJie input options A character is missing from the list.
5. Select one of the following options: As you type, a list of possible combinations of strokes or
1. In the handheld options, click Localization. Autoresolution Default: On Possible solution
Pinyin, or 1 through 6 for Jyutping) for a particular • To create a new shortcut, click New. Proceed to characters appears. The elements of the ideogram you
2. Click the Edit Chinese Options button. Automatically re-orders strokes entered out of Set the Tones field to On. If the Learning field is set to On, a
character. For example, if you type ni2, only step 6. Traditional, CangJie: Alphabetic keys are mapped to are currently composing are highlighted and underlined.
3. In the following fields, press the Space key until the sequence. character will always appear in the list after you have input it
characters with the second tone appear for you to • To edit a shortcut, click Edit. Proceed to step 6. strokes. Includes the Quick CangJie option, which allows Use the trackwheel or the Space key to scroll through the
preferred option appears: once. You can also create a shortcut for the character.
choose from. • To delete a shortcut, click Delete. Skip the rest Phrases input Default: Off you to compose an ideogram by typing its first and last strokes or characters. Click the trackwheel, or press the
of this procedure. Quick input Default: Off Suggests phrases as you type, based on possible character. For more information, see the CangJie Alt key + the number that appears beside the menu item
Learning Default: On
6. In the Replace field, type the letters that you want Enables you to input strokes by typing the first and matches with the current input. keyboard layout diagram in the CangJie section. to select that combination.
Orders menus based on previously selected
to use as a shortcut. last CangJie key (see the CangJie keyboard layout ©2004 Research In Motion Limited. All Rights Reserved. The BlackBerry and RIM families of
combinations of characters. If Learning is set to On, Word predictive Default: On related marks, images, and symbols are the exclusive properties of, and trademarks of, Research
7. In the With field, type the Chinese ideograms that diagram on this card). Several optional settings enable you to customize the
Phrases input is set to On automatically. Suggests words as you type, based on possible In Motion Limited (RIM). All other brands and marks are the properties of their respective owners.
you want to assign to the shortcut. Smart numbers Default: Off matches with the current input. There are no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the contents of this document, and all way that you type, including the ability to select
Phrases input Default: On information provided herein is provided “as is”. In no event shall RIM or its affiliates be liable to characters by tone, link phonetically similar characters,
Note: The shortcut must be the same length as the Enables you to select an ideogram by number any party for any direct, indirect, special, or consequential damages in connection with your use
Suggests phrases as you type, based on possible 4. Click the trackwheel. ® and create shortcuts.
replacement text, and cannot be any combination of without pressing the Alt key first. of this document, including, without limitation, loss of business revenue or earnings, lost data,
matches with the current input. If Learning is set to 5. Click Save. damages caused by delays, lost profits, or a failure to realize expected savings, even if RIM was
On, Phrases input is set to On automatically. letters that already represents a character. For expressly advised of the possibility of such damages. RIM reserves the right to periodically
example, do not use "ni" as a shortcut. change information that is contained in this document; however, RIM makes no commitment to
provide any such changes in a timely manner or at all. Published in Canada. MAT-06993-001
8. Click the trackwheel.
9. Click Save.
Pinyin and Jyutping WuBiHua Tips Troubleshooting
Setting up
BlackBerry® Chinese Input Methods
Type using the Pinyin or Jyutping Predictive Default: Off Type using the WuBiHua input To Press The handheld displays characters but they are difficult to
input method Suggests words as you type, based on possible method Switch between Chinese and English Alt key + read.
