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The Amoud University Quality Assurance and Maintenance of Standards Policy,, 2019

A Vehicle for Peace and

The Quality Assurance and

Maintenance of Standards Policy

January 2019

The Amoud University Quality Assurance and Maintenance of Standards Policy, 2019

Copy Right @ 2019

Amoud University - Somaliland

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The Amoud University Quality Assurance and Maintenance of Standards Policy, 2019

By the President, Amoud University

Effective institutional QAMS assess quality against their mission and related
objectives. Amoud University shall strive to be an example of an efficient and
effective Quality Assurance system development in Somaliland. Amoud
University in this Quality Assurance framework has adopted Quality as
fitness for purpose: a concept that stresses the need to meet or conform to
generally accepted standards such as those defined by an accreditation or
quality assurance body, the focus being on the efficiency of the processes at
work in Amoud University or programme in fulfilling the stated given
objectives and mission.

Amoud University is undergoing rapid expansion in terms of student

enrolment and new programmes. An effective teaching and learning policy is
a precondition for social change and economic development. There are at the
same time an increasing number of institutions of higher learning in
Somaliland posing competition. This calls for a review of the organization and
administration of the QAMS function at Amoud University, and creates the
need to harness QAMS and Maintenance of Standards mechanisms for better
and efficient staff, teaching and research, management and administration.

The Amoud University Quality Assurance and Maintenance of Standards Policy, 2019


To be written by director, quality assurance and maintenance of standards


Mr. Bishar E. Yey
Director, Quality Assurance and maintenance of Standards
Amoud University

The Amoud University Quality Assurance and Maintenance of Standards Policy, 2019


1) Dr. Mohamed M. Jibril, Vice President, Academic Affairs, Chairperson.

2) Prof. Mohamed M. Jamaa, Vice President, OSACS, ex-offico member.
3) Mr. Suleiman H. Ali, Academic Registrar.
4) Dr. Willis Y. Oso, Snr. Advisor, Academic Affairs & Sec. to Mngt.
5) Dr. Mohamed A. Nageeye, Dean, Faculty of Sharia & Law.
6) Mr. Abdikarim I. Nour, Dean, Faculty of Engineering.
7) Mr. Abdirahman A. Muhumed, Dean, Faculty of Education.
8) Mr. Abdirizak M. Osman, Dean, Faculty of Economics & Political Science.
9) Mr. Abokor S. Ali, Dean, Faculty of Business & Public Administration.
10) Mr. Bishar E. Yey, Director, Quality Assurance and Maintenance of
11) Mr. Edwin O. Okech, Dean, Faculty of Computing & ICT, Ag. Secretary.
12) Mr. Harun I. Warsame, Dean, Freshman Department.
13) Mr. Mohamed A. Osman, Dean, Faculty of Agriculture & Environment.
14) Mr. Tawakal A. Ali, Assistant, Academic Affairs.

Dr. Mohamed M. Jibril
Vice President, Academic Affairs

The Amoud University Quality Assurance and Maintenance of Standards Policy, 2019

PREFACE................................................................................................................ III
INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. IV
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ....................................................................................... V
TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................ VI
LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................... IX
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ..................................................X
FORWARD ............................................................................................................. XI
PART I: SUMMARY OF THE QAMS POLICY ..................................................... 1
Preamble ................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background to the QAMS Policy ................................................................. 1
1.2 Implementation of the QAMS Policy ........................................................... 2
1.3 QAMS Policy Structure and Framework ..................................................... 3
1.4 Codes of Practices .......................................................................................... 4
1.5 The QAMS Policy........................................................................................... 4
1.5.1 Purpose QAMS Policy ................................................................................... 4
1.5.2 Mission of QAMS Policy ............................................................................... 4
1.5.3 Objectives of the QAMS Policy..................................................................... 4
1.5.4 Basic Features of the QAMS Policy .............................................................. 5
1.6 Definitions of Terms in the QAMS Policy Document ................................ 6
1.7 Principles of the QAMS Policy ..................................................................... 7
1.8 The QAMS Mechanisms/Framework ......................................................... 7
1.8.1 Scope of Internal QAMS ............................................................................ 8
1.8.2 Scope of External QAMS.......................................................................... 10
1.9 Academic Division Self-Study .................................................................... 11
PART II: QAMS MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE ............................................... 12
2.1 Introduction.................................................................................................. 12
2.2 Principles for Quality Management and Enhancement ........................... 12
2.3 The QAMS Management Structures .......................................................... 13
2.3.1 The Amoud University Joint Council-Senate QAMS Committee ........ 13
2.3.2 Terms of Reference for the Joint Council-Senate QAMS Committee .. 13
2.3.3 The QAMS Directorate ............................................................................ 13 Director of QAMS Unit..................................................................... 13 The Deputy Director QAMS Unit .................................................... 14 Programme Officers .......................................................................... 15 Administrative Assistants ................................................................ 15
2.4 QAMS Directorate Financing ..................................................................... 15
2.5 Faculty QAMS and Maintenance of Standards Committee ..................... 15
2.5.1 Membership of the Faculty/School QAMS Committee ...................... 15
2.5.2 Terms of Reference for the Faculty/School QAMS Committee ........... 16
2.5.3 Administrative QAMS Committee ......................................................... 16
2.5.4 Terms of Reference for the Administrative QAMS ............................... 16
2.5.5 Tenure of Membership ............................................................................. 16

The Amoud University Quality Assurance and Maintenance of Standards Policy, 2019

2.6 Roles and Responsibilities in the QAMS Process ..................................... 17

2.6.1 Roles of Students in the QAMS Process ................................................. 17
2.6.2 Roles of Academic Staff ........................................................................... 17
2.6.3 Roles of HODs/Deans/Directors in the QAMS Process ...................... 18
2.6.4 Role of the QAMS Directorate in the QAMS Process............................ 19
2.6.5 Roles of the Support Services Departments in the QAMS Process ...... 19
2.6.6 Roles of the Management Function in the QAMS Process ................... 19
PART III: INFORMATION FOR QAMS .............................................................. 20
3.1 Sources of Information and Accessibility .................................................. 20
3.2 Information for Students ............................................................................. 20
3.2.1 Course Outlines ........................................................................................ 20
3.2.2 Programme Guides .................................................................................. 21
3.2.3 The Student Handbook ............................................................................ 22
3.2.4 Support Department Information ........................................................... 22
3.2.5 Further Students Information.................................................................. 22
3.3 Information for Staff ................................................................................... 23
3.3.1 QAMS Information for Staff .................................................................... 23
3.4 Quality of Research and Postgraduate Programmes................................ 24
3.4.1 General Principles of QAMS at the Postgraduate School ..................... 24
3.4.2 General Principles of QAMS for Postgraduate Students ...................... 25
3.4.3 General Principles of QAMS for Postgraduate Staff and Supervisors 26
3.4.4 General Principles of QAMS in Admission of Postgraduate Students 27
4.1 The Scope and Purpose QAMS in Research .............................................. 28
4.2 Professional Standards for QAMS in Research ......................................... 28
4.2.1 Honesty in Research ................................................................................. 28
4.2.2 Openness in Research .............................................................................. 28
4.2.3 Accountability in Research ...................................................................... 28
4.2.4 Responsibilities in Research .................................................................... 29
4.2.5 Principles of Good Research Practice ..................................................... 29
4.2.6 Appropriateness of Research Funders ................................................... 30
4.2.7 Ethical Approval in Research .................................................................. 30
4.2.8 Misconduct in Research ........................................................................... 30
4.3 Guidelines for Approval of Research......................................................... 31
4.4 Guidelines for Evaluation of Research ...................................................... 31
5.1 General Principles for QAMS in Students Admission ............................. 32
5.2 Specific Requirements for QAMS in Students Admission....................... 32
5.3 General Principles for QAMS in University Evaluation System ............. 32
5.3.1 Amoud University Policy for Examinations and Academic Matters .. 32
5.3.2 Quality Management and Enhancement of Evaluation........................ 33
5.4 Responsibilities of Devolved Academic Units in QAMS in Evaluation . 34
5.5 Responsibilities of Examination Boards in QAMS in Evaluation ........... 34
5.6 Responsibilities in Preparing for Examination Boards ............................ 35

The Amoud University Quality Assurance and Maintenance of Standards Policy, 2019

5.7 Determination of Marks at the Departmental Examinations Board ....... 35

5.8 QAMS in Graduation .................................................................................. 37
6.1 QAMS in Curriculum Development .......................................................... 38
6.1.1 Stage One of Curriculum Development ................................................. 38
6.1.2 Stage Two of Curriculum Development – Departmental ..................... 38
6.1.3 Stage Three of Curriculum Development – Faculty/School ................ 39
6.1.4 Stage Four of Curriculum Development - Senate.................................. 39
6.1.5 Stage Five of Curriculum Development – Senate QAMS ..................... 40
6.1.6 Stage Six of Curriculum Development – University Council............... 41
6.1.7 Stage Six of Curriculum Development – Implementation.................... 41
6.2 Curriculum Design at Amoud University ................................................. 41
6.3 QAMS in Student Intake ............................................................................. 43
6.4 Evaluation Framework for Programme Development/Review ............. 43
6.5 Programme Review Routine ....................................................................... 46

The Amoud University Quality Assurance and Maintenance of Standards Policy, 2019

Table 1: Staff/Student Ratio by Programmes ..................................................... 43
Table 2: Framework for Evaluation of New Academic Programmes ............... 44

The Amoud University Quality Assurance and Maintenance of Standards Policy, 2019


The Amoud University Quality Assurance and Maintenance of Standards Policy, 2019


The Amoud University Quality Assurance and Maintenance of Standards Policy, 2019


1) Amoud University, being the premier and leading institution of higher
learning in Somaliland/Somalia, and;
2) Concerned that Amoud University must be ranked among top East African
and African universities;
3) Cognizant of Amoud University Vision to become a centre of academic
excellence, providing world class teaching, research and service relevant to
sustainable development needs of society;
4) Cautious of the Somaliland Constitution, 2000, and the minimum standards
set by the Commission of Higher Education (CHE);
5) Aware of public demand and desire for quality education at all levels but
more so at the University;
6) Further Aware of the many emerging universities in the country that could
pose serious challenge to the quality of University education;
7) Informed by the University’s Strategic Development agenda from time to
8) Now therefore, the Amoud University Senate through this policy
instrument takes positive and proactive steps to ensure quality teaching,
learning, research and community services relevant to the needs of Amoud

This policy document specifies the University’s approach to quality assurance

and maintenance of standards as well as its principles, features and structures.
Amoud University wishes to assure quality teaching, learning, research,
research training and service delivery through a regular review and
improvement process. Amoud University is a dynamic community of
students, scholars and staff committed to performing at the highest standards.
Amoud University’s aim is to provide a stimulating and innovative
environment for teaching, learning, research and research training. Its
approach to quality assurance and maintenance of standards is to learn from
best practices, locally and internationally, and benchmark against
internationally determined and agreed common standards.

