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*Aid in Criminology Licensure Examination * Aid in Criminology Licensure Examination * Aid in Criminology Licensure Examinati on * Aid in Criminology Licensure

Under DILG Under DOJ (7 Correctional Facility) 50 PESOS /DAY for every prisoner
 BIMP – sec 60, RA 6975 SAN RAM O N AND P E NAL FARM TANG CO D E – First permanent law compilation (China)
 MUNICIPAL - 1DAY – 6  POLITICAL OFFENDER AND 1924 – first used electrocution
MOS MUSLIM REBEL CRISTO BAL VS. LABRAD O R – First case of Pardon ”Restore All”
 CITY – 1 DAY – 3 YEARS  COPRA SE CTIO N 19. ART.17 – grant president sole power of Pardon
 DISTRICT – 6 MOS – 1  ZAMBOANGA DEL SUR P E O P LE VS. VE RA – first case of Act 4221
DAY – 3 YEARS  CAPT/GOV. RAMON H O USE BILL 393 – An act establishing Probation law in the Phil.
 PROVINCIAL JAIL – 6 MOS – 1 BLANCO E LM IRA RE FO RM ATO RY – The Hill, forerunner of Modern Penology
DAY – 3 YEARS (under IWAH IG P E NAL FARM O P E RATIO N G RE YH O UND – Check bedding, locks, personal bedding
Provincial Government) 1910  IUHIT ASSISTANT WARD E N – Chairman of Classification, and Disciplinary Board
P .D 968 – July 24, 1976 Approved
“ Am eri c an regi m e”  PALAWAN PUERTO
January 03, 1978 took effect
R.A 8369 – Family Court
 OIC – WARDRESS  PRISON WITHOUT WALL JUST D E SE RT M O D E L – Correction Model wherein punish, because infringed the right of other security
 RESIDENT KEY MATRON  STA LUCIA, INAGAWAN, WALTE R RE CK LE SS – self-concept provides person with strongest defense against delinquent involment
Note: t hree ( 3) year an d bel ow of (STABLISHED) M O SAIC CO D E – (retribution principle) - Admission is admissible if testimony of at least one witness
i m pri s on m en t  GOV. WRIGHT (SUGGEST) K ING UR-NAM M U-restorative justice
 TAGUMPAY SETTLEMENT FURCA - v-shaped yolk worm around the neck where the out stretched arm of the convict were tied
O LD BILIBID P RISON “ CARCEL Y NE W BILIBID P RISO N UND E RG RO UND CISTE RN – detained prisoner – starved to death.
PRESIDIO CORRECIONAL ”  MUNTINLUPA E RG ASTULUM – attach to bench & forced to do hard labor personnel of imprisonment.
 1847  MAXIMUM – ORANGE OR XE NO P H O N & D E M O STH E NE S – punished by Burgundian code.
TOWN” BUILDING) G UILLO TINE – Introduce in France
 MANILA CITY JAIL  MEDIUM – BLUE (CAMP Shot D ri l l – carrying heavy loads from one place to another then returned to the same place everyday
 ORIQUITA MANILA SAMPAGUITA Treadmill – constantly climb up stairs, continually during day, w/ prisoner logging up to 14,000 feet stair /day equivalent to 3 to 4 stiff mountain /day
 MINIMUM (BROWN) CAMP Sweat box – prisoner were put in a steel box in the sun were used as punishment
BUKANG LIWAYWAY P l an t s a - Philippines
D AVAO P E NAL CO LO NY P at erf am i l i as – limitless power to punish err family and slaves.
 TAGUM, DAVAO Rom an -prohibiting flogging or execution unless affirm by the CENTURIATE ASSEMBLY
 CIW STO CK S - device fastened to ankles, neck and wrist of offender for long time
 TANGLAW SETTELEMENT Ari s t ot l e-Nicomedia’s ethics “Punishment is a means of restoring the balance between pleasure and pain
P ope In n oc en t VIII – issued a Papa Bull
 BANANA (3000 HEC.)
Lat eran Cou n c i l year (1215) – allow used of torture
 TADECO Joan of Arc
 PANABO, KAPALONG P ope Leo I – first approved the killing
P ri s c i l l i an – first recorded Christian put to death heretic
SABLAYAN PENAL COLONY O rl ean s , Fran c e (1022) – thirteen heretics
 OCC. MINDORO P ope G regory IX – Encyclical “Excommunicamus”
 CENTRAL, PUSOG, In n oc en t IV – Introduce torture
PASUGUI, YAPANG K i n g H en ry VIII – corporal punishment
LE YTE REGIONAL AND PENAL FARM o Vagrant – 1531, Penal slavery-1547
 ABUYOG, LEYTE Bran k – metal frame put in head and painful mouth piece
 YONGEST PRISON Bri dewel l In s t i t u t i on – Bridewell, England in 1556, 1552 – king Henry Work house for vagabonds, idlers, rogues
CO RRECTIONAL INSTITUTION FOR 1779 P en i t en t i ary Ac t
WO MEN o Norfolk Prison WYNMONDHAM, England
 WOMEN’S PRISON New York – largest Women Prison

