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Big Data:

Analysis, extraction, and visualization of key insights from large sets of available data. Gather relevant
data from various sources, database, social media, structure/unstructured. Define attributes of the data
to inform data.

During insight, extract data to develop a structure that fits into your model or algorithm. Apply different
algorithms and select the model that is accurate for the target output. Present result, in visual form,
charts, graphs, images to make it easy to understand for stakeholders.

Volume, quantity of data, greater the quantity of data, higher the possibility of deriving outcomes.
Variety, type of data, structured/unstructured. Velocity, speed at which data is generated and acquired
in real-time to deserved insights from it.

Challenge: how to gather insights from huge volume of data, in different forms in real life?

Data Analysis overcome this challenge using sampling method.

Big Data Solution:

“A Program that allows usage of data from multiple sources”

Sources, Internal CRM systems, IoT Sensors, social media comments. Ingestion layer, clean data,
encrypt data, create new metadata. Data Preparation, validating data that involve making correction.
Data Modeling, building different data models. Visualization, visualizing to understand specific use

Impact on Digital Transformation:

 More data, capability to analyze customer behavior and find target customer segment.
 Predictive analysis, operational efficiency.

Big data enable up to:

o Form business models and product lines
o Achieve high revenues
o Choose what to prioritize
o Analyze and enhance their processes
o Improved sales and logistics
o Build a single mastered system
o Don’t have to search distinct files for data.
o Storage and analysis of large volumes at low cost.
o Analyze risks and opportunities

Now small and medium size organization also are big data. Barnes, eliminate redundant databases,
analyze risk, and monitor financial transactions for fraud detection. Retailers, analyze inventory data to
prevent stock out, analyze demand patterns, improve customer experience, and increase profits.
Manufacturers, save labour and material costs, analyze historical data and derive insights, optimize and
streamline operations to improve efficiency.

Benefits of bigdata:

 Process volumous data to gather insights for your business

 Improve scalability
 Enhance date security
 Big data platform help extract, clean, and visualize data and build data models
 Quens; search information, business users, gather insights for better decision making e.g; AWS,
Microsoft azure, google cloud, tableau, cracle, mongoDB, cloudera. Users, Netflix, Portan and
gamble, sportify etc.

Artificial Intelligence:
“An attempt at simulating human intelligence in machines”

 Learn
 Reason
 Self-Correct
These are classify as AI
Solution to: superhuman tasks, Data- intensive tasks, Repetitive tasks
Challenges: difficult to completely simulate human intelligence, eexicting ability is limited to
certain domains, high development and maintainence cost.
Advantages: Error reduction, medical application, digital Assistance, repetitive jobs, difficult
explorations, no breaks
AI disruption: personal assistance, medical application, medical diagnosis and presenting lead
generation, law, manufacturing, stock market reports, scheduling meetings, customer services.
AI and ML models: Mathematical algorithms expert inputs + data, model, experts decision
(training the model)
Types of Learning: Supervised learning, unsupervised learning, Reinforcement learning
Industries with AI implementation
HealthCare, Medical imaging, drug discovery, robotic surgery, medication management. Ecommerce,
product recommendation inventory management, chat bots. Banking and finance, credit decision, risk
management. Logistics, Supply chain management, tracking, and supervision, route optimizer. Real
estate, Find buyers, help real estate agents.

Block Chain:
“A decentralized, peer-to-peer peer Léger”. (enable transaction over the internet)
 Genesis Block
Two Parts: Header (Address of the block) and Body (detail of transaction)”

Process of adding a block:

Broadcast message (Sender); Miners will work on the message to dept. and evaluate, receiver

Features: Has global acceptance has automated operation, has chronological and time-stamped working
faster, better and secure dispute settlement. Origin: 1982-David Chaum.

Block Chain enables over the internet while bit coin is block chains first application, by Sakoshi
Nakamoto in 2008. Most popular cryptocurrency globally ledger size of a bitcoin-200GB. Value


User ;( put a request for a transaction), minors validate it and they get paid for this work and receive
some bit coins as commission, receiver. Download bit coin wallet (on mobile or laptop), first bit coin
address to be generated, send this address to other party. and this address will change for every
transaction. Advantages:

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