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GRE replacement questions for 2021 (and beyond) applicant’s answers from JOSHUA BOYE

Date: Thursday ,28th July 2022

Q1. I have much interest in petroleum Geoscience. This is because it’s in line with my life time dream
profession, that’s to become a petroleum reservoir geophysicist. This become an informed decision that I
made back when I was in secondary school .Initially I intended studying petroleum geoscience related
BSc program in USA by taking SAT to be able to get funding .But before I tried putting this humble
beginning dream into effect I rather gain earlier admission to study similar related program at the premier
university of my country (university of Ghana) ,thus I decide to work that out in my next line of education
(that’s my MSc study ) in realizing my dream in the same country (USA) which I have started its journey
by applying to Kansas state for MSc in geology with petroleum geoscience research interest area . This
interest was cemented further when my country discovered and Commission crude oil production in the
Takoradi sandstone formation of the salt pond basin. Also base on literature further petroleum exploration
are yet to be done in the biggest basin in my country, the voltaian basin. Thus more opportunity for me as
I master in petroleum geology. For this reason, the motivation to master in petroleum geology has been
always high. Also mastering in petroleum geoscience as a way of preparing myself to chance any
opportunity available in my country. Job opportunity and contributing both industrial and academia
research findings in such field have a good future in my country and the world at large.
Q2. I am interested in working with Dr.Behzad Ghanbarian whom I started contacting since last year
(2021).Fortunately for me ,early this month (June ,2022) I had the opportunity to discussed petroleum
geoscience research interest area career path and future aspirations with him virtually and at end he
accepted to work with me thus looking forward to receive my application from the graduate school.
Q3. My first goal as Earthscience is for me to participate in the SPE petrobowl-ghana section quiz to get
a National recognition which was successful , To make it possible I started grooming myself with
petroleum engineering reading materials like John R.Fanchi L.Christiansen (introduction to petroleum
engineering, Petroleum geoscience by Bjorlykke ,2011etc ) from the global SPE site since level 100
personally due to the fact that the portions of the petrobowl quiz are completely petroleum engineering
question which they won’t teach me in class. Also since my secondary school my goal is to become a
petroleum geoscientist and contribute research and finding in such fields. I decided not just to do that at
any university but the best university offering such programs so that I won't find it striving when I enter
petroleum science career path though I majored in geology. I applied for Bsc Earthscience at the
university of Ghana after secondary cycle as a step ahead of achieving such goal and that was successful
as well, I gained admission to read earthscience. Having such goal in mind I choose to major in Geology
and whilst I take petroleum geocience courses alongside as electives like Basin tectonics (none grading),
Basin analysis, Reservior Engineering, petroleum reservoir geophysics, Sedimentology and introduction
to petroleum engineering. After years of study of earth science with geology major I set another goal to
improve upon my research skills both academia and industrial research. For this reason, I spent a lot of
time reading wide on research publications and articles, materials, attending to presentations seminars etc.
paying attention to what methodology works best in addressing what kind of research and how to
communicate and market such research’s findings to government, industries, and the general public. I
attended most research seminars in my country. I took research method courses as free electives (non-
grading). This effort helps me to do well in my final year project work which I had an A in the
preliminary report and a B+ in the final report. During my National service at my department I was given
the position to produce and train a team to represent my school (university of Ghana) in the 2022
petrobowl SPE Quiz-Ghana section. This task was difficult for me to undertake since we don’t have
petroleum engineering department. To ease myself such difficulties I used past questions from the global
contests on a scale of 100% to screen out the good students from the engineering school, chemistry
department and the Earthscience department through short quiz. Afterwards I asked for permission to take
the team through 6 credit hours of petroleum engineering courses (non-grading) every evening which the
students were motivated with cash, foods and drinks till the time of the quiz contest. We were second
runner up in the contest Also I have difficulties working with a team it’s either I will take all the task and
responsibilities on my shoulders to do them thinking the other fellows can’t play their roles to the best of
satisfaction with such barriers preventing me to work efficiently with a team. I then realized one day that
if I change few habits of how I interact with team mates on topics or problem under discussion my work
with them could improve as well the teamwork efficiency. From that day forward I started making sure I
asked team mates for how they will have addressed a particular problem we are to work on then discuss
