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Recent progress in biomedical applications of

Cite this: DOI: 10.1039/c3cp43938k
titanium dioxide
Zi Fei Yin,wa Long Wu,wb Hua Gui Yang*b and Yong Hua Su*a
Published on 28 January 2013 on | doi:10.1039/C3CP43938K

As one of the most common chemical materials, titanium dioxide (TiO2) has been prepared and widely
used for many years. Among all the applications, the biomedical applications of TiO2 have motivated strong
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interest and intensive experimental and theoretical studies, owing to its unique photocatalytic properties,
excellent biocompatibility, high chemical stability, and low toxicity. Advances in nanoscale science suggest
that some of the current problems of life science could be resolved or greatly improved through applying
TiO2. This paper presents a critical review of recent advances in the biomedical applications of TiO2, which
Received 6th November 2012, includes the photodynamic therapy for cancer treatment, drug delivery systems, cell imaging, biosensors for
Accepted 25th January 2013 biological assay, and genetic engineering. The characterizations and applications of TiO2 nanoparticles, as
DOI: 10.1039/c3cp43938k well as nanocomposites and nanosystems of TiO2, which have been prepared by different modifications to
improve the function of TiO2, are also offered in this review. Additionally, some perspectives on the challenges and new directions for future research in this emerging frontier are discussed.

1. Introduction colouring, cosmetics, and toothpastes. Since the first report

of photocatalytic splitting of water on a TiO2 electrode under
As a well-known functional material, titanium dioxide (TiO2) ultraviolet (UV) light in 1972,1,2 TiO2 has been extensively
has been widely used as a white pigment in paints, food studied and remained as one of the most important candidates
used as photovoltaic cells, photocatalysis, photodegradation,
Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Changhai Hospital, Second Military electrochromic devices etc,1,3–8 due to its nontoxicity, strong
Medical University, 168 Changhai Road, Shanghai, 200433 China. optical absorption, low cost, and high chemical stability.
E-mail:; Fax: +86 21 8187 1559; Tel: +86 21 8187 1569 Among all the applications, the medical applications of TiO2
Key Laboratory for Ultrafine Materials of Ministry of Education, School of
are undoubtedly promising, which may play an important role in
Materials Science and Engineering, East China University of Science and
the improvement of health care, especially cancer treatment. For
Technology, 130 Meilong Road, Shanghai 200237, China.
E-mail:; Fax: +86 21 64252127; Tel: +86 21 64252127 instance, based on its excellent photocatalytic activity, photo-
† These authors contributed equally to this work. excited TiO2 demonstrates the capability to kill cancer cells

Zi Fei Yin received her Bachelor Long Wu received his Bachelor

degree in Traditional Chinese degree in School of Chemistry
Medicine from Second Military and Chemical Engineering from
Medical University in 2009. She Yantai University in 2009. He is
is now a Master degree candi- now a PhD student in East China
date, majoring in Integrated University of Science and Techno-
Traditional and Western Medicine, logy under the supervision of
under the supervision of Prof. Prof. Hua Gui Yang. His current
Yong Hua Su. Her research research interests focus on the
interests focus on the thera- design, synthesis and charac-
peutic effect and mechanism of terization of novel functional
photodynamic therapy and semiconductor materials for clean
Zi Fei Yin Chinese medicine on cancer. Long Wu and renewable energy, especially
solar energy.

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effectively, and it can also be applied as a nucleic acid endo-

nuclease, which is of vital importance to genetic engineering.9–11
Furthermore, when combined, doped or tailored with different
methods,12–19 the nanocomposites and nanosystems of TiO2
may serve as candidate tools for cell imaging, biological analysis,
and drug delivery.13,20–23
To date, the synthesis, physicochemical properties and
applications (especially in clean energy and environmental
protection fields) of TiO2 have been reviewed extensively.24–32
However, the biomedical applications of TiO2 in life science have
been rarely summarized so far. Herein, we summarize the recent
progress of various biomedical applications of TiO2 including
photodynamic therapy for cancer, drug delivery system, cell
Published on 28 January 2013 on | doi:10.1039/C3CP43938K

imaging, biosensors for biological assay, genetic engineering, Fig. 1 Bulk crystal structure of rutile (left) and anatase (right). Titanium atoms
and some perspectives are also provided finally. are gray, and oxygen atoms are red. (Obtained from ref. 36).
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2. Fundamental properties of TiO2

photoinduced charge carriers. Among various polymorphs of TiO2,
TiO2 occurs as four major crystal structures: the stable rutile rutile is the most stable phase for particle having a size above
(tetragonal, a = b = 4.584 Å, c = 2.953 Å), metastable anatase 35 nm,38 while anatase is considered to be the most thermodyna-
(tetragonal, a = b = 3.782 Å, c = 9.502 Å), brookite (rhombohedral, mically stable for the nanoparticles with a size below 10–20 nm.1,5,39
a = 5.436 Å, b = 9.166 Å, c = 5.135 Å) and TiO2 (B) (monoclinic, The unique physicochemical properties of TiO2 crystals are
a = 12.16 Å, b = 3.74 Å, c = 6.51 Å).1,5,33–37 The brookite and TiO2 affected not only by the intrinsic electronic structure and crystal
(B) structures are less studied in experimental investigations. structures but also by their size, shape, and doping.24,40–42 In
Both the rutile and anatase crystals are formed by a basic building particular, intensive research attention has been paid to the
block consisting of a titanium atom surrounded by six oxygen design and synthesis of TiO2 with high-reactivity facets. For a
atoms in a more or less distorted octahedral configuration. Fig. 1 long period, tailored synthesis of faceted anatase TiO2 single
depicts the unit cell structures of the rutile and anatase TiO2. crystals has been a great challenge. Recently, on the basis of
The differences in the two crystal structures are the distortion theoretical predictions, Yang et al.43 successfully synthesized
of each octahedron and the assembly pattern of the octahedral uniform anatase TiO2 single crystals with 47% of the highly
chains. In rutile, the distortion of the cubic lattice is slight so reactive facets using hydrofluoric acid (HF) as a morphology
that the unit cell is stretched beyond a cubic shape. In anatase, controlling agent for the first time. After that, many promising
the octahedron is significantly distorted, and thus its symmetry applications such as photocatalytic degradation of organic dye
is lower than orthorhombic. These polymorphs determine molecules, photocatalytic water splitting and dye-sensitized
electronic band structures, surface structure, and thus the bulk solar cells (DSSCs) using facet dominated anatase TiO2 have
diffusion, surface transfer capability and redox potentials of also been developed.44–48

