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Quarter 1 Module : Week 4
What I Need to Know

You already know Geometric sequence, in which a certain

number is multiplied to each term to get the next term. Now, you will explore on how
to determine the terms between any two terms in a geometric sequence. The term(s)
is(are) called geometric mean(s). In this module you will also learn the difference
between a finite geometric sequence and infinite geometric sequence and how the
sum of the terms in sequence are determined.
The module is divided into three lessons, namely:
• Lesson 1 – Determining the geometric mean and the nth term of a
geometric sequence
• Lesson 2 –Finding the sum of the terms in a given finite or infinite
geometric sequence
After going through this module, you are expected to:
1. define geometric mean;
2. determine the geometric mean/s between two terms of a geometric
3. find the nth term of a geometric sequence;
4. differentiate finite and infinite geometric series;
5. determine the sum of the terms of a given finite or infinite geometric
6. relate a geometric sequence to real life situation.

What I Know

Pre – Test

Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of
1. Find the 5th term of the geometric sequence 1, 3, 9,…
a. 9 b. 27 c. 81 d. 243 2. Find the
positive geometric mean of 4 and 6.
a. 4 b. √8 c. √24 d. 64
3. Determine the geometric mean between 60 and 15.
a. 30 b. 40 c. 70 d. 90 4. Insert a
geometric mean between k and 1/k.
a. k b. 1 c. 1/k d. k2
5. Insert three geometric means between 5 and 3125. What is the first geometric
a.1 b. 5 c. 25 d 125
6. The geometric mean between the first two terms in a geometric sequence is 32. If
the third term is 4, find the first term.
a. 4 b. 32 c. 64 d. 256
7.Find the 10th term of this geometric sequence 2, 10, 50, …
a. 3906250 c. 396502
b. 3906502 d. 395620
8. Find the sum of the first 9 terms of the geometric sequence 1, 3, 9, 27
a. 3280 b. 3208 c. 9841 d. 9814
9. A ball tossed to a height of 6 meters rebounds to its previous height. Find
the distance the ball has traveled when it strikes the ground for the 5th time.
a. 15.36 b. 15.63 c. 51.63 d. 16.53
10. What fraction reduced to its lowest term is equal to 0. 6
1 2 1 3
a. b. c. d.
3 3 2 2
11. The sum of an infinite geometric sequence exist when the value of r is __.
a. ≠ 1 b. 1 c. between -1 and 1 d. -1
12. Which of the following infinite series will yield a sum?
a. 100 + 110 +120 +… c. 2 + 3 + 4 + …
b. +… d. 6 – 12 + 24 – 48 …
13. What is the sum of the first 10 terms of the geometric sequence 12, 12, 12,…
a. 120 b. 102 c. 201 d. 210
14. Find the sum of the first 15 terms of the geometric sequence ,..
a. b. c. d.

15. If each bacterium divides into 3 bacteria every hour, how many bacteria
will there be at the end of 6 hours, if there are 2 bacteria at the start?
a. 782 b. 872 c. 728 d. 827

Geometric Mean and the nth
1 term of Geometric Sequence

What’s In?

Determine the next term of the following geometric sequence;

1. 1, -2, 4. -8, ____

2. -3, -6, -12, -24, ____
3. 2, 6, 18, 54, _______
4. 24, 12, 6, 3, _______
5. 3, 12, 48 , 192, _____

What’s New

Let’s Explore!
Chain Text Messaging
Activity 1
Chain text messages operate the same way as chain letters. One chain text
message requires the recipient to send message to 3 other people within an hour.

Time Number of text recipients every hour

7:00 AM 1

8:00 AM 1 2 3

9:00 AM
123 123 123
Time 7:00AM 8:00AM 9:00AM 10:00AM 11:00AM 12:00PM 1:00PM
No. of text
1 3 9

1. Does the number of text recipients form a geometric sequence? If yes, what is
the common ratio?
2. How many people will receive the chain text message at 11:00 AM?
3. How do you find the number of text recipients at 1:00 PM?
4. What pattern do you see if there is any?
5. How can one maximize the benefits of the cellphone and limit its

What is It

Let’s Explore


Mathematically Speaking

Just like in arithmetic sequence, it is also possible to find the nth term
of a geometric sequence given some of its terms.

Let us represent the first term as a1, the common ratio as r and the nth term
as an. If a1= 1 and r = 4, then the first four terms of the sequence can be
given as:
a1 =a1 a1 = 1 =1
a2 = ar a2 = 1(4) =4
a3 =ar2 a3 =1(4)2 = 16
a4 = ar3 a4 =1(4)3 = 64

Compare the number of the terms and the exponent of r. Have you observed that the
exponent of r is 1 less than the number of the terms? Thus, the nth term of a
geometric sequence can be written as an = a1 r .


