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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra
in English Letters



Student Number: 044214055






Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra
in English Letters



Student Number: 044214055





Desire. Get a strong enthusiasm for that which you want in your life, a real longing for
something which is not there now.

Decision. Know definitely what it is that you want, what it is that you want to
do or have, and be willing to pay in spiritual values.

Ask. [When sure and enthusiastic] ask for it in simple, concise language.

Believe. Believe in the accomplishment with strong faith,

consciously and subconsciously.

Work. Work at it. . . a few minutes daily, seeing yourself in

the finished picture. Never outline details, but rather see
yourself enjoying the particular thing . . . Eventually, you
will see a time where it will just appear, as a gift or such, or
you may see an opportunity to get what you we're asking

Feel gratitude. Always remember to say, "Thank you, God [or

the universe]," and begin to feel the gratitude in your heart. The
most powerful prayer we can ever make is those three words,
provided we really feel it. Feel as though you already have what
you wanted.

Feel expectancy. Train yourself to live in a state of happy expectancy...

Find a way it will appear in your life, and keep believing in that. May it be
that someone gives it to you, or you find an initiation to get it.

Mildred Mann (1904 -1971)


This thesis is dedicated to

My lovely father and mother

My dearest sisters Angel and Anggi



Firstly, I would like to express my greatest gratitude to the Jesus Christ and
Mother Maria for the blessing, protection, and wonderful time in Jogjakarta. I had never
thought that I could go through this three and a half years without Him and Mother
I am indebted a gratitude to Dr. Francis Borgias Alip, MPd.,M.A. as my advisor
for his time, advice, understanding and patience in guiding me during the writing of my
undergraduate thesis. I would like to say “thank you” to Adventina Putranti, S.S.,
M.Hum., my co-advisor for the time to read this thesis and help me make some revisions
on it.
Next, I thank my lovely father and mother, who have given me a chance to have
my study in Sadhar, and my dearest sisters who always encourage and support me in
finishing my study.
Beside, I address my gratitude to all my friends I have in Jogjakarta. I thank them
for the happy and sad time that we have together.
The last but not least, my thanks go to all outstanding people who I have met in
Jogjakarta. I have learned many significant values from all of them.

Teguh Satria Pramana Jaya



TITLE PAGE ........... .............................................................................................. i

APPROVAL PAGE ................................................................................................. ii
ACCEPTANCE PAGE ........................................................................................... iii
MOTTO PAGE .. ...................................................................................................... iv
DEDICATION PAGE ............................................................................................. v
ACKNOWLEGDEMENTS .................................................................................... vi
TABLE OF CONTENTS.......................................................................................... vii
ABSTRACT ................ ............................................................................................. ix
ABSTRAK .............................................................................................................. x

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION......................................................................... 1
A. Background of the Study.......................................................................... 1
B. Problem Formulation................................................................................ 4
C. Objectives of the Study............................................................................. 4
D. Benefits of the Study................................................................................ 4
E. Definition of Terms.................................................................................. 5

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE...................................................... 7

A. Review of Related Studies....................................................................... 7
B. Review of Related Theories..................................................................... 10
B.1. Position of Adjectives............................................................... 10
B.2. The Elements of Adjective Phrases.......................................... 13
B.2.a. Complement............................................................... 13
B.2.b. Attribute..................................................................... 18
B.2.c. Adjunct....................................................................... 19
B.2.d. Specifier..................................................................... 21
A.3. Adjective Phrase Structure....................................................... 21
A.4. Other Phrases and Clause......................................................... 24
C. Theoretical Framework........................................................................... 27

CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY..................................................................... 29

A. Object of Study ...................................................................................... 29
B. Method of Study...................................................................................... 29
C. Research Procedure................................................................................. 30
C.1. Data Collection......................................................................... 30
C.2. Data Analysis............................................................................ 31

CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS.................................................................................... 33

A. The Position of the Adjective Phrases ..................................................... 33
A.1. Attributive Position.................................................................... 34
A.2. Predicative Position................................................................... 36
A.3. Postpositive Position................................................................. 38


B. The elements of the Adjective Phrases...................................................... 39

C. The Function of the elements.................................................................... 51
C.1. A Complement............................................................................ 52
C.2. An Attribute................................................................................. 58
C.3. An Adjunct.................................................................................. 62
C.4. A Specifier................................................................................... 66

CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION............................................................................... 69

BIBLIOGRAPHY..................................................................................................... 71

APPENDECIS .......................................................................................................... 75
Appendix 1..................................................................................................... 75
Appendix 2..................................................................................................... 99
Appendix 3..................................................................................................... 107



TEGUH SATRIA PRAMANA JAYA . A Study of Adjective Phrase in

(UK version) and News Articles Issued In October 2007.
Yogyakarta: Departement of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma

An adjective phrase, which has the same distribution and function as an adjective,
plays an important role in the construction of simple or complex sentences. An adjective
phrase is a phrase which has an adjective as its head. It may consist of a single adjective
or complete elements like in the Phrase-bar theory. It needs other phrases when it occurs
in complex form. The phrases have their functions in the structure of an adjective phrase.
This thesis will study the position, the elements and the elements' functions of the
adjective phrases that have been identified in both (UK version) and news articles issued in October 2007. They are chosen because
they are mostly accessed by people when looking for the crucial news every day.
Thus, this study has three objectives. The first objective is to identify the adjective
phrase and to observe its position. The second objective is to find out and to analyze the
elements that occur in the adjective phrases. The last objective is to categorize the phrases
and the clauses as the elements of the adjective phrases based on their function.
In order to achieve three objectives, a descriptive study of language is applied. It
describes the adjective phrases that are used by the news articles in the two websites. The
analysis of this study is based on corpus and data that are collected regarding three
characteristics of the descriptive linguistic; objective, empirical and exact.
From the analysis, it can be concluded that 533 adjective phrases or 74,70% are
found in attributive, 127 or 18,81% in predicative and only 15 or 2,22% postpositive
position. Most of the adjective phrases are constructed in bare form 508 or 75,25%. The
rests are in a complex form 167 or 24,74%. In the complex form, the adjective phrase
occurs with phrases and clauses and the percentage of each occurrence is as follows: the
intensifier phrase is 78 or about 11,55%, the prepositional phrase is 29 or 4,29%, the
adverb phrase is 15 or 2,22%, the verb phrase is 12 or 1,77%, the noun phrase is 4 or
0,59% and the clause is 7 or 1,03% . The phrases or clauses have certain functions in the
structure of the adjective phrase. They may fill namely: complement, attribute, adjunct
and specifier. A prepositional phrase, verb phrase, noun phrase and clause can function as
a complement of an adjective phrase when they are selected by the head to complete the
head's meaning. The next element of the head is an attribute. The elements of the
adjective phrase that can occur as the attributes are an intensifier phrase, adverb phrase
and noun phrase. The other element is an adjunct. A verb phrase, prepositional phrase and
clause can function as the adjunct if they only give additional information to the head of
the adjective phrases. The last function of the elements is a specifier; articles the and
demonstrative pronoun that and this. The adjective phrases in most cases do not have a
specifier and the consequence is that the specifier position is rarely filled.



TEGUH SATRIA PRAMANA JAYA . A Study of Adjective Phrase in

(UK version) and News Articles Issued In October 2007.
Yogyakarta: Departement of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma
Frase kata sifat yang memiliki distribusi dan fungsi yang sama dengan kata sifat
memainkan peranan penting dalam pembentukkan kalimat sederhana maupun kompleks.
Frase kata sifat adalah sebuah frase yang mempunyai kata sifat sebagai induknya. Frase
kata sifat dapat berupa sebuah kata sifat saja atau dengan komponen-komponen yang
lebih lengkap seperti yang terurai di teori frase-Bar. Pembentukan frase kata sifat yang
lengkap membutuhkan frase-frase lain. Frase-frase tersebut memiliki fungsi tersendiri
dalam struktur sebuah frase kata sifat. Skripsi ini mempelajari posisi, komponen-
komponen serta fungsi komponen dari frase kata sifat yang digunakan di dalam artikel
berita pada bulan Oktober di (UK version) and
Kedua situs tersebut dipilihkan karena kedua situs tersebut banyak diakses oleh orang-
orang ketika mereka menginginkan berita yang sangat penting setiap hari.
Studi ini memiliki tiga tujuan. Tujuan pertama adalah mengidentifikasi frase kata
sifat dan mempelajari posisinya. Tujuan kedua adalah menemukan dan menganalisis
frase-frase maupun klausa yang menjadi bagian dari frase kata sifat. Tujuan terakhir
adalah mengelompokkan frase-frase dan klausa-klausa tersebut berdasarkan fungsinya
dalam struktur frase kata sifat.
Pembelajaran bahasa secara deskriptif diterapkan guna mencapai ketiga tujuan
tersebut. Pembelajaran ini akan menggambarkan penggunaan frase kata sifat oleh
penulis-penulis kolum berita di kedua situs tersebut. Analysis studi ini didasarkan pada
korpus dan data yang sesuai dengan ketiga ciri penelitian deskriktif yaitu objektif,
empiris dan pasti.
Dari hasil analisis dapat disimpulkan bahwa 533 frase kata sifat atau 78,96%
ditemukan pada posisi attributif, 127 atau 18,81% pada posisi predikatif dan hanya 15
atau 2,22% pada posisi pospositif. 508 frase kata sifat atau 75,25% terbentuk tanpa
element. Sisanya 167 atau 24,74% memiliki bentuk yang kompleks. Dalam
pembentukannya yang komplek, frase kata sifat membutuhkan frase-frase atau klausa-
klausa lain. Persentase frase-frase maupun klausa-klausa tersebut adalah sebagai berikut:
frase intensifier 11,55% atau 78, frase kata depan 4,29% atau 29, frase kata keterangan
2,22% atau 15, frase kata kerja 1,77% atau 12. frase kata benda 0,59% atau 4 dan klausa
1,03% atau 7. Frase-frase dan klausa-klausa tersebut memiliki fungsi tertentu dalam
struktur frase kata sifat: pelengkap, atribut, adjunct dan specifier. Frase kata depan, frase
kata kerja, frase kata benda dan klausa berfungsi sebagai pelengkap dari frase kata sifat
ketika frase-frase tersebut diperlukan oleh kata sifat untuk melengkapi arti dari kata sifat
tersebut. Elemen berikut dari kata sifat adalah atribut. Elemen-elemen yang dapat mnjadi
atribut dalam frase kata sifat adalah frase intensifier, frase kata keterangan dan frase kata
benda. Elemen lain adalah adjunct. Frase kata kerja, frase kata depan dan klausa
berfungsi sebagai adjunct jika frase-frase tersebut hanya memberikan tambahan
informasi pada kata sifat dari frase kata sifat. Fungsi terakhir dari elemen tersebut adalah


specifier; artikel the dan kata ganti demonstratif that dan this. Satu fungsi yang jarang
dipenuhi dalam frase kata sifat yang ditemukan dalam artikel-artikel berita tersebut
adalah specifier.



A. Background of the Study

Language according to Wardaugh (1977: 3) is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols

used for communication. The system meant by Wardaugh is that language is a system

with several levels, namely phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics. Phonology

deals with the way sounds used in individual languages. Morphology studies the structure

of words. Syntax concerns with the structure of phrases and sentences, and semantics

with the study of meaning.

In their book An introduction to Language, Fromkin and Rodman (1993: 73)


Knowing a language includes the ability to put words together to form

phrases and sentences that express our thoughts. That part of grammar that
represents a speaker's knowledge of the structure of phrases and sentences
is called syntax. The meaning of a sentence depends to a great extent on
the meaning of the words which it is composed. But the structure of the
sentence also contributes to meaning.

Syntax is a rule of putting words in specific structure to form phrases and

sentences. The texts either simple or complex will be followed fully when having a

thorough knowledge about syntax by analyzing the structure of the elements in sentences.

Furthermore, the clear understanding of syntax will be helpful in producing a good article

or text by smartly combining the elements of the sentences. To build up the good and

correct sentences, phrases play important roles. An adjective phrase is one of the phrases

that is usually used.


An adjective phrase is a phrase which has an adjective as its head. It may consist

of a single adjective or complete elements like in the X-bar theory. It needs other phrases

like a noun phrase, verb phrase, adverb phrase and prepositional phrase when it occurs in

complex form. It has the same distribution and function as an adjective (Asher, 1994:


In their book A Student's Grammar of the English Language, Greenbaum and

Quirk classify the syntactic functions of the adjectives into seven. First function is

attributive and predicative. The adjectives are attributive when they premodify the head

of a noun phrase, e.g. a small garden. They are predicative when they function as subject

complement or object complement, e.g. He seems careless (Cs); I find him careless (Co).

The second function is postpositive. The adjectives can immediately follow the noun or

pronoun they modify, e.g. something useful. The third is the adjectives with

complementation. The adjectives with complementation normally will require

postposition, e.g. I know an actor suitable for the part. The fourth is the adjectives as

heads of noun phrases. The adjectives can function as heads of noun phrases, which can

be subject of the sentence, complement, object, and prepositional complement, e.g. The

innocent are often deceived by the unscrupulous; She admires the mystical. The fifth is

verbless clauses. The adjectives can function as the sole realization of a verbless clause,

e.g. The man, quietly assertive, spoke to the assembled workers. The sixth function is

contingent verbless clauses. One type of verbless clause, which is often introduced by a

subordinator, expresses the circumstance or condition under which what is said in the

superordinate clause applies, e.g. Right or wrong, he always comes off worst in an

argument because of the his inability to speak correctly. The last function is exclamatory

adjective clauses. The adjectives can be exclamation, with or without an initial wh-

element, e.g. Excellent! ; How wonderful!

Based on the syntactic function of the adjectives, it is clear that the adjective

phrase, which has the same distribution and function as an adjective (Asher, 1994: 5150),

also plays an important role in the construction of simple or complex sentences. That is

why, the writer choose “adjective phrase” as the study. In this thesis, the syntactic

contribution of the adjective phrase in sentences will not be the concern since it has

become the study of other writers. As consequence, this study will focus on the adjective

phrase itself; the elements and the elements' functions of the adjective phrase.

The aims of this study are to find, to analyze, and to discuss the position of the

adjective phrases, the elements and the elements' functions of the adjective phrases that

have been used in both (UK version) and

articles issued on October 2007.

In this study, the writer will use the adjective phrases in (UK

version) and articles as the source of the data. BBC (British

Broadcasting Corporation) is the first and biggest broadcasting organization in the United

Kingdom. The scientific origins of broadcasting are over 100 years old. Washington Post

Company is the international news and communications company. The Washington Post

is one of the most respected daily newspapers in the United States. It means that both

websites will serve crucial news in the world every day. They also cover current and

hottest news and also present explicit information which denotes time and place very

well. That is why (UK version) and are used as

a source in this research.


1. Where are the adjective phrases in sentence structures in (UK

version) and news articles issued on October 2007


2. What are the elements of the adjective phrases in (UK version)

and news articles issued on October 2007?

3. What are the functions of the elements?


This study has three objectives. The first objective is to identify the adjective

phrases in (UK version) and news articles

issued on October 2007 and to observe their position which can be in attributive,

predicative or postpositive position. The second objective is to find out and to analyze the

elements that occur in the adjective phrases in (UK version) and news articles issued on October 2007. They can be an adverb

phrase, noun phrase, verb phrase, prepositional phrase, adjective phrase, intensifier

phrase and clauses. The third objective is to categorize the phrases and the clauses as the

elements of the adjective phrases based on their function. The elements can function as a

complement, attribute or adjunct in the adjective phrase.



Theoretically, it is expected that the findings will give more contribution to the

study of phrases especially the adjective phrase. This study is helpful for readers to enrich

their knowledge about the adjective phrase like where the adjective phrase can be located

in sentences, what can be the elements of the adjective phrase and how the function of the

elements in the adjective phrase is. Particularly this study is useful for the readers who

want to compare the adjective phrases in the BBC and Washington Post on-line news

articles issued on October 2007. Moreover, it is essential that the readers can produce the

adjective phrase, whether it is in a simple or complex form.