1.1 Background to the Quality Assurance and Maintenance of Standards

The collapse the central government in Somalia, coupled with non-recognition
of the state of Somaliland has meant that Amoud University, and indeed other
universities in Somaliland, have generally lacked international recognition.

The Amoud University Quality Assurance and Maintenance of Standards Policy, 2019

But the need and demand for quality education does not, and indeed has not
waited for central government. The role of education in development of the
self and the society need not be overstated. Education is central to any
development agenda. But for education to play its roles, it must be of
acceptable quality.

Amoud University has conceptualized a clear view of the way to go to serve

and meet the changing needs of society by providing quality higher education
in Somaliland, the larger Somalia and beyond. The University believes that
key to meeting the ever evolving needs of the society is the development of an
effective and efficient (QAMS) system underpinned by quality teaching,
research, curriculum, student assessment, focused on the needs of the
University, the needs of Somaliland and the larger Somalia, and the needs of
the African region and beyond.

Quality Assurance and Maintenance of Standards at Amoud University shall

emphasis on controlling inputs, with attention to the processes and outputs
through a variety of internal and external methods.
1) The internal methods shall generally take the form of moderation of
examinations papers, processes, programmes and products by peers,
and vetting by Senate committees.
2) External measures shall comprise engaging external examiners and
reviewers to vet examination, processes, programmes and products at
all stages.

1.2 Implementation of the QAMS Policy

1) The Vice President, Academic Affairs, shall oversee and provide overall
supervision on the QAMS implementation.
2) The Director, QAMS – Amoud University, shall direct and manage the
implementation of the QAMS policy and framework.
3) The Joint University Council-Senate QAMS shall provide direction and
support which is critical to operationalizing the policy.
4) The QAMS Policy shall be implemented and carried out in the context of
Vision, Mission and Values Statements of Amoud University. The policy is
based on the expectation that high quality standards shall be achieved and
maintained and that academic programmes shall be internationally
5) The participatory nature of the QAMS structure is critical and shall be
reflected in the composition of all Amoud University committees and task
forces, and proposals written for Amoud University.
6) Quality management shall include:
i. Mandatory internal moderation procedures to ensure validity of
student assessments and reliability of marking.

The Amoud University Quality Assurance and Maintenance of Standards Policy, 2019

ii. Assessment and monitoring of academic honesty.

iii. Monitoring academic staff performance standards.
iv. Self-study reports.
v. Standardized programme and course development procedures, which
include Senate approved guidelines/templates.
vi. An annual appraisal of:
a) What a department is trying to do (planning);
b) What it has done (or is doing);
c) Monitoring and evaluating processes and outcomes, (Reviewing);
d) Making appropriate changes based on the data (improving); and
e) Academic and non academic staff performance.
f) Taking measures to remedy gaps and mis-performance.

1.3 Quality Assurance and Maintenance of Standards Policy Structure

and Framework
This framework provides goals and objectives for setting up the Quality
Assurance and Maintenance of Standards Policy (QAMS Policy). It also lays
down principles and guidelines to guide in its implementation. The
framework proposes that:
1) A QAMS management structure be put in place to coordinate the
implementation of the policy. The significant features of the QAMS
management structure include:
i. Setting up of a Joint University Council-Senate QAMS Committee
to be known as University Quality Assurance and Maintenance of
Standards Committee (UQAMS);
ii. College QAMS Committee; and
iii. Faculty/School QAMS Committee; and
iv. Departmental QAMS Committee; and
2) The implementation of the QAMS Policy shall be spearheaded Amoud
University Top Management under the leadership of the Vice President,
Academic Affairs.
3) The Policy shall apply to all units of Amoud University through
internal quality assurance mechanisms on a continuous basis and
external quality assurance strategies which shall be periodic.
4) The QAMS mechanisms shall focus on the quality of:
i. Programmes and courses.
ii. Staff.
iii. Teaching and learning experiences.
iv. Staff/student performance evaluation.
v. Community and support services.
vi. Resources and facilities, and
vii. Research.

The Amoud University Quality Assurance and Maintenance of Standards Policy, 2019

1.4 Codes of Practices

1) The following codes of practices shall form the benchmarks and guidelines
for implementation of the QAMS Policy.
i. Maintenance of high quality research and postgraduate
ii. Collaborative quality assurance and maintenance of standards.
iii. Quality experiential and flexible learning.
iv. Students’ admission, assessment and quality standards.
v. Programme approval, monitoring and review.
vi. Staff recruitment, development and appraisal.
vii. Equality of opportunities.
2) Each of these key areas has a section that provides the general guidelines
on quality assurance mechanisms, as organized in this document which
may be revised whenever its principles are significantly affected by
changes in policy or procedures as agreed by the joint University Council-
Senate QAMS Committee.

1.5 The QAMS Policy

1.5.1 Purpose QAMS Policy
The aim of this QAMS Policy is to enhance the effectiveness of Amoud
University’s core activities of teaching (and learning), research, publication,
and community service, and support the University to achieve its mission and
vision through development and implementation of academic programmes
that meet national, regional and international standards in line with the
university strategic goals. The QAMS Policy addresses all areas of the
University’s activities focusing on their contribution to and in alignment with
the University’s strategic goals.

1.5.2 Mission of QAMS Policy

The mission of QAMS Policy is to promote public confidence in the academic
provision that the quality and the standards of awards of Amoud University
are safeguarded, enhanced and effectively managed.

1.5.3 Objectives of the QAMS Policy

The objectives of the QAMS Policy are to:
1) Provide guidance in the development and implementation of internal
and external quality assurance procedures and practices.
2) Ensure that the quality of academic programmes at Amoud University
meet standards expected by stakeholders.
3) Ensure that graduates have attained skills and knowledge through
Amoud University academic programmes that are valued by

The Amoud University Quality Assurance and Maintenance of Standards Policy, 2019

4) Enable Amoud University to assure itself, its stakeholders and the

Commission for Higher Education (CHE) that the University’s polices,
systems and processes for the development, maintenance and
enhancement of quality in all its educational provisions are functioning
5) Provide guidance in identifying standards and criteria consistent with
internationally recognized standards.
6) Assist in maintaining and developing quality academic programmes
through enhanced support processes.
7) Facilitate development of a culture of continuous quality improvement
to achieve academic excellence. In this pursuit, the QAMS Policy shall
facilitate identification of areas of strength and excellence as well as
areas in need of focused attention for continuous improvement in the
short, medium and long-term.

1.5.4 Basic Features of the QAMS Policy

The Amoud University QAMS Policy shall be characterized by:
1) A commitment to widespread involvement of staff, students and other
stakeholders in the QAMS process, through:
i. Critical self-evaluation and rigorous peer review of academic and
administrative areas;
ii. Methodical collection of evidence about service satisfaction and
students experiences;
iii. External assessment of professional courses through accreditation
and international review;
iv. Multiple avenues for students and staff input to QAMS and
improvement; and;
v. Systematic use of client experiences to improve staff development
and training.
2) A focus on efficient planning and management of resources to achieve
excellence, through:
i. University-wide strategic goals linked to plans, priorities and
review system;
ii. Strong Academic Board and committee structures to develop,
implement and oversee academic policies;
iii. regular cycle of reviews of all faculties and administrative services
iv. Alignment between academic and administrative review processes;
v. A process for monitoring implementation of the recommendations
of reviews.
vi. Performance-based contracting, and performance management and
development system for all staff.
vii. Annually-updated faculty teaching and learning plans

The Amoud University Quality Assurance and Maintenance of Standards Policy, 2019

3) A commitment to judging outcomes and processes against the highest

external standards, through:
i. Formal links with other world recognized universities, and
national and international benchmarking of academic standards
and outcomes and;
ii. National and international benchmarking of QAMS with other
world recognized universities.

1.6 Definitions of Terms in the QAMS Policy Document

In this QAMS Policy document and in the context of academic programmes at
Amoud University, the following terms shall be understood, used and
interpreted as follows:
1) “Assessment” is the process of identifying and ensuring that appropriate
internal procedures are in place and operational and that outcomes of
academic programmes and activities are in accord with established
2) “Audit” is the process of identifying and ensuring that appropriate
internal QAMS are in place and operational.
3) “Programme Review” is the holistic appraisal of a course/programme
and resources, with a view to its further evolution and improvement.
4) “Quality Assurance” is the process of establishing measures to ensure
that outputs and outcomes of academic programmes and activities are
of a prescribed standard.
5) “Quality Control” is the process of assessing outputs and /or outcomes
to determine whether they are of the prescribed standard.
6) “Quality Management” are all the processes that are put in place to
facilitate achievement of quality.
7) “Quality” is fitness for purpose. In other words, an educational unit and
its components of activities and output shall have quality if they
conform to the purpose for which they were designed.
8) “Stakeholders” are agencies and/organizations (government and private)
that control tertiary institutions, and individuals and /or groups that
participate in or have responsibilities towards tertiary education in
9) Any other term not defined in this QAMS Policy Document but used in
the Policy Document shall adopt the definition of the term as provided
in the Amoud University Constitution, 1996 and the amendments of
2008, or its definition in any other official Amoud University document
approved by Senate.
10) In this QAMS Policy Document, ‘words and expressions in the singular
shall include the plural, and those in the plural shall include the

The Amoud University Quality Assurance and Maintenance of Standards Policy, 2019

11) These regulations shall, unless otherwise stated in another Statute or in

this or any other University regulation(s), apply to all units and
divisions in Amoud University.