Hua Gui Yang completed his PhD Yong Hua Su received her PhD
in 2005 at the National Univer- in Integrated Traditional and
sity of Singapore. He then joined Western Medicine from Second
the General Electric (GE) Military Medical University in
Company as a Research Scientist 2003, under the supervision of
and moved to the University of Prof. Chang Quan Ling. She is
Queensland (UQ) in 2007 as a presently a Professor in the
Postdoctoral Research Fellow. Department of Traditional Chinese
Currently he is a professor of Medicine in Changhai Hospital,
East China University of Science which is affiliated to the Second
and Technology. His work has Military Medical University. Her
been published in top journals research interests focuses on
Hua Gui Yang such as Nature, and featured in Yong Hua Su cancer treatment and the bio-
the Nature Materials, RSC’s medical applications of
Chemistry World and ACS Chemical & Engineering News. nanomaterials.
Currently he has interests in design and synthesis of metallic and
semiconducting crystals for renewable clean energy and
environmental protection applications.

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However, for practical applications, the large band gap of H2O to produce hydroxyl radicals. Meanwhile, the electrons are
TiO2 (B3.2 eV for anatase and brookite, B3.0 eV for rutile) is so usually scavenged by O2 to yield superoxide radical anions.
large that it can be only activated under ultraviolet (UV) These species in solution can react to give other cytotoxic
irradiation. To overcome the serious weaknesses of low separa- reactive oxygen species (ROS) such as hydrogen peroxide and
tion probability or the photoinduced electron–hole pairs and peroxy radicals, which are harmful to cancer cells. The major
narrow light-response range in pristine TiO2, many modification reactions that result in the formation of ROS are shown as
strategies have been proposed to achieve this target, including simplified eqn (1)–(6).
doping, co-doping with two or more foreign ions, surface sensitiza-
TiO2 + hu - h+ + e (1)
tion by organic dyes or metal complexes, and decoration with noble
metal deposition, etc.36,39,42,49–51 In particular, doping is a powerful H2O + h+ -  OH + H+ (2)
strategy for modifying electronic structure and the construction of
heteroatomic surface structures that allow high-efficiency photo- O2 + e - O2 (3)
catalysis under solar light irradiation. In photocatalysis, a break- O2 
+ H - HO2
Published on 28 January 2013 on | doi:10.1039/C3CP43938K

through work by Asahi et al. in 2001 reported nitrogen-doped TiO2

can improve its photocatalytic activity for the photodegradation of 2 HO2 - H2O2 + O2 (5)
methylene blue and gaseous acetaldehyde under visible light H2O2 + O2 -  OH + OH + O2
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irradiation.52 After that, nearly all metal and non-metal ions have
been explored as dopants in modifying the electronic structure of
TiO2 to improve its photocatalytic activity. 3. Biomedical applications of TiO2
Photocatalysis of TiO2 involves three processes: the excita-
tion, bulk diffusion and surface transfer of photoinduced So far, plentiful research works focusing on the biomedical
charge carriers. Fig. 2 shows the three processes in a photo- applications of TiO2 have been reported. Based on different
catalytic reaction. functional activities concerned with different research fields,
Firstly, the semiconductor photocatalyst particles absorb a these biomedical applications can be classified as follows:
photon with energy larger than the band gap. The electrons in the (i) Photodynamic therapy for cancer
valence band of the photocatalyst are excited to the conduction (ii) Drug delivery system
band. Simultaneously, the holes are left in the valence band. (iii) Cell imaging
Secondly, the excited electrons and holes separate and (iv) Biosensors for biological assay
migrate to the surface of photocatalyst which is drastically (v) Genetic engineering
affected by crystal structure, crystallinity, and by the particle
size of the photocatalyst. However, recombination of photo- 3.1 Photodynamic therapy for cancer
generated electron and hole pairs results in a decrease in the Photodynamic therapy (PDT) for cancer involves administration
photocatalytic activity. of a tumor localizing photosensitizing agent, which may require
Lastly, the electrons and holes can lead to produce surface metabolic synthesis, followed by activation of the agent by light
chemical reactions. The holes can react with surface adsorbed of a specific wavelength.53 Compared with surgical, radiological,
chemotherapeutic treatments and other conventional therapies,
PDT is increasingly being recognized as an alternative and
promising non-invasive treatment for cancer.54–56
When TiO2 nanoparticles were illuminated by UV light
with wavelength less than 385 nm, photo-induced electrons
and holes could be created.34 Moreover, these photo-induced
electrons and holes could further react with hydroxyl ions or
water to form powerful oxidative radicals (e.g.,  OH, HO2 ),57
which are capable of destroying the structure of bacteria, fungi,
tumor cells, and so on. In view of the rising incidence of cancer
and the unparalleled advantages of PDT, many researchers
have focused on the application of TiO2 as a photosensitizer
to treat cancer due to its high photocatalytic efficiency, low
toxicity and excellent photostability.
The photokilling activity of TiO2 to malignant cells was first
reported on a TiO2 film electrode by A. Fujishima et al.58,59 In
the system, Hela cells were cultured on the surface of TiO2
electrode. When the electrode was anodically polarized under
UV-irradiation, Hela cells were damaged from the membrane.
However, cancer cells were not killed when the electrode was
Fig. 2 Schematic illustration of main processes in a photocatalytic reaction. located 10 mm away from the cell surface, so they prepared a