Some terms are basically used in this thesis: adjective, phrase, and adjective


According to Asher, an adjective is a major word class, containing words that

describes properties or qualities (1994: 28)

There are three positions of adjectives: attributives, predicative and postpositive

(Quirk et al, 1985: 418). The adjectives are attributive when it modifies its noun directly

(Bhat, 1994: 98). The adjectives used in predicative position function as subject

complement after linking verb like be, seem, look, feel and object complement after verbs

like consider, believe, find (Leech,1979: 193). The postpositive adjectives are adjectives

that immediately follow the noun or pronoun they modify (Quirk et al, 1985: 1293).

A phrase is a maximal projection of a category of word (Dwijatmoko, 2002: 7).


An adjective phrase is a phrase with an adjective as head, as in (He was) very

happy (Quirk, 1973: 115).




Chapter II will cover three parts; review of related studies, review of related

theories and theoretical framework. The first part is the review of another study that also

concerns about adjective phrase. Another study is needed to show the position of this

current study. The second part is the review of theories that are used to accomplish the

thesis. The theory of the adjective position is important since it will be helpful in the

identification of the adjective phrase. Next, the review of the adjective phrase will

include more explanation about the occurrence of the adjective phrase with its element,

either in a minimal or complex form. The theory of the adjective phrase structure will be

a significance part in the review since it shows how the adjective phrase is structured by

using an X-Bar theory. Then, the review will also include the theories of other phrases

and clause since they are the elements of the adjective phrase. The last part is the

theoretical framework. It shows how the theories and another study are related to the

study of this thesis.

A. Review of Related Studies

This review will discuss the findings of two researches that have relation with this

study. The findings are the result of Sanata Dharma University student's thesis researches.

First, a thesis entitled An Analysis on the Structure and the Use of Adjective

Phrases in Edith Wharton's Ethan Frome by Patricia Dewanti Nur Prastiwi, 1999, tries to


analyze the elements and the use of adjective phrases in Edith Wharton's novel entitled

Enthan Frome. From her research, the writer concludes that adjunct is the most frequently

used element since it has four categories of adjective phrase adjunct. Although adjunct is

the most frequently used element, there are a great number of adverb phrases which have

a function as an adjective phrase attributes. She also states that the adjective phrases give

a specific meaning to the sentences. The elimination of adjective phrases may differ the

meaning of the sentences.

Furthermore, the adjective phrases in Ethan Frome have three types of adjective

phrase elements. The first type is a complement. A complement is always attached to the

right of the head. There are 82 complements appear in the novel. An adjective phrase may

take some phrasal categories as its complement, namely a prepositional phrase, to-

infinitive verb phrase, and clause. There are 38 prepositional phrases, 30 to-infinitive

verb phrases, and 14 clauses occur in the novel as the adjective phrase complements. The

second type of adjective phrase elements is an attribute. There are 90 attributes of

adjective phrases occur in the novel. The adjective phrases take an intensifier phrase and

an adverb phrase as its attribute. There are 22 intensifier phrases and 68 adverb phrases in

the novel as the adjective phrase attributes. The third type of adjective phrase element is

an adjunct. There are 94 in the novel. There are 42 prepositional phrases, 33 clauses, 12

adverb phrases, and 7 to-infinitive verb phrases functioning as the adjective phrase

adjuncts. Adjective phrases have three functions in sentences. The first function of

adjective phrases is the attribute of noun phrases. There are 1119 adjectives functioning

as the attributes of noun phrase. The second function of adjective phrases is as the subject

complement. There are 293 adjective phrases functioning as the subject complement. The

third function of adjective phrases is as the object complement. There are 79 adjective

phrases functioning as the object complement.

Second, another thesis titled A study on English Adjective Phrases in the Fashion

and Style Articles on New York Times Published in December 2002 and January 2003 by

Holan Nauli Christine Siahaan, 2003, analyzes the occurrence of the adjective phrase in

sentence and its elements on New York Times Published in December 2002 and January

2003. From her research, the writer concludes that an adjective phrase occurs in a

projection with other elements as pre-modifiers and post-modifiers, and it functions as

attributive or predicative in the sentence.

In addition, a pre-modifier can be an attribute and a specifier element. The

attributes are the intensifier elements such as so, very, too, still, etc, adverbs, and the

comparison. However, the specifiers are determiners that or this that function as the

condition of the head. While a post-modifier element can be adjuncts and complements.

Adjuncts are the optional elements because they only give circumstantial information to

the head adjectives. An adjunct can be a preposition phrase, verb phrase (to-infinitive), or

clause from. The only adverb taking the position of adjunct is enough. The comparison

adjectives can function as the adjunct in the adjective phrase structures as they are giving

the additional information to the head adjective by comparing. In additional, these

comparison more or less can not leave their attribute elements. Meanwhile, the

complement is an obligatory element in adjective phrases structures. In some cases, the

complement can be omitted although it is stated explicitly, e.g. aware.



Moreover, for its presence in sentences, an adjective phrase has two functions:

attributive and predicative. As attributive, the adjective phrase heads have a minimal

form, without complement element. As predicative, the adjective phrases function as

subject complements or object complements.

This current study is similar to the thesis done by Prastiwi and Nauli. First, this

study is also about the adjective phrase. Second, the discussion of this study also includes

the analysis about the elements of the adjective phrases and their functions. However, this

current study is different from the previous studies. First, this current study will have

discussion about the position of the adjective phrase in the sentences. Second, this study

uses the different source as the data of the analysis. This study takes the adjective phrases

from the on-line news articles in (UK version) and news articles issued on October 2007. The previous studies

discuss deeper the use of the adjective phrases in Ethan Frome and New York Times.

Prastiwi only took the adjective phrases from Edith Wharton's Ethan Frome and Nauli

used New York Times as the data of her study.

B. Review of Related Theories

1. Position of Adjectives

According to Quirk et al, there are three positions of adjectives: attributives,

predicative and postpositive (1985: 418). An adjective phrase has the same distribution

and function as an adjective (Asher, 1994: 5150). As a result, the adjective phrase is also

found on the attributive, predicative, or postpositive position.



a. In the Attributive Position

The adjectives are attributive when it modifies its noun directly and names an

attribute of the noun (Emlyn, 1950: 81). They are placed between the determiners and the

head of NP it modifies, for example: the old lady and a small hostel. The adjectives can

modify the head of an NP and also becomes the head of an NP. When they modify the

head noun, the emphasis is on denoting a property associated with the meaning of the

head, whereas they are used as the head of NP they emphasize on denoting a property or

its possessor as an entity by itself (Bhat, 1994: 98).

There are three types of adjectives that are used as the head of NP (Quirk,

1990:138). The first type adjectives refer to certain fairly well-established classes of

persons, for example:

(1) The very lazy are punished by the teacher.

(2) The government will have to supply jobs for our unemployed.

(3) The rules are fair for both the poor and the rich.

The adjectives the very lazy, our unemployed, or both poor and rich have plural and

generic reference. The use of the definite article shows the generic reference.

The second type is adjectives that refer to nationalities. Sometimes they are used

to refer some part of the nation, for example teams or troops.

(4) The English will met The French in final UEFA.

(5) The agricultural Turkish

The third type is adjectives that have abstract references.

(6) The biggest (match) is held in the last summer.



(7) The very hottest (news) is that they divorce.

(8) The worst is never expected to arrive

According Bhat, the attributive adjectives can not be followed by complement

(1994; 61)

b. In the Predicative Position

The adjectives used in predicative position function as subject complement after

linking verb like be, seem, look, feel and object complement after verbs like consider,

believe, find (Leech,1979: 193). Predicative adjectives functioning as subject complement

can follow NP, finite clause, and non-finite clause (Quirk et al, 1985: 417).

(9) Many of the students are clever.

(10) That you love her is obvious.

(11) Reading the classics novels are enjoyable.

Predicative adjectives that function as object complements can follow a direct

object and clause, for example:

(12) I believe her happy.

(13) She considers what he did foolish.

They express the result of the process denoted by the verbs, for example:

(14) They pushed the door close (=the door can be closed)

As the predicative adjectives, they will change from a dependent element to an

independent element. The sign of independent that the predicative adjectives have is their

ability to take complements.



c. In the Postpositive Position

The postpositive adjectives are adjectives that can immediately follow the noun or

pronoun they modify. They are divided into three types. First, the postpositive adjectives

required by the head of an NP include indefinite pronouns ending in -body, -one, and

-thing and adverbs wh-forms, for example:

(15) everything metal

(16) nothing extraordinary

(17) we're not going anywhere very exciting.

Second, the postpositive adjectives that are required by complementation of

adjectives include adjective phrases having a prepositional phrase or to-infinitive verb

phrase as complement, for example:

(18) I know an actor suitable for the part.

(19) The boys easiest to teach were in my class.

The first and second types of the postpositive adjectives are always regarded the reduced

relative clause.

Third, the postpositive adjectives that are required by particular noun-adjectives

combinations such as The President elect and blood royal (Quirk et al, 1985: 1293).

2. The Elements of the Adjective Phrases

Like the other types of phrases, an adjective phrase may also have five phrase

elements. They are a head, complement, attribute, adjunct and specifier. They have

certain function in their occurrences within the adjective phrase that is explained in the

following part.


a. A complement is an element which a head needs to complete its meaning. According

to Leech and Svartvik, a complement plays a significant role in a grammatical

construction to complete the meaning of the head. The absence of a complement in

certain phrase may cause an ill-formed construction (1979: 220). An adjective may need

or not need a complement. The adjectives angry and different need a complement.

(20) Mr Smith is angry with some students.

(21) Mary is very different from her sister.

The complement of angry is the prepositional phrase with some students, and the

complement of different is the prepositional phrase from her sister. The heads need the

complements semantically. With some students is needed to show the direction of Mr

Smith's anger, and from her sister is needed to show who Mary is very different from.

The complement is not present explicitly in a sentence when it may be understood

from context or probably not important for the message exchange.

(22) Mr Robinson was very angry in the meeting

(23) The new manager is very ambitious.

The complements of angry and ambitious are not stated since the speaker of the sentences

only want to give the fact that Mr. Robinson was very angry and the manager is


A complement can not be separated from the head because of their close

relationship. The proposing of the complements results in the ungrammaticality of the


(24) *With some students, Mr Smith is angry.



(25) *From her sister, Mary is very different.

An adjective may take several phrase categories as its complement. The first

category of adjective complement is prepositional phrase.

(26) good at mathematics

(27) responsible for the refreshment

Good takes at mathematics and responsible takes for the refreshment as their


There are three tests to identify a prepositional phrase as the complement of an

adjective (Dwijatmoko, 2002: 23). First, the noun phrase, which functions as the

complement of preposition, can be replaced with what or who to form a question.

(28) Mary is responsible for the refreshment. ⇒ What is Mary responsible


(29) Tina is angry with Mark. ⇒ Who is Tina angry with?

The refreshment is replaced by what and Mark is replaced by who form a question.

Second, the noun phrase, which functions as the complement of preposition, can

occur as the focus in a cleft sentence.

(30) It is the refreshment that Mary is responsible for.

(31) It is Mark that Tina is angry with.

The refreshment and Mark become the focuses of (30) and (31) respectively.

Third, the noun phrase, which functions as the complement of preposition, can

occur in a pseudo-cleft sentence.

(32) What Mary is responsible for is the refreshment.



(33) Who Tina is angry with is Mark.

The refreshment and Mark become the focuses of (32) and (33) respectively.

The second category of adjective complement is a to-infinitive verb phrase.

(34) Mary is eager to study abroad.

(35) The children are ready to swim.

To study abroad and to swim are complements of the adjectives eager and ready. Those

three tests that are used to identify a prepositional phrase as the complement of an

adjective are also applicable for a to-infinitive verb phrase. First, a to-infinitive adjective

complement can be identified using a what question.

(36) What is Mary eager to do?

(37) What are the children ready to do?

To study abroad and to swim are the answers of questions (36) and (37).

Second, a to-infinitive adjective complement is the focus in a cleft sentence.

(38) It is to study abroad that Mary is eager.

(39) It is to swim that the children are ready.

To study abroad and to swim are the focus of the cleft sentences.

Third, a to-infinitive adjective complement is the focus in a pseudo-cleft


(40) What Mary is eager is to study abroad.

(41) What the children are ready is to swim.

To study abroad and to swim are the focus of the pseudo-cleft sentences.

The third category of adjective complement is a clause; a that clause or a whether



clause. The adjectives like sure, certain, and doubtful take a whether clause as their


(42) Rita is still doubtful whether she will join the club or not.

(43) The kids are afraid that their parents leave them.

Whether she join the club or not is the complement of doubtful and that their parents

leave them is the complement of afraid. A clause adjective complement also can be

identified using those three tests. First, a clause adjective complement is an answer to a

what question.

(44) What is Rita doubtful of?

(45) What are the kids afraid of?

Whether she join the club or not and that their parents leave them are the answer of

questions (44) and (45) respectively.

Second, a clause adjective complement is the focus in a cleft sentence.

(46) It is whether she join the club or not that Rita is still doubtful.

(47) It is that their parents leave them that the kids are afraid.

Whether she join the club or not and that their parents leave them are the focus of the

cleft sentences.

Third, a clause adjective complement is the focus in a pseudo-cleft sentence.

(48) What Rita is still doubtful is whether she join the club or not.

(49) What the kids are afraid is that their parents leave them.

Whether she join the club or not and that their parents leave them are the focus of the

pseudo-cleft sentences.


The last category of adjective complement is a noun phrase. A noun phrase

adjective complement can be identified using a paraphrase; the noun phrase is changed

into the prepositional phrase.

(50) context-free ⇒ free from the context

(51) gender-sensitive ⇒ sensitive to gender

Free in (50) takes context as its complement, and sensitive on (51) takes gender as its


Not all adjectives needs a complement. The adjectives long, wide and expensive

do not need any complement.

(52) very long

(53) fairly expensive

b. An attribute is an element that shows the characteristics of the head. There are four

types of phrases that can be attributes (Dwijatmoko, 2002:27). The first phrase is an

intensifier phrase. The intensifiers are very, quite, rather, fairly, and too.

(54) The book is very easy.

(55) The dress is quite expensive.

Very and quite are the attributes of adjectives easy and expensive.

The second one is an adverb phrase.

(56) The workers are physically tired.

(57) The girls are emotionally mature.

Physically and emotionally are the attributes of adjectives tired and mature.

The third one is a noun phrase.



(58) Bobby is two years old.

(59) His explanation is crystal clear.

The noun phrases two years and crystal are the attributes of the adjectives old and clear.

The last category of an adjective attribute is an adjective phrase.

(60) Her dress is light blue.

(61) The hair of the woman is reddish brown.

Light and reddish are the attributes of blue and brown.

An adjective attribute is identified by using how or in what aspect question.

(62) How easy is the book? (66) In what aspect is the book easy?

(63) How tired are the workers? (67)In what aspect are the workers tired?

(64) How old is Bobby? (68) In what aspect is Bobby old?

(65) How blue is her dress? (69) In what aspect is her dress blue?

c. An adjunct in an adjective phrase makes the condition or state or gives circumstantial

information on the state or condition. An adjective may take several categories as its

adjunct (Dwijatmoko, 2002:29). The first category of an adjective adjunct is a

prepositional phrase.

(70) This film is only good at the beginning.

(71) Rudy was very lazy in the first semester.

At the beginning and In the first semester are the adjuncts of adjectives good and lazy. At

the beginning shows the part of the film which is good. In the first semester shows the

time when Rudy was very lazy. A prepositional phrase as an adjective adjunct can be

identified by using when, where, or another question that asks circumstantial information.


(72) In what part is the film good?

(73) When was he lazy?

The prepositional phrase of the adjective adjunct is different from a prepositional phrase

that functions as adjective complement since the noun phrase in the prepositional phrase

can not be separated from the preposition.

(73) *What is the film good at?

(74) *It is the beginning that the film is good at.

(75) *What the film is good at is the beginning.

The second category of the adjective adjunct is a to-infinitive verb phrase. The

to-infinitive adjective adjunct can be identified using three tests. First, the sentence can

be paraphrased with the to-infinitive adjective adjunct as the subject of the sentence.