1.7 Principles of the QAMS Policy

The QAMS Policy shall be based on the following key principles and modus
1) Holistic Approach - All aspects of the university’s activities (academic,
administrative and managerial, on-shore and off-shore), shall be subject
to audit and reporting.
2) Verifiable Self-Assessment - Amoud University, and each unit of the
university, shall be judged according to its own objectives, that is, on
whether or not it is achieving its own mission in a purposeful and clear
3) Improvement Focus – the QAMS shall focus on assisting and
facilitating improvement within the University. It is a tool to assist the
University to enhance if quality of education.
4) Quality teaching, learning, research and administrative services -
Quality teaching, learning, research are essential to the University’s
mission, goals and activities. Amoud University’s QAMS are intrinsic to
the work of all staff, who are undertaking or supporting teaching and
the promotion of learning and research.
5) Benchmarking and Evidence - Based Approach - achievements shall be
evaluated against appropriate national and international benchmarks,
using evidence-based methods, with outcomes and feedback from all
stakeholders (students, staff, employers and the community) providing
on which improvements are planned.
6) Collegiality and Team Spirit – QAMS procedures shall involve
rigorous peer review, foster collaboration, team spirit, exchange of best
practice, and encourage an ethos of critical self-evaluation.
7) Modus Operandi - Members of audit teams shall be independent of
Amoud University unit they are auditing and shall be trained in
auditing techniques. The directorate of QAMS shall develop audit
guiltiness for approval by Senate.

1.8 The QAMS Mechanisms/Framework

The concept of quality adopted by the QAMS is of fitness for purpose (see
paragraph 1.6 (7). For the purposes of clarity, and for avoidance of doubt,
1) This policy shall apply to all Faculties/Schools, and both academic and
support staff at Amoud University through:
i. Internal QAMS mechanisms. This shall be continuous.
ii. External QAMS mechanisms. This shall be periodic.

The Amoud University Quality Assurance and Maintenance of Standards Policy, 2019

2) Amoud University, through Council, shall determine and approve

quality management frameworks for all units in the university.
3) Regular internal audits shall be conducted to ensure that the QAMS
Policy is implemented.

1.8.1 Scope of Internal QAMS

Internal QAMS mechanisms are departmentally/faculty generated and shall
be continuous. The mechanisms shall be coherent with the quality assurance
framework set forth in this policy and approved by Council and shall include
mechanisms to assess the following areas:
1) Quality of Programmes and Courses
Assessment of quality in the design and implementation of programmes
and courses shall ensure that well-qualified staff members carry out such
activities, along the guidelines and procedures approved by Senate.

2) Quality of Academic Staff

Assessment of quality in academic staff shall include expectations with
regard to qualifications, scholarly work and continuing professional
development. Benchmarks for minimum qualifications, scholarly work and
involvement in continuing professional development activities shall be
determined by academic units with the approval of Senate.

3) Quality of Teaching and Learning Experiences

i. Quality in teaching and learning shall cover:
a) Use of well established tools.
b) Student evaluation of course and teaching.
c) Teaching portfolios and peer review.
d) Individual performance management goals and university
appointments and promotions procedures that pertain to teaching.
e) The directorate of QAMS shall have an advisory and supportive role
in the improvement of teaching through implementation of the
induction courses for academic staff, ongoing professional
development programmes, teaching improvement grants and
teaching excellence awards.
ii. Assessment of student engagement in the teaching-learning

4) Quality of Student Assessment (Internal Moderation)

QAMS mechanism for determining quality of student assessments, both
continuous and final shall be developed. In the absence of external
examiners, departments shall develop systems that are coherent with the
QAMS framework approved by Senate. These shall include a minimum of

The Amoud University Quality Assurance and Maintenance of Standards Policy, 2019

internal moderation procedures that ensure validity of student assessment

and reliability of marking.

5) Quality in Support Services

Quality of the academic support services provided to
faculties/schools/departments including record keeping and all processes
that relates to academic excellence, shall be included in the framework for

6) Quality of Resources and Facilities

Assessment of quality of resources and facilities shall include measures of
the availability and appropriateness of lecture rooms, library, book banks,
ICTs, laboratory or practical facilities and equipment, etc.

7) Quality of Research
Assessment quality of research shall focus on:
i. Capacity to perform research at the individual and
Faculty/School/departmental level.
ii. Research relevance to the discipline, to Amoud University, and to the
local and global contexts.
iii. Research management.
iv. Research findings and dissemination.
v. Research and research training strategies vis-a-vis international best

8) Program Review Process

i. Each programme shall normally be reviewed once every three years, or
depending on the duration of the programme.
ii. The QAMS Directorate shall, in consultation with the Deans and Senior
Administrators, select the programmes to be reviewed and recommend
the order of their review.
iii. A programme review shall embody both quantitative and qualitative
a) The quantitative analysis shall consist of gathering and analyzing
numerical data related to the programme.
b) The qualitative analysis shall embody self-study completed by
programme representatives and a study by an external review team
that augments and validates the self-study.
iv. A programme review shall evaluate five aspects of a programme;
a) What is being taught? This shall answer the basic questions and
issues related to the content of the programme.
b) Who is being taught? This shall answer the basic questions related to
the characteristics of the students.

The Amoud University Quality Assurance and Maintenance of Standards Policy, 2019

c) How is it taught? This shall answer the basic questions related to the
characteristics of the teaching and learning processes and
d) Who is teaching? This shall answer the basic questions related to the
characteristics of the teacher.
e) What is the nature of the programme output, outcome and impacts?

1.8.2 Scope of External QAMS

1) To ensure that high quality standards are maintained, there shall exist
mechanisms for external review of academic programmes. These shall
include external examiners; external professional bodies; external
accreditation agencies; employers; former students; and other universities.
2) The scope of external QAMS shall include, but shall not be limited to:
i. Courses and programmes content and delivery.
ii. Student assessment. Programme resources.
iii. Academic staff qualifications, scholarly work and professional
development activities.
3) Procedures for external QAMS shall include, but shall not be limited:
i. Review of documents, such as staff and students records.
ii. Observations, for example, of lecture room teaching, laboratory
work, counselling, etc.
iii. Interviews with staff, students, senior management, etc. On site
visits to academic and support units at an agreed time and duration
to examine the quality, reliability and validity of the programme in
4) The following documentation shall be made available for the external
QAMS reviewer(s). Other documents that may be required and shall be
made available upon request of the external reviewer(s).
i. Students’ assignments, tests, projects, examination papers, answer
ii. Academic staff course materials such as course outlines, lecture
notes, handouts, monographs, laboratory manuals and study
guides (the teaching file).
iii. Programme and course structure and content.
iv. Physical facilities: laboratories and equipment, library facilities,
computer facilities.
v. Information and administrative support.
vi. Academic staff Curriculum Vitae.
vii. Publications by academic staff.
viii. Student tracking information, including progression and
employment data; and
ix. Any other relevant and necessary records.

The Amoud University Quality Assurance and Maintenance of Standards Policy, 2019

5) Any other material in connection with teaching, research and publications

as shall be requested by the External Academic Reviewer(s).

1.9 Academic Division Self-Study

Academic Division Self-Study shall include but not limited to:
1) Assessment methods analyses/evaluations.
2) Marking guides/strategies.
3) Assessment of teaching and learning environments including teaching
strategies used, resource availability, etc.
4) Summaries of peer assessments.
5) Statistical summaries of student evaluation of course and teaching
6) Academic staff information, such as qualifications, scholarly work and
professional development activities.
7) Student results, and Department organizational structure including
record keeping.

The Amoud University Quality Assurance and Maintenance of Standards Policy, 2019


2.1 Introduction
Through this QAMS Policy, Amoud University reaffirms its commitment to
the development and implementation of a formal quality assurance and
management system as part of its strategic mission, and engender a creative,
dynamic and supportive QAMS culture spearheaded by an Independent
QAMS Unit. The Independent Directorate of QAMS shall have the overall
responsibility for the management of the QAMS functions.

2.2 Principles for Quality Management and Enhancement

In managing the QAMS, the Directorate of the QAMS shall be guided by the
following principles:

1) Quality Teaching, Learning and Research

The Directorate of QAMS shall ensure that Amoud University academic
environment meets students and staff needs for good academic planning
and evaluations.

2) Community Professional Services

The Directorate of QAMS shall identify and disseminate good practices
within and from outside the university in terms of upholding the highest
standards of professionalism, ethics, gender mainstreaming and equal
opportunities for all students and staff.

3) Collaboration
The Directorate of QAMS shall ensure effective liaison with stakeholders in
offering outreach programmes to build and sustain productive
relationships within the university, government departments, regional
bodies, and other universities while strengthening and promoting
confidence in the public and the university herself that the quality of
provision and awards are safeguarded, enhanced and maintained.

4) Commitment to Change and Innovation

The Directorate of QAMS shall promote an innovative QAMS culture and
continuous improvement, building on the experiences of the past, seeking
opportunities for needed change and pursuing and promoting creativity
among staff and students within the university.

The Amoud University Quality Assurance and Maintenance of Standards Policy, 2019

2.3 The QAMS Management Structures

The principles in paragraph 2.2 form the basis for defining roles and
responsibilities of different stakeholders and University organs in the QAMS
management system. The University has QAMS organs as follows:

2.3.1 The Amoud University Joint Council-Senate QAMS Committee

Amoud University joint Council-Senate QAMS Committee shall provide the
overall approval on the implementation and effectiveness of the QAMS
strategies, and ensure the independence of the QAMS Unit. The Amoud
University joint Council-Senate QAMS Committee shall be composed as
1) The President, or his/her appointee, Chairperson;
2) A representative from Council;
3) The Vice President, Academic Affairs, ex-officio member;
4) The Vice President, Administration & Finance, ex-officio member;
5) The Vice President, Students’ Affairs, ex-officio member;
6) A representative from Board of Management;
7) Two representatives from Senate;
8) One representative from the administration;
9) A students’ representative;
10) One representative of the public appointed by the Council.
11) Director, QAMS, Secretary.

2.3.2 Terms of Reference for the Joint Council-Senate QAMS Committee

It shall be responsibility of the Amoud University joint Council-Senate QAMS
Committee to:
1) Promote a quality of culture at the University.
2) Establish and monitor quality standards and practices.
3) Review and evaluate QAMS system and procedures.
4) Attend to specific recommendations as required from time to time by
Council-Senate on QAMS issues.