1|P a g e N O LI E Z . I N GC A D * ( 0926) – 056 – 8167

*Aid in Criminology Licensure Examination * Aid in Criminology Licensure Examination * Aid in Criminology Licensure Examinati on * Aid in Criminology Licensure Examination*
 1934 FEMALE 1845 P en al c ode of Ru s s i a – hard labor of four years to life
SUPERINTENDENT Am s t erdam , New York 1600 – first recorded prison
P en n s yl van i a s ys t em – Rival of Auburn Solitary confinement
RA 10575 – Reorganization law of 1. Walnut street jail – 1790
BUCOR 2. Western Penitentiary - 1826
3. Eastern Penitentiary – 1830
DIRECTORE GENERAL – UNDER Im m an u el K an t – concept of Retribution
SECRETARY Sheri f f John H oward – Bedfordshire, England, recommendation to reform the prison system
Fi rs t P robat i on Law – Massachusetts 20 years – 1878
DESTIERRO 25KM – 250 km Not ori ou s Vi el i l a – A notorious brigand and Lombroso open his skull and found out atavistic being
E dward N. Savage – Boston first probation officer, former chief of Police in Boston
STEM FAMILY – GRAND FAMILY at Cl i f f ord Shaw – conducted research Brother in Crime, Delinquency Areas
APO Fi rs t Ju ven i l e Cou rt – cook Illinois 1925
H ITO – Man & is distributed inmates nation wide
OPLAN GALUGAD CAP IC – officially registered as the trademark
SIP AT – cordilleras in northern Luzon, which have their own brand of Justice.
SAF at BUCOR Fat her Con drado Bal weg – priest turned to rebel in martial law, formed Cordillera People Liberation Army
BO D O NG – kind of court to settle tribal and individual
JAYVEE SEBASTIAN – Punching bag D on Severi n o D el as Al as – Elected by Andres Bonifacio as first Minister of Justice at Magdiwang Government, Naic Cavite
P ri s on P os t al Servi c e – send or received money
NUEVA ECIJA – bagong paglilipatan Jai l Booki n g 4 Copi es – BJMP Central Office, Regional Office, Provincial Administration Office, Jail file
ng NEW bILIBID R.A 9263 – “ Bureau of Fire Protection – Bureau of jail Management and Penology Professionalization act of 2004” as amended by R.A 9592
At least count 4 times/day
Jai l G u ard
1. 1st group – initial wave of anti-riot, protected head gear, facemask
2. 2nd group – back up force, tear gas, gas grenade
3. 3rd group – highly trained in firearm
Request to view the remain at least 3 days before, offender/inmates not stay more than three hours to view remain, must travel by land, and return
At least 1 hour exercise
At least 8 hours work
P .P 76 – Elpidio Quirino HUKBALAHAP Member and Leader
P .P 51 – Manuel L. Quezon MAKAPILI Collaborated the Japanese During WW II
Si r Wal t er Crof t on – Director of Irish Prison, Irish System ‘ Individualized treatment”
D r. S.G H owe – first man used the word “Parole” (1846
E u rope – Originate Parole
Saf ekeeping, which is the custodial component of the BuCor’s present corrections system, shall refer to the act that ensures the public (including
families of inmates and their victims) that national inmates are provided with their basic needs, completely incapacitated fr om further committing
criminal acts, and have been totally cut off from their criminal networks (or contacts in the free society) while serving sentence inside the premi ses
of the national penitentiary. This act also includes protection against illegal organized armed groups which have the capacit y of launching an attack
on any prison camp of the national penitentiary to rescue their convicted comrade or to forcibly amass firearms issued to pri son guards.
R eformation, which is the rehabilitation component of the BuCor’s present corrections system, shall refer to the acts which ensure the public (including
families of inmates and their victims) that released national inmates are no longer harmful to the community by becoming refo rmed individuals
prepared to live a normal and productive life upon reintegration to the mainstream society.

2|P a g e N O LI E Z . I N GC A D * ( 0926) – 056 – 8167

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