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This is a time wh en th e Empire is being torn following him, ready to fight for the h on our of

apart fro m within . A time wh en there is no Bretonnia and the Lady of the Lake .
Empe ro r and th e lands are in cre asingly divided ,
Once on a qu est a Knight w ill be sp urred on by
as individual cities look to their ow n lords and
dreams an d visions o fte n visited upon h im by
mercantile Bu rgo meisters gai n in p ower
th e Lady o f the Lake . Th is lead s him ever
through gold. Where co rru p tio n flows like
onwards and inspires and encou rages h im on
e fflu ent down the River Reik and conspiracy is
his quest . In time he hopes that through his
rife throughout th e land . By co ntrast, happy is
deeds and valour he will ea rn th e favour of th e
the land of Bretonnia where chivalry reigns,
Lady of the Lake and she will let him drink from
honour is upheld and th e Lady of th e Lake still
th e Gr ail of Life. Thi s is th e final reward for a
bestows her favour o n th o se deemed worthy. To
knight, an d on findi ng th e Grail he will return to
the knights of Bretonnia Mordheim is a vile
Bretonnia to p rotect its p eople. Until th at tim e
place w h ere virtue and o rder ha ve be en
th ough, he is bound to fight th e enemies of
d iscarded . Where a p roud city once stood
virtu e and order and to e nd u re incalculabl e
nightmarish creatures now wander th e stree ts
an d mix w ith men in d en s of corru pt ion and
squ alor. It is therefore considered ext reme ly
virtu o us for a knight to e mbar k o n a sp iritua l 6ped(t( ~u(e$
quest to Mordheim, seeking to ach ieve honour Before h eading into battle Bretonnian Knigh ts
in b attle and perhaps ea rn th e favour of th e kneel and pray to th e Lady o f the Lake , avowing
Lad y of the Lake herself. In Mordheim a knight' s to figh t to th e death for honour and justi ce .
co u ra ge and valour will be th oroughly tested , Before playing a game o f Mordheim make a
but so mu ch the better, because with hardsh ip Lead e rs hi p test ag ains t th e Lead ership
come honour. ch aracteristic of the warbands leader. If th e test
is su ccess ful th e Lady of th e Lake h as bestowed
he r blessing o n th e wa rband . Th e ble ssin g takes
th e form of a p owerful curse upon the ene m ies
o f chi valry; and in pa rt icu lar upo n th o se th at
m ake u se of the foul and d ishonourable
weap o ns of mass d estruction. Any model in th e
o ppos ing warband wh o w ishes to fire a black
powder weapon mu st roll a D6 and sco re 4 + to
overco me th e cu rse , otherwi se th ey ma y not fire
A Quest ing Knight will relinquish his cas tle and
the we ap on. The op p osing pl ayer must te st
domain to se t out o n su ch a journey. He
eac h time th ey wish to fire su ch a weapon.
becomes free from any obligation to defend a
Models armed with o ther shoo ting we apons,
domain and w ill now see k a road leading to n ew
adve n tures. A Qu e sting Knight has put all su ch as bows and cro ssbows, do n ot ha ve to test
unless th ey d are raise their wea p ons aga inst th e
wo rld ly amb itio ns aside and is acco rded a rank
far greater th en even th e most p owerful dukes ga llant Knight s of Bretonnia . If any e nemy
m odel wish es to sh oot at a Bretonnian Knight
of th e land. Su ch a gestu re is considered
p arti cul arly noble, an d it is not uncommon for (Qu esting Knights and Errants only) , th en th ey
must first roll a 4 + o n a D6 to overco me th e
oth er kn ights and co m mo n folk to flock to th e
Questing Knights aid . Knights Err ant in
p artic u lar are eag er for ad venture and a chance
to win honou r by a feat of arms, so will often lC~~ice ~f ~(t\'l'i~\'$
join a Questing Knight o n his journey. By the A Quest ing Knight 's warband must include a
time th e Qu est ing Knight lea ves th e fair lands of minimum of three models. You have 500 gold
Bretonnia h e will have a siza b le re tin ue
crowns to recruit your
initial warband. The
maximum number of
warriors in the warband may
never exceed 12.
Questing Knight: Each
Questing Knight's warband
must have one Questing Knight:
no more, no less!
Knight Errant: Your warband
may include up to two Knight
Squires: Your warband may
include up to three squires. You
may not have more squires in the
warband then you have Knights.
Men-at-arms: Your warband may
include any number of Men-at-
Bowmen: Your warband may
include any number of Bowmen.