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polarized, illuminated TiO2 microelectrode in 1995,60 which

showed selective antitumor activity of a single cancerous
T24 cell.
Considering the electrode system was not feasible and
available, TiO2 particles were applied, even nanoparticles were
also prepared, which could yield an extremely large surface area
and be incorporated by the living cells, resulting in higher reaction
rates. Under these experimental conditions, with the photoinduc-
tion of UVA, more and more researchers showed the phototoxic
effect in vitro of TiO2 nanoparticles on a series of human cancer
cells, such as cervical cancer cells (HeLa),9 bladder cancer cells
(T24),10 monocytic leukemia cells (U937)61 and adenocarcinoma
cells (SPC-A1),62 colon carcinoma cells (Ls-174-t),63 breast epithelial
Published on 28 January 2013 on | doi:10.1039/C3CP43938K

cancer cells (MCF-7, MDA-MB-468),64 glioma cells(U87),65 and

human hepatoma cells (Bel 7402).66
TiO2 nanoparticles are typically insoluble in aqueous medium,
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hampering the utilization of TiO2 in biological applications, so

how to enhance the water-soluble activity of TiO2 needs to be
Fig. 4 The tumors of nude mouse before treatment (A) and 4 weeks after
investigated. J. Seo et al.67 successfully fabricated water-soluble treatment (B). TiO2 powder (0.4 mg) was injected into Tumor 1. Tumor 2, which
TiO2 nanoparticles through a high-temperature non-hydrolytic was not injected with TiO2 particles, was also opened surgically. Both tumors
method. These nanoparticles are short and rod shaped and are were irradiated by a Hg lamp for 1 h. (Obtained from ref. 68).
3.5 nm in diameter and 10.4 nm in length (Fig. 3A), and showed
higher toxicity on human melanoma cells (A375) with the
presence of UV irradiation than commercially available to about 0.5 cm, they injected a solution containing fine particles
Degussa P-25 nanoparticles (Fig. 3B). of TiO2 to the tumor. After 2 or 3 days, the skin covering
Importantly, the anticancer effect of TiO2 has been also the tumor was cut open to be exposed and irradiated by UVA.
demonstrated in vivo,9,32,68 indicating that photoexcited TiO2 This treatment clearly inhibited the tumor growth. After 13
nanoparticles may be a potential way to treat cancer in the more days, the treatment was repeated and a further marked
future. R. Cai et al.9 injected Hela cells under the skin of nude antineoplastic effect was observed (Fig. 4). Furthermore, TiO2
mice to cause tumors to form, when the size of the tumors grew particles can significantly suppress the growth of bladder and
glioma cancer cells implanted into nude mice as well, even
prolong the survival time.10,65
The photo-generated holes are easy to recombine with
the photo-induced electrons, which greatly reduced the photo-
catalytic inactivation efficiency of TiO2,69 so how to enhance the
photocatalytic efficiency of TiO2 has been deeply investigated.
Surface modification with other elements is a plausible and
extensively used method. J Xu et al.70 synthesized gold-doped
TiO2 nanocomposites through the deposition–precipitation (DP)
method and confirmed that the loading amount of Au on the
surface of TiO2 nanoparticles can strongly affect the photocatalytic
inactivation efficiency of TiO2. The most efficient nanocomposites
were TiO2 nanoparticles doped with 2%. When 50 mg mL 1 2 wt%
Au/TiO2 nanocomposites were used, all of the Human Colon
Carcinoma LoVo cells were killed under the irradiation of UV
light within 100 minutes, while only 40% cancer cells were killed
on the same condition of TiO2 nanoparticles (Fig. 5).
TiO2 can only be activated by UV light due to its energy gap
(3.0–3.2 eV). However, UV light is harmful to the human body,
and UV only accounts for almost 5% of the sun’s energy
compared to visible light (45%), the shift in the optical
response of TiO2 from the UV to the visible spectral range will
Fig. 3 (A) TEM image of synthesized water-soluble TiO2 nanoparticles; inset:
have a profound positive effect on the practical applications. In
HRTEM lattice-fringe image. (B) The surviving fraction of melanoma A375 cells
when treated with water-soluble TiO2 nanoparticles (K), Degussa P-25 nano-
order to extend the optical absorption of TiO2 to the visible light
particles (m) after UV irradiation for 30 min, and water-soluble TiO2 nanoparticles region, different methods have been developed. Dye adsorbed
without UV irradiation (’). (Obtained from ref. 67). and doping methods are the extensively applied approaches.

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Fig. 5 (A) TEM images of TiO2 nanoparticles (a), and 2 wt% Au/TiO2 (b and c). The
magnifications of (a), (b), and (c) are 150 000, 400 000, and 1 500 000, respectively.
(B) Surviving fraction of LoVo cells under the irradiation of UV light after being
incubated in culture mediums: (a) with no TiO2, (b) containing 50 mg mL 1 TiO2, and
(c) containing 50 mg mL 1 2 wt% Au/TiO2. (Obtained from ref. 70).