me with them in simplest possible way to their agreement and understanding or if possible add up to their
suggestions than always proposing complex scenario for addressing a problem when working with a
Q4. I have played leadership roles in my recent academic journey which includes Handling the 2022 SPE
(society of petroleum engineers) quiz team for my school when I was working as national service
personnel at the Earth science department. I handle and trained a team of 5 for petro bowl quizz Ghana
chapter, whistling acting as the leader of the team during our participation at the event. Also I have
handled the level 200 students during optical mineralogy practical classes leading them through the
necessary laboratory procedures and instructing them most often when the lecture I am working with is
not around. Also through the Guidance of Dr. Behzad Ghanbarian I become applicant member of AAPG
(Global membership) which for about some months I have participated in most of the AAPG virtual
Seminars and programs both industrial and academia as active member. Also during my final year
undergrad studies, I mobilized 3 of my colleague’s interested in academia works in my class including the
acting leader of SPE and AAPG-university of ghana chapter in establishing a strong leadership board for
the chapter before we completed. I helped in drafting policies and rules and regulation necessary to guide
the organization for the future ahead. Also during my third year as student earth scientist I stood for
Ugessa (University of ghana earth science student association) Vice president which I proposed good and
strong student policies and innovative ideas I will bring on board to help strengthen the contribution of
the student earthscientist in socio economic development by strengthening the link between government
policy makers, the industries and the student body but I lost the election by marginal vote. Also during
my final year study at the university of Ghana I helped one of the aspiring SRC candidate who was then
my roommate during undergrad in pushing his Agenda and I helped him to draft his policies and
campaigning messages that best suit the interest and the wellbeing of the student body. Finally, as part of
my leader ship roles, I serve as a mentor and advocate for child education in geoscience in remote
communities in Greater Accra sub-region and mentor student in the various geoscience organization such
as SPE (Society of petroleum Engineers), GhIG (Ghana institute of geoscientist) also a member of AAPG
(America association of petroleum geoscientist). Also was the action leader of Ebenezer senior high
school student association in university of Ghana campus and the president of the Ga-Adangbe student
association in university of Ghana.
Q5. My skill and interest in fieldwork is on a scale 9-10.I have a perfectly strong interest in field
work .Reading BSc Earthscience with geology major at the department of Earthscience comes with
several field trip studies .In level 200 I and a group of the class went on a fieldtrip at Sekondi-Tarkoradi
for one week study of the sekondian formation (sedimentary geology with igneous intrusion ) of the
geology of Ghana containing the source rock for Ghana’s discovered crude oil ,which I wrote and
submitted field report for grading .In level 300,I and a group of the class visited the Togo and the Buem
structural unit (the metamorphic terrain of the geology of Ghana) the region for Dahomeyide Orogeny in
Africa at Tsito Volta region for one week field work ,which after we submitted a field report for
grading .In level 400 I and a group of my class visited the Tarkwaian group geology of ghana ,we spent
one week in the field studying and analyzing the geology on the field which we wrote assessment exams
right after the one week study and was grade on it .finally in level 400 I and a group of my class visited a
mining field within the kibi-winneba belt of the geology of Ghana ,which we studied the belt geology
being worked on by the mines for only a-day. Also majoring in geology I did a field work project on
geological mapping of northern part of Accra which I gathered and obtain field data myself and analyze
them in petrology and Geochemical laboratories and wrote a final year project report on that for grading.
Q6. My experience / skills in / interest in Lab work is on a scale of 8-9. As stated in question 5. majoring
geology I did a field work project on geological mapping of northern part of Accra which I gathered and
obtain field data myself and analyze them in thin section petrology and Geochemical laboratories works
and wrote a final year project report on that all by self. Also I did my Internship with Ghana geological
Authority when I was in level 200 I worked in most of their Earth science laboratories which include thin
section and petrology laboratory, XRF Geochemistry laboratory, Ceramics, cartography and GIS which I
handle field samples like pallets and powdered samples, sieving analysis, clay tensile strength testing etc.
at the laboratory. During my teaching assistantship I spent most of my time with level 200 students in
petrology and optical mineralogy lab teaching them petrology lab work techniques.
Q7. my modeling scale is around 6. I took Petroleum reservoir engineering course which modeling of
geological petroleum reservoir rock formations was taught by the lecturer together with seismic data
interpretation which we were given sample work to work on certain subsurface formations and interpret
their respective seismic data.