2.3.3 The QAMS Directorate

The QAMS Directorate shall be managed by the Director of QAMS who shall
oversee the day-to-day activities of the Unit on behalf of the Amoud
University joint Council-Senate QAMS Committee, under the overall
supervision of Vice President, Academic Affairs. Director of QAMS Unit

It shall be duty of the Director, QAMS to:
1) Provide leadership for QAMS and good practice at the University.
2) Be accountable for implementing the QAMS initiatives, managing its
details and bringing it to successful implementation.

The Amoud University Quality Assurance and Maintenance of Standards Policy, 2019

3) Lead the development and oversee the implementation of University-

wide QAMS initiatives.
4) Lead, co-ordinate and support QAMS and enhancement management
system across the University.
5) Contribute to the identification, development and promotion of the
University’s QAMS protocols and mechanisms.
6) Contribute to the formulation of the University’s QAMS enhancement
policies and practices and to their implementation and monitoring
across Amoud University.
7) Perform other duties pertaining to QAMS assigned by the Vice
President, Academic Affairs. The Deputy Director QAMS Unit

The Director, QAMS shall be assisted by a Deputy Director. It shall be the
duty of the Deputy Directors to:
1) Coordinate and supervise all activities carried out at the QAMS Unit.
2) Answer questions from all stakeholders regarding the QAMS policy
and implement of quality procedures at Amoud University as
assigned by the Director.
3) Advice on QAMS matters in all academic programmes.
4) Liaise with all Colleges, Faculties, Schools and Departments to guide
the research agenda in the desired direction.
5) Develop and maintain the publication of QAMS Journal of Amoud
6) Maintain and update the QAMS Website.
7) Represent the Director in meetings within and outside Amoud
University as/and when instructed.
8) Oversee proper planning, development and management of QAMS
9) Carry out evaluation and documentation of the Directorate of QAMS
10) Oversee proper planning programmes and policies that promote
quality and academic excellence in the University.
11) Write proposals for resource mobilization for the QAMS Unit.
12) Perform the functions of the Director in his/her absence or when so
13) Perform other duties pertaining to QAMS assigned by the Director

The Amoud University Quality Assurance and Maintenance of Standards Policy, 2019 Programme Officers

The Directorate of QAMS shall have three Programme Officers who shall be
responsible for:
i. Curriculum Development.
ii. Research and Evaluation.
iii. Support Services. Administrative Assistants

The QAMS Unit shall also have an Administrative Assistant who shall
provide administrative support to the unit.

2.4 QAMS Directorate Financing

1) Amoud University shall integrate its QAMS management systems in the
budgetary provisions for each financial/academic year and allocate funds
for the activities of Directorate of QAMS like it does to all other
2) The various academic Units in the university shall include in their budget
funds for QAMS activities at unit level.
3) The Directorate of QAMS shall develop proposals to attract funding for
QAMS activities.

2.5 Faculty QAMS and Maintenance of Standards Committee

1) Academic functions at Amoud University are organized by
faculties/schools in which deans have defined responsibilities that include
the management and monitoring of the quality of the courses offered by
the faculty/school.
2) There shall exist a faculty QAMS committee in every faculty/school in
Amoud University.

2.5.1 Membership of the Faculty/School QAMS Committee

The faculty QAMS committee shall be Committee shall be composed as
1) The Dean/Director, the Chairperson.
2) The head of Department of each department in the faculty, or an
appointed representative.
3) One representative for support staff.
4) One representative for technical staff.
5) Two student representatives, Undergraduate and Postgraduate.
6) Faculty QAMS Coordinator, Secretary.

The Amoud University Quality Assurance and Maintenance of Standards Policy, 2019

2.5.2 Terms of Reference for the Faculty/School QAMS Committee

It shall be the duty of the Faculty/School QAMS Committee to:
1) Promote Amoud University quality culture within the Faculty/School.
2) Establish and monitor quality standards and practices within the
3) Review and evaluate QAMS Systems and procedures within the
4) Attend to specific recommendations from University QAMS on QAMS
issues within the Faculty/School.
5) Handle QAMS irregularities issues of staff and students within the

2.5.3 Administrative QAMS Committee

1) The support departments shall be represented on the Administrative
QAMS committee. The committee shall have the same status as the Faculty
QAMS Committee.
2) The composition of the team shall include:
i. The Vice President, Administration & Finance, Chairperson, or
his/her appointed representative.
ii. The Vice President, Students Affairs, ex-officio member.
iii. Director, Finance and Administration.
iv. A representative from the Library.
v. A representative from Academic Registrar Department.
vi. A representative from the Dean of Students Office.
vii. A representative from the Human Resource Directorate.
viii. A representative from the Directorate of QAMS, Secretary.

2.5.4 Terms of Reference for the Administrative QAMS

It shall be the duty of the Administrative QAMS Committee to:
1) Promote Amoud University quality culture within the Central
2) Establish and monitor quality standards and practices in the
administrative units.
3) Review and evaluate QAMS Systems and procedures in the
administrative units.
4) Attend to specific recommendations from University QAMS and issues
in the administrative units.

2.5.5 Tenure of Membership

1) A part from the membership and positions that are fixed by virtue of
office, members of QAMS Committee shall serve for a period of three (3)
years and shall be eligible for reappointment.

The Amoud University Quality Assurance and Maintenance of Standards Policy, 2019

2) Student representatives shall hold office for a period not exceeding one (1)

2.6 Roles and Responsibilities in the QAMS Process

1) All members of the University, including teaching staff, research and
support staff, and students contribute directly or indirectly to the quality of
the teaching, research, publication and community services.
2) All members of Amoud University community and its organs shall be
sensitized to strive for high quality in their activities.
3) Academic provision forms the basis for defining roles and responsibilities
of different stakeholders in the QAMS management system.
4) The academic provision of Amoud University is the responsibility of
academic units.

2.6.1 Roles of Students in the QAMS Process

1) Students make significant contribution to the quality of their own learning
and that of their fellow students. Students also contribute significantly to
the improvement of the learning opportunities of future students on
similar programmes.
2) To maintain and enhance the quality of their own learning and that of
others, it shall be the responsibility of Amoud University student to:
i. Attend classes regularly.
ii. Prepare for taught lesson, seminar and workshops.
iii. Spend the recommended time in student managed learning.
iv. Correctly use information and guidance provided.
v. Take up available opportunities to receive academic advice and
feedback on their work.
vi. Thoughtfully complete course questionnaires and other surveys
and consultations.
vii. Appropriately use the system of academic boards, course
representatives, and representations through the students’
associations to raise issues for improvement.
3) It shall be the responsibility of each student to become familiar with, and
abide by the all and any instruction, rule, law and policy in all official
university documents and publications including but not limited to the
student handbook, programme guides, course outlines, the university
catalogue, emergency procedure guide, student rights and responsibilities.
4) Sign a deceleration at registration, that s(he) agrees to be bound by the
University’s regulations.

2.6.2 Roles of Academic Staff

1) Amoud University’s confidence in the quality of its programmes rests
mainly on its expectations of the professionalism of its academic staff, who

The Amoud University Quality Assurance and Maintenance of Standards Policy, 2019

are aggregated in programmes in the faculties and who must act within the
policy framework laid down by the University.
2) Staff have responsibilities both for the development of the research or
subject area and for the coherence and quality of programmes as
experienced by students.
3) It shall be the responsibility of individual academic staff to:
i. Undertake scholarly activities which underpin teaching and
research, and be well prepared for teaching.
ii. Provide students with clear information and academic guidance in
accordance with University regulations, both through written
information and by making himself or herself accessible to students.
iii. Maintain contact with professional practitioners, professional and
subject associations and wider academic community.
iv. Pursue professional development in the subject area and in
pedagogic techniques that support teaching.

2.6.3 Roles of Heads of Departments/Deans/Directors in the QAMS

1) HODs/Deans/Directors have the primary responsibility for ensuring that
programme portfolios are developed and enhanced, and that subject
specific resources and operational systems appropriately support the
quality of learning experiences.
2) It shall be responsibility of the HODs/Deans/Directors, in the in the
QAMS process, to:
i. Allocate individual roles and ensure that staff are prepared for
those roles.
ii. Ensure that the teaching and learning environment meet students
and staff needs as fully as possible.
iii. Supervise and monitor policies and procedures for selecting
students and for assessing prior learning.
iv. Ensure effective liaison with partners in offering collaborative
v. Identify and disseminate good practice within and from outside
the Faculty/School/Department.
vi. Ensure that course planning and review committees are adequately
supported by experienced senior staff in evaluation and
programme development, and that new and revised programmes
receive thorough internal scrutiny before progressing to validation
or review.
vii. Attend to specific directives from University QAMS Committee or
QAMS Directorate on QAMS issues

The Amoud University Quality Assurance and Maintenance of Standards Policy, 2019

2.6.4 Role of the QAMS Directorate in the QAMS Process

1) The Directorate of QAMS shall share best practices with key stakeholders
in QAMS implementation at Amoud University. In light of this, the QAMS
Directorate shall organize workshops to disseminate lessons learned,
successful innovations, and difficulties encountered in implementing
QAMS system.
2) The QAMS unit shall put in place mechanism for an annual conference on
QAMS implementation and research for the University.
3) The QAMS Unit shall develop a website to provide information to
students, staff and employers about the quality teaching and research and
other key performance indicators expected of Amoud University.

2.6.5 Roles of the Support Services Departments in the QAMS Process

1) It shall be the responsibility of the Support Services Departments to
maintain professional standards appropriate to the service function, and to
plan, manage and review the services they provide to ensure that those
services align with institutional priorities, support academic developments
and add to the quality of students’ experiences.
2) It shall be the responsibility of the Support Services Departments which
provide services directly to students to:
i. Gather information on students’ needs and priorities to inform the
planning of the service.
ii. Consider students’ feedback, through local surveys or through the
students’ satisfaction survey.
iii. Develop an ethos of customer service.

2.6.6 Roles of the Management Function in the QAMS Process

1) Commitment from the top management is an essential pre-requisite for an
effective QAMS system. The top management is the bedrock, and the
anchor of QAMS.
2) It shall be the responsibility of the top Leadership/Management to:
i. Guide Amoud University in reviewing the organizational
performance for QAMS.
ii. Establish a clear mission, articulate core values, and communicate
high expectations of performance at all levels.
iii. Create and sustain an educational environment that promotes ethical
values and equity for all stakeholders at Amoud University.
iv. Encourage research, innovations and pursue current and future
opportunities for improvement.
v. Establish priorities for quality improvement to ensure that Amoud
University’s Mission is successfully achieved.
vi. Ensure Amoud University is strategically located to achieve its
Mission and Vision.