The dyes such as hypcrellin B,71 chlorine e6,72 and zinc phthalo-
cyanine73 which are well-known PDT sensitizers, were applied in
the dye-adsorbed method. As regards to the doping method, Fig. 6 (A) Diffuse reflectance absorption spectra of pure TiO2 and N-doped TiO2
(Sample N-550-1 and N-550-2). Sample N-550-2 exhibited the highest absor-
several metal elements (Pt, Fe)74–76 and nonmetal elements (C,
bance in the visible region. (B) The cytotoxicities and the photokilling effects of
N)77–80 have been used. Z. Li et al.80 synthesized nitrogen-doped pure TiO2 and N-doped TiO2 (N-550-2) with the concentration of 200 mg mL 1 on
TiO2 (N-TiO2) nanoparticles by calcining the anatase TiO2 nano- HeLa, hepatocellular carcinoma cells(QGY), and human nasopharyngeal carci-
particles under an ammonia atmosphere. The prepared N-TiO2 noma cells (KB) cells. (Obtained from ref. 80).
nanoparticles showed a higher absorbance in the visible region
than the pure TiO2 nanoparticles (Fig. 6A). Higher antitumor
activity of N-TiO2 nanoparticles under the irradiation of visible antihuman-IL13 2R. These bioconjugated nanoparticles were
light was also reported (Fig. 6B). Recently, a co-doped method was demonstrated to target brain cancer cells and avoid normal brain
also utilized, which means that TiO2 was modified with two cells (Fig. 8). Moreover, with the new method, TiO2 nanoparticles
different elements (Fe@N,Fe@Ag).81,82 For example, according can be modified with various exclusive targeting proteins, so that
to the research of Md. Abdulla-Al-Mamun et al.,82 Ag@Fe-doped TiO2 nanoparticles may be used as a target therapy of specific
TiO2 nanopowders (Fig. 7A) could produce higher amount of  OH cancer cells more effectively.83 At present, the cancer treatments
under the presence of visible light irradiation (Fig. 7B), and can shrink the size of the tumour, but these effects are transient.
exhibited more efficient in cancer cell killing than Fe-doped TiO2. Viewing that cancer may be considered as a cancer stem cell
Though the anticancer effect of TiO2 is effective, the killing was disorder rather than that of rapidly growing cells, eliminating
devoid of specificity. Hence, it is necessary to prepare improved cancer stem cells may be the possible cure of cancer.87,88 Therefore,
TiO2 nanoparticles, which can specifically identify and bind with how to recognize the cancer stem cells is a great challenge. The
the receptors of cancer cells, in order to increase the selective monoclonal antibody (mAb) Nilo1, which can recognize the surface
antitumor activity and reduce the non-selective cell death.83 antigen in neural stem cells, has been successfully coupled to
Recently, monoclonal antibody proteins (CEA,83 pre-S1/S2,84 TiO2 nanoparticles by G. Elvira et al.89 The Nilo1-TiO2 complexes
IL13a2R85 and EGFR86) with high affinity and specificity have been were verified to specifically deplete in vitro cancer stem cells upon
immobilized on the surface of TiO2 nanoparticles. These proteins UV-irradiation, which provided the basis for further applications of
are overexpressed on the surface of certain cancer cells, therefore TiO2 in cancer stem cells therapy.
the modified TiO2 nanoparticles with a specific antibody are useful
for directing the nanoparticles towards the specific cell population. 3.2 Drug delivery system
For example, E. A. Rozhkova et al.85 utilized a platform of 5 nm For the ultimate goal of maximizing the therapeutic activity
TiO2 nanoparticles tethered through a DOPAC linker to the while minimizing the side effects, an ideal drug distribution

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Fig. 8 Nanobiocomposites consisting of 5 nm TiO2 and IL13R-recognizing anti-

body linked via DOPAC linker to recognize and bind exclusively to surface IL13R.
(Obtained from ref. 85).

been fabricated into various shapes of drug delivery system, such

as whiskers, capsules, and porous shapes. Therefore, the drug can
be combined on the surface or contained in the reservoir of TiO2,
performing sustained controlled release activity. Additionally,
when the drug delivery system is modified with specific molecules
directing it to the targeted cells, it can be localized in the specific
cells to perform higher efficiency.
TiO2 has been studied as a carrier material for various drugs,
such as sodium phenytoin92 valproic acid,90 temozolomide,93
and daunorubicin.12–14 After an initial higher release rate, a
nearly constant release rate can be obtained over a long period
of time. These new drug delivery systems of TiO2 permit high
delivery efficiency, precise control of the dose, prolonged time
periods (i.e., days, weeks, or months) exposure to drugs and
significant reduction in toxicity. For example, Q. Li et al.12
Fig. 7 (A) TEM micrographs of (a) Fe-doped TiO2 and (b) Ag@Fe-doped TiO2.
confirmed that one-dimensional titanium dioxide whiskers
a1 and b1 show the corresponding electron diffraction patterns of (a) and (b),
respectively. (B) The photoluminescence (PL) spectral changes observed during (TiO2 Ws) can obviously enhance the potential anti-tumor
irradiation of (a) Fe-doped (5%) TiO2 and (b) Ag@Fe-doped (5%) TiO2 samples intracellular efficiency of daunorubicin (DNR) by increasing
under visible light irradiation. The intensity of the PL is in proportion to the the concentration of DNR inside SMMC-7721, while alleviating
amount of OH radicals produced in water. (Obtained from ref. 82). the toxic side-effects by efficiently making full use of DNR in the
environment (Fig. 9). Additionally, UV irradiation could further
enhance the growth inhibition of cancer cells by photocatalysis.
system should deliver the drug when and where it is required.90,91 Furthermore, it has been found that the loading mode
In recent years, controlled and targeted drug delivery systems have between the drug and TiO2 can significantly affect therapeutic
gained increasing attention and the rapid expansion in advanced efficacy. Y. Qin et al.13 loaded chemotherapeutic doxorubicin
materials and technology has resulted in a remarkable progress in (DOX) loaded on the highly water-dispersible TiO2 nano-
their development. Sustained and controlled drug release from particles by non-covalent complexation (TiO2/DOX) or covalent
nanostructured reservoirs, which were implanted or injected into conjugation (TiO2-DOX) (Fig. 10A). In the case of TiO2/DOX, the
human body at the site, targeted where the medication is needed, main fraction of DOX was found inside the nuclei, which was
is an attractive weapon to the regular intake of medication in the probably due to the pH-responsive release of DOX from TiO2/
case of chronic diseases, such as cancer and epilepsy. DOX in C6 glioma cells, while most TiO2-DOX was distributed
Up to now, TiO2 has received considerable attention in in the cytoplasm, and little TiO2-DOX penetrated the nuclei
efficient drug delivery systems, and TiO2 nanoparticles have (Fig. 10B). Consequently, TiO2/DOX exhibited a significantly

