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“&ana¸ iva&ana AaiNa sausaMskar yaaMsaazI iSaxaNap`saar”

- iSaxaNa mahYaI- Da^ baapUjaI saaLuMKo

EaI svaamaI ivavaokanaMd iSaxaNa saMsqaa kaolhapUr saMcalaIt

ivavaokanaMd ka^laoja kaolhapUr


Prof. R. S. Gade.
April 13, 2020
CIRCULAR MOTION: The motion of the particle along the circumference of a circle is
called circular motion.
Examples: i) Motion of satellite around the planet..
ii) Motion of merry-go-round.
There are two types of circular motions,-
1) Non-uniform circular motion: The motion of particle along the circumference of a circle with
variable speed. e.g. Motion of the particle in a vertical circle
2) Uniform circular motion: The motion of a particle along the circumference of a circle with
constant speed.
Examples: i) Motion of tip of the hands of a clock.
ii) Motion of an electron around the nucleus.
iii) Motion of earth around the sun.
* In uniform circular motion as the speed of the particle is constant, in U.C.M. revolutions are
repeated after equal interval of time. Hence UCM is a periodic motion.
* In any type of circular motion the linear velocity of the particle is always directed along the
tangent to circular path. Hence in UCM even the speed remains constant, the direction of linear
velocity goes on changing continuously. On account of this change in direction the linear
velocity of particle varies. Hence UCM is an accelerated motion.
* A vector drawn from the centre of the circular path to the position of the particle is called the
radius vector of the particle. The magnitude of the radius vector is constant but its direction
changes continuously, which is always directed away from the centre of the circular path.
Kinematics of Circular Motion:
“The angle traced by radius vector of the particle in given time is called its angular
“The rate of change of angular displacement with respect to time is called angular velocity.”

ω= dt
* v=ω × r
“The rate of change of angular velocity with respect to time is called angular acceleration.”

* Right hand rule: “Imagine the axis of rotation to be held in our right hand with fingers curled
round the axis and the thumb stretched along the axis. If the curled fingers indicate the sense of
rotation then the thumb indicates the direction of the vector (i.e. of angular displacement,
velocity & acceleration).”


In non-uniform circular motion the acceleration of the particle has two components. The
component, (ω × v) is called radial component and is found to be directed along the radius
towards the centre and is responsible for changing the direction of linear velocity from point to
point. While the component (α × r) is called tangential component and is directed along the
tangent to circular path and responsible to change the magnitude of linear velocity.
* Therefore the acceleration of particle performing non-uniform circular motion is given by:
a = aT + aR
* Therefore magnitude of acceleration in non-uniform circular motion is: a = a2T + a2R
“The time taken by a particle performing UCM to complete one revolution is called period
of UCM.” ∴ T = 2πr/v = 2π/ω
“The number of revolutions performed per unit time by a particle performing UCM is called
its frequency (n).” ∴ n = 1/T = v/2πr = ω/2π.
* The SI unit for periodic time is second (s) while that of frequency is hertz (Hz)
* Dimensions of period is [M0L0T1] and that of frequency are [M0L0T-1]
* aR = −ω2 r ⇒ The magnitude of centripetal acceleration is rω2 or v2/r or Vω
Evaluatary Part:
Dynamics of Circular Motion [Centripetal and Centrifugal Forces]:
Centripetal force: “The force which acts on the particle along the radius towards the centre of
the circle and which keeps the particle moving along circular path is called centripetal force.”
For the body of mass m moving in a circular path of radius r with the speed v or ω the
magnitude of the centripetal force is given by: F = mv2/r = mrω2 = 4π2n2mr = 4π2mr/T2.
Vector form: F = - m ω2 r
i) For the circular motion of satellite around the planet the centripetal force is the
gravitational force exerted by the planet on the satellite.
ii) For the circular motion the electron around the nucleus the centripetal force is the force of
attraction between +ve charge on nucleus & –ve charge on electron.
iii) For circular motion of an object tied to a string & revolved in horizontal circle around the
other end the centripetal force is the tension produced in the string.
iv) In case of train negotiating the curve, the necessary centripetal force is provided by push
due to rails on the wheels of a train.
v) For a car is travelling round a circular horizontal road with uniform speed, the necessary
centripetal force for negotiating the curve is provided by the force of friction between tyres
of vehicle and road surface.
* From these examples it is clear that the centripetal force is due to any one of the known
interactions, hence it is a real force.
* It exists in inertial as well as non-inertial frame of reference, and it has independent existence
* The work done by this force on the body is zero.
Centrifugal Force:
“A force experienced by a particle in circular motion, along the radius away from the centre of
the circular path is called centrifugal force.”
* Magnitude of the centrifugal force is equal to the centripetal force. Vector form: F = + m ω2 r
i) If vehicle is moving along a curved path a passenger in the vehicle experiences a push in
the outward direction, which is nothing but the centrifugal force.
ii) A coin placed slightly away from the centre of a rotating gramophone disc slips towards
the edge of the disc. This is due to centrifugal force acting on the coin.
iii) Centrifugal force is used for drying cloths in washing machine.
iv) The bulging of earth at equator & flattening at poles is due to centrifugal force acting on it.
v) A bucket full of water is rotated in a vertical circle at a particular speed, so that water does
not fall. This is because weight of water is balanced by centrifugal force acting on it.
* As centrifugal force is not due to any of the known interaction, it is not a real force but it is an
imaginary force. It arises due to the acceleration of frame of reference; hence it is called as
pseudo force.
* It exists in non-inertial frame of reference only, and it has no independent existence.
Distinguishing between centripetal force and centrifugal force:
Centripetal Force Centrifugal force
This force is directed towards the centre This force is directed away from the
1. 1.
of circular path. centre of circular path.
2. This force is real force. 2. This force is imaginary force
It exist due to interaction between the It exist due to acceleration of frame of
3. 3.
two bodies. reference.
It exist in both inertial and non- inertial It exist in only non-inertial frame of
4. 4.
frame of references. reference.
5. It exist independently of motion. 5. It exists only during the motion.
6. Vector form: F = - m ω r 6. Vector form: F = + m ω2 r