(76) The novel is easy to understand.

(77) To understand the novel is easy.

Second, the sentence can be paraphrased into a cleft sentence in which the to-infinitive

verb phrase becomes the focus of the cleft sentence and the noun phrase which becomes

the subject of the sentence becomes the complement of the verb phrase.

(78) It is to understand the novel that is easy.

Third, the sentence can be paraphrased into a pseudo-cleft sentence with the to-infinitive

verb phrase as the focus.

(79) What is easy is to understand the novel.

The third category of the adjective adjunct is a clause.

(80) It is good that you came.



That you came is the adjunct of the adjective good. A that clause adjunct only

occurs with the introductory it.

(81) I am glad that you come on time.

That you come on time is not adjunct of glad but it is the complement of glad.

d. Specifier

In most cases an adjective phrase does not have a specifier.

(82) A very comfortable hotel

Very comfortable in (82) is an adjective phrase. It has an attribute, very, and the head

comfortable but it does not have a specifier. An adjective phrase may have that or this as

the specifier of the adjective phrase (Dwijatmoko, 2002: 32).

(83) I just move from Venus hotel. That hotel is not this comfortable.

This is the specifier of comfortable and this comfortable means 'as comfortable as the

hotel I stay now'.

3. Adjective Phrase Structure

Adjective phrase may occur in a simple or complex construction. The simple or

minimal construction consists of determiner and the adjective for example:

(84) this comfortable

This is a specifier while comfortable is the head of the adjective phrase. The below tree

diagram will describe how the structure of the adjective phrase is:


(85). AP


this comfortable

The structure of this adjective phrase is based on X-Bar Theory. The X-bar theory is the

theory for the formation of phrases, and has a universal value. It applies to all types of

phrases in all human languages. In the X-bar theory, any element of a syntactic unit

which is not the head is a phrase (Dwijatmoko,2002: 5).

The X-Bar theory shows how the adjective phrase is constructed based on the

function of each element.

(86) really good at the beginning

The adverb phrase really is an attribute, and the prepositional phrase at the beginning is

an adjunct. The adjective phrase does not have a complement so the lowest A' goes down

to A. The below tree diagram describes how the structure of the adjective phrase is:

(87) AP



AdvP A'

at the beginning

really A



(88) angry with some students

The prepositional phrase with some students is the complement of angry and is, therefore,

a sister of A. The below tree diagram will describe how the structure of the adjective

phrase is:

(89) AP



angry with some students

(90) that easy to solve

That is a specifier, and to solve is an adjunct. The head take does not take a complement.

The below tree diagram will describe the structure of the adjective phrase based on each

element function:

(91) AP



that easy to solve

(92) that really good in sports in his youth



The adjective good takes a specifier, a complement, an attribute, and an adjunct. That is

the specifier, in sports is the complement, really is the attribute,and in his youth is the

adjunct. The next tree diagram will describe the structure of the adjective phrase based on

each element function:

(93) AP



AdvP A'


that really good in sports in his youth

The elements of the adjective phrase: that, really, good, in sports, in his youth are phrases

eventhough they have no branch because all elements in X-bar theory are phrases, except

the head. The specifier that is a daughter of the maximal projection (AP) and a sister of

the A'. The prepositional phrase, in his youth, as an adjunct is both a daughter and a sister

of the A'. The intensifier phrase, really, as an attribute is both a sister and daughter of A'.

The closest element to the head, a complement in sports, is a daughter of A' and sister of

A, the head good.

4. Other Phrases and Clause

The other phrases beside an adjective phrase are a noun phrase, verb phrase,

adverb phrase, intensifier phrase, and prepositional phrase. The first four phrases derive


their names from the head of the phrases, a verb, adjective and adverb. A prepositional

phrase is different from those fourth because it has no head word only a preposition. As

result, it must occur within two elements.

A noun phrase is a phrase which occurs with a noun as the head (Dwijatmoko,

2002: 10). The noun phrases occur before the head of the adjective. The occurrence in

the adjective phrase as the complement, completes the meaning of the adjective; context-

free, gender-sensitive and its occurrence as the attribute, shows the characteristics of the

adjective; five feet tall, ten meters deep.

A verb phrase is a phrase which occurs with a verb as the head (Dwijatmoko,

2002: 37). According to Dwijatmoko, English verbs are usually classified into three

classes: full, linking and auxiliary. Full verbs, like go, eat, plan, decide, and arrive,

comprise the largest number of verbs. Linking verbs form a small set of verbs, like be,

become, feel, seem and taste. Auxiliary verbs are further classified into modal auxiliary

verbs like can, may, must and will, aspectual auxiliary verbs be and have, auxiliary verb

of voice be and auxiliary verb of status do/ does/ did (2002: 37). The verb phrase that

occur on the adjective phrase is a to-infinitive verb phrase. The to-infinitive verb phrase

occurs after the adjective. Its function can be both an adjunct and a complement. The

to-infinitive verb phrase as the adjunct gives the circumstantial information on the state

or condition; The novel is easy to understand, The dress is expensive to buy.

Meanwhile, the to-infinitive verb phrase as the complement completes the meaning of

the adjective; eager to study abroad, ready to swim.

Then, an adverb phrase has as its head adverb (Jackson, 1982: 79). Adverb


phrase can be classified into three classes: simple adverb, compound adverb, derivational

adverb. Simple adverbs are like just, only, well, back, and under. Compound adverbs are

like somehow, and somewhere. Derivational adverbs are like oddly, interestingly, and

clockwise (Quirk & Greenbaum, 1990: 147). The occurrence of the adverb phrase in the

adjective phrase is before the adjective and functions as an attribute. It shows the

characteristics of the adjective, for example: physically tired and emotionally mature.

Afterwards, an Intensifier phrase occurs before the adjective, for example: the

book is very easy and the dress is quite expensive.

A prepositional phrase is constructed by one preposition and a noun phrase

(Jackson, 1982: 80). In the adjective phrase, it occurs after the adjective and it can

function a complement or adjunct. The examples of its function as the complement are

“very different from her sister” and “angry with some students”. The two prepositional

phrase completes the meaning of the adjectives. The examples of its function as the

adjunct are “lazy in the first semester” and “sick for two days”. The two prepositional

phrase gives the circumstantial information on the state or condition.

According to Leech and Svartvik, a clause is the principal structures of which

sentences are composed. A sentence may consist of one or more than one clause (1979:

211). The clause occurs after the adjective and it can function as a complement or

adjunct. As complement, it completes the meaning of the adjective, for example: he is

still doubtful whether she will join the club or not; The kids are afraid that their parents

leave them. Meanwhile, a clause functioning as an adjunct gives circumstantial

information on the state or condition, for example: It is good that you came.


C. Theoretical Framework

The ability to put words together to form phrases and sentences that express our

thought is a part of basic requirements to master a language. The part of grammar that

represents the speaker's knowledge of the structure of phrases and sentences both in

writing and speaking is called syntax (Fromkin and Rodman, 1993:73). In the role of

syntax, an adjective phrase plays a very important role in forming a phrase, clause, or

sentence as it can be found in attributive, predicative or postpositive position with

minimal form or complex form.

1. The theory of the adjectives' position

This theory states that there are three positions of adjectives: attributive e.g. the

agricultural development, predicative e.g. I believe her happy, and postpositive e.g.

everything metal. This theory is used to answer the first question of problem formulation

since it discusses three possible positions where the adjective can be found in a sentence

by explaining further about the syntactic environment and function of each position. By

mastering the theory of the adjectives' position, it will be helpful to identify adjective

phrase in a sentence and also differentiate one adjective phrase's position from others.

2. The theory of adjective phrase's elements

An adjective may occur in a bare form, minimal form or complex form. When an

adjective phrase occurs in the bare form, it is only the head, adjective e.g. the crazy man.

In the minimal form the head adjective occurs with specifier e.g. that young. However,

when it occurs in complex form, it has other phrases or clause as its elements that give a

specific effect to the adjective: an adjective phrase, noun phrase, verb phrase, adverb


phrase, intensifier phrase, prepositional phrase. This theory will be used to solve the

second question of the problem formulation since it discusses the phrases or clauses that

may occur with the adjective to form the adjective phrase, with more explanation about

their possible role or effect in each occurrence. This theory is useful to determine whether

the phrases occur around the adjective are the elements of the adjective phrase or not and

to identify the role or specific effect that the phrases might contribute to the adjective.

3. The theory of X-Bar

This theory will be used to answer the third question of the problem formulation

since the X-Bar demonstrates how the adjective phrase is constructed based on the

function of each element. By mastering this theory, it will be easier to identify the

function of each element in the adjective phrase.




A. Object of Study

The object of the study in the thesis is adjective phrases that appear in (UK version) and news articles issued in

October 2007. BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) is the first and biggest

broadcasting organization in the United Kingdom. The scientific origins of broadcasting

are over 100 years old. In other hand, Washington Post Company is the international

news and communications company. The Washington Post is one of the most respected

daily newspapers in the United States. It means that both websites are mostly accessed by

people when they are looking for the crucial news every day. The writer chose the news

articles issued in October 2007 because the writer had made a plan to collect the articles

on that time. That was why (UK version) and

news articles issued in October 2007 were considered as a source in this research.

B. Method of Study

According to Lyons, a descriptive study of a language is an effort to describe the

linguistic pattern used by authors or speakers either in written or spoken language (1995:

42). The linguist must provide a scientific explanation while conducting the study.

Another linguist, Dinneen (1967: 4-5), announces that the linguistics as scientific study

has three characteristics. The first characteristics is objective. It means that the proofs and



the evidence of the analysis must be served to reach a certain conclusion. The second is

empirical. It means that the evidence that has been found will be proven. The last is exact.

The relation of each element in language will be explained accurately.

C. Research Procedure

The thesis study will conduct two steps: data collection and data analysis.

1. Data Collection

The initial step was to choose the usage of the news articles from

(UK version) and as the source of the data. The writer

downloaded the news articles issued in October 2007 from the two websites. The writer

browsed on Internet four times a week to get all the main news of the week and each time

the writer got 8 articles: 4 articles from (UK version) and 4 from The four news articles were the top news of each field:

politics, health, education, and entertainment. The writer picked out those fields because

they appeared in both websites. As result, the population was 128 articles. The writer

would do a quota random sampling because the whole population would result in the big

number of data. A quota random sampling is a random sampling that is done to get a

certain quantity of data. A random sampling is a sampling in which each member for the

entire population has an equal chance of being included, and that no numbers of the

population may be systematically excluded (Sprinthall et al, 1991:28). The writer only

took 25% of the 128 articles, 32 articles as the samples, by having a lottery to get four

articles from the possible sixteen articles of each field and each website. The lottery was


the way to have the random sampling. The writer renamed the articles of each field and

each website into number 1-16. Next, the writer made a numbering 1-16 on sixteen small

piece of papers and then took 4 papers by lottery. The numbers that came out in the

lottery determined the articles that would be used as the samples. The writer read the

articles and identified the adjective phrases as the data. Next, the writer retyped the

sentences that contained adjective phrases and made them in italic. There were 675

adjective phrases that became the object of the analysis in this thesis.

2. Data Analysis

Based on the order of the questions stated in problem formulation, some steps

were applied to analyze the data in the thesis. The first question was the position of the

adjective phrase. By using the theory of adjectives' position as reference, the writer

categorized the adjective phrases into attributive, predicative or postpositive. The result

was summed up and put in a table constructed in such a way that it could help the writer

analyzing the data effectively. The second question was the elements of the adjective

phrases. By applying the theory of adjective phrases' elements, the grouping of the

adjective phrase based on the occurrence with other phrases; noun phrase, prepositional

phrase, verb phrase, adverb phrase, intensifier phrase, or even another adjective phrase

and with clauses; that clause and whether-clause. The result was also summed up and put

in a table constructed in such a way that it could help the writer analyzing the data

effectively. The third question was the functions of the adjective phrases' elements. By

operating the X-Bar theory, the other phrases and the clauses would be synthesized into a


head, complement, attribute, adjunct and specifier. As a result, the function of each

element in the adjective phrase would be revealed. Finally, the last step was to draw a


The analysis which characteristics were objective, empirical and exact was done

based on descriptive linguistics as the scientific study. In order to reach a conclusion, the

thesis served the evidence first.




Chapter IV will answer the questions in problem formulation in chapter I. The

first question is about the adjective phrases' position in sentences in and (UK version) news articles issued on

October 2007. The second question is about the elements of the adjective phrases. The

third is about the function of those elements in the adjective phrases' structure. The

adjective phrases that are identified from the news articles are observed further by

applying the theories presented in chapter II.

This chapter is consist of three parts. The first part talks about the position of

adjective phrases. The second discusses the elements of adjective phrase. The third is

about their function in adjective phrases' structure. Each part uses some sentences or

phrases containing the adjective phrases in and

(UK version) news articles issued on October 2007.

A. The Position of Adjective Phrases

According to Quirk et al, there are three positions of adjectives: attributives,

predicative and postpositive (1985: 418). The distribution of the adjective phrases in the

news articles is that the adjective phrases are commonly found in the attributive and

predicative positions. The below table gives more illustration about the distribution.



Table 1

Position of Adjective Occurrence Percentage (UK ver)
Attributive 298 235 78,96%
Predicative 66 61 18,81%
Postpositive 8 7 2,22%

The table shows that the adjective phrases identified from the news articles in

those websites are commonly found in the attributive position, about 533 adjective

phrases or 78,96%. The number of the adjective phrases in the predicative position is

about 127 adjective phrases or 18,81% and only 15 adjective phrases or 2,22% in the

postpositive position.

The further analysis of each position of the adjective phrases will be shown in the

next part.

1. Attributive Position

An adjective phrase in the attributive position has two functions: as a modifier in

an NP or the head of an NP (Bhat,1994: 98). As the modifier of an NP, the adjective

phrase specifies and gives more information about the head like in (1) and (2).

(1) a private conversation (App 1, was A.II, 9)

(2) a stark choice (App 1, bbc A.IV, 9)

In (1) the adjective private that becomes an attribute of the head noun conversation gives

the detailed information about the conversation by giving the information about the type.

It is not the usual conversation but the extraordinary one with the private type as its

characteristics. In (2) the adjective stark gives the specific information about the choice.


The choice is not common one but it is the stark one. However, as the head of a noun

phrase the adjective phrases might denote to categories of people, nationalities, or

abstract references. In the news article there is only one adjective phrase that functions as

the head of a noun phrase. Here is the example:

(3) The elderly or anybody who has any kind of really kind of life-threatening

illness will end up being euthanized by wait lists. (, 22 October 2007)

The elderly in (3) denotes a category of people as the definite article the has generic

reference and elderly refers to a group of people.

The heads of attributive adjective phrases can be premodified by the adverb

phrases like biblically and unusually in (4) and (5), the intensifier phrases like very and

every in (6) and (7), and noun phrases like antibiotic in (8). However, the adjective

phrases can not be postmodified like the adjectives phrases in predicative and

postpositive position.

(4) a "Biblically responsible" alternative (App 1, was A.I, 13)

(5) unusually serious pneumonia ( App 1, was B.II, 24 )

(6) a very big deal (App 1, was B.II, 26)

(7) every local authority (App 1, bbc B.I, 11)

(8) an antibiotic-resistant strain (App 1, was B.II, 30)

The heads of attributive adjective phrases can also be constructed in the comparison form

as follows:

(9) bigger government (App 1, was A.I, 20)

(10) the lowest definite opposition (App 1, was A.IV, 8)



(11) more political diversity (App 1, was A.I, 8)

(12) the most blatant breaches (App 1, bbc A.III, 17)

bigger in (9) and lowest in (10) are inflected with -er and -est to construct a comparative

and superlative form while more political in (11) and most blatant in (12) are premodified

by more and most to form the comparative and superlative one.

2. Predicative Position

In the predicative position, an adjective has two functions: the subject and object

complements like in the following sentences:

(13) There is a growing recognition that "what happens in early life is really

important for what happens decades later,"... (App 1, was B.I, 18)

(14) She said: "Early diagnosis is essential if we are ever to develop treatments

that can change the course or halt the progression of dementia rather than just

treat the symptoms."(App 1, bbc B.II, 22).