Starting !E~perience
The Questing Knight starts with 20
Knights Errant start with 8 experience.
Squires start with 0 experience.
Henchmen start with 0 experience.

Speciaf !Equipment will only be
Barding (rare 11): Barding is armour for a killed on a D6
horse in the same way that light armour is roll of a 1 if the
armour for a human. It covers the mount's hide, model is taken out
and in some cases, its head. A model mounted of action (instead of a 1 or
on a barded horse receives an extra + 1 to their 2) . Barding may only ever be
armour save (+ 2 instead of the usual + 1 for bought for a warhorse.
being mounted). In addition, a mount wearing

r Combat
.I .I .I

.I .I

= .I
.-------- -- - - - - - - - - - - -----:-

The foll owin g lists are u sed by Bretonnian warbands to pick thei r weapons :


Hand-to-hand Combat Weapons Helm et 10 gc
Dagger I st free /2 gc B~~cr 5~
Mace 3 gc Horse 40 gc
Sword 5 gc
Double-hand ed weapon 15 gc
Hand-to-hand Combat Weapons
Morning Star 15 gc
Dagger l st free /2 gc
Lance 20 gc
Hammer 3 gc
Missile Weapons
Swo rd 5 gc
Axe 5gc
Armour Spea r 10 gc
Ligh t armou r 20 gc Halberd 10 gc
Heavy ar mo ur 50 gc Do ub le-hande d weapon 15 gc
Shield 5 gc Armour
Helmet 10 gc
Light ar mo ur 20 gc
Warhors e 80 gc
Shield 5 gc
Bard ing 30 gc
He lme t 10 gc
Hand- to-hand Combat Weapons Hand-to-hand Combat Weapons
Dagger l st free /2 gc
Dagger l st free /2 gc
Ham me r 3 gc
Sword 5 gc
Sword 5 gc
Axe 5 gc
~e 5~
Missile Weapons
Spear 10 gc
Bow 10 gc
Missile Weapons
Longb ow 15 gc
Bow 10 gc
Lo ngbow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 gc
Light armo u r 20 gc
Helmet 10 gc
Light arm our 20 gc

~~~_ . ====---=--=
1 ~uc$ting ~nig~t so does not have to pass a Leadership test for
being all alone.
80 gold crowns to hire
A Questing Knight is an ext remely tough and
virtuous individual, who fights to uphold the o-~ 6quirc$
traditions of honour and to serve the Lady of 15 gold crowns to hire
the Lake. Injustice an d the persecution of the Knights are served by their Squires, commoners
weak are his enemies, whilst courage and valour who ride to the hunt with their master, an d who
are h is companions. It is no wonder then that accompany him to war. They are chosen from
many a Questing Knight will journey to the fittest and youngest of a Knight's retinue,
Mordheim. and they are tra ined and schooled by the knight
Profile M WS BS S T W A Ld himself. If a squire performs some great deed or
service to his master he may even be raised to
4 4 3 4 3 1 4 1 8 the ranks of knighthood!
Weapons/Armour: A Questing Knight may be Profile M WS BS S T W A Ld
equipped with weapons and armour chosen
from the Knights section of the Bretonnian
Equipment list . Weapons/Armour: Squires may be equipped
with weapons and armour chosen from the
SPECIAL RULES Squires section of the Bretonnian Equipment
Leader: Any warrior within 6" of the Questing list . A Squire may not ride a horse unless the
Knight may use his Leadership characteristic Questing Knight and any Knight Errant in the
when taking Leadership tests. warband are rid ing warhorses.
Knights Virtue: A Questing Knight is a
chivalrous warrior who is su perior to ordinary
warriors. He will never panic and break from
combat and so does not have to p ass a
Leadership test for being all alone.

0-2 ~nig~t$ a!mmt

50 gold crowns to hire
Knight Errant are the sons of nobles, eager to
prove their mettle by feats of arms, and earn
their place amongst the Knights of the Realm of
Bretonnia. To do this they must perform
valourous deed, so they will often accompany a
Questing Knight on his sp iritual journey in the
hope of adventure and honour.