Applications of Uniform Circular Motion:

1. Maximum speed of vehicle along a horizontal curved road:-
Consider a vehicle of mass m is moving along a horizontal curved road of radius r with
constant speed v. When vehicle moves along the curved
horizontal road, it performs the circular motion. The
forces acting on the vehicle are (i) weight mg, vertically
downwards, (ii) normal reaction N, vertically upwards
that balances the weight and (iii) force of static friction
fs between road and the tyres it provides the necessary
centripetal force or balances the centrifugal force.
Therefore, if μs is the coefficient of static friction
between road and vehicle, for the safety motion of vehicle,- Centripetal force = Frictional force
∴ mv2/ r = μsmg ⟹ vmax = µs rg
This is the maximum speed of vehicle with which it can be safely driven along a horizontal
curved road without skidding.
2. Well (or Wall) of Death (maaOt ka kuAa^M):
This is a vertical cylindrical wall of radius r inside which a
vehicle is driven in horizontal circles to perform the stunts. As
shown in figure, the forces acting on the vehicle are (i) Normal
reaction N acting horizontally and towards the centre. (ii)
Weight mg acting vertically downwards, and (iii) Force of
static friction fs acting vertically upwards between wall and
tyres which prevent the downward slipping of vehicle. Its
magnitude must be equal to mg, as this is only upward force.


For the motion of the vehicle, N = mrω2 = mv2/r and fs = mg ≤ µsN
∴ mg ≤ µs (mv2/r) ⇒ v2 ≥ rg/µs ∴ vmax = µs

3. Vehicle on a Banked Road: [Banking of roads]

Necessity: We know that when a vehicle goes along a horizontal curved road, for its circular
motion centripetal force is provided by the force of friction. But this force of friction is not
reliable, because it changes as the condition changes. Also for the fast moving vehicles it will
not sufficient to provide the centripetal force. In that case we can increase the frictional force by
making road surface rougher. But it will result in wear and tear of the tyres. To avoid all these
difficulties banking of roads is necessary.
Meaning: “Banking of road is the process of constructing the road surface at the curve, in
which the outer edge of the road is kept at higher level than the inner edge, so that the road gets
the slop towards the centre.”
Angle of banking: “when the road is banked, the angle between the inclined surface of the road
and the horizontal is called angle of banking.”
Maximum speed of the vehicle along banked curved road:
Consider a vehicle of mass m is moving along a curve road of radius of curvature, r and
banked at an angle of, θ. Let f be the frictional force
between the tyres of the vehicle and road surface. Let
the maximum safety speed of the vehicle is V. Then
the different forces acting on the vehicle are: i) Its
weight, mg acting vertically downward, ii) Normal
reaction, N exerted by road surface on vehicle. From
these N can be resolved into two components as,
Ncosθ and Nsinθ as shown in figure. From these two
components Ncosθ balances the weight of vehicle and
Nsinθ provides the necessary centripetal force for the circular motion of vehicle.
∴ Ncosθ = mg and Nsinθ = mv2/r ⇒ tanθ = v2/rg ------- (i)
(a) Most safe speed: As for the given road r and θ are fixed, this expression gives us the
expression for most safe speed (not a minimum or maximum).This is given by,
vs = rg tanθ -------- (ii)
(b) Banking angle: From equation (i) angle banking is given by: θ = tan-1 -------- (iii)
(c) Speed limits: If the vehicle is moving with speed given by equation (ii) above then the
above considerations are sufficient. But in actual practice vehicles are moving with speed more
than this, in that case the components of the frictional force are helping us upto certain limit as
shown in figures (a) and (b) below.


1. Minimum safety speed:
When vehicle is moving with the speed v1 < vs then mv12/r < Nsinθ. In this case the
direction of friction force is along the surface directed away from the centre of motion.
Components of this frictional force are as shown in figure (a).
From the figure, mg = fs sinθ + N cosθ and mv12/r = N sinθ – fs cosθ
For the minimum possible speed fs is maximum and is equal to µsN. Using this along with the
above equations after solving for minimum possible speed we get,
tan θ− µs
(v1)min = vmin = rg ----------- (iv)
1+ µs tan θ
* For µs ≥ tanθ, vmin = 0
2. Maximum safety speed:
When vehicle is moving with the speed v2 > vs then mv22/r > Nsinθ. In this case the
direction of friction force is along the surface directed towards the centre of the motion.
Components of this frictional force are as shown in figure (b).
From the figure, mg = N cosθ - fs sinθ and mv22/r = N sinθ + fs cosθ
For the maximum possible speed fs is maximum and is equal to µsN. Using this along with
the above equations after solving for maximum possible we get,
tan θ+ µs
(v2)max = vmax = rg 1− µs tan θ
----------- (v)
* For µs = cotθ, vmax = ∞. But max value of µs = 1. Hence for θ ≥ 450, vmax = ∞.
* Elevation of the road is the vertical distance through which outer edge of the road is raised
ℓv 2
above the inner edge, and is given by: h = ℓsinθ = , where ℓ is the width of the road or
distance between the two rails.
Conical Pendulum:
A tiny mass (small but heavy sphere called a bob) connected to a long, flexible, massless,
inextensible string and suspended to a rigid support is called a pendulum. If the bob is made to
oscillate in a single vertical plane it simple pendulum while if the bob is performing circular
motion in horizontal plane then it is called conical pendulum and can be defined as,
“Conical pendulum is a simple pendulum, which is given such a motion that bob describes a
horizontal circle and the string describes a cone.”
Expression for period: Consider a conical pendulum consisting a bob of mass, m and length,
ℓ. Let bob revolves
along the horizontal
circle of radius, r so that
string describes a cone
of height, h and semi-
vertical angle, θ as
shown in fig. When bob
is in position, A, the
forces acting on the bob are: i) it‟s weight, mg & ii) tension in the string, T0. From these forces
tension, T0 can be resolved into two components: T0cosθ & T0sinθ. The component T0cosθ is
balanced by mg. ∴ T0cosθ = mg ----- (i)
While the component T0sinθ provides the centripetal force for the circular motion of the bob,
mv 2
∴ T0sinθ = ------- (ii)
Dividing equation (ii) by (i) we get: tan θ = v2 / rg