(15) Drinking at levels which are hazardous to health is rife in ...(App 1, bbc B.I,


(16) In fact, the estimate makes MRSA much more common than flesh-eating

strep infections, bacterial pneumonia and meningitis combined, Bancroft noted.

(App 1, was B.II, 42)

(17) those patients and parents who find the use of bath emollients both soothing

and extremely beneficial (App 1, bbc B.III, 11)

As a subject complement, the predicative adjective phrases can follow a finite-clause as

in (13) in which really important for what happens decades later follows what happens


in early life then a NP like in (14) in which essential if we are ever to develop treatments

... follows early diagnosis, next a non-finite clause as in (15) in which hazardous to

health follows drinking at levels. As an object complement like in (16) and (17), the

predicative adjective phrases follows direct objects, MRSA and the use of bath

emollients. Much more common than flesh-eating strep infections in (16) and both

soothing and extremely beneficial in (17) express the result of the process denoted by the

verb make and find so that they are similar with MRSA is much more common than

flesh-eating strep infections and the use of bath emollients is both soothing and

extremely beneficial.

The predicative adjective phrases can be premodified by the adverb phrase like

strikingly in (18) and intensifier phrase like very in (19) and so (20). In addition, the

adjective phrases can be postmodified by prepositional phrase like between the two

groups in (18), to-infinitive verb phrase like to get policies across in (19), and that-

clause like (that) it could even seize assets from (20).

(18) Levels of a number of proteins were strikingly different between the two

groups. (App 1, bbc B.II, 20)

(19) Sir Menzies said he resigned because the media's obsession with his age

made it very hard to get policies across. (App 1, bbc A.II, 9)

(20) Its powers were so extensive (that) it could even seize assets from people who

had not been convicted of any crime. (App 1, bbc A.I, 14)

In comparison form, the predicative adjective phrases can be postmodified by than+a

finite clause like than we had thought in (20), than+pronoun like than others in (21), and


prepositional phrase like in Western Europe... in (22).

(20) "This indicates these life-threatening MRSA infections are much more

common than we had thought," Fridkin said. (App 1, was B.II, 42)

(21) Some faculty are more skilled at it than others. (App 1, was D.II, 40)

(22) Abortion rates were lowest in Western Europe at 12 pregnancy terminations

per 1,000 women but highest in Eastern Europe at 44 abortions per 1,000 women.

(App 1, bbc B.IV, 21)

3. Postpositive Position

The postpositive adjective phrases are the adjective phrases that immediately

follows the noun or pronoun they modify. In the news articles, there are only two types of

the postpositive adjective phrases. The first type is a single adjective that comes after an

indefinite pronoun ending -thing like something unorthodox in (23). The second type is

required by complementation of adjectives with a prepositional phrase or to-infinitive

verb phrase as complement like close to him in (24). Those postpositive adjectives are

always regarded the reduced relative clauses. Therefore, they can be changed into the

relative clauses like in (23a) and (24a).

(23) But to prepare for the session, Prof. Linda Wetzel did something unorthodox.

(App 1, was D.II, 44)

(23)a. Prof. Linda Wetzel did something that was unorthodox.

(24) ...sources close to him have told the BBC (App 1, bbc A.II, 11)

(24)a. sources who is close to him have told the BBC

The postpositive adjective phrase can be premodified by the intensifier phrase like


less in (25) or the adverb phrase like best in (26), and it can be postmodified by to-

infinitive verb phrase like to be healthy and educated in (25) and to lead in (26) or by the

prepositional phrase like with the production of certain blood cells (27).

(25) and her other children less likely to be healthy and educated. (App 1, bbc

B.IV, 26)

(26) the person "best qualified to lead" (App 1, bbc A.II, 10)

(27). ...there is something wrong with the production of certain blood cells,...

(App 1, bbc B.II, 25)

B. The Elements of Adjective Phrase

Many adjective phrases identified in those news articles occur in a bare form with

only the head without any modifiers, e.g. national archivists, a secure sanctuary, their

financial support, and a regular basis. Beside, the adjective phrases also appear in a

minimal form with the determiners only, e.g. that young. For forming a complex

adjective phrases, the adjectives will take various phrases in their occurrence like an

intensifier phrase: very common, an adverb phrase: unusually serious, a prepositional

phrase: clear to everybody, a verb phrase: unable to pay for themselves, a noun phrase:

antibiotic-resistant, and a clause: surprised that he has not appeared before me.

The adjective phrases that mostly occur in and news articles issued on October 2007 are in a bare form. The number of

its occurrence is 511 or about 74,70%. The second frequent one is the occurrence of the

adjective phrase with an intensifier phrase. The number is 78 or about 11,55%. The third


frequent one is the occurrence with a prepositional phrase. The number as presented in

table is 29 or 4,29%.

Table 2

No. Adjective Phrases Occurrences Total Percentage
1. Bare adjective phrase 276 232 508 75,25%
2. Minimal Adjective Phrase 1 0 1 0,14%
3. APs with IntP 44 34 78 11,55%
4. APs with IntP + VP 1 6 7 1,03%
5. APs with IntP + Clause 1 1 2 0,29%
6. APs with IntP + PP 4 2 6 0,88%
7. APs with NP 4 0 4 0,59%
8. APs with AdvP 10 5 15 2,22%
9. APs with AdvP + VP 0 1 1 0,14%
10. APs with AdvP + PP 3 1 4 0,59%
11. APs with AdvP + Clause 0 1 1 0,14%
12. APs with PP 18 11 29 4,29%
13. APs with VP 7 5 12 1,77%
14. APs with Clause 3 4 7 1,03%
Total 372 303 675 99,9%

From the table 2, the most frequent occurrence is a bare adjective phrase. They

occur only the head, adjectives like the followings:

(28) pink (App 1, was A.I, 17)

(29) significant (App 1, was B.I, 2)

(30) neurological (App 1, was B.III, 15)

In the adjective phrases (28), (29) and (30), the heads are the adjectives pink,


significant, and neurological without any modifiers. The structure of the bare

adjective phrase can be represented in the following diagram (38):

(31) the diagram



The second frequent type of the adjective phrase from table 2 is the occurrence of

an intensifier phrase as its element. Its occurrence is 78 in those news articles. It occurs

as the pre-modifier in the adjective phrase. Here are the examples:

(32) very strenuous (App 2, bbc A.II, 3)

(33) extremely beneficial (App 2, bbc B.III, 11)

(34) most notorious (App 2, bbc D.I, 10)

(35) more behavioral (App 2, bbc B.III, 19)

In (32). the head of the adjective phrase takes the intensifier phrase very as the pre-

modifier. In (33) the intensifier phrase extremely which comes before the head of the

adjective phrase beneficial functions as its pre-modifier. According to Jackendoff, most,

more, less, and as are called degrees of words (1981: 157-165). Therefore, most in (34) is

considered as the pre-modifier of the head adjective notorious and more in (35) is also

regarded as the pre-modifier of the head adjective behavioral. Most of the intensifier

phrases occur in the adjective phrases are most and more. The structure of the adjective

phrase with the intensifier phrase as its pre-modifier is represented in the diagram (36).


(36) the diagram



IntP A'

very strenuous

The intensifier phrases can be combined with different phrases or clause to form the

complex adjective phrases. Its occurrence with the verb phrase, the prepositional phrase,

or clause can be seen the following examples:

(37) too early to give an overall verdict on the success of the academies programme

(App 2, bbc D.IV, 19)

(38) really important for what happens decades later. (App 2, was B.I, 18)

(39) so extensive it could even seize assets from people who had not been convicted

of any crime. (App 2, bbc A.I, 13)

In the first example (37), the verb phrase to give an overall verdict on the success of the

academies programme occurs as the post modifier of the head early with too as the pre-

modifier. The next example (38) has the adjective important as the head, the intensifier

phrase really and the prepositional phrase for what happens decades later as its

modifiers. The last adjective phrase in (39) has the intensifier phrase so as its pre-

modifier and clause it could even seize assets from people who had not been convicted of

any crime as its post modifier. The diagram (40) below explains the structure of the

adjective phrase which selects the intensifier phrase in combination with clause as its



(40) the diagram


A' Cl

IntP A'

so extensive it could even seize assets...

The third frequent type of the adjective phrase from table 2 is the occurrence of a

prepositional phrase as its element. Its occurrence is 29 in those news articles. It

functions as a post modifier. As the element of the adjective phrase, it may occur with or

without other phrases. The next part will present more detailed discussion.

The prepositional phrase is made up of a preposition as head and a noun phrase as

its object. Its characteristic, that makes it different from other phrases, is that it cannot

stand by itself. The prepositions that occur with the noun phrase to form the

prepositional phrases are for, at, of, to, with, as, in, inside, outside, on, and without as

seen in the following sentences:

(41) eager for what could amount to a third Clinton presidential term (App 2, was

A.IV, 25)

(42) "irritated and frustrated" at having to step down (App 2, bbc A.II, 4)

(43) clear of the disease (App 2, was B.II, 23)

(44) impervious to every approved antibiotic for youngsters (App 2, was B.II, 41)

(45) comfortable with him as first spouse (App 2, was A.III, 23)


(46) rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as eggs fortified with DHA and flaxseed (App

2, was B.III, 24)

(47) fearful inside and outside the school (App 2, was D.I, 17)

(48) silent on picking up bar tabs (App 2, was A.III, 26)

(49) that long without drugs (App 2, was A.III, 23)

In (41) the adjective, eager, takes the prepositional phrase for what could amount to a

third Clinton presidential term as its element. In (42) two adjectives, irritated and

frustrated, select the prepositional phrase at having to step down to structure the adjective

phrase. The adjective clear in (43) picks out of the disease in its occurrence. In (44), the

adjective impervious has the prepositional phrase to every approved antibiotic for

youngsters to form a complex adjective phrase. In the next adjective phrase, the head

comfortable occurs with two prepositional phrases with him and as first spouse. The

adjective phrase in (46) is built by the head adjective rich and the prepositional phrase in

omega-3 fatty acids, such as eggs fortified with DHA and flaxseed. The adjective phrase

(47) is constructed by the head fearful, and the prepositional phrases inside and outside

the school. The adjective silent (48) is the head of the adjective phrase which takes the

prepositional phrase on picking up bar tabs as a post modifier. The last adjective phrase

consists of the adjective long, the prepositional phrase without drugs and the

demonstrative pronoun that. The structure of the adjective phrase that takes the

prepositional phrase at its element can be seen in the diagram (50).



50. the diagram



eager for what could amount to...

As the elements of the adjective phrase, the prepositional phrases do not always

occur by itself. It can be combined with different phrases as the elements of the adjective

phrase; an adverb phrase, and an intensifier phrase. The occurrence of the prepositional

phrase and the intensifier phrase as the modifiers of the adjective phrase has been

discussed above. Now, the discussion will continue with the occurrence of the adjective

phrase with the prepositional phrase and the adverb phrase. Here are the examples:

(51) best known for his comic roles (App 2, was C.II, 6)

(52) strikingly different between the two groups (App 2, bbc B.II, 20)

In (51) the adjective phrase consists of the head known and the adverb phrase best and the

prepositional phrase for his comic roles. In (52) the adjective phrase appears with the

adjective as the head different, the adverb phrase strikingly as the pre-modifier, and the

prepositional phrase between the two groups as post modifier. The structure of the

adjective phrase which takes more than one phrase with the prepositional phrase can be

seen in the diagram (53).



(53) the diagram




AdvP A'

strikingly different between the two groups

From the above discussion, it is clear that the adjective phrase can occur with the

prepositional phrase and the occurrence of the prepositional phrase can be combined with

other phrases like the adverb phrase and the intensifier phrase.

The fourth frequent type of the adjective phrase from table 2 is the occurrence of

an adverb phrase as its element. Its occurrence is 15 in those news articles. It occurs as

the pre-modifier in the adjective phrase. Here are the examples:

(54) Biblically responsible (App 2, was A.I, 13)

(55) particularly small (App 2, was B.IV, 6)

In (54) the head of the adjective phrase responsible selects the adverb phrase biblically as

the pre-modifier. In (55) the adjective phrase has the adverb phrase particularly coming

before the head small. The structure of the adjective phrase with the adverb phrase as its

pre-modifier is represented in the diagram (56)



(56) the diagram AP

AdvP A'
biblically responsible
The adverb phrase can occur with the prepositional phrase, the verb phrase or

clause to construct the complex adjective phrases. The occurrence of the adverb phrase

with the prepositional phrase has been explained above. Therefore, this part discusses the

occurrence with the verb phrase and the clause. Here is the example:

(57) painfully obvious that if the ticket is not transferable then the method of

obtaining the ticket is not transferable either (App 2, bbc B.IV, 6)

(58) best qualified "to lead" (App 2, bbc A.II, 11)

In (57) the adverb phrase painfully occurs as the pre-modifier of the head adjective

obvious with the clause that if the ticket is not transferable then the method of obtaining

the ticket is not transferable either as the post modifier. In (58) the head adjective

qualified is premodified by the adjective phrase best and postmodified by the verb phrase

to lead. The diagram below (59) explains the structure of the adjective phrase which

selects the adverb phrase in combination with that clause.

(59) the diagram AP

A' Cl

AdvP A'

painfully obvious that if the ticket is not ...



The fifth frequent type of the adjective phrase from table 2 is the occurrence of a

verb phrase as its element. Its occurrence is 12 in those news articles. A verb phrase that

functions as a post modifier in the adjective phrase is to-infinitive. Here are the examples:

(60) likely to develop the condition (App 2, bbc B.II, 19)

(61) able to benefit from GDST's experts (App 2, bbc D.I, 17)

(62) delighted to be vindicated (App 2, was C.IV, 4)

In (60), the head of the adjective phrase is likely and it occurs with to-infinitive to

develop the condition. In (61), the adjective phrase consists of the head able and post

modifier to-infinitive to benefit from GDST's experts. The last example has delighted as

the head and to be vindicated as its post modifier. The structure of the adjective phrase

with verb phrase as its post modifier is represented in the diagram (63).

(63) the diagram AP


likely to develop the condition

In its occurrence with the adjective phrase, the verb phrases do not always occur

by itself. It might be combined with different phrases as the elements of the adjective

phrase; an adverb phrase and an intensifier phrase.

Although the occurrence of the verb phrase with the adverb phrase and the

intensifier phrase has been explained above, this part will give one more example:

(64) quite proud to be able to admit it (App 2, bbc C.III, 5)

In (64) the adjective phrase headed by proud takes the intensifier phrase quite as the pre-


modifier and the verb phrase to be able to admit it as the post-modifier. The diagram

below (65) explains the structure of the adjective phrase which selects the verb phrase in

combination with the intensifier phrases as its elements.

(65) the diagram AP

Int P A'


quite proud to be able to admit it

The sixth frequent type of the adjective phrase from table 2 is the occurrence of a

clause as its element. Its occurrence is 7 in those news articles. The clauses that occur in

the post-modifier position are that and whether or if clause. Below 66-67 are the


(66) surprised that he has not appeared before me (App 2, was C.I, 4)

(67) essential if we are ever to develop treatments that can change the course or halt

the progression of dementia rather than just treat the symptoms (App 2, bbc B.II,


In (66), the head of the adjective phrase is surprised which selects that clause that

he has not appeared before me as the post modifier. The clause in this phrase is used to

give an explanation the reason of the surprise feeling. The next example has essential as

the head which occurs with if clause if we are ever to develop treatments that can change

the course or halt the progression of dementia rather than just treat the symptoms. This

clause gives the explanation how something will become essential. The following


diagram (68) shows the structure of the adjective phrase.

(68) the diagram AP

A Cl

surprised that he has not appeared before me

In fact, the clauses as the elements of the adjective phrase can appear with

different phrases like the adverb phrase and the intensifier phrase. Since the discussion

about its occurrence with those two phrases has been stated above, this part does not talk

about it again.

