English Enrichment

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Janahgr Navodayg Vidyalauo

Sheóoan, Buldang
Name-Anushri Bhangale
Class- loth 9Ry-A
Roll No- 1002
Guided by Shri. Pankaj sangave sir
Page No. :


Sr NO Topc Page lo Signature

1 Letter Lleiting O1-03

21 Analybical ParqgrapboA-Os
Storu2 Lltiting 06 07

A1 Arkiole 08-0q
Page No.


You are Rabul RRta ou younger sigher's exam areraund

lotoF time
heCornerLakely she has been uaskfnqa
Aritea lottet o he
i n MatchinqTPL makche g on TV
tostudy hatdand not gedigtra.cked

23 Tndira Nagar
3rd march 2011

Dear Rishu
T Is_alwaus a pleasure o have a_chance
af orftinq to yau Yt I_did Oot uuant to dîgturb
Dea1 isbl
pOu as your examination are dtaoin.q
to Shudu hard
have come o kno hat os dre waskin
a lot Of ime n alakchinqIPL matches an TV. T
advise you nato do saThece are the days ahich can
make o mar our career Therefore make a tevisi.on
schedule andEollou i to the letter Do not
reiseust by teading NHen mvisian iyeru
mportant Jalrie anSuere to all be important
question.s as mans me.s dspossible
Page No.

Your admission to thenext class will depend

on themarks You qet in this classOnly i ou
e t 0nd marks Alill 2ou to opt for tbe subiecis
of U20Ur_choice Dear sisterRishito cickeks e a s o p
Jaill comeagain but hot Uzaur examninatfon_Als
fime waits for none
ale are odTinq for hour NiSiE aEker your

Your atfeckfanate Brother


o ou are anilanu shatma PET OE kIM Public

Scb.ool Ambala Last month_ oupla.ced aD
Order Far the suppl OE Feu spotts_goodg_itb
Messrg Pioneer Meerut an e.coivingq
Abe Supp found that some tems uwere
ghort o Dumber AIbile Some_atherg tOe.to

dofeative Jalite complaiot i about

uwards to the supplfer_ detailnq all the
shorkages and defecte

KLM Public Schoo

20th match 2021

Messers Pion eer Sporks

Sub - Shorkage_and defectsof tha cporks Qonds

ear Sir
last month ale placed an order for Supply aE a
te spartsg0nds ith yOUr Prro On receiving
the sujpply e foun.d hat
Some. Ttems ere short
dekecHiueIale Found
in numberohile some athers were
hat s cra.cks in hem Tuon
hockey_shfcks had
badminton rackeks alere damaged dnd defeckive
Lale also Dotfced that he number of hennis
also FelE short b hree numbers o hatnere
Your compans. bas Cg200d reputation Inthe
market Such lapsesdon't Q0 0ell ith aur
gOoduil and reputafion In the market LAle knouob
that Sucb lapsesare tokal inadvertent e hope
You d look nto Abe matter and teplace
he deffe.cthue quooddnd meet the shorkage
LOithou ah Further_delas Farlforthe Better
Yours ithfullup
Any Shatmq

Tha falleuingq Table gles informalion a bout Abe

developmento toucism Ro Indfa lrito an analutical

patagtaph an Eusing ouroon deas and hig
Snformation iven o tbe table nabout Lso-200.0Ord-

Number of Tourists Over The Last Efveloars

Years ago Numbers oF Tourfsis ( to thousand

In dfan Foreign
S years ago 2S
yeaES ago 3+
26 SO
yearS ago
ears aga SS
yearago 2 Sq
this uea 6

T n recentE uearg af Ministr ok Tourism.

Gaut Indfa has haken gome mpartant steps
Thesehave defiritelu resulted in he AncheasinqDumba
foreign tourisks to he counbruSo he number
local hourfsks bas also incteased areatlu
this ueor beneFftfnq thecOuntry În direrse waus
TiL Syears ago the number af tourist was 2
housand Compa.tated to a thou.sa.nd foreigners
Page No.

