Nemmi Proposal Penelitian Bab I Dan II

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A Research Proposal

Student Reg. 201751056








Language has a very important role in life, because With language one can
communicate with other people. In communicate, language is the most effective tool for
conveying message. Language has a variety of uses. Language can be done orally or in
writing, according to the needs and purposes of communication the for this reason, language
which is a symbol to express ideas, ideas, and feelings become a very useful tool for humans
in carrying out their activities. Thus, the Indonesian language should be used by all society as
a way of communicating between citizens, between regions, and between tribes nation.

The use of Indonesian in conversation is divided into two types, namely formal and
informal language styles. Indonesian is not a single system. Indonesian as a language. Life
has a variety of uses, each of which exists function itself in communication activities. The
variation used parallel, meaning that no one is better than the other, (Tarman,2013:9).

In this era of globalization, modifications of language style have emerged. Language

style slang is something that is mushrooming so fast, especially among teenagers.

Slang is an option that is loved by many. As a result, the use of good and correct
Indonesian becomes evicted. Recently, a new language has emerged among teenagers which
often referred to as the language "alay". The emergence of this language became phenomenal,
because it is able to shift the use of Indonesian.

Alay language is a variety of prokem language variety with a certain lexicon used by
a group of people and only understood them, especially among teenagers. Teenagers
generally think that they will be out of date or called not slang if they don't keep up with their
language development. They think that the use of a new language is a form of creativity, so
that natural with the emergence of languages that contain this particular code. The
development of this era of globalization which requires teenagers to always be up date is also
suspected to be one of the causes of the rapid spread of the virus over acting. It's not funny,
it's not funny. This is also influenced by the increasing the development of technology,
especially the development of social media networking sites Facebook. And the longer the
alay language continues to grow and changing trend. The term new language originally
appeared in 2008,

This language appears among teenagers, which is called the "Alay" language. Its appearance
can be said to be phenomenal, because it is quite attention-grabbing. This new language
seems to shift the use of Indonesian among few teenagers. In connection with the
increasingly widespread use of language, Alay used by teenagers and already sounds tacky in
the wider community but it is still used by teenagers to write networked on social media so
that action is needed from all parties involved care about the existence of politeness in
language. From birth until now, language still feels difficult to speak beautiful and polite.
Language modification in the form of alay turns out to be a serious threat signal to language,
especially among teenagers.

This is very worrying because teenagers are the next generation nation, if their
language is ridiculous, it will have an impact on language that is not good and impolite at the
same time a sign of getting the decline in Indonesian language skills among the younger
The use of language style in the modern era is now starting to be ignored by society,
especially among teenagers. Teens are reluctant to use style good and correct language
according to good Indonesian rules and correct in conversation it should be used but isn't use
it again because it is considered outdated. Lots of teenagers who use non-formal language
styles in everyday conversation.
Given the growing flow of communication, teenagers or students has authorized the use of
slang (prokem) in every situation and does not pay attention to the situation with whom and
where they use the language.
Every Indonesian user becomes more careful about development of language variants
that develop in society. We become more concerned about good and correct Indonesian after
the emergence of the phenomenon of virtual world language and social media networks.

Media as a means of information and communication turns out to be has an important

role in providing guidance on language style latest. Teenagers in their age are still very
unstable easy to absorb and follow the language displayed in the media. Even With today's
technology the development of the Indonesian language made considerable progress. This is
because there
technological developments that are increasingly creative and make people very love social
media in this day and age.


Based on the background that has been stated above, the narrative the formulation of
the problem in this study, namely what is the form of the use of Alay language variety on
social media.
Based on the language and narrative presented, this research aims to "Describe the
Use of Various Alay Languages on social media"
1.4 DEMOGRAPHY (bahasa ini digunakan oleh kalangan mana)
There are two benefits of this research, namely theoretically and practically.
a. Theoretical Benefits:
1. . This research is expected to be able to contribute to
science development.
2. . The research is expected to provide readers with an understanding of use of alay
language on social media.
b. . Practical Benefits:
1. This research is expected to provide input to the parties related as material for the
implementation of coaching for speakers joke language.
2. This research can provide views to language users it's a joke that the alay language he
uses can be annoying communication and confuse other readers.