The seventh frequent type of the adjective phrase from table 2 is the occurrence of

a noun phrase as its element. Its occurrence is 4 in those news articles. The noun phrase

occurs as the pre-modifier in the adjective phrases like the following examples:

(69) year-long (App 2, was D.III, 10)

(70) antibiotic-resistant (App 2, was B.II, 30)

The first one, which is headed by long, occurs with the noun phrase year as its pre-

modifier. Then, the adjective phrase (70) takes the adjective resistant as the head and the

noun phrase antibiotic in its occurrence. The structure of the adjective phrase which takes

the noun phrase as its element can be seen in the diagram (71)

(71) the diagram AP



antibiotic resistant


Based on the findings in the news articles, the occurrence of the noun phrase in

the adjective phrases can not be combined with different phrases and clause.

The minimal form that occurs as the element of the adjective phrase is the

smallest number. The minimal adjective phrase occurs with a demonstrative pronoun that

like the example:

(72) that young (App 2, was B.IV, 25)

In (72), the head adjective is young, and it takes the demonstrative pronoun that as its

determiner. The structure of the minimal noun phrase can be represented in the diagram


(73) the diagram



that young

C. The function of the elements

Based on the above discussion, the adjective phrases may occur in a bare form, a

minimal form or a complex form. The different types of phrases; a intensifier phrase,

adverb phrase, adjective phrase, noun phrase, prepositional phrase and verb phrase, and a

clause have certain positions in their occurrences whether as a determiner, pre-modifier

or post modifier in the adjective phrase. A prepositional phrase, verb phrase and clause

always play the role of the post modifier.



The phrases or clause as the elements of the adjective phrase have certain

functions in the structure of the adjective phrase. There are four functions that they may

fill namely: complement, attribute, adjunct and specifier.

1. Complement

A complement is an element which a head needs to complete its meaning. The

complement which an adjective selects is probably not present explicitly in a sentence.

When a complement is not present, it may be understood from the context or is not

important for the message exchange.

A to-infinitive verb phrase occurs in a post modifier position in the adjective

phrase. It functions as a complement because the occurrence of the verb phrase completes

the meaning of the head adjective. Here are the examples:

(74) I will be able to produce this credit card... (App 3, bbc C.IV, 7)

(75) It was inappropriate to rely on studies... (App 3, was B.IV, 18)

(76) The findings are likely to stoke debate... (App 3, was D.II, 43)

In (74) to produce this credit card completes the meaning of the adjective able as the

head. In (75) to rely on studies completes the meaning of the adjective inappropriate as

the head. In (76) to stoke debate completes the meaning of the adjective likely as the

head. As the adjective complements, the to-infinitive verb phrases can be identified using

three tests. Firstly, the verb phrase complements can be identified using a what question.

(74)a What will you be able to do?

(75)a What was it inappropriate to do?

(76)a What are the findings likely to do?



The to-infinitive adjective complements are the answers to a what question. To produce

this credit card in (74) is the answer to question (74a), to rely on studies in (75) is the

answer to question (75a), and to stoke debate in (76) is the answer to question (76a).

Secondly, the to-infinitive adjective complements can become the focus in a cleft

sentence. Sentence (74)-(76) can be changed into cleft sentences (74b)-(76b).

(74)b It is to produce this credit card that I will be able.

(75)b It was to rely on studies that it was inappropriate.

(76)b It is to stoke debate that the findings are likely.

Finally, the to-infinitive adjective complements can also become the focus in a pseudo-

cleft sentence.

(74.)c What I will be able is to produce this credit card.

(75)c What it was inappropriate was to rely on studies.

(76)c What the findings are likely is to stoke debate.

Sentence (74)-(76) can be changed into pseudo-cleft sentences (74c)-(76c), and to

produce this credit card, to rely on studies and to stoke debate become the focus of the

pseudo-cleft sentences.

(77) the diagram AP



able to produce this credit card

The AP does not branch but goes directly to an A' because the adjective phrase

does not have specifier. Next, the A' branches to A and a VP. The head able directly


becomes the sister of the VP to produce this credit card because the VP is the

complement of the head.

A prepositional phrase occurs as the post modifier in the adjective phrase. The

prepositional phrase functions as the complement because it has a close relationship with

its head. It can not be separated from the head like the following examples:

(78) The microbe is responsible for more than 94,000 serious infections and

nearly 19,000 deaths each year,... (App 3, was B.II, 38)

(78)a*For more than 94,000 serious infections and nearly 19,000 deaths each

year, The microbe is responsible

(79) The Conservatives were ready for a snap poll. (App 3, bbc A.III, 22)

(79)a *For a snap poll, the Conservatives were ready.

There are three ways to prove whether the prepositional phrases are the

complements or not. Firstly, the prepositional phrases which become the complements of

the prepositions can be substituted with what or who to form a question.

(78)b What is the microbe responsible for?

(79)b What were the Conservatives ready for?

more than 94,000 serious infections and nearly 19,000 deaths each year in (78) is the

answer for the (78b) question and a snap poll in (79) is the answer of the question (79b).

Secondly, the noun phrase which becomes the complement of the preposition can occur

as the focus in a cleft sentence. Sentence (78) and (79) can be paraphrased into (78c) and

(79c) respectively.

(78)c It is more than 94,000 serious infections and nearly 19,000 deaths each year


that the microbe is responsible for.

(79)c It was a snap poll that that the Conservatives were ready for.

More than 94,000 serious infections and nearly 19,000 deaths each year and a snap poll

are the focuses of (78c) and (79c) respectively. Finally, the noun phrase that becomes the

complement of the preposition can occur in a pseudo-cleft sentence. Sentence (78) and

(79) can be paraphrased into (78d) and (79d) respectively.

(78)d What the microbe is responsible for is more than 94,000 serious infections

and nearly 19,000 deaths each year.

(79)d What the Conservatives were ready for was a snap poll.

More than 94,000 serious infections and nearly 19,000 deaths each year and a snap poll

are the focuses of (78d) and (79d) respectively.

(80) the diagram AP

ready for a snap poll
The diagram shows that A' is the only daughter of an AP as the AP does not have a

specifier. The PP for a snap poll as a complement is the closest element to the head

ready so the PP becomes the sister of the head adjective. The other elements like an

attribute, adjunct, and specifier can not fill its position.

A clause occurs at the post-modifier position. Like the verb phrase and

prepositional phrase that complete the meaning of the head when they play the role of

complement, the clause also completes the meaning of the adjective's head. That clauses

are found to play the role of the complements in the adjective phrases identified in the


news articles:

(81) I am surprised that he has not appeared before me,...(App 3, was C.I, 4)

(82) I'm afraid (that) it's going to be a bit longer. (App 3, bbc A.III, 23)

The clause adjective complements can be identified using several tests. Firstly, the

clauses are the answers to the what questions. The clauses that he has not appeared

before me in (81) and it's going to be a bit longer in (82) are the answers to questions

(81a) and (82a) respectively.

(81)a What are you surprised of?

(82)a What are you afraid of?

Secondly, the clause adjective complements can become the focus in the cleft

sentences. Sentences (81) and (82) can be changed into cleft sentences (81b) and (82b)


(81)b It is that he has not appeared before me that I am surprised.

(82)b It is that it's going to be a bit longer that I am afraid.

That he has not appeared before me becomes the focus in (81b) and it's going to be a bit

longer becomes the focus of (82b).

Finally, the clause adjective complements can also become the focus in the

pseudo-cleft sentences. Sentences (81) and (82) can be changed into pseudo-cleft

sentences (81c) and (82c) respectively.

(81)c What I am surprised is that he has not appeared before me.

(82)c What I am afraid is that it's going to be a bit longer.

That he has not appeared before me becomes the focus in (81c) and it's going to be a bit


longer becomes the focus of (82c).

(83) the diagram AP


A Cl

afraid (that) it's going to be a bit longer

In the diagram (83), there is no a specifier that occurs as a daughter of an AP and a

sister of an A'. The clause (that) it's going to be a bit longer as a complement is a

daughter of the A' and the sister of the head afraid.

A noun phrase that occurs at pre-modifier position in the adjective phrase can

function as the complement since it completes the meaning of the head. The noun phrase

that functions as the complement is:

(84) antibiotic-resistant (App 3, was B.II, 30)

(84)a resistant to the antibiotic

The noun phrase that functions as the complement of the adjective phrase can be

identified using a paraphrase. As seen in (84a) the noun phrase can be changed into the

prepositional phrase. By using the tests for the prepositional phrase, the function of the

the prepositional can be identified.

(84)b What is the injection resistant to?

(84)c It is the antibiotic that the injection is resistant to.

(84)d What the injection is resistant to is the antibiotic.

With the use of the question in (84b), cleft sentence in (84c), and pseudo-cleft sentence in

(84d), it can be concluded that the prepositional phrase to the antibiotic in (84a) is the


complement of the adjective resistant in (84a) is therefore, also the complement of the


(85) the diagram AP



antibiotic resistant

In the diagram (85), the AP does not branch because it does not have a specifier.

The A' branches into a NP and the head A. The NP antibiotic is the sister of the head

resistant because it functions as the complement of the head.

2. An Attribute

An attribute is an element that shows the characteristic of the head adjective in the

adjective phrase. The attribute never occurs at the post-modifier position (Radford,


In the news articles, there are three types of phrases that fill this function; an

adverb phrase, intensifier phrase, and noun phrase. They occur by themselves or with

different phrases to construct more complex adjective phrases.

An intensifier phrase functions to emphasize the head of the adjective phrase

like the following examples:

(86) we should be very worried (App 3, was B.II, 6)

(87)...and the results and accuracy levels are very promising (App 3, bbc B.II, 21)

(88) more political diversity (App 3, was A.I, 8)

In (86) very emphasizes the head of the adjective phrase worried and In (87) very


emphasizes the adjective common. In (88) more emphasizes the head political. The other

form of comparison in data is the -er form. The writer considers the -er form as

projection of more form. The -er form is the comparative form for one syllable or two

syllable adjectives. The same is the superlative comparison. It represents the degree form

most. The -est form is a result of the most form projection. The -est form comes for one

or two syllables form of the adjective head.

An adverb phrase specifies certain aspect of the adjective like the following


(89) nearly identical percentages (App 3, was A.IV, 11)

(90) unusually serious pneumonia (App 3, was B.II, 24)

(91) I'm quietly confident,... (App 3, was C.III, 6)

In (89) nearly shows in what aspect the percentages are identical, in (90) unusually

shows in what aspect the pneumonia is serious, and in (91) quietly shows in what aspect I

am confident.

A noun phrase functions to show the measurement like the only example:

(92) the year-long search (App 3, was D.III, 10)

In (92) year shows how long the search is.

The adjective attributives can be identified using how questions. The adjective

phrases in (86)-(92) can be paraphrased into the questions below:

(86)a How worried should we be?

(87)a How promising are the results and accuracy levels?

(88)a How political is the diversity?



(89)a How identical are the percentages?

(90)a How serious is the pneumonia?

(91)a How confident are you?

(92)a How long is the search?

The adjective attributes can also be identified using in what aspect questions. The

adjective phrases in (86)-(92) can be paraphrased into the questions below:

(86)b In what aspect should we be worried?

(87)b In what aspect is the results and accuracy levels promising?

(88)b In what aspect is the diversity political?

(89)b In what aspect is the percentages identical?

(90)b In what aspect is the pneumonia serious?

(91)b In what aspect are you confident?

(92)b In what aspect is the search long?

Basically, the answer of the how and in what aspect questions in (86a) and (86b) is the

intensifier phrase very, the answer to the how and in what aspect questions in (87a) and

(87b) is the intensifier phrase very, the answer to the how and in what aspect questions in

(88a) and (88b) is the intensifier phrase more, the answer to the how and in what aspect

questions in (89a) and (89b) is the adverb phrase nearly, the answer to the how and in

what aspect questions in (90a) and (90b) is the adverb phrase unusually, the answer to the

how and in what aspect questions in (91a) and (91b) is the adverb phrase quietly and the

answer to the how and in what aspect questions in (92a) and (92b) is the noun phrase



The structure of the adjective phrase that occurs with an attribute is represented in

the diagram (93).

(93) the diagram AP


IntP A'

more political

In the diagram (93), an AP goes directly to an A' because there is no specifier.

Then, the A' branches to another A' and an IntP. The IntP is the daughter and sister of the

A'. The head political does not directly become the sister of an Int P because that position

belongs to the phrases or clause that functions as a complement.

The structure of the adjective phrase that occurs with an attribute and a

complement is represented in (94).

(94) the diagram AP


AdvP A'


best known for his comic roles

In the diagram (94), the adjective phrase does not have a specifier so an AP goes directly

to an A'. The A' branches to another an AdvP and A'. The AdvP best as an attribute is both

a daughter and sister of the A-bar. Next, the A' branches to the head known and an PP.


The PP for his comic roles becomes the sister of the adjective known because it functions

as a complement.

3. An Adjunct

An adjunct in an adjective phrase gives circumstantial information on the state or

condition which the adjective expresses. In the news articles, there are three phrases that

might fill the function of the adjunct: the prepositional phrase, the to-infinitive verb

phrase and the clause. They occur by themselves or with different phrases to construct

more complex adjective phrases.

A prepositional phrase provides the additional information about the action or

event that phrase refers to, about time (when or how long), about place (position) or

direction), about manner,cause, etc. The prepositional phrase as the adjective adjunct can

be identified using the question that asks circumstantial information like when, where,

etc. Sentences (95a) and (96a) ask the adjective adjuncts in (95) and (96) respectively.

(95) and I think our policies and our principles and our values would have been

right at the very centre of the political agenda." (App 3, bbc A.II, 7)

(95)a When would our policies and our principles and our values have been


(96) The proportion was highest in poorer areas.... (App 3, bbc B.I, 25)

(96)a Where was the proportion highest ?

The answer of (95a) is at the very centre of the political agenda, and the answer of (96a)

is in poorer areas. The prepositional phrase adjective adjuncts are different from the

prepositional phrase which functions as the adjective complements because the noun


phrase in the prepositional phrase cannot be separated from the preposition. The

separation of the noun phrase and the preposition will create ungrammatical sentence.

Therefore, the sentences in (95b-d) and (96b-d) are wrong.

(95)b *When would our policies and our principles and our values have been

right at?

(95)c *It is the very centre of the political agenda that our policies and our

principles and our values have been right at.

(95)d *What our policies and our principles and our values have been right at is

the very centre of the political agenda.

(96)b *Where was the proportion highest in?

(96)c *They are poorer areas that the proportion was highest in.

(96)d *What the proportion was highest in were poorer areas

The very centre of the political agenda in (95b-d) and in poorer areas in (96b-d) or their

substitute what can not be separated from at and in to form the questions, the cleft

sentences, and pseudo-cleft sentences.

A to-infinitive verb phrase as the adjective adjunct can be identified using

several tests. First, the to-infinitive adjective adjunct is paraphrased to be the subject of

the sentence. Here is the example:

(97) The improvements had been the hardest to reach. (App 3, bbc D.IV, 23)

(97)a To reach the improvements was the hardest.

To reach in (97) is the adjunct of the hardest. To reach shows in what aspect the

improvements had been the hardest. To reach the improvements is the subject of (97a).


Second, the to-infinitive adjunct becomes the focus of the cleft sentence and the NP

which becomes the subject of the sentence becomes the complement of the VP like the


(97)b It was to reach the improvements that was the hardest.

To reach the improvements becomes the focus of (97b). Finally, the to-infinitive adjunct

becomes the focus of the pseudo-cleft sentence like the followings:

(97)c What was hardest was to reach the improvements.

To reach the improvements becomes the focus of (97c).

The last category of the adjective adjunct is a clause. The that clause adjunct

occurs only with the introductory it like the following:

(98) It was pleased (that) Ofsted had confirmed the social partnership was

improving the working lives of school staff and the performance of pupils. (App 3,

bbc D.II, 20)

The if clause can be also an adjunct of an adjective phrase like the following example:

(99) She said: "Early diagnosis is essential if we are ever to develop treatments

that can change the course or halt the progression of dementia rather than just

treat the symptoms."(App 3, bbc D.IV, 18)

Because the that clause in (98) and the if clause (99) only provide the additional

information to the heads, the clause can be omitted. The result will be like:

(98)a It was pleased.