The Amoud University Quality Assurance and Maintenance of Standards Policy, 2019


3.1 Sources of Information and Accessibility

1) The Directorate QAMS is aware that information is an important and a
central factor in quality assurance and maintenance of standards.
2) Therefore, the Directorate QAMS shall gather relevant information
regarding the standards and quality of university programmes and publish
this information.
3) This shall enable the general public and prospective and current students
to access up-to-date, consistent and reliable information about the
standards and quality of programmes offered.

3.2 Information for Students

1) For every course for which a student is registered, every student shall
receive a:
i. Student handbook.
ii. Programme guide.
iii. Course outline.
2) The information bundle shall be developed so that they assist student to:
i. Understand what is required to achieve the standards for the award
for which (s)he is enrolled.
ii. Understand his/her responsibilities, both to maintain his/her
enrolment and in respect of his/her own learning.
iii. Understand his/her responsibilities as a member of Amoud
University community and, where relevant, his/her responsibilities
in respect of professional conduct.
iv. Know how to derive maximum benefit from the learning
opportunities available to him/her.
v. Know how and in what circumstances to access support services.
vi. Understand the regulatory framework which governs decisions
about progression and awards.
vii. Know how to use the systems which exists for students to express
his/her views or to make complaints.

3.2.1 Course Outlines

1) A course outline is a summary of how a teaching of a course will be
covered in a semester.
2) The course outlines shall so designed in a manner that it can help the
student to:

The Amoud University Quality Assurance and Maintenance of Standards Policy, 2019

i. Understand what is required to meet the learning outcomes of the

course, in terms of supervised contact with the lecturer, private study,
preparation and assessment.
ii. Understand the assessment criteria and the attributes of his/her work
for which marks shall be allocated, and what is required to pass or
achieve good marks for the work.
3) It is the responsibility of the Lecturer to prepare course outlines. Each
faculty/department shall put in place a system to monitor the quality of
course outlines.

3.2.2 Programme Guides

1) A programme is the complete unit of courses and requirements that lead to
award of a degree.
2) Every academic programme at Amoud University shall have a programme
guide. Such programme shall be approved by Senate before the
programme is mounted.
3) The programme guide shall be compatible with the programme
specification and may cover the whole programme, or may be issued for
each year or level. Every student shall be provided with a programme
guide at the time of admission.
4) A programme guide shall so designed in a manner that it can help the
student to:
i. Understand the aims and outcomes of the programme and the
standards that (s)he is expected to achieve to complete it
ii. Understand how the separate courses of the programme contribute
to its overall aims, the themes which run through the programme
as a whole, and any pre-requisites or decision points in terms of
options and award paths.
iii. Understand the teaching and learning approaches to be used.
iv. Plan his/her work with knowledge of the overall assessment
workload for a semester.
v. Understand programme-specific regulations, and other
programme-specific information.
vi. Know who to contact for academic, personal and administrative
vii. Know how to access and benefit from relevant learning resources
and support services.
5) It is responsibility of the programme host department/faculty to prepare
the programme guide and to put in place a system to monitor the quality
of programme guides.

The Amoud University Quality Assurance and Maintenance of Standards Policy, 2019

3.2.3 The Student Handbook

1) While a course outline is specific to a course in a programme, and a
programme guide is specific to a programme in a faculty/department, a
student handbook provides the general information and instructions for
ready reference that a student will need to function as a student in The
2) The Amoud University student handbook shall provide a summarized
student conduct, standards, policies, and procedures that define the basic
community expectations for students at Amoud University.
3) A student handbook shall be designed so that it can be easily consulted
and provide quick answers in specific areas of students life at the
4) The student handbook shall so designed in a manner that it can easily help
the student to:
i. Understand the University’s regulations and codes of behaviour.
ii. Recognize and accept his/her own responsibilities.
iii. Know what University services are available, and any requirements
which users shall satisfy.
iv. Know procedures for complaints, appeals and claims for mitigating
5) It shall be the responsibility of each student to become familiar with the
student handbook.
6) The student handbook shall be prepared by the Office of the Dean of
Students Affairs, under the guidance of the Vice President Public Relations
and Extra Curricular.

3.2.4 Support Department Information

1) Each Support department shall prepare information that promotes
students’ effective utilization of its services.
2) Support departments information shall designed in a manner that it can
easily help the student to:
i. Make good use of services or resources or administrative
ii. Understand the rules for use of the services, and his/her
responsibilities towards other users.

3.2.5 Further Students Information

For avoidance of contradiction,
1) The Academic Registrar’s office shall produce a range of information to
help students develop and improve skills for learning. These will include
the programmes for specific skills development in areas such as research,
academic reading and writing.

The Amoud University Quality Assurance and Maintenance of Standards Policy, 2019

2) The Library shall provide extensive information describing the resources

available and how to use them.
3) The Dean of Students shall publish a student web page that shall contain
all above information to improve information accessibility.

3.3 Information for Staff

1) The QAMS unit shall produce a regular University newsletter and a report
on the state of quality standard as applied in Amoud University.
2) Faculties/Schools/Institutes shall produce accurate and accessible
information for staff assists staff to:
i. Understand their roles.
ii. Understand University/Faculty/School policies and procedures
within which (s)he works.
iii. Give students advise which is consistent with University
iv. Know where to obtain advice on University policies, procedures and
v. Understand the University’s strategies and priorities.
vi. Disseminate QAMS practices.

3.3.1 QAMS Information for Staff

Every Faculty/School/Institute shall provide the following information to
1) Faculty Handbooks and Websites
The Faculty Handbook and Website shall be designed in a manner that it can
help the staff to understand his/her role in relation to University and faculty
operational systems.

2) Assessment Calendar
The assessment calendar shall detail the dates by which functions associated
with assessment shall be completed. The assessment calendar shall be
designed in a manner that it can help the staff to know his/her own
responsibilities in relation to assessment, and to plan his/her workloads and
fulfil his/her responsibilities within a appropriate timescale.

3) Academic Regulations
Every Faculty/School/Institute shall prepare academic regulations for
research and taught programmes. The academic regulations shall be shall be
designed in a manner that it can help the staff to understand the regulatory
framework within which courses and programmes operate and admission
and assessment decisions are taken; and be able to advise students

The Amoud University Quality Assurance and Maintenance of Standards Policy, 2019

4) Policy Statements
Every Faculty/School/Institute shall prepare and issue key policy documents
to all new staff at the time of appointment.

5) Faculty QAMS Guide

Every Faculty/School/Institute shall prepare QAMS handbook. The
handbook shall be shall be designed in a manner that it can help the staff to,
among other things, understand guidelines on course/programme validation
and review, academic irregularities, and examination conduct.

6) Quality Information
Every Faculty/School/Institute shall gather and store information on student
profile at entry, progression and non-completions, summary of the
University’s learning and teaching strategy, programme specifications.

3.4 Quality of Research and Postgraduate Programmes

1) High quality postgraduate education depends on the professional and
ethical conduct of students and staff.
2) Academic staff and postgraduate students have complementary
responsibilities in the maintenance of academic standards and the creation
of high quality postgraduate programmes.
3) Excellence in postgraduate education will be achieved when both academic
staff and students are highly motivated, possess the academic and
professional backgrounds necessary to perform at the highest level, and
are sincere in their desire to seek after knowledge.

3.4.1 General Principles of QAMS at the Postgraduate School

The main purpose of postgraduate education at the Amoud University is to
instil in each student an understanding of and capacity for scholarship,
independent research, critical thinking skills, and intellectual honesty. To
achieve this noble objective, and to assure quality and maintain standards, the
QAMS for the unit shall:
1) Develop, approve and operationalize appropriate policies, procedures and
regulations for student admission, selection and assessment. Such policies,
procedures and regulations shall be communicated to all postgraduate
students and academic and administrative staff and implemented
consistently across the University.
2) Profile proposed/prospective supervisors (CVs, details of supervisors’
experience, details of academic/research standing/stature). The supervisor
of a postgraduate student shall:
i. Have qualification in the relevant field of study higher than the
exiting level of the postgraduate programme (s)he is supervising.

The Amoud University Quality Assurance and Maintenance of Standards Policy, 2019

ii. Have an appropriate research track record, as well as experience,

expertise and peer recognition in the field of study.
iii. In the case of inexperience (like in the case of new supervisors), there
is ongoing staff development and support with joint supervision as
an option and plans in place for the training of inexperienced
3) There shall exist:
a) Strict procedures for monitoring students’ progress and relationship
between supervisors and students with respect to, but not limited to
kinds of progress reports required, frequency, complaints procedure.
b) Polices on but not limited to ethics, code of conduct, plagiarism,
Intellectual Property Rights and confidentiality.
c) Description of monitoring mechanisms for supervisors and student
d) Explicit guidelines on the roles and responsibilities of supervisors
and students and other matters relevant to the performance of
research. These shall indicate but shall not be limited to:
i. The nature, format and expected turnaround time for work
submitted to the supervisor.
ii. Forms of assessment and the communication of feedback to
the student including periodicity of contact between student
and supervisor, the schedule for the submission or progress
reports and written work.
4) There shall exist policy guidelines on assessment of the thesis and research
report. These shall specify but shall not be limited to:
i. Appointment procedure for examiners.
ii. The arrangements for communication with examiners.
iii. How the examination process shall be conducted.
iv. How and in what format the thesis/research report is to be made
available to examiners.
v. How to handle examiners reports.
vi. Dispute resolution procedures.
5) All this information shall be included in postgraduate handbook.

3.4.2 General Principles of QAMS for Postgraduate Students

Drawing from paragraph 3.4 (1-3) above, a postgraduate student is a very
important member of community of scholars. As a member of community of
scholars, it shall be the responsibility of the postgraduate student:
1) Conduct himself or herself in a mature, professional, and civil manner in
all interactions with staff.
2) Recognize that the academic supervisor/advisor provides the intellectual
and instructional environment in which (s)he conducts research.

