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Diversity of

By sai chaitra gutta
What is diversity?
• Diversity drives creativity and innovation

Every culture, every nationality, every single person sees the world in a different way. Similarly, every culture, nationality,
and person has different knowledge, perspectives, and points of view. When all of these different views are shared
together, miracles can happen. We all should be one not many.
What is a democratic country?
• India is a democratic country, but what does it mean?-
• A democratic country has a system of government in which the people have the
power to participate in decision-making. Each democracy is unique and works in
different ways. In some democracies citizens help make decisions directly by
voting on laws and policy proposals, In a short form its basically that all eligible
citizens have the right to participate, either directly or indirectly, in making the
decisions that affect them.
• The Past Teaches Us About the Present

Why is our
history gives us the tools to analyze and explain problems in the past
History also-
history • History helps us understand other cultures. ...
important • History helps us understand our own society. ...

to us? • History helps us understand our own identities. ...

• History builds citizenship. ...
Religion is understood to influence subjective well-being through
various ways: the religious community gives people a sense of
belonging and provides an important source of social support; religion
Why is gives people's lives meaning and purpose; and finally, religion
encourages people to lead healthier lifestyles
our religion
to us? Some people don't believe in religion, god etc. They are
called “atheists”
India's popular street foods
India's favorite street foods are-


Vada pav

Masala Chai


Pani Puri
India's Languages
• India's languages-
• 121 languages and 270 mother tongues.
• There are only 22 official languages in india out of 121.
• They are -
• Bengali, Hindi, Maithili, Nepalese, Sanskrit, Tamil, Urdu, Assamese, Dogri, Kannada, Gujarati, Bodo, Manipur (also
known as Meitei), Oriya, Marathi, Santali, Telugu, Punjabi, Sindhi, Malayalam, Konkani and Kashmiri.
The most popular and
Diwali. Holi.
celebrated festivals are-

Festivals Dussehra. Navrat Krishna Janmashtmi.

of India
Ganesh Chaturthi. Kumbh Mela. Shivratri
India is one of the most religiously and ethnically diverse nations in the world, with
some of the most deeply religious societies and cultures. Religion plays a central and
definitive role in the life of many of its people. Although India is a secular Hindu-
majority country, it has a large Muslim population.

India's What is Indian culture in simple words?

culture is
The culture of India refers to a collection of minor unique cultures. The culture of India
comprises of clothing, festivals, languages, religions, music, dance, architecture, food, and
art in India. Most noteworthy, Indian culture has been influenced by several foreign
cultures throughout its history.
The importance of language

Language is a vital part of human connection. Although all species have their ways of communicating. Language allows us
to share our ideas, thoughts, and feelings with others. It has the power to build societies, but also tear them down.

Language is important in every aspect of our lives because it allows people to communicate in a manner that enables the
sharing of common ideas
Why festivals are important

Festivals are an expressive way to celebrate glorious heritage, culture and traditions. They are meant to rejoice special
moments and emotions in our lives with our loved ones. They play an important role to add structure to our social lives,
and connect us with our families and backgrounds

They bring people together and create a sense of belonging in the community. On these days people from all walks of life
come together to celebrate life.
Who wrote Indian history first?
The "First comprehensive history of India" was written by Henry Beveridge. Explanation: The first comprehensive history of India was
written in three volumes that cover different periods of India such as an ancient, a medieval, and a modern.

Who is the father of history Indian history?

The Father of History in India

Due to his pioneering work of recording various ethnographic observations in India, Megasthenes is considered the father of Indian
history. His works are compiled into a volume called 'INDIKA'.
1. Diwali-
How we
celebrate A lot of people burst fireworks, but normally we shouldn't but since a
lot of people do no one stops them.
a few of You can burst fireworks if you want since no one will stop you and you
the most can burst fireworks for the night.

popular The proper way to celebrate Diwali is with-

festivals- Diya and lighting, home decoration, shopping, puja (prayers), gifts, feast,
and sweets.
How we celebrate a few of the
most popular festivals-

2. Holi-
People celebrate Holi by splashing water and smearing each other with colors.
They also dance while covered in water and colors.
During Holi you can expect-
Big crowds, colored dye, water guns, music, dancing, and partying.
How we
a few of 3. Dusshera-
Most people celebrate Dusshera by-
the most Putting tika on forehead, prayers, religious rituals like burning an

popular effigy of Ravana and special prayer meetings and food offerings to the
gods at home or in temples throughout India
• A lot of Indians or some others (mostly adults) fast on Ramadan

Fasting • They have to follow these rules-

• They can't eat any food or drink any liquids for 24 hours
India's constitution and how it was
It was adopted by the Constituent Assembly of India on 26 November 1949 and became effective on 26 January 1950. The constitution
replaced the Government of India Act 1935 as the country's fundamental governing document, and the Dominion of India became the Republic
of India.

The people who wrote the constitution-

B. R. Ambedkar (Chairman of the Drafting Committee) B. N. Rau (Constitutional Advisor to the Constituent Assembly) Surendra Nath Mukherjee
(Chief Draftsman of the Constituent Assembly) and other members of Constituent Assembly.
why is the indian constitution

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