(99)a She said: "Early diagnosis is essential.

The structure of the adjective phrase that occurs with an adjunct is represented in


the diagrams below.

(100) the diagram AP



right at the very centre of the political agenda

In the diagram (100), an AP goes directly to an A'. The A' branches into another A' and a

PP. The PP at the very centre of the political agenda becomes both the sister and daughter

of A bar because the PP is an adjunct of the head right.

(101) the diagram AP

A' Cl

essential if we are ever to develop treatments...

There is no specifier in the diagram (101). an AP goes directly to an A' and then the A-bar

branches into A' and a Cl. The clause as an adjunct is both a daughter and the sister of the

A-bar. The head essential does not become a sister of the clause if we are ever to develop

treatments because it is against the rule that the head is the sister of a complement.

The structure of the adjective phrase that occurs with a specifier, an attribute and

adjunct is represented in (102).



(102) the diagram


IntP A'

the most hard to reach

In (102), the determiner the as a specifier is a daughter of an AP and a sister of an

A'. Then the A' branches into another A-bar and a VP . The verb phrase to reach as the

adjunct is both the daughter and sister of the A-bar. Next, A' branches into an IntP and A'.

The IntP most is not the sister of the head hard because it functions as an attribute in the

adjective phrase.

4. Specifier

According to Dwijatmoko, an adjective phrase in most cases does not have a

specifier and the consequence is that the specifier position is rarely filled (2002:32). In

the news articles, there are only three adjective phrases that have the specifier. This is the


(103) that young (App 1, was A.I, 21)

that (103) is the specifier of young. The structure of the adjective phrase that occurs with

a specifier is represented in (104).



(104). the diagram AP


that young

In (104), the determiner that as a specifier is a daughter of an AP and a sister of an

A'. The DP that is not the sister of the head young because it does not function as a


The demonstrative pronoun that can head a DP in an adjective phrase

(Dwijatmoko 2002:32) like the following example:

(105) In the last eight years, I've never been that long without drugs. (App 3, bbc

C.III, 4)

That in (105) is the specifier of long. That long means 'as long as the past eight years'.

The structure of the adjective phrase that occurs with a specifier and an adjunct is

represented in (106).

(106). the diagram AP


that long without drugs

In (106), that as a specifier is a daughter of an AP and a sister of an A'. Then the

A' branches into another A-bar and a PP. The PP without drugs is not the sister of the

head long because it functions as a adjunct in the adjective phrase.



The adjective phrases occurs in bare form with only the head, or in complex form

with its premodifiers like an adverb phrase, intensifier phrase or noun phrase, and also

with its postmodifiers like a prepositional phrase, verb phrase or clause. In all the X-bar

diagrams, the relation of the modifiers with the head of the adjective phrase reveals the

functions of the modifiers in the adjective phrases: a complement, attribute, adjunct, and

specifier. A specifier becomes a daughter of an AP and a sister of A'. However, it is

common that a specifier does not occur. Therefore, an AP goes to an A' directly. An

adjunct is both a daughter and sister of the A-bar. An attribute is also both a daughter and

sister of the A'. A complement is a daughter of A-bar and sister of an A.




In this chapter the writer would like to sum up several things since the analysis of

the adjective phrase in and news articles issued

in October 2007 had been finished. This study has three problems. First is about the

position of the adjective phrase in the sentence in the news articles of those websites.

Second is the elements of the adjective phrase and third is the functions of its elements in

the adjective phrase.

In the news articles, the positions of the adjective phrase are attributive,

predicative, and postpositive. The percentage of each position is as follows: the

attributive position is 533 adjective phrases or about 78,96%, the predicative position is

127 adjective phrases or about 18,81% and the postpositive position is only 15 adjective

phrases or 2,22%.

The adjective phrases that mostly occur in the news articles are in a bare form,

508 adjective phrases or about 75,25%. The rests are in a complex form, 167 adjective

phrases or about 24,74%. In the complex form, the adjective phrases occur with phrases

and a clause. The percentage of each occurrence is as follows: the intensifier phrase is 78

or about 11,55%, the prepositional phrase is 29 or 4,29%, the adverb phrase is 15 or

2,22%, the verb phrase is 12 or 1,77%, the noun phrase is 4 or 0,59% and the clause is 7

or 1,03% . It is only an adjective phrase in a minimal form.

The phrases or clauses have certain functions in the structure of the adjective



phrase. They may fill namely: complement, attribute, adjunct and specifier. A

prepositional phrase, verb phrase, noun phrase and clause can function as a complement

of an adjective phrase when they are selected by the head to complete the head's meaning.

The next element of the head is an attribute. The elements of the adjective phrase that can

occur as the attributes are intensifier phrase, adverb phrase and noun phrase. The other

element is adjunct. A verb phrase, prepositional phrase and clause can function as the

adjunct if they only give additional information to the head of the adjective phrases. The

last function of the elements is a specifier; articles the and demonstrative pronoun that.

The adjective phrases in most cases do not have a specifier and the consequence is that

the specifier position is rarely filled.



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Appendix 1: The list of Adjective Phrases Used in Attributive, Predicative,

Postpositive Position (Note: Att = Attributive, Pred = Predicative, Post =
Postpositive) issued in October 2007

No. Data Att Pred Post

A. Politics
I. Looking for a Candidate to Call Their Own ( 22
October 2007 )
1. a secure sanctuary 9
2. a sheltered bubble worthy 9
3. the constant attacks 9
4. multiple fronts 9
5. conservative beliefs 9
6. legal group 9
7. the Christian-based legal group** 9
8. more political diversity 9
9. an elite university faculty 9
10. Former Reagan administration official 9
11. 2000 Republican presidential candidate** 9
12. worst nightmare 9
13. a "Biblically responsible" alternative 9
14. financial planning 9
15. a huge battle 9
16. natural law 9
17. a pink sweater 9
18. impeccable posture 9
19. this beautiful wonderful way** 9
20. bigger government 9
21. The elderly 9
22. the controversial results 9



23. a political science and business marketing major 9

24. a conservative candidate 9
25. most prominent of these drillers 9
26 the conservative stalwart 9
27. a smaller party 9
28. On the subterranean concourse level of the Hilton, it was very 9
easy to feel you were in a different world.
29. And they feel outgunned. 9
30. Kurt added. "Even if the show's okay, the commercials are 9
31. Yet this impulse, the desire for a mother to keep her kids away 9
from "Sex in the City" and Sarah Jessica Parker, is not unique
to Christians.
32. The six who've traveled with her are friendly, outspoken and 9
polite. ***
33. What's so wrong with Hillary? 9
34. ...people who take their faith beliefs very seriously, find 9
themselves very isolated," said Alan Sears, CEO and president
of the Alliance Defense Fund,...**
II. Clinton's Foes Go on the Attack ( 31 October 2007 ) Att Pred Post
1. sharp aim. 9
2. his cool demeanor 9
3. illegal immigrants 9
4. his failed policies 9
5. the liveliest exchanges 9
6. specific policies 9
7. an apparent contradiction 9
8. her public posture 9
9. a private conversation 9
10. fiscal responsibility 9
11. her husband's presidential library 9
12. national archivists 9
13. She said she was open to asking wealthy Americans to pay 9
more in payroll taxes.


14. Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's Democratic rivals aggressively 9

challenged their party's front-runner here Tuesday night,
accusing her of being dishonest and of emboldening President
Bush to declare war against Iran.**
15. He mocked Clinton for voting to designate Iran's 9
Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terrorist group, and he all but
accused her of being corrupt.
16. I think America deserves us to be straight," he said. 9
III. Getting Around Rules on Lobbying ( 14 October Att Pred Post
2007 )
1. two black-tie galas 9
2. special interests 9
3. the most visible efforts 9
4. new rules 9
5. bipartisan agreement 9
6. one special privilege 9
7. private jet travel 9
8. political contributions 9
9. new public reporting rules** 9
10. presidential nominating conventions 9
11. the new rules 9
12. the new ethics law 9
13. the most thorough housecleaning 9
14. a real change 9
15. congressional staffers 9
16. personal friends 9
17. a specific member 9
18. the most convenient reservation 9
19. the new law 9
20. hazier interpretations 9
21. double talk 9
22. Because accepting such gifts from special interests is now 9
illegal, the companies did not hand the tickets directly to
lawmakers or staffers.


23. Together they put language into a defense appropriations bill 9

that would keep legal the practice of some senators of booking
several flights on days they return home,...
24. It's clear to me -- but it's not clear to everybody," said Barbara 9
Boxer (D-Calif.), chairman of the Senate ethics committee.**
25. But the changes have prompted anxiety about what perks are 9
still permissible.
26. It is silent on picking up bar tabs. 9
27. If that rule was clear to some, ... 9
IV. Bill Clinton Considered an Asset to Hillary Clinton's Att Pred Post
Campaign ( 3 October 2007 )
1. Former President 9
2. a clear asset 9
3. Americans offering high ratings 9
4. a solid majority 9
5. favorable terms 9
6. the political and personal turbulence** 9
7. a potential Republican nominee** 9
8. the lowest definite opposition** 9
9. the lowest "reject rates" 9
10. Former North Carolina senator John Edwards often argues 9
that he is the most electable Democrat and one who can
campaign successfully in regions Clinton cannot **
11. nearly identical percentages 9
12. the top four Republican candidates** 9
13. more negative terms 9
14. high levels 9
15. presidential campaign 9
16. hardcore Republicans and Democrats 9
17. independent voters 9
18. a hypothetical match-up 9
19. the former New York mayor 9
20. a sizeable lead 9
21. a big gender gap 9


22. potentially groundbreaking candidacy 9

23. They would be comfortable with him as first spouse. 9
24. Many Republicans have said they are eager to run a general 9
election campaign against Hillary Clinton, describing her as
a highly polarizing candidate who would unite and energize
the opposition.
25. There have been persistent questions about whether the nation 9
is eager for what could amount to a third Clinton presidential
26. Clinton remains overwhelmingly popular with Democrats, and 9
63 percent of independents
B. Health Att Pred Post
I. Long-Hidden Dangers? ( 9 October 2007 )
1. A new study 9
2. a significant link 9
3. young girls 9
4. The new work 9
5. a young age 9
6. That fivefold increase 9
7. a bigger boost 9
8. a close relative with breast cancer 9
9. an ongoing controversy 9
10. one of the most potent weapons 9
11. a very important public health issue** 9
12. a balanced approach 9
13. a nonprofit research initiative 9
14. a full spectrum 9
15. widespread use 9
16. Experts emphasized that the breast cancer findings must be 9
considered preliminary until they can be replicated by others.
17. Susser said, "No one has really been able to test it until now." 9
There is a big debate about what is safe . . .
18. There is a growing recognition that "what happens in early life 9
is really important for what happens decades later,"


19. The results looked valid. 9

II. Drug-Resistant Staph Germ's Toll Is Higher Than
Thought ( 17 October 2007 )
1. A dangerous germ 9
2. public health authorities 9
3. a strain of a once innocuous staph bacterium 9
4. the insidious pathogen 9
5. a significant public health problem** 9
6. We should be very worried 9
7. a medical epidemiologist 9
8. the most serious infections 9
9. the new studies 9
10. the ubiquitous bacterium 9
11. Resistant strains 9
12. further infections 9
13. these very common organisms 9
14. new antibiotics 9
15. the unnecessary use 9
16. those already available 9
17. the few remaining effective drugs 9
18. serious complications 9
19. casual contact 9
20. minor abscesses 9
21. serious health problems 9
22. intensive care 9
23. intravenous antibiotics 9
24. unusually serious pneumonia 9
25. the most dreaded invasive bacterial diseases*** 9
26. "This is clearly a very big deal." 9
27. a pediatric infectious-disease specialist** 9
28. standard hygiene 9
29. frequent hand-washing 9


30. an antibiotic-resistant strain 9

31. common ear infections 9
32. permanent hearing loss 9
33. an ecological vacuum 9
34. this new superbug 9
35. excessive use 9
36. very young children 9
37. The microbe that has become invulnerable to first-line 9
38. The microbe is responsible for more than 94,000 serious 9
infections and nearly 19,000 deaths each year, the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention calculated
39. Although mounting evidence shows that the infection is
becoming more common,
40. It is astounding 9
41. The MRSA estimate is being published with a report that a 9
strain of another bacterium, which causes ear infections in
children, has become impervious to every approved antibiotic
for youngsters.
42. "This indicates these life-threatening MRSA infections are 9
much more common than we had thought," Fridkin said.
43. The infection is most common among African Americans and 9
the elderly, ... In fact, the estimate makes MRSA much more
common than flesh-eating strep infections, bacterial
pneumonia and meningitis combined, Bancroft noted.
III. Scientists to Advise Pregnant Women to Eat Fish ( 3 Att Pred Post
October 2007 )
1. a major break 9
2. top scientists 9
3. private groups 9
4. federal agencies 9
5. optimal brain development 9
6. the standard government advice 9
7. a nonprofit group 9
8. the most vulnerable groups 9


9. the more vexing nutritional dilemmas** 9

10. widespread consumer confusion 9
11. much scientific debate. 9
12. an important issue 9
13. There are really complex questions. 9
14. theoretical calculations 9
15. neurological problems 9
16. the major dietary sources 9
17. young children 9
18. lower IQs 9
19. more behavioral and social problem** 9
20. these healthy fats 9
21. higher seafood consumption 9
22. a lower risk of depression 9
23 women will see that it is reasonable to consume some fish 9
during pregnancy as an important building block for babies'
24. The group also recommended increasing consumption of other 9
foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as eggs
fortified with DHA and flaxseed.
IV. Panel: Children Under 6 Should Not Get Cold Att Pred Post
Medicines ( 19 October 2007 )
1. A special panel 9
2. federal advisers 9
3. insufficient evidence 9
4. a similar recommendation 9
5. strong warnings 9
6. specific guidance 9
7. small adults 9
8. serious complications 9
9. major manufacturers 9
10. well-known brands 9
11. heavy marketing 9


12. neurological complications 9

13. many leading medical groups 9
14. the most common health problems. 9
15. a nationwide campaign 9
16. potentially serious risks 9
17 "The studies that are available do not demonstrate efficacy," 9
said Robert Daum of the University of Chicago.
18. It was inappropriate to rely on studies conducted on adults to 9
determine the effectiveness of the products for children
19. In the absence of evidence of efficacy, any risk associated with 9
these drug therapies is unacceptable
20. The companies contend that the products are safe and effective 9
when used properly. **
21. the products remain popular. 9
22. The industry argued that they were safe and effective.** 9
23. children younger than age 6 9
24. children younger than 12 9
25. The petitioners want the FDA to ban the sale of the products 9
for children younger than 2, add warning labels to the dozens
of products still on the market advising against their use in
children younger than age 6 and bar packaging that includes
terms such as "toddler" that might encourage parents to use
the medications in children that young.
26. children younger than 2 9
C. Entertainment
I. Reggae artist Beenie Man faces arrest in tax case ( 23 Att Pred Post
October 2007 )
1. A Jamaican judge 9
2. real name 9
3. the Jamaican revenue department 9
4. "I am surprised that he has not appeared before me," Judge 9
Owen Parkins said.
5. He said then that he was unaware he owed the money and that 9
the company that formerly managed his business affairs was
responsible for paying the taxes.**


6. This case is well publicized. 9

II. Jim Carrey calls for U.N. sanctions on Myanmar ( 5
October 2007 )
1. its brutal suppression 9
2. Myanmar's largest city 9
3. the official count 9
4. the former Burma 9
5. Security Council members that have been resistant to 9
6. Carrey is best known for his comic roles in movies like "Dumb 9
and Dumber" and "Ace Ventura: Pet Detective."