The Amoud University Quality Assurance and Maintenance of Standards Policy, 2019

3) Recognize that the research supervisor/advisor is responsible for

monitoring the accuracy, validity, and integrity of the student's research
because careful, well-conceived research reflects favourably on the student,
the supervisor/advisor, and the University.
4) Exercise the highest integrity in collecting, analyzing, and presenting
research data.
5) Take primary responsibility to inform himself or herself of the regulations
and policies governing postgraduate studies.
6) Devote an appropriate amount of time and energy toward achieving
academic excellence and earning the advanced degree.
7) Be aware of time constraints and other demands imposed on academic
staff and other staff.
8) Take the initiative in asking questions that promote understanding of the
academic subjects and advance the field.
9) Communicate regularly with supervisor/advisor, especially on matters
related to research and progress within the postgraduate programme.

3.4.3 General Principles of QAMS for Postgraduate Staff and Supervisors

Drawing from 2.6.2 (1), the confidence Amoud University in the quality of its
postgraduate programmes rests mainly on its expectations of the
professionalism of its academic staff at the postgraduate school. Therefore for
QAMS of postgraduate programmes, it shall be the responsibility of a lecturer
and a supervisor at the postgraduate school to:
1) Create supervisory relations with students that stimulate and encourage
students to learn creatively and independently.
2) Familiarize himself or herself with policies that affect his/her
postgraduate students.
3) Provide clear maps of the requirements each student shall meet,
including course work, research tools, examinations, and thesis or
research report; and delineate the amount of time expected to complete
each step.
4) Evaluate students’ progress and performance in regular and
informative ways consistent with the practice of the field.
5) Help the student to develop artistic, interpretive, writing, verbal, and
quantitative skills in accordance with the expectations of the discipline.
6) Take reasonable measures to ensure that each postgraduate student
initiates his/her thesis or research project in a timely fashion, and
where appropriate, encourage postgraduate students to participate in
professional meetings or perform or display their work in public
7) Create an ethos of collegiality so that learning takes place within a
community of scholars.

The Amoud University Quality Assurance and Maintenance of Standards Policy, 2019

3.4.4 General Principles of QAMS in Selection and Admission of

Postgraduate Students
1) Selection and admission of postgraduate students is the first step in
assuring quality of postgraduate programmes. The ultimate goal of the
admissions process is to enrol only top quality postgraduate students who
can complete the programme and contribute to research and professional
2) As a QAMS strategy; postgraduate students shall be selected in manner
that knowledge, interests and skills of applicants matches the requirements
and characteristics of postgraduate programme and the research and
training interests of the programme.
3) For the purposes to paragraph 3.4.4 (2) above, there shall exist policies and
procedures that define postgraduate admission baseline standards. Such
policies and/or procedures shall include but shall not be limited to
bachelors degree with minimum grade, standardized tests, language
requirements, recommendations and evidence of ability for independence

The Amoud University Quality Assurance and Maintenance of Standards Policy, 2019


4.1 The Scope and Purpose QAMS in Research

1) Amoud University puts great emphasis on research in general and on
students’ research in particular. Amoud University therefore has made
research a common course in all undergraduate and postgraduate
2) This section sets out the standards of performance and conduct expected of
all those engaged in research in Amoud University. These standards shall
apply to all persons engaged in research within, or on behalf of, Amoud

4.2 Professional Standards for QAMS in Research

The following standards shall be observed to ensure high quality research
process and output.

4.2.1 Honesty in Research

For the purposes of QAMS in research, a researcher shall:
1) be honest in respect of his/her own actions and in his/her responses to
the actions of others in the whole range of work encompassed within
the research process from the initial formulation of concepts and
hypotheses, through methodological design, analysis of data or ideas, to
the publication of results and the acknowledgement of the contributions
of others.
2) All researchers shall refrain from plagiarism, infringement of
intellectual property rights, and the fabrication of results.

4.2.2 Openness in Research

While recognizing the need for a researcher to protect his/her own
research interests in the process of planning and executing his/her
research, Amoud University require researchers to:
1) Be as open as possible in discussing work with other researchers and
the public.
2) Make available relevant data and materials to others on request for
appropriate purposes once results are published.

4.2.3 Accountability in Research

Amoud University require all researchers at all times and in all stages of the
process to ensure that:
1) The research is consistent with the terms and conditions as defined by
the funding body and/or covered by agreements between Amoud

The Amoud University Quality Assurance and Maintenance of Standards Policy, 2019

University and the funding body, or if it is self sponsored, or for

academic work, that it is consistent with Amoud University’s regulation
for research.
2) The research is carried out as defined in the original proposal to the
funding body unless amendments have been agreed in writing.
3) The funds are used solely for the purposes for which it was intended
unless permission for alternative use has been granted.
4) Reports both timely and accurate, and that conditions relating to
publication and the ownership of intellectual property are met.

4.2.4 Responsibilities in Research

1) The senior management of Amoud University shall be ultimately
responsible for the overall quality of research conducted in the University,
including compliance with the organization’s research and management
2) The Vice President, Academic Affairs, shall be the chairperson of Amoud
University Board of Research. The Board of Research shall be the primary
body where issues of research governance, including this code, shall be
3) Faculties/Schools shall ensure a climate of good research practice in
research centres, groups or teams, including the development of
appropriate research skills.
4) The Dean/Director shall be responsible for the research conducted within
his/her School/Institute.
5) A researcher shall be responsible for implementing this Code as it applies
to his/her research project.
6) Each staff and student shall have defined responsibilities in relation to the
particular project (s)he is engaged in and be aware of those responsibilities.

4.2.5 Principles of Good Research Practice

In order to ensure quality and maintenance of standards in the practice of
research, Amoud University shall:
1) Promote an organizational culture that espouse high standards of
personal conduct and integrity, discourage academic misconduct and
fraud, and prescribe appropriate procedures for dealing fairly and
firmly with alleged or suspected misconduct.
2) Further, Amoud University shall require all persons engaged in
research to:
i. Follow this Code.
ii. Have clear organization of, and understanding of the
responsibilities for, the overall quality of research throughout
Amoud University.

The Amoud University Quality Assurance and Maintenance of Standards Policy, 2019

iii. Have competence in carrying out the research and to supervise

those being trained in order that their contribution is not
compromised by inexperience.
iv. Be aware of and comply with relevant health and safety
regulatory requirements.
v. Maintain professional standards; ensure that ethical approvals
are obtained and guidelines followed; and to question his/her
own results and conclusions.
vi. Carefully plan the research programme, rigorously analyze and
accurately interpret results.
vii. Document operations, maintenance and calibration of equipment
used in the research.

4.2.6 Appropriateness of Research Funders

Amoud University shall reserve the right to withhold permission for its staff
to engage in research contracts with certain funding bodies. In certain cases,
permission may need to be obtained from the Vice President - Academic

4.2.7 Ethical Approval in Research

1) A researcher must obtain ethical approval for all research that falls within
the scope of the Ethics and Research Review Committee.
2) The Dean of School of Research and Postgraduate Studies shall ensure that
such procedures are in place and that all projects undergo ethical scrutiny.

4.2.8 Misconduct in Research

1) Amoud University regards research misconduct as a disciplinary offence
under its general disciplinary procedures as they apply to staff and
2) The University shall act accordingly in respect of such misconduct under
those procedures.
3) Research misconduct may arise at any stage of the research and may
include, without being limited to:
i. Fabrication and/or falsification of results.
ii. Plagiarism, misquotation or misappropriation of the work of others.
iii. Any misconduct which brings the name of Amoud University into
4) Any member of Amoud University wishing to initiate disciplinary action
on the grounds of research misconduct shall consult the Dean – School of
Postgraduate studies in charge in the first instance on the appropriate
procedures in the circumstances of the particular case.

The Amoud University Quality Assurance and Maintenance of Standards Policy, 2019

4.3 Guidelines for Approval of Research

The Board of Research shall give guidance on:
1) Quality of management systems in research.
2) Evaluation of researchers and their standing within a discipline.
3) Evaluation of research proposals, projects and output.
4) Extent to which research programmes develop capacity - human
5) The extent to which research programmes strive for excellence.

4.4 Guidelines for Evaluation of Research

The Board of Research shall draw up guidelines for research evaluation to
1) The standing of the individual in a field of study.
2) The impact of the work done.
3) The impact factor of the journal(s) in which research is published.
4) The quality of researchers output - normally the volume of output does not
reflect quality or value of output.
5) The extent to which quality, value and relevance of research are context

The Amoud University Quality Assurance and Maintenance of Standards Policy, 2019


5.1 General Principles for QAMS in Students Admission

It is the policy of Amoud University to recruit, admit, and enroll highly
qualified students from around the region and the globe, through a highly
selective, personalized and competitive process. Therefore;
1) Selection and admission of students shall be commensurate with the
programmes academic requirements, within a framework of widened
access and equity.
2) The number of students selected and admitted shall take into account
the programme’s intended learning outcomes, the capacity of the
programme to offer quality education and the needs of the particular
profession (in the case of professional and vocational programmes).

5.2 Specific Requirements for QAMS in Students Admission

In order to meet the general principles in paragraph 5.1 above, all persons and
units concerned with students’ admission shall ensure that:
1) Advertising and promotional materials contain accurate and sufficient
information on the programme with regard to admission policies,
completion requirements, and academic standards.
2) Marketing and advertising is done in accordance with the set
regulations and that accurate information is provided about the status
of the programme.
3) Admission criteria reflect the national goal of widening access to higher
education, and equity targets, and that provisions are made flexibly
entry routes so long as students admitted through alternative routes do
not constitute more than ten percent (10%) of the student intake for the
4) Admission requirements are in line with the degree of complexity of
learning required in the programme.
5) The number of students admitted does not exceed the capacity available
for offering good quality education because that number of students is
balanced against the intended learning outcomes of the programme and
has taken into account the mode(s) of delivery and the programmes
components (modules/courses).