This research refers to previous research, namely research done by Mohd. Zaidi
Mahmud and Bahiyar Umar (2013:35-54) entitled “Motives and Frequent Use of Facebook in
University Students". This research shows that, there are three motives, namely feeling great
friends, entertaining and seeking information has a significant relationship with the frequency
use of facebook. The entertaining factor is the contributing factor significant dominant to the
reaction to the use of Facebook. Equality with research is the focus of studies carried out
facebook social media. The difference with researchers lies in the object research, Mahmud
and Umar studied the motives and frequency of use of Facebook in university circles, while
researchers study
Alay language interference in social media on communication.

Subsequent research by Agustina Zubair (2010: 60-70) on “Facebook Phenomenon:

Involvement of Communication Technology in development of human communication". This
research shows that in just an instant facebook brings together old friends, the rise of meeting
events, human relations there is no distance, used for stealing and various crimes. Similarities
research is the focus of studies that are carried out by studying the media together social
facebook in communication. The difference with researchers lies in object of research,
Agustina Zubair examines the phenomenon of Facebook involvement of communication
technology in communication development humans, while researchers studied Alay language
disorders on Facebook
towards communication.
For the third relevant research by Amelia Virginia
(2012:129-137) entitled "The Shift in Communication Culture in the Era of Communication"
New Media: A Case Study of Facebook Users by Digital Native”, This research shows that
there has been a cultural shift communication adopted by digital natives in Indonesia, as well
as several
other research. However, there has not been a single study that examines about the disruption
of Alay language to communication on Facebook media. The similarity with the research is
the focus of the study carried out by studying social media Facebook in communication.
Difference with researcher lies in the object of research, Amelia Virginia examines about
shifting communication culture in the new media era: Case studies

Facebook users by Digital Native, while researchers study Alay language interference
on Facebook to communication. Thus, it is clear that there are differences between studies
that been done previously with this study. Previous research examine different research
objects on social media facebook, This research focuses on the use of alay language variety
on social media to
Sociolinguistics as a branch of linguistics study about language and its relationship in
its use in public. This means that sociolinguistics views language as first of all as a social
system and a communication system, as well as are part of a particular society and culture.
Joshua A. Fishman in Pateda (1991:4) argues that “sociolinguistics is the study of the
of language varieties, the characteristics of their functions, and the characteristics of their
speakers as these three constantly interact, change and change one another within a speech
community.” Meaning
from the quote that sociolinguistics is the study of characteristics distinctive variety of
languages, their functions, and speakers because the three These elements are always
interacting, changing, and changing each other others in a speech community.
Sociolinguistics can refer to
to the use of linguistic data and analysis into other sciences related to social life, and vice
versa, refers
to social data and analyze it into linguistics. As a social phenomenon, language and language
use are not only determined by linguistic factors but also by factors non-linguistics, among
others are social factors. Factors social factors that affect language use, such as social status,
education level, age, economic level, gender, andetc. In addition, the use of language is also
influenced by situational factors, namely who speaks in what language,
to whom, when, where, and on what issues as formulated by Fishman in Suwito (1991:4)
“Who Speaks, what language, to whom, and when". The existence of social factors and
situational factors affect the use of language, so that language variations.

The instrument is a tool to obtain information and data regarding matters relating to
the research process of qualitative descriptive analysis. Instrument. This research is in the
form of observation sheets and interviews.

The observation guidelines and interview guidelines are:

1. Attachment of the observation instrument guide
Observation objective: to obtain information and data regarding the use of alay
language among Papuan University students.