III. FBI raids magician David Copperfield in Vegas Att Pred Post
( 19 October 2007 )
1. sexual misconduct 9
2. an unidentified woman 9
3. federal agents 9
4. the popular illusionist 9
5. serious allegations 9
6. a computer hard drive 9
7. a digital camera 9
8. The local CBS affiliate 9
9. late-night operation 9
10. It is important these allegations be put into perspective. 9
11. Copperfield, whose real name is David Kotkin, is famed for 9
such illusions as making the Statue of Liberty disappear and
walking through the Great Wall of China.
12. Although authorities have not revealed her identity to us, we 9
know these allegations are false because David Copperfield
has never forced himself on anyone.
IV. Jude Law Cleared of Assault Charge: Spokeswoman
( 11 October 2007 )
1. British actor 9
2. further action 9


3. a local police station 9

4. Of course I am delighted to be vindicated. 9
5. A CPS spokeswoman said she had no information available 9
regarding Law's case.
D. Education Att Pred Post
I. 9 Schools To Get Security Doors ( 23 October 2007 )
1. a new security system 9
2. magnetic locks 9
3. the better part 9
4. Ballou and Anacostia senior high schools 9
5. their exterior doors 9
6. a serious problem 9
7. the magnetic door system 9
8. tighter security 9
9. a violent rivalry 9
10. the most notorious episode 9
11. more exterior doors 9
12. such obvious fire hazards 9
13. the new system 9
14. the new doors 9
15. an egregious violation 9
16. an extreme measure 9
17. "I talked to a number of students and parents who are fearful 9
inside and outside the school," Barry said.
18. ...they will consider implementing it citywide. 9
19. In an effort to make the District's most crime-prone schools 9
20. ...our schools are secure 9
21. "Students should be safe and learn in peace." 9
II. Voucher Program Puts D.C. Kids at Risk, Study
Says ( 10 October 2007 )
1. low-income children 9
2. the complicated world 9


3. a rigorous approval process 9

4. Individual courses 9
5. academic freedom 9
6. the traditional mold 9
7. the same level of detail 9
8. different ideas 9
9. a particular subject 9
10. modern science and thinking 9
11. the tidy lines 9
12. Effective courses 9
13. academic affairs 9
14. low-income families 9
15. better-performing private schools ** 9
16. federal funds 9
17. factual increases 9
18. better learning environments 9
19. poor children 9
20. a single parent 9
21. private school tuition 9
22. low-income families 9
23. The controversial voucher program 9
24. financial controls 9
25. a coherent, interesting, up-to-date and relevant course **** 9
26. a good system of assessment 9
27. different kinds 9
28. a great course 9
29. a massive percentage 9
30. an instructional development expert 9
31. a better title 9
32. our favorite android 9
33. an alternate life 9
34. standard fare 9


35. The intense exchange 9

36. certain amenities 9
37. private schools 9
38. unsuitable learning environments 9
39. The shortcomings are detailed in a draft prepared by the 9
Government Accountability Office about the $12.9 million
D.C. Opportunity Scholarship program.
40. Some faculty are more skilled at it than others. 9
41. Courses such as the one Wetzel designed, which frequently 9
attract students because they are unconventional,...
42. ... students were being ill-served without proper oversight. 9
43. The findings are likely to stoke debate about the merits of the 9
country's first federally funded K-12 scholarship program and
widen the political divide over vouchers, which Republicans
favor as a form of school choice. **
44. But to prepare for the session, Prof. Linda Wetzel did 9
something unorthodox.
45. ...engage students in the learning process better than 9
traditionally conceived classes,...
III. Start-Up Facility Approved 2 Months Ago Now Att Pred Post
Faces Closure ( 9 October 2007 )
1. a new charter school 9
2. a national training program 9
3. The school's academic program 9
4. a middle school 9
5. difficult decisions 9
6. future growth 9
7. a new political reality ** 9
8. its unique dual role 9
9. The rapid reversal 9
10. the year-long search 9
11. affected parents 9
12. fiscal mismanagement 9
13. public meeting 9


14. federal funds 9

15. their biggest concern 9
16. a new school opening 9
17. the long search 9
18. the lower student enrollment 9
19. a unanimous vote 9
20. a financial shortfall 9
21. the independent public school ** 9
22. The start-up school was ready to open. 9
23. Thompson said yesterday that the school is financially viable. 9
24 The situation illustrates how difficult it can be for new schools 9
to have...
IV. Council Backs Higher Growth Fees ( 31 October Att Pred Post
2007 )
1. preliminary votes 9
2. new development 9
3. It also delayed a decision on whether to tighten the test for 9
determining when an intersection is too congested.
4. an extra fee 9
5. In a debate over what constitutes a too-crowded school, the 9
panel took a somewhat harder line than the Planning Board
6. remarkable implications 9
7. below-market units 9
8. a significant chunk 9
9. Several members warned against setting a standard so tight 9
that it would discourage building.
10. affordable housing 9
11. the new rules 9
12. But Raquel Montenegro of the Maryland-National Capital 9
Building Industry Association said the council's action
yesterday "will make this county more expensive, more
exclusive, and has failed to truly acknowledge that new
development is only responsible for less than 15 percent of


13. a public elementary school 9

14. New development 9
15. a central issue 9
16. At the same time, the county is becoming more diverse. 9 issued in October 2007

Data Att Pred Post

A. Politics
I. Crime assets agency 'ill-planned' ( 11 October 2007 )
1. unachievable delivery
2. the full value of criminals' illegal assets**
3. A single case
4. 'Sleepless nights'
5. wealthy criminals
6. Soca's first annual report
7. difficult cases 9
8. The committee said fewer than one-fifth of the 696
organisations which had the power to refer cases to the
agency had ever done so.
9. an influential group
10. its legal team
11. ..the Commons public accounts committee added.
12. The setting up of a government agency to seize criminals'
wealth was ill-planned and unrealistic,...**
13. Its powers were so extensive it could even seize assets from
people who had not been convicted of any crime.
14. And the decision to locate its head office in London meant
that staff turnover was high, ...
15. It was ill-planned and recovered only about a third of its
16. finding ways of making it impossible for them to "do
17. Its bosses say recovering assets is a key part of the strategy
because top criminals often regard a few years in prison as
tolerable, providing their money remains hidden away. **


II. Lib Dem leadership bids expected ( 17 October 2007 ) Att Pred Post
1. sufficient backing
2. the quite extraordinary concentration 9
3. a "very strenuous and robust leadership contest" **

4. Speaking to the BBC he said he was "irritated and

frustrated" at having to step down, after 18 months in the
job. **
5. "Irritated because of the quite extraordinary concentration
of trivia which seem to surround leadership - people write
articles on what kind of socks I wear.
6. "Frustrated at not getting the opportunity to lead the party 9
in a general election,...
7. and I think our policies and our principles and our values
would have been right at the very centre of the political
8. he is likely to make a statement on Wednesday.
9. Sir Menzies said he resigned because the media's obsession
with his age made it very hard to get policies across.
10. the person "best qualified to lead"
11. Mr Huhne has not said if he will stand - but sources close to 9
him have told the BBC
III. Let the people decide - Cameron ( 3 October 2007 )
1. an immediate general election
2. "new world" 9
3. "cynical... old politics" **
4. New priorities
5. the marginal seats
6. the good solid leadership **
7. the long term
8. worst legacy
9. voluntary bodies and private companies**
10. a fair job
11. flexible working
12. 'Hard luck story'
13. public service
14. young people
15. national citizen service
16. 'Risky proposition'
17. the most blatant breaches
18. modern politics
19. the Conservative Party


20. the same old Tory Party **

21. A prime example

22. The Conservatives were ready for a snap poll. 9

23. I'm afraid it's going to be a bit longer.
IV. Parties' funding talks suspended ( 30 October 2007 ) Att Pred Post
1. a "public debate"
2. high-speed rail links
3. wider motorways
4. extra airport capacity .
5. "empty words"
6. a national road
7. any future decision
8. local schemes
9. a stark choice
10. widespread road pricing and building
11. intermediate options
12. some kind of longer-term road pricing...
13. "active traffic management" 9
14. double-decker motorways
15. high-speed "magnetic levitation trains
16. a "significant growth"
17. new runways
18. Britain's fastest growing source of emissions."
19. a coherent vision for Britain's future transport system**
20. empty words
21. large-scale road building
22. greater aviation capacity
23. a "global solution"
24. international action
25. a Green Paper and formal consultation *
26. The latter doesn't seem very realistic
27. local people have been consulted about whether that is
28. due to cost or because they are considered inappropriate.
B. Health Att Pred Post
I. Wealthy areas head alcohol table ( 16 October 2007 )
1. affluent middle class areas **
2. Richer areas
3. the highest proportion 9
4. real excess


5. harmful drinking
6. more affluent areas
7. the wealthy town
8. the lowest rate
9. hazardous levels
10. one large glass
11. every local authority
12. the highest rate
13. further increases
14. the long-term 9
15. medical director
16. the highest levels
17. hazardous drinking
18. this hazardous category
19. chronic liver disease
20. The biggest risk
21. a new cross-government alcohol strategy
22. a new national priority **
23. standard strength
24. Drinking at levels which are hazardous to health is rife in ...
25. However, Liverpool John Moores University found the
proportion of those who drank to real excess was highest in 9
poorer areas.
26. it does not seem particularly dangerous, but it does add up."
II. Test 'can spot Alzheimer's risk' ( 15 October 2007 ) Att Pred Post
1. mild mental impairment **
2. specific levels of 18 key proteins
3. a similar level of success
4. their mild mental decline **
5. new blood cells
6. their natural life cycle
7. exciting research
8. further research
9. a larger sample group 9
10. a huge breakthrough
11. a simple, accurate blood test **
12. the most distressing aspects
13. mild memory problems
14. an inevitable mental decline
15. other causes of mental decline
16. The latest study
17. different proteins


18. A newly developed blood test can identify those at risk of

Alzheimer's disease up to six years before symptoms would
become apparent, researchers say.
19. The US researchers found it could indicate who had
Alzheimer's, as well as who was likely to develop the
condition, with 90% accuracy.
20. Levels of a number of proteins were strikingly different 9
between the two groups.
21. ...and the results and accuracy levels are very promising.
22. She said: "Early diagnosis is essential if we are ever to
develop treatments that can change the course or halt the
progression of dementia rather than just treat the
23. Samples from five people with Alzheimer's were compared
with samples from five people clear of the disease.
24. to find out whether their mild mental decline had progressed
to something more severe.
25. Dr Wyss-Coray said: "Our hypothesis is that there is
something wrong with the production of certain blood cells,
which may be needed to clear that stuff that accumulates in
the brain in Alzheimer's disease."
III. Eczema baths 'a waste of money' ( 3 October 2007 ) Att Pred Post
1. allergic eczema
2. clinical evidence
3. long clinical experience **
4. a proper evaluation
5. a large skin surface area
6. an easier way
7. undesirable effects
8. a slippery bath
9. the extensive evidence
10. more specialized and expensive treatments **
11. those patients and parents who find the use of bath
emollients both soothing and extremely beneficial **
12. Applying specialist ointments and lotions straight onto the
skin may be effective, the paper concedes.
13. emollients applied directly to the skin are effective and
IV. Action needed on maternal deaths ( 12 October 2007 ) Att Pred Post
1. the number of women worldwide dying
2. The Lancet medical journal 9
3. 20 million unsafe abortions


4. urgent action
5. better results.
6. a particularly small drop
7. a "huge and urgent" emphasis**
8. a separate study
9. "unsafe" conditions
10. The vast majority
11. contraception and emergency obstetric care
12. a massive decrease 9
13. maternal health
14. a massive impact
15. safe abortion
16. modern family planning
17. unintended pregnancies
18. the most neglected public health issues **
19. particularly detrimental effects
20. The poor health of a mother
21. Abortion rates were lowest in Western Europe at 12
pregnancy terminations per 1,000 women but highest in
Eastern Europe at 44 abortions per 1,000 women.
22. ...and reducing the number of unsafe abortions was
23. If a mother is ill or dies, the baby is less likely to survive
24. Experts said the experience of Bangladesh - where abortion
mortality fell by 74% over the past 30 years - shows the
Millennium Development Goal are achievable.
25. ..and family planning services and midwives who can help
women access emergency care where necessary. 9
26. and her other children less likely to be healthy and educated.
C. Entertainment
I. Singer to go home after surgery ( 30 October 2007 ) Att Pred Post
1. Classical singer
2. intensive care
3. good progress
4. the foreseeable future
5. a full recovery
6. Russell's heartfelt thanks
7. The tremendous support
8. a personal message
9. The tremendous support he is receiving really makes a 9
difference and as soon as he is able he will send a personal


message to you all."

II. News at Ten 'will return to ITV1' ( 23 October 2007 ) Att Pred Post
1. the available audience
2. current affairs
3. satirical show 9
4. early evening
5. the New Year
6. News at Ten was replaced with a 2300 bulletin in 1999 to let
ITV show movies and sport uninterrupted, but the channel
lost viewers as a result.
7. Last week the BBC announced that her co-presenter George
Alagiah would present BBC One's early evening news
bulletin alone following her departure in the New Year.
III. Doherty 'at drugs turning point' ( 12 October 2007 )
1. an emotional time
2. his estranged father
3. Singer Pete Doherty has told the BBC he has been off drugs
for seven weeks.
4. In the last eight years, I've never been that long without
5. I'm quite proud to be able to admit it.
6. I'm quietly confident, but there's an underdog feeling about
it still.**
7. It was an emotional time, to be honest.
8. Denying a newspaper story his cat had tested positive for
cocaine, he said his access to the media was restricted.
IV. Zeppelin tickets 'may be refused' ( 6 October 2007 )
1. the late founder
2. the strict rules
3. the same billing address
4. your original email
5. "It is painfully obvious that if the ticket is not transferable 9
then the method of obtaining the ticket is not transferable
either," he wrote.
6. "If you think that you can beat the system by buying from
eBay or any other website you are wrong, you will not be
allowed in to the concert and your application for tickets
will be cancelled within the next 14 days," he said.
7. "I will be able to produce this credit card when picking up
the tickets, which was the only stipulation spelled out in


your original email.

D. Education Att Pred Post
I. Private school to become academy ( 2 October 2007 )
1. more private schools
2. successful state schools
3. the usual threshold
4. financial sponsorship
5. the new academy
6. local consultation
7. the first “all-through” girls' academy
8. A third independent school
9. a wide social band
10. first class educational continuity **
11. The new academy
12. an exciting vision
13. first-class education
14. future generations
15. wider implications
16. the sharp division between private and public education***
17. those who wouldn't normally be able to benefit from
GDST's expertise.
II. Reforms 'improve teachers' lives' ( 8 October 2007 )
1. the greater use
2. three special schools
3. secondary schools
4. suburban and rural locations**
5. clear benefits
6. a heavy workload
7. outside managers
8. The substantial expansion
9. the wider workforce
10. significant benefits
11. local authorities
12. its national agendas
13. good ideas
14. 100,000 additional teaching assistants
15. Great strides
16. social partnership
17. the favourable assessment
18. maximum benefit
19. General secretary Chris Keates said: "To draw conclusions 9


on the basis of contact with 100 schools out of 23,000 is

20. it was pleased Ofsted had confirmed the social partnership
was improving the working lives of school staff and the
performance of pupils.
III. 'Cash crisis' for science centres ( 21 October 2007 ) Att Pred Post
1. serious financial threats **
2. short-term funding
3. a valuable contribution
4. initial funding
5. their financial support
6. a regular basis
7. a short-term measure
8. educational centres
9. an interactive setting
10. The biggest injection
11. a recurrent funding problem
12. young people and the broader community **
13. These centres are unable to pay for themselves
14. The Earth Centre and Big Idea have both closed and
another, At-Bristol, has had to close two of its three 9
attractions and has made 45 staff redundant.
15. should make cash available.
IV. Watchdog's academy cost warning ( 17 October 2007 )
1. a public spending watchdog
2. But it says that academies are a "relatively costly means of
tackling low attainment".
3. deprived areas
4. a new type of independent state school ***
5. educational failure
6. other secondary schools
7. their autonomous status 9
8. the new buildings
9. the longer term
10. the most disadvantaged areas
11. a long legacy
12. the extra spending
13. a worthwhile investment
14. Academy GCSE results are rising at a much faster rate than
the national average.
15. the most vulnerable kids?
16. the unarguable fact


17. similar independence 9

18. This information is essential if funding and budgets are to
be set at a realistic level.
19. "It is too early to give an overall verdict on the success of
the academies programme. The picture so far is mixed."
20. Academies are expensive, unproven, unaccountable and
distort education provision. ***
21. Our basis for judging academies is simple: do they improve
results, and do they deliver for the most vulnerable kids?
22. The National Audit Office report earlier this year was also
positive, concluding that academies were on course to
deliver good value for money.
23. The government has always argued that the extra spending
was a worthwhile investment, if it could achieve
improvements in areas that had been the hardest to reach.