5.3 General Principles for QAMS in University Evaluation System

5.3.1 Amoud University Policy for Examinations and Related Academic
1) Amoud University has a policy for “Examinations and Related Academic
Matters, 2019”, with clear and well defined procedures for its

The Amoud University Quality Assurance and Maintenance of Standards Policy, 2019

implementation. This policy ensures academic and professional standards

in the design, approval, implementation and review of evaluation
strategies for programmes and modules, and for the qualifications it
2) The policy provide guidelines and regulations on:
i. Formative evaluation.
ii. Provision of feedback to students.
iii. Weighting of class marks (continuous evaluation) and examinations.
iv. Security procedures.
v. Disciplinary and appeals procedures.
vi. Marking, grading, aegrotats, retaking examinations, and condoned

5.3.2 Quality Management and Enhancement of Evaluation

1) Evaluation at Amoud University must measure student’s learning as well
as contribute to student’s learning through his/her reflection on his/her
learning and feedback. Evaluations must also enable the student to
demonstrate that (s)he has fulfilled the objectives of the programme of
study in which s(he) was enrolled, and achieved the standard for the
award for which s(he) is a candidate. To achieve this, the management of
evaluation at Amoud University shall define:
i. University-wide administrative procedures and regulations for
safeguarding the integrity of evaluations and reinforcing consistent
treatment of students and decision-making.
ii. The responsibilities that the University has devolved to Faculties/
Schools to ensure that evaluation is valid and reliable.
iii. The operational arrangements by which examination boards ensure
accuracy and consistency.
iv. The external examiner system with respect to principles, roles, and
criteria for appointment and for termination of contracts and how
external examiners reported are used.
2) The examination regulations shall define the basis of evaluation for awards
and academic credit, and procedures for ensuring consistency in
evaluation practice. The University examinations shall be:
i. Comprehensive and shall cover knowledge and skills throughout
the course.
ii. Multi-judgmental and shall involve more than one source judgment
of student performance.
iii. Multi-dimensional and shall provide information on multiple
dimensions of student performance, and yield more than a
summative grade.

The Amoud University Quality Assurance and Maintenance of Standards Policy, 2019

iv. Direct and shall involve at least one direct observation or

demonstration of student capabilities, and NOT just simply a self-
3) Further administrative procedures for evaluation shall from time to time
be determined and published by Senate. These shall include, among others:
i. An annually published calendar for the conduct of evaluation.
ii. A standard pro-forma for giving feedback on marked coursework.

5.4 Responsibilities of Devolved Academic Units in QAMS in Evaluation

1) The major task of managing examination process shall be devolved to
academic units (Faculty/School/Institute/Department). Therefore the
responsibility for ensuring that the evaluation is reliable, valid and
matched to learning outcomes shall be the responsibility of the relevant
2) Pursuant to paragraph 5.4 (1) above, the devolved units shall develop
evaluation systems that meet the following criteria:
i. Inbuilt independent corroboration and clearly specified tasks that
allow students to demonstrate that they have met the learning out
ii. Discriminate between stronger and weaker candidates without
overlapping between different elements of evaluation in the same
unit and as far as possible, also between different units taken by the
same student.
iii. Explain how the allocation of marks rewards the different standard
achieved by different students. Criteria shall be published to
students and to relevant staff involved in marking, or giving advice
and feedback.
3) Marking schemes shall:
i. Detail how marks are allocated for a specific piece of work.
ii. Be clear enough to support consistency between markers, and shall
reflect the criteria, outcomes and examples used in the course
4) The examinations, marking guides, examination scores/results shall be
moderated. The moderation system shall ensure that different markers
give broadly the same feedback to the same quality of work. Double
marking shall be necessary for research projects and theses.

5.5 Responsibilities of Examination Boards in QAMS in Evaluation

There shall be two (2) Examination Boards which are equally important, but
functionally different.
1) Departmental Examination Board shall be responsible for a set of
courses in cognate subject of discipline. It shall make decisions about
the mark to be awarded to each student who has studied each course.

The Amoud University Quality Assurance and Maintenance of Standards Policy, 2019

2) The Faculty Examination Board shall consider the overall profile of each
student enrolled on a programme, on the basis of the marks awarded in
each course during the academic session and where necessary, during
previous sessions.

5.6 Responsibilities in Preparing for Examination Boards

1) There annual evaluation calendar which shall specify the week within
which Departmental Examination Boards and Faculty Examination Boards
shall take place after each semester examination.
2) The Head of Department shall ensure that:
i. There is a functioning Departmental Examination Committee.
ii. All examination papers for the department are set, moderated,
typed, produced, sealed and kept in a strong room within the
Faculty at least one month before the beginning of the end of the
Semester Examinations.
iii. Marking and internal moderation is complete by the date set in the
evaluation calendar.
iv. Academic Registrar receives marks for each element of evaluation
for each student registered for the unit by the date specified.
3) The Faculty/School office shall:
i. Create examination strong room and marking centres which offer
security of examination.
ii. Enter all unit marks on the student record system by the date
specified in the evaluation calendar.
4) The Academic Registrar shall:
i. Coordinate and monitor all examination processes to ensure the
achievement of the evaluation programme.
ii. Declare the results and keep examinations records.
iii. Issue academic transcripts.

5.7 Determination of Marks at the Departmental Examinations Board

1) After end of semester examinations, and following the procedures and
timelines set by the Dean/Head of departments, and in preparation for the
Departmental Examinations Board meeting:
i. Internal examiners shall mark the work, using the agreed marking
ii. Marks shall be moderated in accordance with the Faculty, School or
Department Policy.
iii. All coursework marks shall be published.
iv. The External Examiner for the Unit shall review an agreed sample of
the assessed work in light of the evaluation criteria and marking
2) For each course the Departmental Examinations Board shall receive:

The Amoud University Quality Assurance and Maintenance of Standards Policy, 2019

i. A list of provisional marks for all students in the elements of

ii. A short (usually oral) report from the Course Tutor on any issues
which may have affected the evaluation.
iii. Comments or report from the external examiner on the examination.
External examiners are members of the Board and shall in its remit.
They only moderate the assessed work and do not to remark it.
3) The Departmental Examinations Board may decide to scale the unit marks
depending on the:
i. Information from the course tutor about problems or errors in the
delivery of the course or of the evaluation of the course, which may
have affected the achievement of all students registered for the unit,
or of defined group of students.
ii. External examiners advise that the marking has been too harsh or
too generous.
4) In scaling marks, the Departmental Examinations Board shall be satisfied
i. There is sufficient evidence that students who receive a pass mark
have met the learning outcomes of the course.
ii. The making reflects the published evaluation criteria on marking
iii. The method used does not disproportionately reward students with
the lowest marks.
5) For the purposes of clarity and for avoidance of doubt, the method of
adding the same number of marks for all students shall NOT be used.
6) To ensure consistency in decisions:
i. All chairs of Examinations Boards shall be constantly sensitized
through training programmes/seminars.
ii. A representative of the Registrar shall attend at least those parts of
the Examinations Boards meetings which are concerned with award
decisions or with consideration of penalties where an allegation of
academic misconduct has been sustained.
iii. The Registrar shall advise the Faculty Examinations Boards on
options available within the regulations and on consistency with
previous decisions.

The Amoud University Quality Assurance and Maintenance of Standards Policy, 2019

5.8 QAMS in Graduation

1) For the purposes of clarity, and for avoidance of doubt, completing the
courses does not automatically result in bestowal of the degree/diploma.
2) The University shall review the academic record of each student and
certify that degree requirements have been met subject to the published
graduation policies and procedures.

The Amoud University Quality Assurance and Maintenance of Standards Policy, 2019


6.1 QAMS in Curriculum Development

For QAMS, the curriculum development at Amoud University shall go seven
(7) basic stages:

6.1.1 Stage One of Curriculum Development

1) The Head of Department/Programme initiator liaises with the Senate
office at an early stage for advice to ensure that the programme is
developed in accordance with Amoud University formats. The proposed
curriculum shall include:-
i. Title
ii. Background
iii. General and Specific Objectives and Expected Course Outcomes
iv. Justification
v. Target Group
vi. Programme Requirement and Resources - including staffing, (full-
time, part-time, technicians) equipment, general operating
costs/fees structure; resources also include relevant library
materials, ICT, space/accommodation (lecture rooms, labs,
workshops, studios, land, internship facilities etc) and even
vii. Funding Sources
viii. Entry Requirements
ix. Study Plan and Duration
x. Detailed course content indicating the common, core, speciality,
electives, audit, pre-requisite courses.
xi. Completion requirement
xii. Classification of the awards
xiii. Detailed Course Description of each course
2) At the very initial stage, The Head of Department/Programme initiator
shall ensure that:
i. There is external review by professional associations or the
prospective employers.
ii. There is good balance of theory, practical skills, and Internship.
iii. There is a coordinator whose qualifications are in the major courses
to be conducted in the programme.

6.1.2 Stage Two of Curriculum Development – Departmental

1) The Departmental Academic Programmes Committee shall examine the
proposed programme to ascertain that the above format has been adhered

The Amoud University Quality Assurance and Maintenance of Standards Policy, 2019

2) The Departmental Academic Programmes Committee may recommend

adjustments and/or review of the proposed programme.
3) Once satisfied that the recommended adjustments and/or review of the
proposed programme has been satisfactorily made, the Departmental
Academic Programmes committee shall recommend the programme to the
Departmental QAMS committee.
4) The Departmental QAMS Committee may recommend adjustments
and/or review of the proposed programme. Once satisfied that the
recommended adjustments and/or review of the proposed programme has
been satisfactorily made, the Departmental QAMS Committee shall
recommend the programme to the Faculty/School Academic Programmes

6.1.3 Stage Three of Curriculum Development – Faculty/School

1) The Faculty/School Academic Programmes Committee shall examine the
proposed programme to ascertain that the above format has been adhered
2) The Faculty/School Academic Programmes Committee may recommend
adjustments and/or review of the proposed programme.
3) The Departmental Academic Programmes Committee shall ensure that the
recommend adjustments and/or review of the proposed programme by
the Faculty/School Academic Programmes Committee are acted upon.
4) Once satisfied that the recommended adjustments and/or review of the
proposed programme has been satisfactorily made, the Faculty/School
Academic Programmes Committee shall recommend the programme to the
Faculty/School QAMS committee.
5) The Faculty/School QAMS Committee may recommend adjustments
and/or review of the proposed programme. Once satisfied that the
recommended adjustments and/or review of the proposed programme has
been satisfactorily made, the Faculty/School QAMS Committee shall
recommend the programme to the Senate Academic Programmes

6.1.4 Stage Four of Curriculum Development - Senate

1) The Senate Academic Programmes Committee shall examine the
programme with respect to:
i. Its content, relevance and justification using any appropriate method
internally and externally.
ii. Its harmony with Amoud University policies (semester regulations),
vision, mission, core values and strategic goals.
iii. Quality of delivery and shall verify that the information provided
such as availability of facilities, equipment, core staff including staff-
load are correct, true and accurate.