2. Interview guide attachment

a. Interview theme: Examples of Alay language that is often used in social media
Facebook media.
b. The purpose of the interview: to obtain information and data regardingthe use of
alay language among Papuan University students.

3. Research questions:

a. How far do you know the slang language in this modern era?

b. What social media accounts do you use most often?

c. Examples of what kind of slang you often use on social media Facebook?

d. Does alay language affect your everyday language style?

e. Which one is more comfortable for you to use in Alay or Indonesian? what is good
and right?

f. Since when did you start getting to know Alay language on Facebook social media?

The objectives of this research is;

1. Quantitatively, to find out the percentage of the use of various types of alay language
on social media

2. Qualitatively, to find out the possible social aspects that make the speaker's act a
different social community


In this research to facilitate and provide a clear direction about what is being
measured. The term limits in data retrieval are used in this study, which only focuses on the
social media network it is necessary to provide an operational definition of the variables in
this study.

1. Communication is the process of conveying thoughts or feelings by someone to others by

using symbols that are meaningful to both parties in certain situations communication using
the media certain way to change the attitude or behavior of a person or number of people so
that a certain effect is to be expected.

2. Social media is a social structure consisting of individual elements or organization. This

social media network shows the way where they are related because of the similarity of
sociality, starting from the unknown as well as those who are known everyday to the family.

3. Language variation is a social interaction activity carried out by the community or groups
that are very diverse and because of the speakers which is not homogeneous.

4. Alay language is a variety of prokem language variety with a lexicon that are used by a
group of people and only understood by them, especially among teenagers. Teenagers are
generally of the opinion that they will be out of date or called not slang if they do not follow
their language development.



The success of a study depends on the theory that underlying it. Theory is the basis of
a research. Something research related to literature review that has coherence with the
problem under discussion.


Language Variety
According to Martin Joos, language variety is a difference in situation language or
differences in the relationship between speakers (writers) and listeners (readers). Based on
the level of formality, distinguishes language variations in five forms, including:

1) Variety of Unofficial (Non Formal)

The informal language variety is the usual variety used in informal situations, such as
personal letters andletters to families or in oral form, for example in daily conversation.
Variety of informal (non-formal) languages. The characteristics of an informal language are
the opposite of an official language. Usually used by people who are already familiar, such as
between close friends, between parents and children, or to relatives other close.
2) Formal Variety (Formal)
The official variety (formal) is the language variety that is usually used in state
speeches, official meetings, official correspondence, religious lectures, textbooks, papers,
scientific work. The patterns and rules of the official language have been determined
automatically standard and solid.
Examples of formal variations in speech e.g. in proposals, lectures, someone's conversation
with the dean at his office. Conversation when a student faces certain lecturers or structural
officials on campus are also an example of this variety. The characteristics of sentences in
this variety are more
complete and complex, using appropriate grammatical patterns and also standard or standard
3) Business Variety (Consultative)
Business Variety (Consultative) is this type of language commonly used in ordinary
conversations at school, meetings, or results-oriented or production-oriented talks. So,it can
be said that this variety is the most operational. This variety is at a level between formal and
informal variety
relaxed variety.
4) Casual Variety (Casual)
Casual Variety (Casual) is a variety of language that used in informal situations such
as talking with family while on vacation, exercising, recreation, etc. In this variety, the
allegro or form is widely used shortened speech. The constituent words are good
morphologically and syntactically, many are colored by regional languages.
5) Variety Familiar (Intimate)
Variety Familiar (Intimate) is a variety of language that used by speakers and
addressees who have a very close relationship intimate and close as with family members or
close friends.
This variety is characterized by the use of incomplete language, short, and articulation is not
clear. This conversation is happening between participants who already understand each other
and have
the same knowledge.

