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The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations - SCOAN - Prophet T.B.

Joshua (General Overseer)

Founded by Prophet TB Joshua
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Posted onNovember 3, 2020November 3, 2020Author 5421 views
In a prayer and prophecy video released on November 1, 2020, following his return from the
Prayer Mountain on October 30, 2020, after four days of spiritual seclusion, Prophet T.B.
Joshua reassured the nations on the sanctity of God’s Word and the unending efficacy of
His power. In the video, the man of God started by saying, “I am here on the mountain
where the year of fear, the year of humility and many other things was revealed in the past.”
He added, “I have been here for the past four days to know God’s mind about the remaining
two months of the year 2020.”
Regarding the Lord’s message for the nations, Prophet T.B. Joshua explained thus: “The
matter concerns the issue of what is going on in the American election, the issue of what is
going on in my nation, Nigeria, and all other African countries and the whole world at large.”
As the recording was done on October 30, 2020, the man of God said, “I will be leaving
today to share with you the vision I received. God bless you. Emmanuel!”
Holy Spirit-backed Prayer – Never Bound by Time!
After his short message to the people, Prophet T.B. Joshua offered prayers of release and
healing to people all over the world. The prayer, which is not time-bound, is reproduced
below. May you be blessed in the mighty name of Jesus Christ as you open up your heart to
God’s Spirit.  

“Lord Jesus, give me the courage to say the word you spoke on the Cross: ‘Into Your hands
I commit my spirit.’ Whatever affliction, whatever sickness, whatever disease in your body –
Lord Jesus, forgive them of all their iniquities and release them from all these afflictions. All
these afflictions – release them, in the name of Jesus Christ! Affliction in their organs, in
their internal organs – head to toe – release them, in the name of Jesus Christ! Release
them, in the name of Jesus Christ!
Whatever affliction – strange affliction, strange pain in their system – be released, in the
name of Jesus! Be released, in the name of Jesus! Whatever affliction in your internal
organs, in your system, in your faculties – be released, in the name of Jesus! Be healed, in
the name of Jesus! Be healed, in the name of Jesus Christ! I declare Galatians 3:13-
14: Christ has redeemed you! Christ has healed you! Christ has delivered you! In the name
of Jesus Christ!
No one enjoys being sick. Those on the sickbed – Lord Jesus, I place myself in Your hands.
Work on them in the name of Jesus Christ! Heal them, in the name of Jesus! Work on their
internal organs! Work on their system, in the name of Jesus! Deliver them, in the name of
Jesus! Work on them, in the name of Jesus! Restore them, in the name of Jesus! Use me to
restore them, in the name of Jesus! Restore them, in the name of Jesus! Whatever affliction
in their internal organs, in their organs, in their system – whatever pain, whatever strange
pain from head to toe – heal them, Lord, in the name of Jesus!
Deliver them, in the name of Jesus! Restore them, in the name of Jesus! Anything in their
foundation that has subjected their life to struggles and contentions – be destroyed, in the
name of Jesus Christ! Anything in your foundation that has subjected your life to struggles
and contentions – be destroyed, in the name of Jesus! Be removed, in the name of Jesus!
Be destroyed, in the name of Jesus Christ! Be removed, in the name of Jesus Christ!
Thank You, Lord!
Every limitation – be broken, in the name of Jesus Christ! Be broken, in the name of Jesus
Christ! I remove the work of your hands from financial captivity, in the name of Jesus Christ!
I remove the work of your hands from financial captivity, in the name of Jesus Christ! I
remove the work of your hands from financial captivity, in the name of Jesus Christ! Be
removed, in the name of Jesus Christ!
All powers that have tied you down to where you do not belong – be loosed, in the name of
Jesus Christ! I release you, in the name of Jesus Christ! Thank You, Lord! In Jesus Christ’s
name. Amen.”

Prophecy on the 2020 American Presidential Election

Having received Spirit intimations on major world events during his four-day stay on the
Prayer Mountain, Prophet T.B. Joshua was moved to utter prophetic words on the American
presidential election scheduled for November 3, 2020. As stated already, the man of God
had sent the video from the Prayer Mountain on October 30, 2020 and released the
prophecy on November 1, 2020.
“What is happening in the American election is as a result of the power in the tongue. The
word we speak determines the life we enjoy (Proverbs 6:2). The tongue can either work for
us or against us – death and life lie in the tongue (Proverbs 18:21).
We Christians would have loved it to go the way we wanted. But the Bible says it is never
proper to base our faith on our improvement after prayer. We should not worry. The joy is
that the new Supreme Court Judge, Amy Coney Barrett, will be an instrument of check.
Finally, let us learn how to believe that God hears us when we pray – it is a much greater
blessing. There is likely going to be pockets of resistance here and there, after the election,
but nothing will change. Let me reserve what I am seeing until the inauguration of the new

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