The nth term of a geometric sequence can be written as

an = a1 rn-1
where an is the nth term or the last term, a1 is the first term, r is the
common ratio, and n is the number of terms in a geometric sequence.
Meanwhile, the geometric mean between two numbers a and b is
√ ab if a and b are positive
-√ ab if a and b are negative.

Example 1. What is the 10th term of the geometric sequence 8, 4, 2, 1, ...?

Given a1 = 8, r = ½ , and n = 10,
1 1 1
a10 = a1r10-1 = 8( )9 8( )=
2 512 64

Example 2. Insert 3 geometric means between 5 and 3125.

Solution: Let a1=5 and a5= 3125. We will insert a2, a3, and a4, such that:
5, a2, a3, a4, 3125
Using the formula for the nth term:
an = a1rn-1 Modify the formula according to the given values
3125 = 5r4 Substitute the given values
625 = r4 Simplify by dividing both sides by 5
r = ±5 extract the fourth root of 625
We obtained two values of r, so we have two geometric sequences.

If r = 5, the geometric means are

a1 = 5(5)1= 25, a2 = 5(5)2 = 125, a3 = 5(5)3 = 625.

Thus, the sequence is 5, 25, 125, 625, 3125.

If r = -5, the geometric means are

a1 = 5(-5)1 = -25, a2 = 5(-5)2 = 125, a3 = 5(-5)3 = -625.

Thus, the sequence is 5, -25, 125, -625, 3125.

Lesson Sum of the Terms of a

Given Finite or Infinite
2 Geometric Sequence

What’s In
Let us review.
Solve the following problems.

1. Find the 7th term in the sequence 1, 1 , …
2. A series is defined as the ______ of the terms in a sequence.
3. The sum of the first 100 positive even integers is _______.
4. The sum of a finite sequence is called ________ sum.
5. What is the common ratio of a sequence whose first term is 16 and the
5th term is 81?

What’s New
Let’s Explore!

Bouncing Ball
A ball tossed to a height of 20 meters rebounds to 50% of its previous height.

20 m 20 m
10 m 10 m

20m+20m = 40m 10m + 10m = 20m 5m + 5m = 10m

1. What geometric sequence representation can you get from the
bouncing ball?
2. What is the distance the ball has traveled when it strikes the ground
for the 4th time?
3. What is the distance the ball has traveled when it strikes the ground
for the 5th time?
4. What is the distance the ball has traveled when it strikes the ground
for the 6th time?
5. What is the distance the ball has traveled when it strikes the ground
for the 10th time?

What is It

Mathematically Speaking

The geometric sequence of the bouncing ball is represented by 40,20,10,5. It is

obtained by getting the 50% of the previous term. The distance the ball has traveled
when it strikes the ground is an example of finite geometric series.

A geometric series is the sum of the terms of a geometric sequence.

To find the distance the ball has travelled when it strikes the ground for the 4th time,
add the first four terms of the given geometric sequence that is:
40 + 20 + 10 + 5 = 75 meters.
To find the distance the ball has travelled when it strikes the ground for the 5th time,
add the first four terms of the given geometric sequence that is:
40 + 20 + 10 + 5 + 2.5 = 77.5 meters.
To find the distance the ball has travelled when it strikes the ground for the 6th time,
add the first four terms of the given geometric sequence that is
40 + 20 + 10 + 5 + 2.5 + 1.25 = 78.75 meters.
Another way in order to find the distance the ball has travelled when it strikes the ground for
the 10th time is using the formula for finite geometric series.

The partial sum of the first n terms of a geometric sequence is given by

a ₁(1−r )
Sn = , for any r ≠ 1
Solving for the distance traveled by the ball for the 4th time using the formula;
a. Given: a1 = 40, r = ,n=4
a ₁(1−r n)
Sn = Substitute the given value in the formula,
40(1− )
Sn = Simplify the expression with the exponent

40( )
Sn = Simplify the expression inside the parenthesis
5( )
Sn = = 75 meters Perform the operation involved
Therefore, the ball has traveled 75 meters when it strikes the ground for the 4th time.
So, to find the distance traveled by the ball when it strikes the ground for the 10th time;
b. Given: a1 = 40, r = , n = 10
a ₁(1−r )
Sn = Substitute the given value in the formula,
40(1− )
Sn = Simplify the expression with the exponent
40( )
Sn = Simplify the expression inside the parenthesis
5( )
Sn = = 79.92 meters Perform the operation involved

The partial sum of the first n terms of a geometric sequence is given by
a ₁(1−r n)
the equation; Sn = , for any r ≠ 1

where; Sn = partial sum of the terms

a1 = first term
r = common ratio
n = number of terms in the sequence

Let’s Explore Further!