∴ θ = tan-1 . This is the expression for angle made by string with the vertical. Also, from

equations (i) & (ii) we get: Speed of the bob, v = r g tanθ

Now v = r ω and tanθ = r / h ∴ ω = v / r = h

2πr 2πr r
Now, period of conical pendulum is: T = = 2π
v rgtan θ gtan θ

ℓsin θ ℓcos θ
But from fig. sinθ = r/ℓ ⇒ r = ℓsinθ ∴ T = 2π =
gtan θ g

1 g
Frequency of revolution, n = 2π ℓ cos θ

* In the frame of reference attached to the bob i.e. in non-inertial frame of reference, the
centrifugal force should balance the resultant of all the real forces i.e. centripetal force.
∴ T0 sinθ = mrω2 = mv2/r in magnitude, which same as (ii)
r 2
* Tension in the string as: T´ = mg 1 + h
Vertical circular motion:
Two types of vertical circular motion are commonly observed in practice: (a) A
controlled vertical circular motion such as a giant wheel or similar games. In this case the speed
is either kept constant or NOT totally controlled by gravity. (b) Vertical circular motion
controlled only by gravity. In this case, initially supply the necessary energy mostly at the
lowest point. Then onwards, the entire kinetics is governed by the gravitational force. During
the motion there is interconvertion of kinetic energy and gravitational potential energy.
1. Point Mass Undergoing Vertical Circular Motion Under Gravity:
Case I: Mass tied to a string: Consider a point mass m is attached to a massless string and
whirled in vertical circle so that the mass performs a vertical circular motion and the string
rotates in a vertical plane. At any position of
the mass, there are only two forces acting on
the mass: (a) its weight mg, vertically
downwards, which is constant and (b) the
force sue to a tension along the string,
directed along the string and towards the
centre. Its magnitude changes periodically
with time and location. This motion is the non
uniform motion, hence the resultant force
acting on the mass is not directed towards the
centre except at topmost and lowermost
Uppermost position (A): Tension in the
string TA and the weight mg are directed as shown. The resultant of these two provides the
centripetal force. if VA is the speed of mass at this position then, mg + TA = mvA2/r ------- (1)
For minimum possible speed at this position, TA = 0 ∴ (vA)min = rg ----- (2)
Lowermost position (B): Tension in the string TB and weight mg are opposite as shown. In this
case also resultant of these forces provides the centripetal force. Hence if vB is speed of mass at
position B, TB – mg = mvB2/r -------- (3)


When mass moves from A to B, the vertical displacement is 2r and the motion is governed
by gravity. Hence the corresponding decrease in gravitational potential energy is converted into
the kinetic energy. ∴ mg (2r) = ½ mvB2 – ½ mvA2 ⇒ vB2 – vA2 = 4rg ------- (4)
From (2) and (4) we get, (vB)min = 5rg -------- (5)
From (1) and (3) we can write, TB – TA – 2mg = vB2 − vA2 -------- (6)
Using (4) and rearranging, we get TB – TA = 6mg ------ (7)
Position when the string is horizontal (C and D): As weight is vertical its horizontal
component is zero. Hence tension in the string only provides the necessary centripetal force
which changes the direction of velocity and weight mg is used only to change the speed. Using
similar mathematics as above it can be shown that,
TC – TA = TD – TA = 3mg and (vC)min = (vD)min = 3rg
Arbitrary positions: The tension and weight are neither along the same line nor perpendicular.
Tangential component of weight is used to change the speed. It decreases the speed while going
up and increases it while coming down.
Case II: Mass tied to a rod: Consider a small but heavy point mass tied to a practically
massless and rigid rod and whirled along the vertical circle. The basic difference between the
rod and string is that the string needs some tension at all the pints, including the uppermost
point and hence require some minimum speed i.e rg to avoid slackening the string.. In the
case of rod as the rod is rigid, such condition is not necessary. Thus practically zero speed is
possible at the uppermost point.
Using similar mathematics, we can prove, (vlowermost)min = 4rg = 2 rg
vmin at the horizontal position of rod = 2rg and Tlowermost – Tuppermost = 6mg
2. Sphere of Death (maR%yau gaaola):
In the circus, two-wheeler rider (or riders) undergoes rounds inside a hollow sphere.
Starting with small horizontal circles, they eventually perform revolutions along vertical circles.
The dynamics of this vertical circular motion is same as that of the point mass tied to the string,
except that force due to tension T is replaced by the normal reaction N. During this motion it is
found that linear speed is more for larger circles but angular speed or frequency is more for
smaller circles.
3. Vehicle at the Top of a Convex Over Bridge:
When a vehicle going along a convex bridge is at
top position, both weight mg and normal reaction n are along
the vertical. Hence if v is the speed at this position, then,
mg – N = mv2/r. Normal reaction is the indication of
contact of vehicle with surface of road. Thus, for just
maintaining contact, N = 0. This imposes an upper limit on
the speed as vmax = rg
Moment of inertia as an Analogous Quantity for Mass:
Expression for rotational kinetic energy of rotating body:
Rotational kinetic energy of rotating body is the sum of the translational kinetic energies of
all the individual particles of body.
Consider a rigid body consisting n-particles having masses m1,m2,-------,mn which are at the
distances r1,r2,--------,rn respectively from the axis of rotation.


