Global Issues Speech Questions

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a) What global issues have emerged because of miscommunication?

 From the speech of Former United Kingdom Prime Minister, Gordon

Brown, we can narrow down the global problems that were actually a
result of miscommunication—or the lack of communication—to three
things: inequality, poverty, and conflict. In poorer countries all around
the world, people have been suffering for centuries, yet, so little
change has been made even in the presence of the United Nations.
Because of barriers that inhibit communication between people and
countries, people are forced to live a life of inhumanity and inequality.
Gordon Brown further exemplifies the need for communication in order
for us to build a truly “global society” by delving into the lives of
people who have first-hand experience of these global issues.
b) How can effective communication and language use contribute to the
creation of a truly global society?
 By creating global institutions that cater to the needs of the global
community (and not just the developed countries); we are moving one
step closer to creating a “global society” for the betterment of the
whole world, and to solve problems that could not be addressed
without communication. Effective communication can really contribute
to this cause because we aren’t only limiting our reach to people within
our community, we are actually expanding our horizons, “building
networks” as they say, and creating an even bigger community that
can help us address the problems that need to be addressed. By using
social media platforms, joining various propagandas, signing petitions
and what not, we acknowledge the dire NEED for change, and as we
do, other people will too. This is how effective communication will help
our generation in creating the global society that the human race has
been dreaming of.

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