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Nowadays, we are no stranger to the modern drug which is always used when we are sick.

Recently, the use of modern medication to treat the symptoms as a subtitution to using drugs for
treating the illness causes. To be honest, I don’t totally agree with this statement for some of
these reasons.
First of all, It is my view that drugs are often prescribed for recurring ailments such as
headaches with no attemp to discover the reason why they may keep happening. Modern
medicines can against the recrudesce sickness’s symptoms effectively and they are made with
the high-technology to make sure that they can’t affect the people with their side effects.
Therefore, people won’t be worried about what will happen to them when they visit the doctor
for a list of prescribed medicine to treat their illness. In addition, the recurring ailments often
come from our unhealthy habbits and routines so using the modern drugs to reduce the
symptoms can be more easier than to change our daily activities.
Furthermore, the need of using modern medicines to against the recurring ailment are
increasing. Therefore, many pharmaceutical companies applied their suitable business strategy to
rise up their income. This situation has indirectedly made the cost of the drugs to be more
However, the medicine isn’t only used to cure the recurring ailments’ symptoms which we
don’t have to pay attention to their causes but also to treat both the symptoms and the causes.
There are some statistics from the hospital that some illnesses such as high blood pressure or
heart disease can be prevented by having a heathy routine. In this view of this, the increase the
use of modern drug isn’t the best solution in some cases.
To sum up, medicine just can reduce the symptoms of some illnesses effectively. People now
just notice about the symptoms and don’t care much about the causes. In my opinion people had
better mind about the reason why they get sick to prevent it because people always
say:”Prevention is better than cure”.

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