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Fig. 10 (A) Schematic representation of synthesis of highly water-dispersible

TiO2 nanoparticles and loading of DOX via non-covalent complexation (TiO2/
Fig. 9 (A) Illustration of the possible mechanism account for the enhancing DOX) or covalent conjugation (TiO2-DOX). (B) Illustration of the effect of loading
uptake of DNR into SMMC-7721 cells via TiO2 whiskers (Ws) drug delivery. (B) mode on the intracellular location of DOX. Most of TiO2-DOX was distributed in
Microscopy images of SMMC-7721 cells (a), treated with TiO2 NPs (12.5 mg mL 1) the cytoplasm (a), while in the case of TiO2/DOX, the main fraction of released
(b), TiO2 Ws (12.5 mg mL 1) (c), DNR (1.5  10 5 mg mL 1) alone (d), TiO2 NPs– DOX was found inside the nuclei (b). (Obtained from ref. 13).
DNR (e), and TiO2 Ws–DNR (f). (Obtained from ref. 12).

targeted detection of molecular biomarkers is absolutely

higher cytotoxicity toward C6 glioma cells than free DOX promising, as they can allow early stage diagnosis, better
because of enhanced cellular uptake. understanding of the functional characteristics of disease,
The site of the released drug delivery system plays key roles predict the prognosis, and evaluate the treatment efficacy,
in determining the therapeutic outcome in terms of selectivity and resulting in significant improvement in the total disease manage-
specificity. Therefore, how to direct the drug carrier to targeted cells ment. Since nanosized materials exhibit specific behavior in biolo-
is essential. Interestingly, C. Kim et al.94 has fabricated silica/titania gical environment, such as prolonging the circulation time in the
hollow nanoparticles (HNPs) with an average diameter of 50 nm body compared to small molecules, penetrating into tissues,
by using the dissolution and redeposition method, and mod- accumulating in tumor tissue, applying nanoobjects for prepara-
ified HNPs with anti-[human epidermal growth factor receptor tion of advanced cell imaging agents is very advantageous.95,96
2] monoclonal antibody (herceptin) (HER-HNP), and loaded During the past few years, TiO2 has gained lots of researchers’
HER-HNP with large amount of hydrophobic anticancer drug interests due to its unique chemical active surface in many
camptothecin (CPT) (HER-HNP-CPT) (Fig. 11A). The HER- potential applications. With the advancement of nanotechnology,
HNP-CPT efficiently internalized into the human breast cancer the fluorescent dye or magnetic resonance contrast agents labelled
SK-BR-3 cells, owing to their herceptin conjugation, and TiO2 nanoparticles, nanotubes or nanoprobes have been success-
released its entire load of CPT in 24 h, thus simultaneously fully prepared for cell imaging through fluorescent analysis or MRI.
showed highly efficient anticancer activity and low toxicity to Moreover, compared with X-ray and other medical imaging
normal cells (Fig. 11B). The new drug delivery system, with high methods, fluorescence and MRI are both non-invasive or
loading capacity for hydrophobic anticancer drug and high minimally invasive methods for in vivo imaging, indicating that
selectivity for cancer cells, offers a new research direction for these prepared TiO2 nano-structures may have a wonderful
anticancer drug carriers. prospect for cell imaging in the future.
K. C. Wu et al.14 has synthesized mesoporous titania nano-
3.3 Cell imaging particles (MTNs) with excellent biocompatibility (LC50 E
Cell imaging and observation provides insight into the cell fate. 400 mg mL 1) and a large surface area (ca. 237.3 m2 g 1), and
Though there are many cell imaging methods, non-invasive and they further functionalized MTNs with a phosphate-containing

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Fig. 12 A merged fluorescence confocal image of FMN–MTNs (green dots) in

BT-20 cancer cells where the nuclei were stained with DAPI (blue spots).
(Obtained from ref. 14).
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P. Chandran et al.15 has reported their development of a

novel magnetic nano-contrast agent (nano-CA) based on Gd3+
doped amorphous TiO2 of size B25 nm. Quantitative T1 mapping
of phantom samples using a 1.5 T clinical MR imaging system
revealed that the amorphous phase of Gd3+ doped TiO2 (GTN)
has the highest r1 relaxivity which is B2.5 fold higher than the
commercially used CA Magnevistt. The crystalline (anatase)
samples formed by air annealing at 250 1C and 500 1C showed
significant reduction in r1 values and MR contrast, which is
attributed to the loss of proton-exchange contribution from the
adsorbed water and atomic re-arrangement of Gd3+ ions in
the crystalline host lattice (Fig. 13). The study reveals that
GTN is considered as a promising candidate for molecular
receptor targeted MR imaging. However, imaging at time
periods in excess of 24 hours after delivery is generally not
possible for Gd-based contrast agents because of their rapid
clearance, so the approaches to prolong retention of contrast
agents in the cells is desirable. T. Paunesku et al.97 investigated
that their prepared nanoconjugates composed of TiO2 nano-
particles and a Gd contrast agent, showed superior to the free
contrast agent of the same formulation with regard to intracellular

Fig. 11 (A) Schematic illustration of the fabrication of HER-HNP-CPT. (B) Cell

viability of SK-BR-3 human breast cancer cells (a) and RAW264.7 mouse macro-
phage cells (b) incubated with CPT, HNP, HER-HNP, HNP-CPT, and HER-HNP-CPT
for 24 h. (Obtained from ref. 94).

fluorescent molecule (flavin mononucleotide; FMN). When

BT-20 cells were incubated with FMN–MTNs for 4 h, the green
fluorescence that resulted from FMN-MTNs was visualized in the
cytoplasm, indicated that the FMN molecules remained inside the
MTNs without much leaching (Fig. 12). FMN–MTNs performed as
a satisfactory intracellular bioimaging agent. Furthermore,
Fig. 13 T1 weighted phantom NMR images of undoped TiO2 (TN), Gd3+ doped
the specific antibody (CEA) expressed by cancer cells can be TiO2 (GTN), GTN air annealed at 250 1C (GTN-250) and GTN air annealed at
conjugated with these fluorescent contrast modified TiO2 particles 500 1C (GTN-500). Water and 0.1 mM Gd(NO3)3 are taken as the controls.
as well, in order to track cancer cells precisely.83 (Obtained from ref. 15).