When such body rotates with uniform angular
velocity, ω then different particles of the body performs
the circular motions with same angular velocity, but
linear velocity for different particle is different. Let these
linear velocities are v1, v2, ---,vn respectively. Then for
the first particle i.e. having mass m1 we write:
Linear velocity, v1 = r1ω.
∴ kinetic energy, E1 = ½ m1v12 = 2 m1 r12 ω2
Similarly, kinetic energies of remaining particles are:
1 1 1
m r 2 ω2 , 2 m3 r32 ω2 , ----------, 2 mn rn2 ω2 .
2 2 2
Therefore, rotational kinetic energy of the rotating body about a given axis of rotation is equal
to the sum of these kinetic energies of all the particles.
1 1
i.e. E = Ei = 2 (m1 r12 + − − + mn rn2 ) ω2 = 2 Iω2
If I = mi ri2 replaces mass m and angular speed ω replaces the linear speed v, rotational
K.E. = ½ Iω2 is analogous to translational K.E. = ½ mv2. Thus I is analogous to mass and is
also known as rotational inertia or moment of inertia.
Definition: Moment of inertia of a rigid body about the axis of rotation is the sum of products
of mass of every with square of its distance from the axis of rotation.
i.e. For a rigid body made from n particles having masses m1, m2, ………, mn situated at the
perpendicular distances r1, r2, ………., rn respectively from the axis of rotation then moment of
inertia of the body is given by,
I = m1r12 + m2r22 + ……….. + mnrn2


i. e. I = mi ri2
In practice for continuous mass distribution, moment of inertia mathematically calculated as:

I = r 2 dm where r is the perpendicular distance of any one element of the body from
axis of rotation.
Moment of inertia depends upon: (i) individual masses and (ii) the distribution of these masses
about the given axis of rotation. For the different axis, as mass distribution is different, the
moment of inertia is different if there is no symmetry.
1. Moment of inertia of a Uniform Ring: In the object such as uniform ring the mass is
uniformly distributed at on the circumference of a circle as shown in figure. Hence it is a two
dimensional object of negligible thickness.
If it is rotating about its own axis its entire
mass M is practically at a distance equal to its
radius R from the axis. Hence the expression for
the moment of inertia of a uniform ring of mass M
and radius R is:
I = MR2

2. Moment of inertia of a uniform Disc: Consider a thin uniform disc of mass M and radius R
and surface density (mass per unit surface area) σ. Then σ = M / πR2.


When this disc is rotating about its own axis
(axis passing through centre and perpendicular to plane
of disc) then to find its moment of inertia about this axis
we assume that disc is made from large number of
identical concentric rings each having mass dm.
Consider one such ring of radius r and width dr. Then,
Area of ring, A = 2πr.dr ∴ dm = Aσ = 2πrσ dr. Moment
of inertia of this ring about the axis of rotation of disc is,
Ir = dm (r2). Moment of inertia (I) of the disc can now be
obtained by integrating Ir from r = 0 to r = R.
R R R R 3 R4 M R4 MR 2
∴I= 0 r
I = dm. r 2 = 2πσr. dr. r 2 = 2πσ r dr ∴ = 2πσ = 2π =
0 0 0 4 πR 2 4 2
Radius of Gyration:
Radius of gyration of a rigid body about the given axis of rotation is defined as the
perpendicular distance between the axis of rotation and a point where total mass of the body is
supposed to be concentrated so that point posses same moment of inertia as that of the body. It
is represented by K.
For a body of mass M having moment of inertia I about the axis of rotation and K is the
radius of gyration of body about same axis of rotation then we write, I = MK2
From this it is clear that radius of gyration measures the distribution of mass about the axis
of rotation. The larger value of K represents that the distribution of mass is farther from the axis
of rotation while smaller value of K represents that the mass of body is distributed closer to
Theorem of parallel Axes and Theorem of Perpendicular axes:
1. Theorem of parallel axes:
Statement: It states that, “The moment of inertia (Io) of an object about any axis is the sum of
its moment of inertia (Ic) about a parallel axis passing through centre of mass and the product of
mass of body with square of distance between the parallel axes (Mh2).”
Proof: Consider a rigid body of mass M and centre of mass at point C. In the figure axis MOP
is any axis passing through point O. Axis ACB is a parallel axis passing through the centre of
mass C of the body and at a distance h from O.
Then according to theorem of parallel axes, Io = Ic + Mh2.
To prove this, consider a mass element dm located at point
D. Draw perpendicular DN on extended OC. Moment of
inertia of the element about the axis ACB is [dm.(DC)2].
Hence moment of inertia of body about the axis ACB is
given by, Ic = DC 2 . dm. Similarly, moment of inertia of
body about the axis MOP is,
Io = DO 2 . dm = DN 2 + NO 2 dm
= DN 2 + NC 2 + 2. NC. CO + CO 2 dm
= DC 2 + 2NC. h + h2 dm
= DC 2 dm + 2h NC. dm + h2 dm
Now as NC is the distance of appoint from the centre of mass. Any mass distribution is
symmetric about the centre of mass. Thus, from the definition of the centre of mass,
NC. dm = 0 and dm = M mass of body
∴ Io = Ic + M h2 . This is the mathematical form of the theorem of parallel axes.