Abbreviations and Acronyms

Acronyms and abbreviations are part of the abbreviation process. The abbreviation
term used by Kridalaksana (1989:159) is "the process of dating one or more parts of a lexeme
or a combination"
lexeme so that it becomes a new form with the status of a word. according to Anton M.
Moeliono, another term for abbreviation is "shortening" form instead of complete form or
abbreviated form
written in place of a word or clause.” (2003:3).
Kridalaksana (1989:162) suggests that the forms of abbreviations are (1)
abbreviations, (2) fragments, (3) acronyms, (4) contraction, and (5) letter symbols. This
research will discuss the form of
abbreviations (abbreviations) which will be limited to abbreviations and acronym.
Abbreviations and acronyms on social media are used for: shorten typing, also as a variation
of writing.
1) Abbreviation
One form of abbreviation used in FB status is an
Kridalaksana (1989:162) states that "abbreviation is" one of the shortening results in
the form of a letter or a combination of letters, both spelled letter by letter and not spelled
letter by letter

There are several forms of abbreviations used in the media

chat and SMS taken from =1667011, as follows.
a). Abbreviations that use a capital letter
The following abbreviations correspond to the first pattern, formed from the first letter of a
word. Writing the abbreviation usually use capital letters and do not include a period.
- ABG (Anak Baru Gede)
- GF (Girl Friend)
b). Form of fragment
This form of abbreviation is also known as word shortening. In computer term, this kind of
abbreviated word a lot found, for example disks for floppy disks.
- Perpus (Perpustakaan)
- Ok (Okay)
c). A combination of letters and numbers
The following abbreviations are formed from the combination of the letters and
numbers. The selected number is a number that has a pronunciation of the same as the word
or syllable it replaces. Process This kind of abbreviation often causes confusion because one
has to guess before knowing true meaning. It is more accurately called a game the language
used by users of chat and SMS media. Example:
- B4 “ Before” (Sebelum)
- 5n “ Fine” (Baik
d). Abbreviations that change some letters.
This kind of abbreviation eliminates the letters that form it or change a word or
syllable into a letters that sound the same. Words that are formed become shorter.
- Plz “ Please”
- Thx “ Thanks”

f). Abbreviations that remove vowels in a word

It is the abbreviated form with the pattern of vowel omission that is the most widely
used chat and SMS media users. In the side is easy to abbreviate, this is because almost all
words can be abbreviated to this kind of formation. Certain of course this can lead to
ambiguity, for example cr is
stands for method, search, and feature.
- Blg “ Bilang”
- Blm “ Belum”
- Dlm “ Dalam”

2). Acronym
An acronym is an abbreviation in the form of a combination of letters or syllables or
other parts written and pronounced as words that match the phonotactic rules of the language
concerned” (Kridalaksana, 2001:5). Difference between abbreviations and acronyms are
abbreviations pronounced letter by letter, while acronyms are pronounced as one word.
Here's the shape
acronym used in chatting and texting.

a). Acronyms
Shortening the initial letter of each word pronounced as a word is called an acronym.
Type The acronym is rarely found in media data chat and SMS. Here is an example.
- LOL ‘Laugh out Lot’ (tertawa terbahak-bahak)
- GWS ‘ Get Well Soon’ (Semoga cepat sembuh)
- BTW ‘ By The Way ‘ (Omong-omong)

b) Acronyms written in lowercase.

This acronym is from syllable fragments or fragments one letter only. This
abbreviation is called an acronym because pronounced as a word. Writing abbreviations like
This should be written in all lowercase. The following is an example :
- nobar ‘nonton bareng’
- jaim ‘jaga image’
- titi dj ‘hati-hati di jalan’.

Language Style
1. Definition of Language Style
Style is a way of expressing yourself, with language, behavior, dress, and so on.
When viewed In terms of language, language style is a way of using language. Our language
style can judge a person's personality and abilities someone in using the language.

According to Sudjiman (1998:13) states that in fact language style can be used in all
kinds of languages, both spoken, written, non-literary, and literary variety, because of the
style of language is a way of using language in certain contexts by people certain for certain

According to Kridaklasa (2001:25) the explanation of the term style of language

broadly, namely, first, the use of the wealth of language by someone in speaking or writing.
Second, the use of variety certain to obtain certain effects. Third, the overall characteristics of
the language of a group of literary writers.

