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Present continuous
 I'm installing the software. Estoy instalando el software.
We use the present continuous to  He is setting up a network. Él está montando una red.
talk about things that take place at  We are working at home today. Estamos trabajando en casa hoy.
the time of speaking and are not  I'm not setting up the network. No estoy configurando la red.
 She isn’t installing the software. Ella no está instalando el software.
 They aren't coming in today. Ellos no vienen hoy.
Generally, the structure is formed
 Are you installing it now? ¿Lo estás instalando ahora?
 What am I doing? ¿Qué estoy haciendo?
S + to be + verb + ing + c
 What are you doing? ¿Qué estás haciendo?
 What is Betty doing? ¿Qué está haciendo Betty?

Key: En este tiempo gramatical la ing traduce ando – endo en español.

1. Une las oraciones de 1-6 con los complementos a-f.

1. Hanka is creating a) the software.

2. Philip is inserting an b) a check-up.

3. Rob is troubleshooting c) a file.

4. We are running d) a device.

5. Betty is connecting e) the network.

6. They are setting up f) image.

2. Completa las oraciones con la forma correcta del verbo to be (afirmativa o negativa).
1. It ____isn’t____ going well.
2. I ___am_____ learning a new program.
am/am not
3. She _____isn’t__ working in the office today. She has a day off.
4. They ___are_____ installing the new software. are/aren't.

5. We ___are_____ setting up the network.


6. We ____aren’t____ using Word. We have a different word-processing program.

7. Where ____are____ they working today?
8. What ____is____ he installing on the computer?
9. I ___am not_____ coming in today. I'm sick.
10. ____is____ she working at home today?

3. Escucha el audio y completa el dialogo.

Paul: Hi, Brinitha

Brinitha: Hi, Paul.
Paul: How's it (1) ___going__________?
Brinitha: Fine, fine.
Paul: What (2) _______are_________ you (3) ____doig_________ at the moment?
Brinitha: Oh, I (4) _____am installing__________ Nero.
Paul: How are you getting on?
Brinitha: Well, I (5) _____am setting up__________ a network. I (6) __am using__Microsoft Server.
Paul: Right. Where is Jackie today? Do you know?
Brinitha: Yes. She is on a training course today. She (7) _is learning__ about the new database system.
Paul: What about Mary and Imran? Where are they?
Brinitha: They (8) not coming_ in today. They have a day off.

4. Haz una lista en inglés de todos los verbos usados en este taller.
1. installing insertin working speaking
2. setting running using
3. coming connecting getting
4. doing setting know
5. creating learning have

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