2. Theorem of Perpendicular Axes:
Statement: It states that, “The moment of inertia (Iz) of a laminar object about an axis (Z)
perpendicular to its plane is the sum of its moment of inertias about two mutually perpendicular
axes (x and y) in its plane, all the three axes being concurrent.”
Proof: Consider a plane lamina placed in the X-Y plane. Let Ix, Iy and Iz be the moment of
inertia of lamina about X, Y and Z- axes respectively.
Then according to this principle,
Iz = Ix + Iy
To prove this, consider a small element
of this lamina of mass (dm) at a point P(x, y).
Join OP, and draw PM and PN perpendicular
on X and Y axes respectively. Then, as element
remain at a distance of x from Y-axis; moment
of inertia of element about Y-axis is (x2dm).
Therefore moment of inertia of lamina about
Y-axis is: Iy = x 2 dm ------ (1)
Similarly, element is at a distance of y from X-axis, moment of inertia of element about X-axis
is (y2dm). Therefore moment of inertia of lamina about X-axis is: Ix = y 2 dm ------ (2)
Similarly, moment of inertia of lamina about Z-axis will be: Iz = OP 2 dm - - - - - (3)
But, from the figure in ∆OMP, OP 2 = x 2 + y 2
∴ Iz = x 2 + y 2 dm = x 2 dm + y 2 dm = Iy + Ix [∵ by eqns (1) and (2) ]
∴ Iz = Ix + Iy This is the proof.
Angular momentum or moment of linear momentum (L):
The magnitude of angular momentum is the product of moment of inertia and angular speed of
the body i.e. L = Iω.
Actually angular momentum of a body about the axis of rotation can be defined as the moment
of its linear momentum about the same axis.
Expression for Angular Momentum in Terms of Moment of Inertia:
Consider a rigid body consisting of n-particles having masses m1, m2, ---------, mn situated at the
distances r1, r2, --------, rn respectively from the axis of rotation. When such body rotates with
uniform angular velocity, ω, different particles of the body
𝒎𝟐 performs circular motions with common angular speed, ω. But
𝒎𝟑 𝒓 𝒓𝟐 linear speed of the different particle is different. Let these linear
𝟑 O

𝐩𝟑 𝒓 𝐩𝟏 speeds are, v1, v2, -------, vn respectively. Then for the particle
𝒏 having mass, m1 we write: Linear velocity, V1 = r1ω
𝒎𝒏 𝒎 𝟏 Linear momentum, P1 = m1V1 = m1r1ω, which is directed
𝐩𝐧 perpendicular to r1.
∴ moment of linear momentum = r1P1 = m1r12 ω.
Similarly, moment of linear momentum for remaining particles are: m2r22 ω, m3r32 ω, ------, mnrn2 ω.
∴ Moment of linear momentum of rotating body will be sum of all these moments.
∴ Moment of linear momentum of body = m1r12 ω + m2r22 ω +------+mnrn2 ω
= (m1r12 + m2r22 +------+mnrn2 ) ω
L = Iω [∵ n0 mi ri2 = I ]
In vector form, L = I ω


Expression for Torque in Terms of Moment of Inertia:
Consider a rigid body consisting n-particles having masses m1, m2,-------,mn which are at
𝐟𝟐 the distances r1,r2,--------,rn respectively from the axis of
m2 rotation.
𝐟𝟑 𝐫𝟐 When such body rotates with uniform angular
𝐟𝟏 acceleration, α then different particle of the body performs the
𝐫𝐧 𝐫𝟏 m1 circular motions with same angular acceleration, but linear
𝐟𝐧 acceleration for different particle is different. Let these
accelerations are, a1, a2, --------, an respectively. Then for the
first particle i.e. having mass, m1, we write: Linear acceleration, a1 = r1α ∴ Force acting on
particle, f1 = m1 r1α . And torque acting on the particle, τ1 = f1 r1 = m1 𝑟12 α
Similarly, torques‟s acting on remaining particles are: m2𝑟22 α, m3𝑟32 α----, mn𝑟𝑛2 α.
Therefore total torque acting on the rotating body will be addition of all these torques.
∴ τ = (m1 𝑟12 + m2 𝑟22 ------+ mn𝑟𝑛2 ) α = I α . Required relation.
This torque is a vector quantity and is expressed as, τ = I α
Conservation of Angular Momentum:
Principle of conservation of angular momentum:
Statement: “If the external torque acting on the rotating body is zero, then the angular
momentum of the body remains constant.”
Proof : Consider a rigid body rotating with constant angular speed, ω. Let body is made from
large number of particles having masses m1, m2, - - - - ,mn placed at the distances r1, r2, - - - ,rn
respectively from the axis of rotation. Consider one such particle of mass m1 and is at distance
r1 from axis. For this particle let the torque is τ, P is the linear momentum, then its angular
dL d
momentum is given by: L = r x P Differentiating this equation w.r.t. t we get: = dt r x P
dL dP dr dr dP
∴ =rx + dt x P - - - (i) But, dt = v ; = F ; and P = m v
dt dt dt
∴ Equation (i) becomes: = r x F + (v x m v) = r x F + m (v x v)
= r x F + 0 - - - - [∵ Self cross product is zero]
dL dL
Now, r x F = τ ∴ τ = . Now, if resultant torque is zero then = 0.
dt dt
∴ L = constant. This is proof.
Examples: This principle is used in daily life by acrobats, divers, skaters, etc.
1. Ballet dancers: During ice ballet, the dancers have to undertake rounds of smaller and larger
radii. The dancers come together while taking the rounds of smaller radius (near the centre). In
this case, the moment of inertia of system becomes minimum and the frequency increases, to
make it thrilling. While outer rounds, the dancers outstretch their legs and arms. This increases
their moment of inertia that reduces the angular speed and hence the linear speed. This is
essential to prevent slipping.
2. Diving in a swimming pool (during competition): While executing a somersault, a diver pulls
in his hands and legs, so that his M.I. decreases, causing an increase in his speed of rotation. So
that diver can make more number of somersaults. When diver is about to tough water surface,
he stretches his hands so that M.I. increases and speed decreases so that he strikes the water
gently without any harm.
3. A skater, gyrating about himself, increases his speed of rotation by pulling in his limbs. When
the limbs are pulled in, his M.I. decreases and hence his angular speed increases. In order to


