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Students of Model Public School are gathered in their auditorium for the daily
assembly. The Principal of the school is about to make his daily address
Principal: As today 14th of November which widely celebrated in our country as
Children’s day and this day also marks the beginning of World Child Safety
Week, our school will conduct a small Q&A session between the children and
their respective class teachers where they interact about children’s safety from
sexual abuse. After this the children can go celebrate Children’s day.
The assembly disperses. The children leave to their respective classes followed
by their teachers.

A classroom in Model Public School where the children are bustling with
excitement and energy ready to ask their questions to their teacher.
Teacher enters the class room
All students in unison: Good Morning Teacher!!
Teacher: Good morning students! As you all know today is widely celebrated as
Children’s Day in India but this day also marks the beginning of Child Safety
Week around the world. So as a part of today’s programme I would like answer
any of the questions you have about child sexual abuse?
Ram raises his arm
Teacher: Yes Ram?
Ram: What is child sexual abuse, ma’am?
Teacher: Sexual abuse is any interaction between a child and an adult or older
child in which the child is used for the sexual stimulation of the perpetrator or
an observer. Offenders often do not use physical force, but may use play,
deception, threats, or other coercive methods to engage youngsters and maintain
their silence.
Ram: Thankyou ma’am!!
Radhika raises her arm
Radhika: Are there any ways to prevent this abuse?
Teacher: Good question Radhika. There are many actions that we can take as a
society to reduce the prevalence of child sexual abuse, although it is probably
not possible for any parent or caring adult to guarantee a child’s protection.
Child sexual abuse is a problem that breeds in secrecy, so simply speaking
openly and publicly about it will enhance efforts at prevention. It is critically
important to educate our children. They need to know that their bodies belong to
them and that they don’t have to go along with everything an adult tells them to
Dan raises his hand
Dan: Ma’am are there any laws present in our country to help children who are
victims of sexual abuse?
Teacher: Yes, there are. Our country has passed the POCSO Act, which is an
act which is aimed at the prevention of Sexual Assault and Abuse against
Children and giving them protection and remedies
Lakshmi raises her hand
Lakshmi: Ma’am how will children who are victims quickly receive help when
they are need of it?
Teacher: The Government of India has set up the child safety help line number
which is 1098 which directly connects to the state’s child safety line to offer
help and protection to the children who need it,
Teacher: Now all of you all can go celebrate and have fun.
Children disperses.

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