AVear laker he number ncreased o 31 thousand

in caseof Tndfan tourisks and remained steadu
in h e CasedF foreign tourist This number 9ocreas.ed
o so tbousand and Case af Fordign tourtsE
bree ueats ago TheForefgn hourist uho visited
Todia Further rose o SS thousand kuuo years ag.o
and O Sq thousand a uear agoThere has been
an appte.ciable Yncrea.ses trom s a housand to go
housand a yeat ae-a în he Case of Foteion tourist
tbisyear This shouosthat the picture OFTndfa
abroad as a tourist destinatfon has gone admirably
Aell Actually this oas another shep uhderhaken

bu he Ministts OFTourism gheMinístruy opened

a feuD more ve shar babols and tmpraved
ttansparkation and communication In the lfght o
"Athitbf Devo Bhava TE also attabged mote
chartered tours FaciliHes or foreian mursts
Ttis hoped that n he ueare to come,the
Tnfloo foreigntourists ARII derinitelu

The Ant and the urasshopper

On a beauiful summer das a grasshopper happed.craiind
laziyfn the grass He nas uwarmhapplu and nell-ked
and he was chîrp?n.q and singinq to himselE because
IRfe oas q200d
ubile he qrasshopper was enfouinq the das an-
ant uoas carryin qrains andhakinqto the
LAl]Ethg.reat toil 0n seeinq he hatduoorkinq învi ted
him to ofn_bim an sharehis Fun
ALL day long n the summet the ant oould
uork hard colloctinq food ubile fhe Qrasshapper
enfoye.d he hriqht5ummer ddus he Grassh.opp.e
LOuldhook a t the ant and laugh 1ahu do you
LOOrk so hard doar ant 2 ho oOuldsau Came
r e s t for aohilofsten to ms Sonq Summer is her
he daygare long d n d bighELelhy alagte the
Sunghine în labaur and to?12
am belpfnq lau up food for the
JAlinler Sald he "andreccommend yo04
to dohe same. "
bother about WPntar Soid Grasshoppe
le bave got plentyOffood at present and them
is sP plenty o Aime o prepat tor Anter
ant_kneu tohat he
he as doing
taent on his 000 dnd-(antLnued his te doing
Page No.

All day lonqhe ant uOuld otkuaithout

Orrest stop
sCurrying back Ond forthfrom he feld
callecEnq be qains and
her larder srorinqthem Carefully
Tnstead of uot kio.g and
winter prepainq for WfnterAhe
he gtasshopperpreffered to
pla y at dancesing and
his Jaisure He did realfze that he oanderkul
Summer days bot
cold and
\ast {oreyer and soon dRe
daus uill soo0 be nedr
Summer taded nto autumn and autumn turned
into nte The Sun wOs hardly seen etO a
he days got ghorker and he Mgbts got longer
T became
Freezinq coldand enoD beg.an to Fall
Lalhen cold nker came the ghassboppet realised that
the ant astight and be should baue been prepare.d
The grasshopper dido't Feel fke singinq anu m ore
He should not have beenprepared he qrasshapper-
didn'tFeel 1ke Singing anu more He should not
have LOaskedall his me when fond oas pleni fu
He wascold and bunqry
He hado't thaught their this inler might he otse
than usual and be.causohe hadn't stored faod for
imself Ot helped anyone else o do ît he aould
Dot lve to see another summer He had nowhere
t o sheltor tromhe snoD and found himseF duina
oE hunger-Dile t sdo the ant enmoying the foad
stored and calle.cted inthe Summer
Oral lork Toda and Vou can Reap
The Bene.£Pt Tomnrro tD
geVO. .


Tt is gaid that_alhen Ou educcate bOu oU
educake an Individual but he.n sou educate
agirlyou educate an ontfre fanmilyuith refrence
to thisLorite ao arbicle Impottan.ce of qinl abs
educahian Ou are ADup ADu

Lmportant of Qibl childs Education

Ttis a Fact hat Everubods has he ight to
Educaion Theight to Eree and compulsory ptimaru
educaton JAith.aut disciminakfon and gaod quaits
has been reatfirmed în all human righE convenHans
But unfortunatels gender fnequalit în aduca tita
is extteme Girla_are less likels ko_accoss School
to romain n _schoo or to achiove educakfan
Education plaus a parkYcuarls fmparkank rale as
Foundabfon off
O GRrls' development_touiatd adult
Fe I t enables them to secure atber ightg
helps them to developskil bat
allou them make decisions and
n fluepce CommuDits change in keu aeas
fducation 1s one OFthe oost împorkant
roeans gt ompowernq omen ith the knouleda-
skills and 6olf- Con£idence neacesSars to
Page No.

participaBe Fullu Rn derelapment processhe.educalional

achieve.m.ents o Domen can harerpple effe.cts
LAlitbin he familyand across generationps
Cducated LALOmen can ecognize the fnaporhance
OF all Decessars elements For Better ife They
knoD boud to seek t for hemselves and
theirFamily Gr Child's educatfon
lays foundatakfon foE a briabtfuture
the soc1ety Aqirl education mbans
the £ducakion ot the Family
ohale fdmily

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