1. Open a file or program. matches between the selected character and the 1. Set the input method to WuBiHua. Enter key Possible solution
2. Press the letters representing the sound of a next possible letter. 2. Open a file or program. In the handheld options, click Screen/Keyboard. Set the
character. If the Tones field is set to On, you can Select a character The trackwheel
Smart numbers Default: Off 3. Type the complete sequence of numbers, from Font Size field to at least 11.
specify a tone by pressing the Alt key + the tone 1 through 5, corresponding to the ideogram that Scroll left using the Space key Alt key +
Enables you to type numbers without pressing the
number (for example, to type ni2, type ni, then the you are composing. For example, typing 2511 Space key
Alt key first. WuBiHua keyboard Characters appear to be a mix of both Simplified and
Alt key + 2). generates the following menu: Exit a character list and continue Escape button Welcome! This card explains how to use the following Note: For information on how to start using your
Shortcuts Default: On layout Traditional.
composing a character Chinese input methods on your BlackBerry Wireless BlackBerry Wireless Handheld, see the Getting Started
Allows you to create keyboard shortcuts and assign Possible solution
Input a character quickly (Smart The menu Handheld™: and Quick Reference Card that accompanied your
them to frequently used words and phrases. For In the handheld options, click Screen/Keyboard. Set the
Numbers On and Tones Off) number handheld.
3. Use the trackwheel to scroll through the characters. more information, see Edit shortcuts. 4. Use the trackwheel to scroll through the ideograms. Font Family field to BBSimpChinese or BBTradChinese.
(If the Tones field is Off and the Smart numbers 5. If you are using Jyutping, proceed to step 7. If you 5. Click the trackwheel to finalize your selection. Input a character quickly (Smart The menu
field is On, you can press the number that appears are using Pinyin, you can link phonetically similar numbers On and Tones On) number twice Simplified, CangJie: Alphabetic keys are mapped to Set input and display language
Characters in messages sent using the BlackBerry Web
beside the character.) syllables so that typing either combination of letters CangJie Input a character quickly (Smart Alt key + the Client Messaging Service do not display correctly. strokes. For more information, see the CangJie keyboard To type using a Chinese input method, or edit any of the
generates a list of characters for both options. numbers Off and Tones Off) menu number Possible solution layout diagram in the CangJie section. options described in this card, you must first set the
In the Fuzzy Syllables section, select a pair of Input Locale field to Pinyin, Jyutping, WuBiHua, or
Type using the CangJie input Q W E R T Y U I O P
When sending messages from Microsoft Outlook® to
syllables. CangJie.
4. Click the trackwheel to finalize your selection. method your BlackBerry Web Client account, set the message
6. Press the Space key (a check mark appears in the Simplified, Pinyin: Use alphabetic keys to compose 1. In the handheld options, click Localization.
box beside the syllable pair).
Set the input method to CangJie.
Open a file or program.
Limitations encoding option in Microsoft Outlook to either Big5 or
UTF-8. ideograms based on pronunciation. 2. In the Input Locale field, press the Space key until
Set Pinyin or Jyutping input options 7. Click the trackwheel. A S D F G H J K L the input method that you want to use appears.
1. Set the input method to Pinyin or Jyutping. 3. Type a combination of keys corresponding to
8. Click Save. The Chinese input method functionality version 3.7.3 is 3. Click the trackwheel.
the ideogram that you are composing. For example,
2. In the handheld options, click Localization. not compatible with the following features and programs: A line appears below letters and characters when typing. Simplified, WuBiHua: Use keys 1 through 5 to compose 4. Click Save.
typing AB generates the following menu:
3. Click Edit Chinese Options. Edit shortcuts Z X C V B N M Possible solution ideograms using strokes. For more information, see the To set options and learn how to type using each input
Shortcuts enable input customization by linking • BlackBerry Enterprise Server™ This line indicates that the ideogram is still being WuBiHua keyboard layout in the WuBiHua section. method, see the Pinyin, Jyutping, WuBiHua, and CangJie
4. In the following fields, press the Space key until the
sequences of letters to user-defined Chinese text. • BlackBerry Desktop Redirector composed. To finalize your selection, click the trackwheel sections in this card.
preferred option appears. The options that are
1. In the handheld options, click Localization. CangJie keyboard layout • viewing Chinese .html and .pdf file attachments or press the Alt key + the number beside the menu item
available depend on the input method that is 4. Use the trackwheel to scroll through the ideograms.