decrease the speed of rotation he extends his limbs so that his M.I. increases and hence his
angular speed decreases.
Rolling Motion:
Kinetic energy of a rolling body: When body performs rolling motion, its motion is the
combination of translational motion and rotational motion. Therefore its kinetic energy will be
the sum of translational K.E. (ET) and rotational K.E. (ER).
If „M‟ and „R‟ be the mass and radius of the body, V is the translational speed, ω is the
angular speed and „I‟ is the moment of inertia of the body about an axis passing through the
centre of mass then, ET = ½ MV2 and ER = ½ I ω2.
1 1
∴ E = 2 Mv 2 + 2 Iω2 = ½ MV2 + ½ MK2ω2 where K is radius of gyration.
∴ E = ½ M(R2ω2) + ½ MK2ω2 = ½ Mω2 [R2 + K2] = ½ M R 2 [R2 + K2]
i.e. E = ½ MV2 1 +
Rolling motion of body without slipping on an inclined plane: Consider a rigid body of
mass „M‟ and radius „R‟ rolling down inclined plane of inclination „θ‟ from height „h‟.
Body starts from rest and rolls down, it loses its gravitational potential energy. This potential
energy is converted into kinetic energy.
If „v‟ is the linear speed acquired by the body when it reaches the bottom of the inclined
plane, then:
Loss in P.E. = gain in K.E.
M g h = ½ Mv2 + ½ Iω2
= ½ Mv2 1 + R2
2gh 2gh
∴ v2 = K2
⇒v= K2
- - - - - (i)
h 1 + 2 1+ 2

Let „a‟ be the linear acceleration of the body while

rolling down the plane. As body starts from rest, u = 0,
v = 0 + 2 as where „s‟ is the length of the plane.
2gh 1
∴ a = v2 / 2 s = K2
. 2 S - - - - - (ii) But sin θ = h / S ∴ s = h / sin θ
1+ 2
2gh 1 g sin θ
∴a= K2
x h = K2
- - - - - (iii)
1+ 2 2 1+ 2
R sin θ R
1. For a rolling object, if expression for its moment of inertia is of the form n(MR2), the factor n
gives the value of K2/R2 for that object.
For example, for a uniform solid sphere, I = 5 MR2 ∴ K2/R2 = 2/5
Similarly for ring or hollow cylinder, K2/R2 = 1
For uniform disc or solid cylinder, K2/R2 = ½
For thin walled hollow sphere, K2/R2 = 2/3
2. When rod rolls, it is actually a cylinder that is rolling.
3. While rolling, the ratio of different KEs,
Translational K.E : Rotational K.E. : Total K.E. is 1: K2/R2: (1 + K2/R2)
Foe example, for hollow sphere K2/R2 = 2/3
∴ Translational K.E : Rotational K.E. : Total K.E. is 1: 2/3: (1 + 2/3) = 3:2:5
Generally percentage wise, 60% of its kinetic energy is translational and 40% is rotational.


Kinematical equations for circular motion or Rotational motion:
Consider a particle performing circular motion with uniform angular acceleration α changes
its angular velocity from ω0 to ω in time t so that angular displacement of the particle in time t
is θ, then by using analogy between the uniform linear motion and circular motion we can
write: ω = ω0 + α t - - - - (i); θ = ω0 t + ½ α t2 - - - - (ii); ω2 = ω20 + 2 α . θ - - - - (iii)
Analogous quantities between translational and rotational motions:
Translational motion Rotational motion Inter-relation
Quantity Symbol/expression Quantity Symbol/expression if possible
Linear Angular s=θxr
s θ
displacement displacement
ds Angular dθ v=ωxr
Linear velocity v = dt ω = dt
Linear dv Angular dω
a= α = dt α=axr
acceleration dt acceleration
Rotational I= r 2 dm =
Inertia or mass m I
inertia or MI mi ri2
Linear Angular
p=mv L=Iω L=rxp
momentum momentum
dp dL
Force f= Torque τ= τ=rxf
dt dt
Work W=f.s Work W=τ.θ -----
dW dW
Power P= =f.v Power P= =τ.ω -----
dt dt

Expressions for moment of inertias for some symmetric objects:

Object Axis M.I. Figure

Thin ring or hollow

Central I = MR2

Thin ring Diameter I = 2 MR2

Annular ring or thick

walled hollow Central I = 2 M r22 + r12


Uniform disc or 1
Central I = 2 MR2
solid cylinder

Uniform Disc Diameter I = 4 MR2

Thin walled hollow 2

Central I = 3 MR2

Solid sphere Central I = MR2

Uniform symmetric 2 r 52 − r 51
Central I=5M
spherical shell r 32 − r 31

Perpendicular to
Thin uniform rod or 1
length & passing I = 12 ML2
rectangular plate
through centre

Perpendicular to
Thin uniform rod or 1
length & about one I = 3 MR2
rectangular plate


Uniform plate or
M(L 2 + b 2 )
rectangular Central I= 12

Uniform solid right 3

Central I = 10 MR2
circular cone

Uniform hollow 1
Central I = 2 MR2
right circular cone

1. dθ = dx/r mV 2 r 2
2. ω = dθ/dt * Tension, T´ = r sin θ = mg 1 + h
ω 2 −ω 1 2π(n 2 −n 1 )
3. α = dω/dt = = * Angular speed, ω =
g tan θ
t t
4. v = rω
15. For vertical circular motion,-
5. aT = rα ; aR = = rω = Vω At any position:
6. v = 2πr/T ; ω = 2π/ T ; ω = 2πn. v= 3rg + 2rgcosθ
7. a = V2/r = rω2 = vω , for U.C.M. mV 2
mV 2
T= + mg cosθ
2 2 2 r
8. F= = mrω = mvω = 4π n mr 5
r E = 2 mgr
9. v = μrg , on horizontal road
If at top V = krg then at bottom,
10. Optimum velocity to avoid the wear and tear
of tyres: vs = rg tan θ v = k + 4 rg.
11. On banked road: 16. Kinematical equations for C.M.
ω = ω0 + αt
μs + tan θ
vmax = r g ; θ = ω0 t + 2 αt 2
1 − μs tan θ

tan θ− µs ω2 = ω20 + 2αθ

vmin = r g 1+ μs tan θ IMPORTANT CONVERSIONS
12. h = ℓ sinθ = elevation 1 radian = ( 360/2π)0 = 57.30
v 2o
13. θ = tan−1 1 km/hr = 5/18 m/s
1 N = 105 dyne
14. For conical pendulum, Period,
1 rpm = 1/60 Hz
r h ℓcos θ
T = 2π gtan θ
= 2π g
= 2π g


i=n 2 I
1. I= i=1 mi ri ; I= 𝑟 2 𝑑𝑚; I = MK2. 2. K= M
3. Rotational K.E.; E = 2 Iω2 4. τ = Iα
5. Iz = Ix + Iy ; Io = Ic + Mr ; L = Iω
6. When τ = 0 then Iω = constant; i.e. I1ω1 = I2ω2 If τ = 0.
7. Power; P = τ ω.
1 K2
8. Rolling K.E. = mv 2 1 + R 2