Keraf (2007:113) suggests that language style is a way of expressing thoughts through
a distinctive literary language that shows the soul and personality of the author.

To distinguish a good language style and a bad language style bad, Gorys Keraf
(2007:113) in his book Diction and Language Style, describe the three elements in a good
style of language. The three elements These elements are honesty, politeness, and

a. Honesty: language style follows rules or rules good and right in language.
b. Politeness: the style of giving appreciation or respect others who are spoken to,
especially listener or reader. This respect is manifested through a style of language that uses
clear expressions and short
c. Interesting: the use of varied language styles will avoid monotomies in tone,
structure, and diction. Besides that, an interesting style of language also has a wide
vocabulary and contains energy to create a sense of joy and enjoyment.
Based on the opinions experts who have described it, it can be The keyword
figurative language is a way of expressing thoughts as well as feelings through words in their
own language style both in oral or written.

2. Use of Language Style

Humans are social creatures. Instinctively, Social beings need to communicate with
others. Not There are humans who can live without communication. Along with the times and
the rapid development of technology The form of communication has also changed. If
initially communication are in the surrounding environment, now the communication range
of every people leave because of technology.
According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary, communication is: sending and receiving
of news messages between two or more people so that the intended message can be
understood; connection; contact
(KBBI, 2008:721).

3. Function of Language Style

Style is a form of rhetoric, namely the use of words in speaking and writing to
influence readers or listeners (Guntur Tarigan, 2009: 4). Based on From this statement, it can
be seen that the function of language style is as a means of convincing or influencing readers
or listener.

In addition, language style is also related to the situation and mood of the essay. The
meaning is that the style of language create certain mood states, for example a good
impression or bad, happy, uncomfortable, and so on are accepted thoughts and feelings due to
the depiction of places, things, certain circumstances or conditions (Ahmadi, 1990: 169).
Besides that, Guntur Tarigan (2009:4) Says that sometimes with words are not yet clear
enough to explain something; by Therefore, equations, comparisons, and words are used
another figurative.
Based on some of the opinions above, then the function language style, namely as a
tool to strengthen the effect on ideas conveyed, tools to clarify things and tools to create a
certain state of mind. Based on some opinion about the function of language style that has
been described above, it can be concluded that the function of language style is as follows:

a. Language style serves as a tool to influence or convince the reader or listener, that is
language style can make the reader or listener more confident and believe in what is
conveyed Writer;
b. Language style serves as a tool to create certain mood states, meaning that language style
can make the reader drift in a certain mood, For example, good or bad impression,
happy,unpleasant and so on after knowing about what submitted by the author;
c. Language style serves as a tool to strengthen the effect to the ideas conveyed, meaning
style language can impress readers or listeners to the ideas conveyed by the
author or speaker.

Language Variations
1. Understanding Language Variations
According to Chaer (2010:62) language variation is diversity language caused by the
existence of social interaction activities that carried out by a very diverse community or
group and because the speakers are not homogeneous. according to Allan Bell (in Coupland
and Adam, 1997:240) language variations is one of the most interesting aspects of
sociolinguistics. The basic principle of this language variation is that speakers do not always
speak the same way for all events or occurrences This means that the speaker has an
alternative or choice of speaking with different ways in different situations. How to speak
These differences can lead to different social coercion. So, based on the opinion above, it can
be concluded that the variation of language is a kind of variety of language that is used
adapted to the function and the situation, without neglecting the main rules that apply in the
language concerned. This is because, the language variation occurs as a result of the existence
of social diversity and diversity of language functions.