Profile M WS BS S T W A Ld
433331 317
Weapons/Armour: A Knight Errant may be
equipped with we apons and armour chosen
from the Knights section of the Bretonnian
Equipment list . A Knight Errant may not ride a
warhorse unless the Questing Knight also rides

Knights Virtue: A Knight Errant is a chivalrous
warrior who is superior to ordinary warriors.
He will never panic and break from combat and
~en,~men (~cug~t in grcup6 cf 1-5)
0'8 A1en'at'~Jl'm$ ~OUlmen
25 gold crowns to hire 20 gold crowns to hire
Men-at-arms are the soldiery of Bretonnia. Every Bowmen are common folk who regularly
Knight maintains a retinue when he is a lord of practice archery at the village butts so as to be
a domain, and upon embarking on a quest, this ready to repel ra iders from their humble
retinue may join him on his jo u rney Men-at- cottages, fields and vineyards. When a Knight
arms are determined warriors, ready to fight for sets off on a quest it is not uncommon for a
honour and justice as much as the Questing handful of bowmen to be inspired to bravery
Knight they follow. and join the Knight on his journey.
Profile M WS BS S T W A Ld Prome M WS BS S T W A Ld
4 33331317 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 6
Weapons/Armour: Men-at-arms may have Weapons/Armour: Bowmen may be
weapons and equipment chosen from the Men- equipped with weapons chosen from the
at-arms section of the Bretonnian Equipment Bowmen section of the Bretonnian Equipment
list. list.

32 6peciaf 6~iffs
Bret onnian Hero es ma y use the following Skill tab le ins tead of any o f th e standard Skill tabl es
availab le to th em.

~l'et~nnian 6pecia( 6~i((6 th e knight is not ou t of action, stu n ne d or

knocked down, yo u may re-roll a failed rout
Br etonnian Questin g Knig h ts may u se the
following skill list inst ead of th e standard skill test.

Virtue Qf ~urit~
The Knight's so le purpose is to serve th e Lad y of
th e Lake . His pu rity o f heart and d iscip lin e
endow him wi th the strength of sp irit to resist
ene my m agic. Any spell cas t aga in st th e knight
w ill be dispelled o n th e 06 roll of a 4 +. This is Virtue Qf mQbCe ?C>i6~ain
a natu ral d isp el o n acco u nt of th e knights Th e Knight has nothin g but contempt for
ext rem e pi ety. e nem ies w ho h id e behind we apons of
dish onour. The Knight is su bject to Hatred of
all e ne m ies ar med wi th sho oting weapons. See
Virtue Qf VaCQUr th e Lead ership and Psych ology section (p38) .
Th e Kn ight has vowed to confront th e biggest
and st ro ngest foes. The more awesome his
ene my, th e m ore valourous are hi s effo rts. If Virtue Qf l$mpetUQU6
fighti ng a model with a hi gh er Stre ng th The Knight is eager to ge t to grips with the
cha racteris tic th an him self, the Knight m ay re- en emy. He charges into co mba t w ith reckless
ro ll any failed to hit ro lls in hand-to-h and ent h usias m . The Knight may add + 03" to hi s
combat. m ove whe n charging. Roll th e dice each tim e
you w ish to cha rge and before moving the
mod el.
Virtue Qf ?C>i6cipCine
The Knight has total faith in hi s ch ivalric co de :
;r ~
he main tain s self-control in the face of adve rs ity, jJ (~t ~ a fan'i i\Jfm un'«t...
an d displ ays comp let e co nfiden ce wha tever the
Tom Merrigan, who ha ils from Sydney in
odds . Once per game , if
Oz, is fast becoming a name oflegend in
the dark halls of the Bla ck library. 10m
has had no less than six articles printed
by Fanatic Press, in the J ournal and Gang
War! Now that Tom's cut his teeth on the
delights ofMordbeim I'm sure that we'll
be featuring more of his work.


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