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such as nanoparticles,99,100 nanotubes,101,102 nanosheets,103

three-dimensional macroporous matrices,98,104 and sol–gel
matrices,105 have been extensively applied in developing bio-
sensors. These prepared TiO2 matrices, provided a promising
interface to assemble different kinds of proteins (antibody,
enzyme), are promising matrices for the fabrication of electro-
chemical biosensors. Many results showed that these biosensors
can qualitatively and quantitatively analyze biological molecules,
such as tumor makers (CEA, AFP), glucose.106–108
It has been confirmed that the morphology and structure of
TiO2 nanomaterials have an important effect on the property of
the immobilized enzyme, which determines their efficacy in
biosensors.109 In order to achieve controlled fabrication of new
Published on 28 January 2013 on | doi:10.1039/C3CP43938K

morphologies of TiO2 nanostructures with high performance,

Q. Xie et al.17 synthesized nanosheet-based TiO2 microspheres
(Fig. 15A) with a hollow core–shell structure. With the unique
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‘‘trumpet’’-shaped pores between the nanosheets, the adsorbed

enzyme easily becomes immobilized on the inner core of
the microspheres, and the substrate has easy access to the
Fig. 14 Visualization of rat mesenchymal stem cell suspensions: (A) magnetic
immobilized enzyme in the hollow interior of the core–shell
resonance image of vials with TiO2@RhdGd labeled cells (left) and control structure, therefore concentration of substrate and enzyme
unlabelled ones (right); (B) fluorescence from TiO2@RhdGd labeled cells (left) in this confined region will increase the chance of effective
and control unlabelled ones (right). (Obtained from ref. 16). collisions between them. Further researches showed that the
biosensor based on the nanosheet-based hollow core–shell
structure of the TiO2 microspheres displayed good performance
accumulation, retention, and subcellular localization. Even 48 hours
for the detection of H2O2, with both a low detection limit of
after treatment, the concentration of Gd in nanoconjugate-treated
0.05 mM and a wide linear range of 0.4–140 mM, as well as a
cells was 1000-fold higher than in cells treated with contrast
fast response and excellent long-term stability (Fig. 15B and C).
agent alone.
Hence, such structure should be a promising biosensor for
The combination of various cell imaging methods into one
biological analysis.
agent gives rise to multimodal imaging probes, ensuring the full
However, the complexity of the human proteome requires
utilization of advantages of each particular imaging technique.
the development of sophisticated multiplexed technologies for
Recently, multimodal imaging probes have excited interests of
more appropriate methods of analysis, such as biochips and
many researchers. I. Řehoř et al.16 prepared a new multimodal
microarrays, which can offer a valid approach to interrogate the
imaging-therapeutic nanoprobe TiO2@RhdGd, and verified that
proteome by multiplexing the information at a reasonable cost.
TiO2@RhdGd can successfully be used for in vitro and in vivo cell
R. Carbone et al.18 presented a novel cell-based microarray
tracking by means of fluorescence microscopy and MRI (Fig. 14).
for phenotype screening on primary and cancer cells based
The probe core consists of a TiO2 nanoparticle, and its surface is
on the localized reverse infection by retroviruses. The high-
covered with Gd(III) chelates responsible for contrast in MRI and
performance coating for protein binding surfaces of the novel
fluorescent rhodamine B (Rhd) derivatives for contrast in fluores-
microarray was made up of systematic nanostructured titanium
cence microscopy. Furthermore, it was shown that the probe
oxide film (ns-TiO2), synthesized by supersonic cluster beam
TiO2@RhdGd can be changed into a cancer cell killer upon UV
deposition (SCBD). The retroviral cell array was validated by
light irradiation owing to the photocatalysis of TiO2.
overexpression of GFP reporter genes in primary and cancer
cells additionally (Fig. 16), and the results demonstrated that
3.4 Biosensors for biological assay ns-TiO2 may serve as reliable substrate for biochips in analytical
The design and fabrication of simple and sensitive electrochemical protein microarray application.
biosensors have been of high interest for their widespread applica- TiO2 biosensors can not only be applied as substrate for
tions such as drug discovery, disease diagnosis, environmental detecting biological molecules, but also be used in cell-capture
monitoring and food safety. However, the miniaturization assay. According to a up-to-date research, N. Zhang et al.19
trend of electrochemical biosensors makes the utilization of prepared an electrospun TiO2 nanofiber-based cell capture
them still challenging because of the limited active surface area assay. The advantages of using electrospun TiO2 nanofibers
of microelectrodes and the low detection signal.98 (TiNFs) include (i) the dimension and packing density of TiNFs
Among all the materials for biosensors, one promising can be precisely controlled; (ii) TiNFs can be deposited onto any
candidate is TiO2 because of its good biocompatibility, relatively given substrates (i.e., silicon or glass) using a well established
high conductivity, environmentally benign nature, chemical experimental setup; and (iii) it is feasible to explore the use of a
and thermal stability. Until now, TiO2 in various forms, variety of organic materials that can be engineered onto a cell

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Fig. 16 Retroviral microarrays with the application of nanostructured TiO2 for

the overexpression of EGFP-fused proteins; (A) 10  immunofluorescence panel
of a 10  24 array of MCF10A cells infected by PINCO and PINCO GFP-NPM vectors
Downloaded by University of New Hampshire on 12 March 2013

in an alternate fashion. (B) 10  immunofluorescence panel of a 12  24 array of

U2OS cells infected by the same vectors in an alternate fashion. Blue, cell nuclei
(DAPI staining); green, GFP fluorescence. (Obtained from ref. 18).