a). Causes of Language Variations

Some of the causes of language variations are as follows:
1) Interference
Chaer (1994:66) provides limitations that interference is carried away by the inclusion
of other language elements into the language that is being used, so that it appears deviation
from the rules of the language used. Language regions become the main proportion in official
communication, so that the love for the national language is defeated by local language.
Alwi, et al. (2003:9) states that the number of elements levies from the Java language,
for example language enrichment Indonesia, but the inclusion of an English language levy by
some people consider the contamination of authenticity and purity our language. This is the
reason why interference. In addition to regional languages, foreign languages (English) for a
small number of Indonesians are placed above the language Indonesia. The use of English in
public spaces has been become an inevitable habit. That matter resulted in the fading of the
Indonesian language and culture which slowly but surely has become the prima donna
language. For example, people are more likely to use the word “pull” for “dorong” and
“push” for “tarik”, and "welcome" to "selamat datang".

2) Integrasi
Apart from Interference, integration is also considered as polluter to Indonesian.
Chaer (1994:67), states that integration is the elements of language others that are brought in
and have been considered, needed and used as part of the language that receives or that enter
it. This integration process, of course, takes time which is quite a long time, because the
integrated elements have been adjust, both pronunciation, spelling, and layout. Examples of
integrated words such as mechanic, driver, jack.

3) Code Switching and Code Mixing

Chaer (1994:67) states that code switching is switching of a code (either language or
language variety certain) into another code (another language). Code mix is two or more
codes used together for no reason, and usually occurs in relaxed situations (Chaer, 1994:69).
Between the two language symptoms, both code switching and mixing The symptom code
that often breaks Indonesian is code mix. Usually in speaking in the language Indonesia is
mixed with elements of regional languages, vice versa. Among educated people often times
the Indonesian language is mixed with language elements
Alay language
Alay is a term that refers to a phenomenon adolescent behavior in Indonesia. Alay is
an abbreviation of "child" kite" or "lebay child" The word 'Alay' can be interpreted as a child
kites, lazy children, wandering children, and so on. Where Such children are often defined as
children who behave 'unusual' or can be said to be excessive. These kids want to know his
status among his peers, they want to always show their existence or narcissism in all things.
For example, in terms of dressing, behaving, and language (both spoken and written).
According to this understanding, then it can be seen that the Alay language is the language
used by kiddies.

According to Sahala Saragih, lecturer at the Faculty of Journalism, Universitas

Padjajaran, alay language is a code language that only applies in their community. The use of
the code language becomes problems if used in mass communication or used in written
communication. In linguistics, alay language includes a kind of 'diachronic' language. That is,
the language used by a group over a certain period of time. It will develop only in certain
period. This diachronic language development is not only important studied by linguists, but
also social scientists or perhaps political. Because language is a social phenomenon. He lives
and developed because of certain social phenomena.

The positive impact: With the use of the Alay language is Teenagers become more
creative. Regardless of disturbing or not this Alay language, there is nothing wrong with us
enjoying every change or emerging language innovations. As long as it is used in the right
situation, media and the right communicant too. There are also those who say that Alay
language is art. By combining the letters and numbers, at least make other people to pay more
attention that the combination can be read. Or maybe it could be a secret symbol or code. The
negative impact: The use of the Alay language can make it difficult for users to speak
Indonesian with good and right. Even though at school or at work, we are required to to
always use good and correct language. Impossible if homework, tests or school assignments
are done with using Alay language. Because, Alay language does not enter into academic
language setting. Likewise in the office, the reports we make not allowed to use Alay
language. So, when our situation in formal situations don't use Alay as communication. So it
is better if the Alay language is used in the right place, situation and forum. Alay language
can be annoying anyone who reads and hears the words referred to in in it. Because, not
everyone understands the meaning of Alay's words. Especially in written form, really
confusing and takes more time to understand it.