2gh g sin θ
9. Rolling without sliding along inclined plane: v = K2
; a= K2
1+ 2 1+ 2

Body v a
Ring or hollow cylinder gh ½ g sinθ

4 2
Disc or solid cylinder gh g sin θ

10 5
Solid sphere gh g sin θ

* * * * *
1. Choose the correct option.
i) When seen from below, the blades of a ceiling fan are seen to be revolving anticlockwise and their
speed is decreasing. Select the correct statement about the directions of its angular velocity and
angular acceleration.
A) Angular velocity upwards, angular acceleration downwards
B) Angular velocity downwards, angular acceleration upwards.
C) Both, angular velocity and angular acceleration upwards
D) Both, angular velocity and angular acceleration downwards
Ans. (B) According to right hand rule.
ii) A particle of mass 1kg, tied to a 1.2m long string is whirled to perform vertical circular motion,
under gravity. Minimum speed of a particle is 5m/s. Consider following statements.
P) Maximum speed must be 5 5 m/s
Q) Difference between maximum and minimum tensions along the string is 60 N.
Select correct option.
A) Only the statement P is correct B) Only the statement Q is correct.
C) Both statements are correct D) Both statements are incorrect
Ans. (B) Difference = 6mg = 6 x 1 x 10 = 60N
iii) Select the correct statement about the formula (expression) of moment of inertia in terms of mass
M of the object and some of its distance parameter/s, such as R, L, etc.
A) Different objects must have different expressions for their M.I.
B) When rotating about their central axis, a hollow right circular cone and disc have the same
expressions for the M.I..
C) Expression for the M.I. for a parallelepiped rotating about the transverse axis passing through its
centre includes its depth


D) Expression for M.I. of a rod and that of a plane sheet is the same about a transverse axis.
Ans. (B)
iv) In a certain unit, the radius of gyration of a uniform disc about its central and transverse axis is
2.5. Its radius of gyration about a tangent in its plane (in the same unit) must be
A) 5 B) 2.5 C) 2 x 2.5 D) 12.5
R 5 5 R
Ans. (B) IC = ½ MR2 ⇒ KC = = 2.5. Now, IT = 5MR2/4 ⇒ KT = R= = 2.5 . 2.5 = 2.5
2 2 2 2
v) Consider following cases.
P) A planet revolving in an elliptical orbit. Q) A planet revolving in a circular orbit.
Principle of conservation of angular momentum comes in force in which of these?
A) Only for (P) B) Only for (Q) C) For both (P) & (Q) D) Neither (P) nor (Q)
Ans. (C)
x) A thin walled hollow cylinder is rolling down an incline, without slipping. At any instant, the ratio
Rotational K.E. : Translational K.E. : Total K.E. is
A) 1:1:2 B) 1:2:3 C) 1:1:1 D) 2:1:3
2 2 2 2 2 2
Ans. (A) For hollow cylinder, K /R = 1 ∴ Erot : Etra : Etot = 1 : K /R : (1 + K /R ) = 1:1:2
12. Somehow, an ant is stuck to the rim of a bicycle wheel of diameter 1m. While the bicycle is on a
central stand, the wheel is set into rotation and it attains the frequency of 2 rev/s in 10 second, with
uniform angular acceleration. Calculate (i) Number of revolutions completed by the ant in these 10
second. (ii) Time taken by it for first complete revolution and the last complete revolution.
Soln. Data: r = 0.5m, n0 = 0, n = 2 Hz, t = 10s, N = ?, t1 = ?, t10 = ?
α = (ω – ω0) / t = ω/t = 2πn/t = 2π x 2/10 = 0.4π rad/s2.
θ = ω0t + ½ αt2 ⇒ θ = 0 + ½ x 0.4π x 100 = 20π rad.
N = θ/2π = 20π / 2π = 10 revolutions.
θ = ω0t + ½ αt2 ⇒ For 1st revolution, 2π = 0 + ½ x 0.4π x t12 ⇒ t1 = 10 s
For first 9 revolutions, 18π = 0 + ½ x 0.4π x t92 ⇒ t9 = 9.4868s
∴ Time for 10th revolution = t – t9 = 10 – 9.4868 = 0.5132s
13. Coefficient of static friction between a coin and a gramophone disc is 0.5. Radius of the disc is
8cm. Initially the centre of the coin is 2cm away from the central of the disc. At what minimum
frequency will it start slipping from there? By what factor will the answer change if the coin is
almost at the rim? (Use g = π2 m/s2)
Soln. Data: µ = 0.5, R = 0.08m, r = 0.02m, nmin = n1 = ?, n2 = ? for r = R = 0.08m
1 µg
For min frequency, Centripetal force = frictional force ⇒ mrω2 = µmg ⇒ n = ----- (i)
2π r

1 0.5 x π 2
∴ n1 = 2π = 2.5 Hz

1 n r1 0.02 1 1
Now, from equation (i) n ∝ ⇒ n2 = = = 2 ⇒ n2 = 2 n1
r 1 r2 0.08

14. Part of a racing track is to be designed for a curvature of 72m. We are not recommending the
vehicles to drive faster than 216 kmph. With what angle should the road be tilted? By what height
will its outer edge be, with respect to the inner edge if the track is 10m wide?
Sol . Data: r = 72m, vs = 216 km/h = 60m/s, θ = ?, h = ? if ℓ = 10m
θ = tan-1(v2/rg) = tan-1(60 x 60 / 72 x 10) = tan-1(5) = 78.690.
h = ℓ sinθ = 10 x sin(78.69) = 10 x 0.9805 = 9.805 m ≈ 9.8m


15. The road in the question 14 above is constructed as per the requirements. The coefficient of static
friction between the tyres of a vehicle on this road is 0.8, will there be any lower limit? By how
much can the upper speed limit exceed in this case?
Sol . Data: r = 72m, vs = 216 km/h = 60m/s, θ = 78.690, µs = 0.8, ℓ = 10m, vmin = ?, vmax = ?

tan θ− µs 5−0.8
vmin = r g = 72 x 10 = 24.59 m/s ≈ 88 km/h
1+ μs tan θ 1+(0.8 x 5)

As θ = 78.690 > 450 ∴ vmax = ∞ i.e. there is no upper limit.