Appendix 2: The list of Adjective Phrases in the Occurrence with Phrases and
Clauses ( Note: Int P = intensifier phrase, Adv P = Adverb Phrase, NP = noun
phrase, VP = verb phrase, PP = prepositional phrase, Cl = clause) issued in October 2007

Data Int P Adv P NP VP PP Cl

A. Politics
I. Looking for a Candidate to Call Their
Own ( 22 October 2007 )
34. very isolated
25. most prominent
8. more political
27. smaller
13. biblically responsible 9
31. unique to Christians 9
28. very easy to feel you were in a different 9 9
33. so wrong with Hillary 9 9
II. Clinton's Foes Go on the Attack ( 31
October 2007 )
5. liveliest 9
13. open to asking wealthy Americans to pay 9
more in payroll taxes
III. Getting Around Rules on Lobbying
( 14 October 2007 )
3. most visible
13. most thorough
10. most electable 9
18. most convenient
20. hazier
25. still permissible 9
24. clear to everybody
24. clear to me
26. silent on picking up bar tabs 9
27. clear to some
23. comfortable with him
IV. Bill Clinton Considered an Asset to Int P Adv P NP VP PP Cl


Hillary Clinton's Campaign ( 3 October

2007 )
8. lowest 9
11. nearly identical
22. potentially groundbreaking
25. eager for what could amount to a third 9
Clinton presidential term
24. eager to run a general election campaign 9
against Hillary Clinton
26. overwhelmingly popular with Democrats, 9 9
and 63 percent of independents
B. Health
I. Long-Hidden Dangers? ( 9 October
2007 )
11. very important
7. bigger
17. able to test it 9
18. really important for what happens decades 9 9
II. Drug-Resistant Staph Germ's Toll Is
Higher Than Thought ( 17 October 2007 )
6. very worried
13. very common
26. very big
8. most serious
25. most dreaded
39. more common
3. once innocuous
16. already available 9
24. unusually serious
30. antibiotic-resistant 9
38. responsible for more than 94,000 serious
infections and nearly 19,000 deaths 9
41. impervious to every approved antibiotic
37. invulnerable to first-line antibiotics
43. most common among African Americans 9 9


III. Scientists to Advise Pregnant Women Int P Adv P NP VP PP Cl

to Eat Fish ( 3 October 2007 )
9. more vexing
13. really complex
19. more behavioral
19. more social
18. lower
21. higher
24. rich in omega-3 fatty acids 9
23. reasonable to consume some fish 9
IV. Panel: Children Under 6 Should Not
Get Cold Medicines ( 19 October 2007 )
14. most common 9
16. potentially serious 9
18. inappropriate to rely on studies 9
23. younger
24. younger 9
25. younger
26. that young : that (DP)
C. Entertainment
I. Reggae artist Beenie Man faces arrest
in tax case ( 23 October 2007 )
6. well publicized 9
5. responsible for paying the taxes 9
5. unaware (that) he owed the money
4. surprised that he has not appeared before 9
II. Jim Carrey calls for U.N. sanctions on
Myanmar ( 5 October 2007 )
2. largest 9
5. resistant to sanctions 9
6. best known for his comic roles 9 9
III. FBI raids magician David
Copperfield in Vegas ( 19 October 2007 )
11. famed for such illusions 9
10. important (that) these allegations be put 9


into perspective
IV. Jude Law Cleared of Assault Charge: Int P Adv P NP VP PP Cl
Spokeswoman ( 11 October 2007 )
4. delighted to be vindicated 9
D. Education
I. 9 Schools To Get Security Doors ( 23
October 2007 )
3. better
8. tighter
19. safer
10. most notorious
17. fearful inside and outside the school 9
19. most crime-prone 9 9
II. Voucher Program Puts D.C. Kids at
Risk, Study Says ( 10 October 2007 )
15. better
18. better 9
45. better
39. detailed in a draft 9
42. being ill-served without proper oversight
43. likely to stoke debate 9
40. more skilled at it 9 9
III. Start-Up Facility Approved 2 Months
Ago Now Faces Closure ( 9 October 2007 )
18. lower
15. biggest
23. financially viable 9
10. year-long 9
22. ready to open 9
IV. Council Backs Higher Growth Fees ( 31
October 2007 )
3. too congested
5. too-crowded 9
5. harder
12. more expensive
12. more exclusive


16. more diverse

9. so tight that it would discourage building 9 9
12. only responsible for less than 15 percent of 9 9
congestion issued in October 2007

Data Int P Adv P NP VP PP Cl

A. Politics
I. Crime assets agency 'ill-planned' ( 11
October 2007 )
8. fewer 9
16. impossible for them 9
13. so extensive it could even seize assets from 9 9
II. Lib Dem leadership bids expected ( 17
October 2007 )
2. quite extraordinary 9
3. very strenuous and robust
11. close to him
7. right at the very centre of the political
6. Frustrated at not getting the opportunity to 9
lead the party in a general election
4. "irritated and frustrated" at having to step
8. likely to make a statement on Wednesday 9
9. very hard to get policies across 9 9
10. best qualified to lead 9 9
III. Let the people decide - Cameron ( 3
October 2007 )
17. most blatant
8. worst
22. ready for a snap poll 9
23. afraid it's going to be a bit longer 9


IV. Parties' funding talks suspended ( 30

October 2007 )
26. very realistic
3. wider
12. longer 9
22. greater
18. fastest
B. Health
I. Wealthy areas head alcohol table ( 16 Int P Adv P NP VP PP Cl
October 2007 )
11. every local
2. Richer
3. highest
8. lowest
16. highest
20. biggest
26. particularly dangerous 9
24. hazardous to health 9
25. highest in poorer areas 9 9
II. Test 'can spot Alzheimer's risk' ( 15
October 2007 )
21. very promising
24. more severe
12. most distressing
9. larger
19. likely to develop the condition 9
22. essential if we are ever to develop 9
23. clear of the disease 9
25. wrong with the production of certain blood
20. strikingly different between the two groups 9 9
III. Eczema baths 'a waste of money' ( 3
October 2007 )
11. extremely beneficial
6. easier
IV. Action needed on maternal deaths ( 12
October 2007 )


18. most neglected

5. better
6. particularly small
19. particularly detrimental
26. less likely to be healthy and educated
9 9
23. less likely to survive
21. lowest in Western Europe at 12 pregnancy
terminations per 1,000 women but highest in
9 9
Eastern Europe at 44 abortions per 1,000
C. Entertainment
I. Singer to go home after surgery ( 30 Int P Adv P NP VP PP Cl
October 2007 )
II. News at Ten 'will return to ITV1' ( 23
October 2007 )
III. Doherty 'at drugs turning point' ( 12
October 2007 )
6. quietly confident 9
4. that long without drugs ( that:DP) 9
5. quite proud to be able to admit it 9 9
3. off drugs for seven weeks 9
IV. Zeppelin tickets 'may be refused' ( 6
October 2007 )
7. able to produce this credit card 9
5. painfully obvious that if the ticket is not 9 9
D. Education
I. Private school to become academy ( 2
October 2007 )
15. wider 9
17. able to benefit from GDST's expertise 9
II. Reforms 'improve teachers' lives' ( 8
October 2007 )
1. greater
9. wider
20. pleased (that) Ofsted had confirmed the 9


social partnership
III. 'Cash crisis' for science centres ( 21
October 2007 )
12. broader
10. biggest
13. unable to pay for themselves 9
IV. Watchdog's academy cost warning ( 17 Int P Adv P NP VP PP Cl
October 2007 )
10. most disadvantaged
15. most vulnerable
9. longer
14. much faster
2. relatively costly 9
23. the hardest to reach (the : DP)
9 9
19. too early to give an overall verdict
18. essential if funding and budgets are to be set 9
at a realistic level


Appendix 3: The function of the elements in the Adjective Phrases (Spe = specifier,
compl = complement) news articles issued in October 2007

Data Spe Attribute Compl Adjunct

A. Politics
I. Looking for a Candidate to Call Their
Own ( 22 October 2007 )
34. very isolated very
25. most prominent most
8. more political more
27. smaller more
13. biblically responsible biblically
31. unique to Christians to
28. very easy to feel you were in a different very to feel...
33. so wrong with Hillary so with
II. Clinton's Foes Go on the Attack ( 31
October 2007 )
5. liveliest most
13. open to asking wealthy Americans to pay to asking
more in payroll taxes
III. Getting Around Rules on Lobbying
( 14 October 2007 )
3. most visible most
13. most thorough most
10. most electable most
18. most convenient most
20. hazier more
25. still permissible still
24. clear to everybody to every...
24. clear to me to me
26. silent on picking up bar tabs on pick...


27. clear to some to some

23. comfortable with him with him
IV. Bill Clinton Considered an Asset to Spe Attribute Compl Adjunct
Hillary Clinton's Campaign ( 3 October
2007 )
8. lowest most
11. nearly identical nearly
22. potentially groundbreaking potentially
25. eager for what could amount to a third for what...
Clinton presidential term
24. eager to run a general election campaign to run...
against Hillary Clinton
26. overwhelmingly popular with Democrats, overwhel with...
and 63 percent of independents mingly
B. Health
I. Long-Hidden Dangers? ( 9 October
2007 )
11. very important very
7. bigger more
17. able to test it to test...
18. really important for what happens decades really for what...
II. Drug-Resistant Staph Germ's Toll Is
Higher Than Thought ( 17 October 2007 )
6. very worried very
13. very common very
26. very big very
8. most serious most
25. most dreaded most
39. more common more
3. once innocuous Once
16. already available already
24. unusually serious unusually
30. antibiotic-resistant antibiotic
38. responsible for more than 94,000 serious for more...
infections and nearly 19,000 deaths
41. impervious to every approved antibiotic to every...
37. invulnerable to first-line antibiotics to first...


43. most common among African Americans most among...

III. Scientists to Advise Pregnant Women Spe Attribute Compl Adjunct

to Eat Fish ( 3 October 2007 )

9. more vexing more

13. really complex really
19. more behavioral more
19. more social more
18. lower more
21. higher more
24. rich in omega-3 fatty acids in
23. reasonable to consume some fish to
IV. Panel: Children Under 6 Should Not
Get Cold Medicines ( 19 October 2007 )
14. most common most
16. potentially serious potentially
18. inappropriate to rely on studies to rely
23. younger more
24. younger more
25. younger more
25. that young that
C. Entertainment
I. Reggae artist Beenie Man faces arrest
in tax case ( 23 October 2007 )
6. well publicized well
5. responsible for paying the taxes for pay...
5. unaware (that) he owed the money he...
4. surprised that he has not appeared before me that he....
II. Jim Carrey calls for U.N. sanctions on
Myanmar ( 5 October 2007 )
2. largest most
5. resistant to sanctions to
6. best known for his comic roles best for his...


III. FBI raids magician David Spe Attribute Compl Adjunct

Copperfield in Vegas ( 19 October 2007 )
11. famed for such illusions for such
10. important (that) these allegations be put (that)
into perspective these...
IV. Jude Law Cleared of Assault Charge:
Spokeswoman ( 11 October 2007 )
4. delighted to be vindicated to be...
D. Education
I. 9 Schools To Get Security Doors ( 23
October 2007 )
3. better more
8. tighter more
19. safer more
19. most crime-prone most crime
10. most notorious most
17. fearful inside and outside the school inside...
II. Voucher Program Puts D.C. Kids at
Risk, Study Says ( 10 October 2007 )
15. better more
18. better more
45. better more
39. detailed in a draft in a draft
42. being ill-served without proper oversight without...
43. likely to stoke debate to stoke
40. more skilled at it more at it
III. Start-Up Facility Approved 2 Months
Ago Now Faces Closure ( 9 October 2007 )
18. lower more
15. biggest most
23. financially viable financially
10. year-long year
22. ready to open to open


IV. Council Backs Higher Growth Fees

( 31 October 2007 )
3. too congested too
5. too-crowded too
5. harder more
12. more expensive more
12. more exclusive more
16. more diverse more
9. so tight that it would discourage building so that...
12. only responsible for less than 15 percent of only for less...
congestion news articles issued in October 2007

Data Spe Attribute Compl Adjunct

A. Politics
I. Crime assets agency 'ill-planned' ( 11
October 2007 )
8. fewer more
16. impossible for them for them
13. so extensive it could even seize assets from so it could...
II. Lib Dem leadership bids expected ( 17
October 2007 )
2. quite extraordinary quite
3. very strenuous and robust very
11. close to him to him
7. right at the very centre of the political at the
agenda very...
6. Frustrated at not getting the opportunity to at not
lead the party in a general election getting...
4. "irritated and frustrated" at having to step at
down having...
8. likely to make a statement to
9. very hard to get policies across to get...
10. best qualified to lead best to lead


III. Let the people decide - Cameron ( 3

October 2007 )
17. most blatant most
8. worst most
22. ready for a snap poll for a
snap poll
23. afraid it's going to be a bit longer it's going
IV. Parties' funding talks suspended ( 30 Spe Attribute Compl Adjunct
October 2007 )
26. very realistic very
3. wider more
12. longer more
22. greater more
18. fastest most
B. Health
I. Wealthy areas head alcohol table ( 16
October 2007 )
11. every local every
2. Richer more
3. highest most
8. lowest most
16. highest most
20. biggest most
26. particularly dangerous particularly
24. hazardous to health to health
25. highest in poorer areas most in
II. Test 'can spot Alzheimer's risk' ( 15
October 2007 )
21. very promising very
24. more severe more
12. most distressing more
9. larger more
19. likely to develop the condition to
22. essential if we are ever to develop if we are


treatments ...
23. clear of the disease clear of...
25. wrong with the production of certain blood with
cells the...
20. strikingly different between the two groups strikingly between
III. Eczema baths 'a waste of money' ( 3 Spe Attribute Compl Adjunct
October 2007 )
11. extremely beneficial extremely
6. easier more
IV. Action needed on maternal deaths ( 12
October 2007 )
18. most neglected most
5. better more
6. particularly small particularly
19. particularly detrimental particularly
26. less likely to be healthy and educated less to be...
23. less likely to survive less to ...
21. lowest in Western Europe at 12 pregnancy most in
terminations per 1,000 women but highest in Western
Eastern Europe at 44 abortions per 1,000 ...
C. Entertainment
I. Singer to go home after surgery ( 30
October 2007 )
II. News at Ten 'will return to ITV1' ( 23
October 2007 )
III. Doherty 'at drugs turning point' ( 12
October 2007 )
6. quietly confident quietly
4. that long without drugs that without...
5. quite proud to be able to admit it quite to be ...
3. off drugs for seven weeks for


IV. Zeppelin tickets 'may be refused' ( 6 Spe Attribute Compl Adjunct

October 2007 )
7. able to produce this credit card to
5. painfully obvious that if the ticket is not painfully that...
D. Education
I. Private school to become academy ( 2
October 2007 )
15. wider more
17. 17. able to benefit from GDST's expertise to
II. Reforms 'improve teachers' lives' ( 8
October 2007 )
1. greater more
9. wider more
20. pleased (that) Ofsted had confirmed the Ofsted
social partnership had...
III. 'Cash crisis' for science centres ( 21
October 2007 )
12. broader more
10. biggest most
13. unable to pay for themselves to pay...
IV. Watchdog's academy cost warning ( 17
October 2007 )
10. most disadvantaged most
15. most vulnerable most
9. longer more
14. much faster much,more
2. relatively costly relatively
23. the hardest to reach the most to reach
19. too early to give an overall verdict too to give...
18. essential if funding and budgets are to be set if
at a realistic level fundings

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