The Internet is an information resource that reaches all world. The information
resources are very broad and very large so that no one person, one organization, or one
country can can handle it yourself. “The origin of the internet comes from the network
computer that was formed in the 1970s. Computer network it was updated and developed,
and now its successor become the global backbone for information resources that called the
internet." (Lani Sidharta, 1996: xiii). Internet technology is one of the most important
technologies support in providing information. Currently the development of the internet very
fast. Access is easy to get and the application is easy used by users who do not understand
computers even once. Users can use internet facilities at home, namely by existing telephone
facilities. In addition, internet facilities are easily available at big cities, such as the existence
of internet cafes (warnet) which are rife in everywhere. The Internet provides opportunities
for users all over the world world to communicate and share resources information. Internet
users can communicate with other users around the world by sending and receiving e-mail.
according to Sidharta (1996:xiv) there are several facilities available on the internet. This
facility can be added at any time because there are always experts who finding new ways to
make the most of what's inside Internet. These facilities include: e-mail, Usenet, Finger
Login, Remote Login, Talk Facility, Internet Relay Chat, Gopher, World-Wide Web, Mailing
List, Electronic Magazine, Bulletin Board System, and etc.

“FB is one of the social networking web which was launched on 4”February 2004 and
was founded by Mark Zuckerberg. According to recordsstatistics, FB users until October
2007 amounted to 50 million people." (Fredy Yusman Kapang, 2009:1).
The function of FB is to establish a network of friends, find friends old, get the latest
news from friends, share profiles and photos, video, business, it even works for campaigns.
FB users don't only teenagers but also adults.
Fredy Yusman Kapang (2009:17) stated that FB has a different features from other
social networks. These features in including:
1) Home or (Homepage)
Home or homepage is the first page when the user open the FB site. Home is a private
page. Through homepage, users can view and control activities in FB. In the Home menu
there is a news feed which contains information on the latest changes to friends' profiles
others, status updates that list all activities FB users, photos, and other interesting features.

2) Profil
A profile is a page that other people can see about user on FB. Profiles describe all the
things they know about real-life users, and what they want conveyed about the user. The
profile here says everything information about the user, such as general information (Type
gender, hometown, relationship status, political views, and religion), Contact Information (E-
mail, Current address, Yahoo, and website), Education and Employment Information
(College, Company and Position), Personal Information (Activities, Interests, Favorite music,
Favorite TV show, Favorite movie, Favorite book, Favorite quotes, and About me).

3) Walls
On the Profile menu there is a feature called wall or Wall. Walls are a medium for
exchanging information contains short messages, comments, or testimonials from friends.

4) Friends
FB is designed with the aim of finding partners or friends with the network system.
Friends are the most fundamental in the FB social network.

5) Inbox (Incoming Message)

Inbox or incoming messages is a feature to view messages logins sent by fellow FB
friends. As for Other facilities contained in FB are Chat, Group, Games, Music, Videos and
so on.
Research Framework
The framework of thought is the line of thought of researchers and research that In this
section, the researcher describes in detail about the background behind the problem, the
proposals that form the basis of the research.
One of those language learning is scientific work on language variations, language
variations, in this case on social media, which includes one language, Alay, social media is
WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram. However, this research on facebook by looking at alay
language. Various forms of use joke language.
For a clearer view of the framework below:

Learning Language

Language Variations Social Media

WhatsApp Facebook Instagram

Alay Language

Variety of

Informal Variety Relaxing variety Familiar variety




The research was conducted to collect data. In social media data is collected not only on
social media but also on the speakers.

B. Data and Data Sources

1. Data

The data in this study are social media users in particular Facebook. Using data in the form of
observations (participant method) and interviews with recording techniques obtained with
several users facebook that uses alay language.

2. Data sources

Sources of data obtained in this study are derived from the results of observation interviews
with recording techniques obtained from users Facebook that uses alay language among
Papua University students

C. Definition of Terms

In this research to facilitate and provide a clear direction about what is being
measured. The term limits in data retrieval are: used in this study, which only focuses on the
Facebook media network it is necessary to provide an operational definition of the variables
in this study.