16. During a stunt, a cyclist (considered to be a particle) is undertaking horizontal circles inside a
cylindrical well of radius 6.05m. If the necessary friction coefficient is 0.5, how much minimum
speed should the stunt artist maintain? Mass of the artist is 50kg. if she/he increases the speed by
20%, how much will the force of friction be?
Sol . Data: r = 6.05m, µs = 0.5, m = 50kg, f2 = ? if v2 = 1.2 v1.
For minimum speed, Frictional force = weight ⇒ µsN = mg where N = mv2/r
rg 6.05 x 10
⇒ vmin = = = 11m/s
µs 0.5

Now, fs = mg = 50 x 10 = 500 N
17. A pendulum consisting of a massless string of length 20cm and a tiny bob of mass 100g is set up as
a conical pendulum. Its bob now performs 75 rpm. Calculate kinetic energy and increase in the
gravitational potential energy of the bob. (Use π2 = 10, given cosθ = 0.8)
Soln. Data: L = 0.2m, m = 0.1kg, n = 1.25Hz, cosθ = 0.8, K.E. = ? ∆(P.E.) = ?
cosθ = 0.8 ⇒ θ = 36.870 ⇒ tanθ = 0.75 and sinθ = 0.6
K.E. = ½ Iω2 = ½ mr2ω2 = ½ mv2 = ½ m rgtanθ = ½ m (Lsinθ) gtanθ
∴ K.E. = ½ x 0.1 (0.2 x 0.6) x10 x 0.75 = 0.045J
Now ∆(P.E.) = mgh = mgL(1 - cosθ) = 0.1 x 10 x 0.2 (1 – 0.8) = 0.2 x 0.2 = 0.04J
18. A motorcyclist (as a particle) is undergoing vertical circles inside a sphere of death. The speed of
the motorcycle varies between 6m/s and 10m/s. Calculate diameter of the sphere of death. How
much minimum values are possible for these two speeds?
Sol . Data: vtop = 6m/s, vbottom = 10m/s, d = ?, vmin = ?, vmax = ?
Let at top, vtop = krg then at vbottom = k + 4 rg ∴ krg = 6 and k + 4 rg = 10. Solving
these two equation for k we get, k = 2.25. use this in krg = 6 we get r = 1.6m ∴ d = 3.2 m
Now, vmin = rg = 1.6 x 10 = 4 m/s and vmax = 5rg = 5 x 1.6 x 10 = 4 5 m/s
19. A metallic ring of mass 1kg has moment of inertia 1 kgm2 when rotating about one of its diameters.
It is molten and remolded into a thin uniform disc of same radius. How much will its moment of
inertia be, when rotated about its own axis?
Sol . Data: R = 1kg, Id = 1 kgm2, M.I for disc = ?

For ring, Id = ½ MR2.

For disc, Ic = ½ MR2.
As M and R both remains same for ring and disc, Id = Ic = 1kg m2
20. A big dumb-bell is prepared by using a uniform rod of mass 60g and length 20cm. Two identical
solid spheres of mass 50g and radius 10cm each are at the two ends of the rod. Calculate moment
of inertia of the dumb-bell when rotated about an axis passing through its centre and perpendicular
to the length. I=?
Sol . Data: M = 60g, L = 20cm, m1 = m2 = 50g, r1 = r2 = 20cm, I = ? m1 ↺ m2
ML 2
I = Irod + 2 Isphere = + m1r12 + m2r22
20cm 20cm


60 x 20 x 20
∴I= + 50 x 20 x 20 + 50 x 20 x 20 = 5 x 400 + 100 x 400
∴ I = 42000 g cm2
21. A Flywheel used to prepare earthenware pots is set into rotation at 100rpm. It is in the form of disc
of mass 10kg and radius 0.4m. A lump of clay (to be taken equivalent to a particle) of mass 1.6kg
falls on it and adheres to it at a certain distance x from the centre. Calculate x if the wheel now
rotates at 80rpm.
Sol . Data: M = 10kg, R = 0.4m, n1 = 100rpm, m = 1.6kg, n2 = 80rpm, x = r = ?
According to principle of conservation of angular momentum we have,
I1n1 = I2n2 ⇒ ½ MR2n1 = (½ MR2 + mr2)n2
∴ ½ x 10 x 0.4 x 0.4 x 100 = (½ x 10 x 0.4 x 0.4 + 1.6x2) 80 ⇒ x = 0.35 m
22. Starting from rest, an object rolls down along an incline that rises by 3 in every 5 (along it). The
object gains a speed of 10 m/s as it travels a distance of 5/3m along the incline. What can be the
possible shape/s of the object?
Sol . Data: H = 3, s = 5, v = 10 m/s when x = s = 5/3. Decide possible shape/s
For given incline as there is rise of 3 for 5; for 5/3 the rise will be 1. i.e. here h = 1m
2gh 2 x 10 x 1 k2
∴v= k2
⇒ 10 = k2
⇒ R 2 = 1 which is for ring or hollow cylinder. Hence possible
1+ 1 + 2
R2 R

shapes of object are ring or hollow cylinder.

* * * * *


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