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TDP SQL Installation and Configuration:

Note:- Software Repository - \\1gotpibm001-BKP\C$\IBM Soft\TDP for SQL

1) Need to check compatibility matrix. Based on it We need to install the BAClient and TDP SQL.

2) Need to open the CTASK - Change number - Validate the Server name.

3) Installation of the BAClient and TDP SQL.

4) Open the Change number -> RITM number - Based on it we need to decide the number of the nodes
needs to be configure (Daily,Weekly,Monthly and Yearly).

Example : Open change number Planning  Related Links Requested Items (1) RITM 

Variables – (Inside this we will get all the required information about the configuration i.e – backup
retention, how many nodes needs to be configure, server sla, sql server version, os version..etc.)
Disaster Recovery option has 2 parameters – A and E ( I will add few more details Later on E)

A- Daily backup will go to primary data center (Example domain – DATABASES ) and Monthly and
Yearly backup will go to Remote Datacenter (Example domain - DATABASES-R) .

E - Daily, Weekly, Monthly Yearly Backup …All will go to remote Datacenter.

Below is the chart to set SQL Backup Level and SQL Backup Retention

5. Copy the below folders which has the all configuration files.

\\1gotpibm001-BKP\C$\IBM Soft\TDP for SQL\ISP

6. Node Registration and Schedule Association – Based on the requirement we need to register the

Note: We need to check the server in Hyper-V or V-Center and decide based on that for registration
on the TSM servers.

reg node 1GOTVASW201-APP-SQL Password123 do=DATABASE Contact=<Change Number>

backdel=yes archdel=yes


reg node 1GOTVASW201-APP-SQL-MONTHLY Password123 do=DATABASE Contact=<Chnage

Number> backdel=yes archdel=yes


7. Daily, Weekly, Monthly & Yearly Opt files configuration (opt folder).

8. Daily, Weekly, Monthly & Yearly sql commands configuration (cmd folder).

9. Daily, Weekly, Monthly & Yearly log files configuration (logs folder).

10. Scheduler Services configuration based on the configuration files.

Example: TSM Scheduler 1GOTVASW201-APP-SQL

11. Change the log on properties of the services to  falckcorp\svc.vbackup (we need to provide
the svc.vbackup user password )

Example – Right click on the service PropertiesLog on  This account  svc.vbackup (user id)
PasswordConfirm Password

12. Run a manual backup for the testing purpose.

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