1. Communication is the process of conveying thoughts or feelings by someone to others

by using symbols that are meaningful to both parties in certain situations
communication using the media certain way to change the attitude or behavior of a
person or number of people so that a certain effect is expected.
2. Social media is a social structure made up of individual elements or organization. This
social media network shows the way where they are related because of the similarity
of sociality, starting from the unknown as well as those who are known everyday to
the family.
3. Language variation is a social interaction activity carried out by the community or
groups that are very diverse and because of the speakers which is not homogeneous.
4. Alay language is a variety of prokem language variety with a lexicon that are used by
a group of people and only understood by them, especially among teenagers.
Teenagers are generally of the opinion that they will be out of date or called not slang
if they do not follow their language development.


The instrument is a tool to obtain information and data regarding matters relating to the
research process of qualitative descriptive analysis. Instrument This research is in the form of
observation sheets and interviews. The observation guidelines and interview guidelines are:

1. Attachment of the observation instrument guide.

Observation objective: to obtain information and data regarding the use of alay
language among Papuan University students.

2. Interview guide attachment

a. Interview theme: Examples of Alay language that is often used in social media
b. The purpose of the interview: to obtain information and data regarding the use
of alay language among Papuan University students.


1. Observation

Observation is a method of collecting data through direct observation or careful and

direct review in the field or research location.In this case, researchers need to visit the
research location to observe closely directly various things or conditions of student lectures
2. Interview

Interview is a form of data collection technique which is widely used in qualitative

research. The data needed are: by conducting interviews with meetings orally in meetings
face-to-face using recording techniques from several media users social media using Alay

A. Data Analysis Techniques

The data analysis technique was carried out using descriptive analysis. For knowing
the use of various Alay language against University students Papua, the researchers took the
following steps: following:

1. Identify the process of using alay language style problems directlyon social media
Facebook users.

2. Give some questions to respondents who use Funny language on facebook.

3. Manage data from relevant observations and interviews by users facebook about
the influence of social media on the use of style joke language.

4. Grouping slang words used on social media facebook from the results of interviews
based on the text of the Alay language that used.

5. Analyzing the results of observations and interviews conducted by researchers to

find out how the form of the use of various languages joke on the students of the
University of Papua.

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Below is a corpus of alay vocabulary that is often used on social media

No Vocabulary Meaning
1 Mager Malas Gerak
2 Kepo Ingin Tahu
3 Otw Menuju
4 Zmuax Semuanya
5 Zmoga Semoga
6 The Dia
7 Baper Bawah perasaan
8 Caper Cari perhatian
9 Carmuk Cari Muka
10 Sbb Sorry baru balas
11 Anjir Anjing
12 Yoi Iya
13 Woke Okey
14 Kaks Kakak
15 Dara Sodara
16 Diks Adik
17 Rempe Perempuan
18 Dantex Dana Tebal
19 Ipss Ipar
20 Nobar Nonton Bareng
21 Galfok Gagal fokus
22 Poex Punya
23 Darting Darah tinggi
24 Salting Salah tingkah
25 Sans Santai
26 Perpus perpustakaan
27 Dlm Dalam
28 Hadija Hati-hati di jalan
29 Thx Thanks
30 Plz Please
31 Blm Belum
32 Blng Bilang
33 Syg Sayang
34 Btm Baku tambah
35 LOL Laugh Out Loud
36 Doi Dia orang spesial
37 Limpul Lima puluh
38 Sera Seratus
39 Joker Jomblo keren
40 Bikmal Bikin malu
41 Dit4 Di Tempat
42 Japri Jalur Pribadi
43 GWS Get Well Soon
44 DM Direct Message
45 BTW By The Way
46 Gercep Gerakan Cepat
47 Karwar Roh Halus
48 PHP Pemberi harapan Palzu
49 Lebay Alay

Cari artikel di :

Culture of social media

Antropology of social medial

Slang of social media

Untuk ganti Demography dan Etnography

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