Traditional modes of diagnosis are often unable to detect

the presence of deleterious DNA; in addition, conventional
treatments do not address the underlying cause of the
diseases—changes at the level of the genome—and therefore
do not discriminate well between target and healthy cells,
resulting in the low therapeutic efficacy of such diseases.
Consequently, imaging and elimination of unwanted genes and
gene products have been major goals of molecular biology over the
past few decades.110–112 Genetic engineering is a group of techniques
used for direct genetic modification of organisms or population
of organisms using recombination of DNA. With the rapid
development of genetic engineering, now it is possible to alter
directly a genome and insert or remove a chunk of DNA,
indicating the bright future of gene therapy for human beings.
TiO2 has been demonstrated as a candidate tool for genetic
Fig. 15 (A) Schematic illustration of the hollow core–shell structure of the engineering in recent years. T. Paunesku and his co-researchers
nanosheet-based TiO2 microspheres. (B) The biosensor performance of the have conducted a series of work on the preparation of TiO2–
HRP/TiO2/Nafion/GC electrode was studied by the amperometric current–time
DNA nanocomposites. In 2003, they synthesized TiO2–DNA
method. When H2O2 was added to the stirred PBS, the reduction current
increased rapidly and 95% of the steady-state current was obtained within 3 s nanocomposites, made up of DNA oligonucleotides attached
(C) Plot of steady-state current vs. H2O2 concentration. (Obtained from ref. 17). to 45 Å TiO2 nanoparticles (Fig. 18).11 The new TiO2–DNA
nanocomposites not only retain the intrinsic photocatalytic
capacity of TiO2 and the bioactivity of the oligonucleotide
capture substrate. The enhanced local topographic interactions DNA (covalently attached to the TiO2 nanoparticle), but also
between the horizontally packed TiNFs deposited substrates and possess the chemically and biologically unique new property of
extracellular matrix scaffolds, in addition to anti-EpCAM/EpCAM a light-inducible nucleic acid endonuclease, opening the door
biological recognition, contributed to the significantly enhanced to a new tool for gene therapy. It has also been investigated that
capture efficiency (Fig. 17A). Using these TiNFs-deposited sub- these TiO2–DNA nanocomposites can be specifically retained in
strates, it is possible to capture circulating tumor cells (CTCs) mitochondria or nucleoli (Fig. 19).20 Moreover, the linking of
from the blood samples of colorectal and gastric cancer patients biomoleculars with TiO2 was also achieved by using the catechol
(Fig. 17B). CTCs is of vital importance to the early diagnosis and moiety, dopamine, which facilitates hole transfer across the
longitudinal monitoring of cancer in clinic, therefore the TiNFs- interface, establishing efficient crosstalk between the biomole-
deposited substrate has great potential application. cular and metal oxide nanoparticles.113–115 Excitingly, these TiO2
nanoparticles decorated with DNA oligonucleotides are able to
3.5 Genetic engineering specifically cleave mutated genomic DNA in a sequence-specific
During the lifetime, organisms often acquire unwanted foreign and inducible manner. The targeting activity is accomplished via
or mutated DNA that may negatively affect their health. oligonucleotide hybridization to an intracellular organelle’s

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Fig. 19 (A)TEM image of 100 nm thin section of a MCF7/WS8 cells electro-

porated with nucleolus specific nanoconjugate; (a) cell cross section; (b) TEM
detail with two nanoconjugate rich spots. (B) TEM image of a 100 nm thin section
of a PC12 cell electroporated by a mitochondria specific nanoconjugate. (a) cell
with several mitochondria containing nanoconjugate. (b) detailed image of two
Fig. 17 (A) (a) Electrospinning and calcination was employed to prepare TiO2 adjacent mitochondria. (Obtained from ref. 20).
nanofibers (TiNFs) coated on a silicon wafer. (b) Biotinylated epithelial-cell
adhesion-molecule antibody (Anti-EpCAM) grafted flat Si/TiNFs alternately patterned
substrate (top), FDA fluorescence micrograph of target cells captured on flat and
Though TiO2 nanocomposites linked with DNA oligonucleo-
patterned substrate (bottom). (c) SEM images of target cells captured on flat Si
substrate (top) and on TiNFs patterned substrate (bottom). (B) CTC enumeration tides have been demonstrated to be excellent gene knockout
results obtained from 0.5 mL blood samples of colorectal cancer patients (red devices, the targeting efficiency and intracellular retention of
columns) and gastric cancer patients (blue columns). (Obtained from ref. 19). TiO2–DNA nanocomposite may be lowered by cellular factors,
such as degradation by intracellular nucleases. In order to solve
these potential problems and improve the stability of hybridi-
zation with target sequences, E. M. B. Brown. et al.116 developed
a peptide nucleic acid (PNA)–TiO2 nanoconjugate. PNAs are
synthetic DNA analogs, resistant to degradation by cellular
enzymes. PNA–TiO2 nanoconjugates can hybridize to target
ssDNA, oligonucleotide dsDNA, and supercoiled plasmid DNA
under physiological-like ionic and temperature conditions,
enabling rapid, inexpensive, sequence-specific concentration
of nucleic acids in vitro, providing essential benefits for genetic
In order to simultaneously detect TiO2–DNA nanocompo-
sites in cells, P. J. Endres et al.117 prepared a Gd(III)-modified
DNA TiO2 semiconducting nanoparticles. The labeled particles
Fig. 18 Atomic force microscopy image of TiO2–oligonucleotide nanocompo- presented to be retained at specific locations inside cells by the
sites hybridized with long (phage) DNA. This image covers a 1 mm  1 mm area conjugated DNA oligonucleotides hybridizing to intracellular
and was obtained with a Digital Instruments Multimode AFM operated in air targets, while being non-invasively monitored by MR imaging,
using a tapping mode. The width of the DNA is known to be 20 Å. (Obtained therefore possibly allowing in vivo detection of tumors. Addi-
from ref. 11).
tionally, TiO2–DNA nanocomposites can also be labeled with
dyes, to be observed through optical fluorescence microscopy.
matching DNA sequence. When photoactivated, a charge separa- K. T. Thurn et al.118 modified the TiO2–DNA nanocomposites
tion occurs within the TiO2 nanoparticle, finally resulting in directly with Alizarin Red S (ARS), then transfected ARS-labeled
knocking off the defective genes effectively, indicating the TiO2–DNA nanoconjugates into PC-3M cells, and successfully
therapeutic activity. visualized them (Fig. 20).