Q8. Again as stated in question 5. I did field mapping and the study of the geology of northern Accra
(which covers several communities which include Ayimensa, Aburi, Danfa, Adenkrebi communities in
Ghana etc.) during the process we obtained quantitative and qualitative data from the field. qualitative
data include writing descriptive observations which include the Attitude measurements ,structure
description, mineralogical description and composition of minerals in each rock outcrop ,sketches,
describing and recording earth processes occurring on the field this was processed and interpreted
through Thin section Analysis by the use of PLM and Amscope tools, XRF and Georient analysis
methods for elemental abundances etc. whilst the quantitative data like lithological distribution, rock
sampling , structural attitudes values ,GPS values etc. were collected and processed by sorting by use of
excel software into tables and graphs which was interpreted by diagrammatic plots and geochemical data
plots, map digitization, stereo net projection plots using Map info professional 11.5,Qgis and QCDkits
Q9. Yes I have taught all level of classes on my own from primary to university level .After completing
senior high which I did general sciences, I worked at lord of mercy junior high school as primary six
class teacher ,for few months I was promoted to handle junior high school which I took them science and
mathematics at the same school for about additional 8months and left to work as pastime teacher at
second chance, one senior high remedial school in my locality then left the following year 2017 to
university to further my education. At the university I studied Earthscience with geology major I took
maths 101 general math ,calculus etc in additional to my compulsory courses because of my strong
mathematics strength one of the university of Ghana SRC aspiring president organized a free basic
mathematics(numeracy skills )class for all non-science students part of university UGRC compulsory
course which I taught a very large class from the beginning of the semester till the time they took the
exams by then I was in level 400.after graduating with a FGPA 3.36 out of 4.0, I was selected for
Teaching Assistant at my department (department of Earthscience) which I was assigned to senior
lecturers to handle Petroleum reservoir geophysics (level 400 course ),Optical mineralogy (level 200
course), Exploration Geochemistry (level 400 course ), Earth resources/Economic geology (level 300
course ) ,Communication and entrepreneurship in Earthscience class(level 400 course ) . Also during the
period of my TAship I took the level 200 students to field trip at sekondi-Tokoradi to study the sekondian
group formation which contained the source rock for Ghana’s discovered oil .At the field trip senior
professors together with me as TA Taught them basic geological filed techniques and I demonstrated to
them how to use basic field geological tools which include compasses hand lenses ,hammer, GPS, how to
sample from an outcrop etc. .Also as part of my laboratory work together with my Optical mineralogy
lecturer professor Johnson Manu I handled optical mineralogy practical lab class sometimes alone when
my lecturer is not around. During such classes I demonstrate to students basic use of the PLM microscope
and it’s use In petrology and mineralogy studies .I have a wide range of strengths with less weakness as a
teacher because over the days from the time I completed Senior high school till date I have been
involving in teaching activities as I have described above .My strength as a teacher include; having
simplest ways of introducing complicated models to their understanding, I am good at impacting students
with strong knowledge and problem solving abilities In field works ,very adaptable to handle students in
all fields science topics even outside my field ,I am extremely tolerant and respectful towards colleague
teachers and even to my students, I can work long hours to meet teaching deadlines, I am also very
Organized in my field of teaching and capable of teaching positively and constructively under pressure ,I
am dependable ,results oriented ,a good communicator ,keen listener as well .I have not notice any
weakness in field of teaching yet maybe I will start experiencing that later if I further involve in teaching
activities but for now have no limitation when it comes to teaching .
Q10. after graduating I was selected by my department base on academic performance and teaching skills
merit for Teaching Assistantship at my department (department of Earthscience) which I was assigned to
senior lecturers to handle optical Petroleum reservoir Engineering geophysics(level 400 course ),Optical
mineralogy(level 200 course),Exploration Geochemistry(level 400 course ),Earth resources/Economic
geology(level 300 course ) ,Communication and entrepreneurship in Earthscience class(level 400
course ).Also during the period of my TAship I took the level 200 students to field trip at sekondi-
Tokoradi to study the sekondian group formation which contained the source rock for Ghana’s discovered
oil. At the field trip senior professors together with me as TA Taught them basic geological filed
techniques and I demonstrated to them how to use basic field geological tools which include compasses
hand lenses, hammer, GPS, how to sample from an outcrop etc. Also as part of my laboratory work
together with my Optical mineralogy lecturer professor Johnson Manu I handled optical mineralogy
practical lab class sometimes alone when my lecturer is not around which I demonstrate to students basic
use of the PLM microscope and it’s use In petrology and mineralogy studies .Also assisting lecturers and
supervisors in providing hands on field knowledge to continuing students on Ghana’s geology .Providing
final year students with the necessary practical mapping skills such as field mapping traversing
techniques ,geological tool demonstration ,map gridding ,field geology description and so on .Also assist
lectures with research projects in the field and the laboratory when the need arises.

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