The Amoud University Quality Assurance and Maintenance of Standards Policy, 2019

iv. Whether the unit proposing the programme has the mandate to
house it.
2) The Senate Academic Programmes Committee may recommend
adjustments and/or review of the proposed programme.
3) The Faculty Academic Programmes Committee shall ensure that the
recommend adjustments and/or review of the proposed programme by
the Senate Academic Programmes Committee are acted upon.
4) Once satisfied that the recommended adjustments and/or review of the
proposed programme has been satisfactorily made, the Senate Academic
Programmes Committee shall recommend the programme to the Senate
QAMS committee.

6.1.5 Stage Five of Curriculum Development – Senate QAMS

1) The proposed academic programme is be submitted to the Senate QAMS
Committee. A proposed programme submitted to Senate QAMS shall be
accompanied by a long summary which shall include information on:
i. Name of the academic programme.
ii. Objectives of the programme.
iii. Justification for introduction of the programme.
iv. Physical facilities for the programme.
v. Human resource for the programme.
vi. Evidence to show that there is demand for the programme.
2) The Senate QAMS Committee shall consider the proposal and shall
establish whether the:
i. Department proposing the programme has the mandate to run it.
ii. Proposed curriculum meets the required standards.
iii. The basic required standards are summarized in Table 1 and Table 2
in paragraph.
3) The Senate QAMS Committee may recommend adjustments and/or
review of the proposed programme.
4) The Senate Academic Programmes Committee shall ensure that the
recommend adjustments and/or review of the proposed programme by
the Senate QAMS Committee are acted upon.
5) Once satisfied that the recommended adjustments and/or review of the
proposed programme has been satisfactorily made, the Senate QAMS
Committee shall recommend the programme to the Council.
6) The Academic Programmes Committee shall declare dates for the units to
follow each academic year when developing academic Programmes.

The Amoud University Quality Assurance and Maintenance of Standards Policy, 2019

6.1.6 Stage Six of Curriculum Development – University Council

QAMS Committee recommends the programme to Amoud University
Council for final approval. Amoud University Council examines mainly the
justification and whether there are enough resources to mount the

6.1.7 Stage Six of Curriculum Development – Implementation

Once Amoud University Council has approved the Programme, it is then
launched by the respective Academic unit with the guidance of the Vice
President, Academic Affairs.

6.2 Curriculum Design at Amoud University

1) A curriculum developed at and for Amoud University must facilitate a
balanced learning process and ensure that students are able to acquire such
cognitive, affective and psychomotor skills that are consistent with the
educational goals and aspirations of Somaliland as may, from time to time
be defined by the CHE.
2) The design of every curriculum shall ensure that:
a) The proposed programme is broad-based and/or integrated.
b) The proposed programme is diversified.
c) The proposed programme has a real and felt touch with the
d) The proposed programme has a good balance of theory, practical
skills and internship.
e) The proposed programme does not compromise the standards of
excellence set by the CHE.
f) The proposed programme contributes to the overall national human
resource development and requirements based on the CHE statutory
g) The proposed programme is of high quality.
h) The proposed programme is unique.
i) The proposed programme is relevant.
j) The proposed programme is in high demand by students and the
k) The proposed programme is resource efficient.
l) The proposed programme has a coordinator whose qualifications are
in the major courses to be conducted in the Programme.
m) The proposed programme has been externally reviewed by
professional association or prospective employers.
3) A programme proposed for consideration shall clearly specify (not in any
a) Fully and self explanatory programme name.
b) Background and/or preamble/introduction.

The Amoud University Quality Assurance and Maintenance of Standards Policy, 2019

c) Programme justification.
d) Programme objectives general aims/objective and specific
e) Target groups.
f) Expected learning outcomes about changes in new knowledge, skills
changed attitudes or values.
g) Programme resources; including facilities and equipment, general
operating costs; library materials, ICT, space/accommodation
(lecture rooms, labs, workshops, studios, land, internship facilities
etc) and even photocopying. Course personnel, funding. Indicate
whether all courses will be taught by staff drawn wholly from
within the faculty/department concerned or not.
h) General programmes regulations.
i) Admission requirements.
j) Programme modalities, enrolment types.
k) The curriculum plan. Outline of fully and self-explanatory course
titles and corresponding course codes to be covered in the course,
with respective credit units.
l) Programme duration.
m) Programme structure.
n) Course content showing core courses, elective courses, specialty
courses, common courses.
o) Specify the minimum load for each course by semester in every
academic year
p) Programme evaluation: coursework and end of semester
examinations. The distribution of marks between coursework and
end of semester examinations.
q) Grading system.
r) Progression. Conditions for progression.
s) Discontinuation.
t) Re-taking a course.
u) Completion and award of the degree/diploma. Minimum number of
courses that a student must undertake to qualify for the academic
award (minimum graduation load). Classification of the awards.
v) Course description: course description of each course in the
programme in a form readily accessible to each student of every
course in the programme.
w) Methods of teaching/delivery.
x) Basic reading or reference materials.
4) Amoud University, in the development and review of its academic
programmes, shall be committed to fair and equitable access to its
programmes, to equality, to environmental responsibility and to
international perspectives.

The Amoud University Quality Assurance and Maintenance of Standards Policy, 2019

6.3 QAMS in Student Intake

The number students in a programme are a key factor in control of quality of
education. Therefore, for the purposes of QAMS, student intake shall take into
consideration the approved staff/student ratio as summarized in Table 1.

Table 1
Staff/Student Ratio by Programmes
Study programme Ideal SSR Acceptable SSR
i. Agriculture/Environment. 1:10 1:20
ii. Technology.
iii. Sciences.
i. Arts. 1:15 1:30
ii. Social Sciences.
i. Education. 1:10 1:25
ii. Statistics.
iii. Business/economics.
iv. Law.
i. Health Sciences. 1:6 1:15
ii. Veterinary medicine.
Postgraduate 1:10 1:15

6.4 Evaluation Framework for Programme Development/Review

Table 2 summarizes the primary and general criteria associated with main
components of curriculum/programme development/review.

The Amoud University Quality Assurance and Maintenance of Standards Policy, 2019

Table 2
Framework for Evaluation of New Academic Programmes
Characteristics Components Criteria
1) The curriculum:
i. Meets the objectives for the programme through its array and sequence of courses, modes of instruction
and evaluation, development of skills, acquisition of knowledge, and synthesis of information.
ii. Reflects the goals of education equity.
iii. Provides sufficient flexibility to individual students to choose courses according to their own interests
within and outside their manor discipline (e.g. electives).
2) Programme:
i. Provides liberal education by encouraging the development of broadly informed, reflective, and literate
minds capable of independent and critical thinking.
ii. Includes opportunities for synthesis, application and integration of knowledge within and between
iii. is current, both in content and modes of instruction.
iv. Reflects a responsiveness to change in the discipline.
v. Meet or exceeds accreditation and/or national standards.
3) The academic load does not impose undue barriers to completion such that students can complete the
programme in the regular allocated time.
Academic staff responsible for/or involved in programme:
1) Are well-qualified, have the appropriate academic and/or professional qualifications and are actively
involved in scholarly work.
2) Maintain and update their skills and knowledge appropriate to their discipline through involvement with
academic, professional and/or scientific organizations.
Academic staff
3) Are nationally/internationally recognized for their scholarly and/or professional work such as have
obtained awards and/or local/national/international invitations to present their work to colleagues in
their discipline.
4) Has made a significant contribution to the discipline through his/her scholarly work.
5) Are committed to developing their teaching skills.

Instructional methods in the programme:

Mode of Instruction 1) Incorporate a variety of modes, accommodates different learning styles and flexibility in scheduling.
2) Are responsive to new developments in the field, including practical experiences.

The Amoud University Quality Assurance and Maintenance of Standards Policy, 2019

3) Integrate teaching and scholarships.

4) Reflect a commitment to the goals of education equity.
5) Are consistent with philosophies and programme objectives.
There are:
1) Adequate numbers of appropriately trained staff and experienced to support the programme.
Infrastructure 2) Necessary facilities and equipment.
3) Appropriate library resources are available.
4) Effective and supportive organizational and administrative structures to deliver the programme.

The programme under review is such that:

1) Programme can/or has achieved its educational objectives within the stipulated time.
2) Students are satisfied that the programme can/or has helped them achieve their personal and/or
professional goals.
3) Graduate of the program can be/or are successful in employment market because employers can/or have
Outcome utilized their training.
4) Qualifications of students graduating from programmes can be or/are accepted to licensing bodies and/or
5) Students can be /or are successful in the examinations or competitions.
6) Employers or subsequent graduate supervisors are satisfied with programme.

There is sufficient:
Student demand, 1) Interest by students of the catchment area to establish and/or maintain the programme.
2) Local and national market demand for the graduates of the programme.
Demand market demand,
3) Interest by outstanding students from outside the local catchment area to establish and/or maintain the
societal need programme while still providing general access to local applicants.
4) Demand for junior ‘service’ courses to maintain the programme within an academic area.

1) Programme is cost-effective relative to other similar programmes.

Resource Use Resource Use 2) Where students demand for a programme is low, demand for service courses is high to maintain the
programme and the incremental cost of offering the programme is low.

1) Programme is unique in content and/or approach nationally/regionally in descending order of priority.

Uniqueness 2) Staff and other personnel associated with the programme provide services and expertise otherwise

Relevance Program builds on and contributes to social development and economic strength of the country.

The Amoud University Quality Assurance and Maintenance of Standards Policy, 2019

6.5 Programme Review Routine

1) New programmes shall be reviewed after the first cohort of graduates have
completed their studies and thereafter periodically.
2) The Directorate of QAMS shall initiate a mandatory review of academic
programmes involving external input, after every three years.
3) The Directorate of QAMS shall create a panel of knowledgeable and
experienced persons to periodically review University
courses/programme to advise on their validity and relevance.
4) The Senate Academic Programmes shall initiate mechanism of
harmonization of courses to address the issue of duplication of courses and


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