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(i) Among all the biomedical applications, only TiO2-blasted

implants have been successfully applied in clinic, especially in
orthopedics and dentistry, while most of the investigations are
confined in vivo and in vitro. Additionally, many scientists have
focused on the modifications of this semiconductor material to
improve the efficacy and extend the applications. The results
demonstrated that some of these modifications are effective,
however, comparative studies between different methods are
rarely performed, so until now there has no consensus on the
best. In the 21st century, Translational Medicine is bound to
become the new concept and the new direction in the medical
field.130 Therefore, it is imperative for investigators to develop
controlled and standardized researches in order to select out
Published on 28 January 2013 on | doi:10.1039/C3CP43938K

the optimum TiO2 or TiO2 nanocomposites, and then perform

Fig. 20 Confocal microscopy image of PC-3M cells transfected with ARS-labeled researches in vivo and in vitro, with the reasonable cooperation
TiO2–DNA nanoconjugates. (a) the presence of ARS labeled nanoconjugates
of doctors, nurses, and pharmacists. Only in that way can TiO2
Downloaded by University of New Hampshire on 12 March 2013

within the nucleus (1); (b) the presence of ARS labeled nanoconjugates
within in the cytoplasm (2). The nucleus was dyed with Hoechst. (Obtained
ultimately be widely and successfully applied in clinic.
from ref. 118). (ii) Compared with the validity, the safety issue of TiO2 is
even more important when accessing whether it could be used
for human beings or not. The ROS generation of illuminated
4. Conclusion and outlooks TiO2 is the basis of its biomedical applications, especially in
PDT and genetic engineering. However, every coin has two
Among various oxide semiconductor photocatalysts, TiO2 has sides, the ROS generation has also been suggested for the
proven to be the most widely used, due to its strong oxidizing cytotoxicity of TiO2 nanoparticles. Hitherto, previous investiga-
power, long-term photostability, low toxicity and ease of avail- tions have documented that TiO2 might have potential adverse
ability. In order to emphasize the vital importance of TiO2, impact on human health, particularly harming the lung, brain
which is promising to benefit human health, the primary and skin.131–134 Therefore, the potential toxic effects of TiO2 and its
studies on biomedical applications of TiO2 during the past nanocomposites on human health and the mechanisms under-
decade, such as PDT for cancer, drug delivery system, cell lining the processes warrant further studies, and how to reduce the
imaging, biosensor, and genetic engineering, have been side effects should also be deeply concerned in the future.
summarized in this review. Viewing that significant efforts have (iii) The application of TiO2 in PDT may be the most
been spent on the modifications of TiO2 to improve the efficacy extensively reported researches, however, there are some
and expand the applications of TiO2, the numerous techniques limitations for its practical use in the future. Generally speaking,
and the applications of TiO2 nanocomposites have been UV is not the best means of excitation in photodynamic therapy,
reviewed in this paper as well. Other biomedical applications with a shallow penetration depth and a low content in the light.
of TiO2 are also beneficial to our health. For example, with the In addition, considering excessive exposure to UV is a main risk
prolonged life span, the needs for medical implants, which are in the development of skin cancer, it is even unsafe to treat
used to replace or act as a fraction of the whole biological patients using UV.135,136 Until now, great efforts have been
structure, have also increased. Owing to its biocompatibility, invested to extend the optical absorption of TiO2 to the visible
TiO2-blasted implants (Astra Techt) have been widely used in light region, which provides the basis for the TiO2 in treating
clinic, particularly in orthopedics and dental implant procedures, diseases of skin and natural orifices in the future. Compared
giving hope to millions of patients.119–122 The ROS induced by with UV and visible light, infrared ray and laser have a deep
photoactivated TiO2 can kill not only cancer cells, but also penetration depth into tissues, both of which have been applied
many pathogenic organisms, such as bacteria and fungi. in the clinic, especially in cancer treatment.137,138 Whether TiO2
Consequently, TiO2 is also considered as effective antimicrobial can also be also illuminated by infrared ray and laser is quite
drugs.123–125 In addition, TiO2 illuminated by UV could increase interesting and needs to be demonstrated. If so, we can apply
the chemotherapeutic drug accumulation in targeted cancer TiO2 as a promising approach to treat diseases which locate
cells, inhibiting the multiple drug resistance, which is a major relatively deeper. To our knowledge, we have not found many
obstacle to the successful outcome of chemotherapy.126 studies about this, so we suggest more researches relevant to
Furthermore, it has been reported that TiO2 can also be this area to make TiO2 practically useful.
irradiated by ultrasound, resulting in its application as a novel (iv) Some new concepts should be proposed to synthesize a
material to treat cancer and infection.127–129 new class of nanocomposites featuring diagnostic and thera-
In spite of the promising biomedical applications of TiO2, peutic properties. These multifunctional nanocomposites have
undoubtedly there are still some challenges that need to be potential applications in the early diagnosis and effective
tackled as soon as possible, in order to make TiO2 benefit treatment of diseases. To our delight, the rapid progress in
human beings to the upmost in the near future. science and technology has paved the way for the preparation of

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such multifunctional TiO2 nanocomposites. With cautious 15 P. Chandran, A. Sasidharan, A. Ashokan, D. Menon, S. Nair
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