2. Click Edit Chinese Options. • changing encoding on the BlackBerry Browser that you want to select. Traditional, Jyutping: Cantonese input method in which
selected. 5. Click the trackwheel to finalize your selection.
3. Click Edit Shortcuts. you can use alphabetic keys to compose ideograms Use Chinese input methods on the
Tones Default: Off 4. Click the trackwheel. based on pronunciation. BlackBerry handheld keyboard
Allows you to specify a tone (from 1 through 5 for
Set CangJie input options A character is missing from the list.
5. Select one of the following options: As you type, a list of possible combinations of strokes or
1. In the handheld options, click Localization. Autoresolution Default: On Possible solution
Pinyin, or 1 through 6 for Jyutping) for a particular • To create a new shortcut, click New. Proceed to characters appears. The elements of the ideogram you
2. Click the Edit Chinese Options button. Automatically re-orders strokes entered out of Set the Tones field to On. If the Learning field is set to On, a
character. For example, if you type ni2, only step 6. Traditional, CangJie: Alphabetic keys are mapped to are currently composing are highlighted and underlined.
3. In the following fields, press the Space key until the sequence. character will always appear in the list after you have input it
characters with the second tone appear for you to • To edit a shortcut, click Edit. Proceed to step 6. strokes. Includes the Quick CangJie option, which allows Use the trackwheel or the Space key to scroll through the
preferred option appears: once. You can also create a shortcut for the character.
choose from. • To delete a shortcut, click Delete. Skip the rest Phrases input Default: Off you to compose an ideogram by typing its first and last strokes or characters. Click the trackwheel, or press the
of this procedure. Quick input Default: Off Suggests phrases as you type, based on possible character. For more information, see the CangJie Alt key + the number that appears beside the menu item
Learning Default: On
6. In the Replace field, type the letters that you want Enables you to input strokes by typing the first and matches with the current input. keyboard layout diagram in the CangJie section. to select that combination.
Orders menus based on previously selected
to use as a shortcut. last CangJie key (see the CangJie keyboard layout ©2004 Research In Motion Limited. All Rights Reserved. The BlackBerry and RIM families of
combinations of characters. If Learning is set to On, Word predictive Default: On related marks, images, and symbols are the exclusive properties of, and trademarks of, Research
7. In the With field, type the Chinese ideograms that diagram on this card). Several optional settings enable you to customize the
Phrases input is set to On automatically. Suggests words as you type, based on possible In Motion Limited (RIM). All other brands and marks are the properties of their respective owners.
you want to assign to the shortcut. Smart numbers Default: Off matches with the current input. There are no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the contents of this document, and all way that you type, including the ability to select
Phrases input Default: On information provided herein is provided “as is”. In no event shall RIM or its affiliates be liable to characters by tone, link phonetically similar characters,
Note: The shortcut must be the same length as the Enables you to select an ideogram by number any party for any direct, indirect, special, or consequential damages in connection with your use
Suggests phrases as you type, based on possible 4. Click the trackwheel. ® and create shortcuts.
replacement text, and cannot be any combination of without pressing the Alt key first. of this document, including, without limitation, loss of business revenue or earnings, lost data,
matches with the current input. If Learning is set to 5. Click Save. damages caused by delays, lost profits, or a failure to realize expected savings, even if RIM was
On, Phrases input is set to On automatically. letters that already represents a character. For expressly advised of the possibility of such damages. RIM reserves the right to periodically
example, do not use "ni" as a shortcut. change information that is contained in this document; however, RIM makes no commitment to
provide any such changes in a timely manner or at all. Published in Canada. MAT-06993-001
8. Click the trackwheel.
9. Click Save.

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