Activity 2
Consider the following sequences:
Sequence 1: 2, 2, 2, …
Sequence 2: -5, 5, -5, …

For Sequence 1
1. Is Sequence 1 a geometric sequence? If yes, what is its common
2. If we are going to find the sum of the first 10 terms of Sequence 1,
what will be the result?
3. How did you answer Question No. 2?
For Sequence 2
4. Is Sequence 2 a geometric sequence? If yes, what is its common
Questions: For Sequence 1
will be the result?

Mathematically Speaking
In Activity 2, the sequence 2, 2, 2, …is a geometric sequence
with a common ratio of 1. Since r = 1, this means that the
terms are all the same.
To find the sum of its first 10 terms S10, just multiply the first term a1 = 2
with the number of terms n = 10.

S10 = 10a1 = 10(2) = 20

The sum of the first 10 terms of the geometric sequence 2, 2, 2, … is 20.

Also in Activity 2, the sequence -5, 5, -5, … is also a geometric sequence with a
common ratio of -1. Since r = - 1, this means that the terms are all the same, but with
alternate signs. The sequence with r = -1 will have pairs of identical numbers with
opposite signs. These pairs would be cancelled out since adding them will result to
To find its sum of the first n terms Sn of the sequence -5, 5, -5, …, just
determine if the number of terms is odd or even. If it has even number of terms, all
terms will be cancelled out and will result to 0. If it has odd number of terms, all terms
will be cancelled out EXCEPT the term identical to the first term a1.

So, the sum of first 10 terms S10 of the sequence -5,5,-5,… is 0.

However, if you are to find the sum of first 11 terms S11 of the sequence -5,5,-5,
… is - 5.

1. Sum of finite geometric sequence for r = 1, Sn = n(a1)
2. Sum of finite geometric sequence for r = -1, Sn = a1
where; Sn = partial sum of the terms
a1 = first term of the geometric sequence
n = number of terms in the sequence

Let’s Explore Further!

Study the following figure:

1 1 1 1
2 4 8 16

1. Form a sequence from the given figure above?
2. Is the sequence that you have formed a geometric sequence? If yes, what is its
common ratio?
3. Is the sequence formed above an infinite sequence? Explain.
4. By looking at the figure, is it possible to find the sum of the entire sequence?

Mathematically Speaking

In Activity 3, you have illustrated a geometric sequence with a common ratio of which is
between -1 and 1. We call the sum of this sequence as the infinite geometric series or the
sum to infinity.

Recall that Sn .

Suppose, that -1 < r < 1. As the number of terms becomes larger, that is as n

approaches infinity, then rn becomes smaller and approaches zero, and

approaches zero. Thus, the sum of the terms of an infinite geometric sequence a1, a1r,
a1r2, …, where -1 < r < 1 is given by the formula;

Sn , this is called the sum to infinity.

Sum of Infinite Geometric Sequence, for -1 < r < 1

where: Sn = sum to infinity
a1 = first term
r = common ratio
When -1 > r > 1, the sum of infinite geometric series does not exist.

Example 1. Find the sum to infinity of the sequence 4, ,…

Solution: Given a1 = 4, r =


9 27
Therefore, the sum to infinity of the sequence 4, 3, , ,… is 16.
Example 2. Find a fraction expressed in lowest terms that is equal to the
repeating decimal 0.555555555…

0.555555555… = 0.5

0.5 = 0.5 + 0.05 + 0.005 + …


The right-hand side of the last equation above is an infinite geometric

series with first term a and common ratio r = . Since, -1 < r <1,
the series has a sum. Using the formula for sum to infinity:

a1 10
Sn = 1−r = 1
10 5
Sn = 9 = 9
Therefore, 0.5 = in its lowest term.

What’s More
A. Find the indicated number of geometric means between each pair
of numbers.
1. 16 and 81 [3] 16, ___, ___, ___, 81
2. 256 and 1 [3] 256,___,___, ___, 1

B. For each given geometric sequence, find the sum of the first
1. 5 terms of 4, 12, 36, 108, …
2. 7 terms of 7, -7, 7, -7, …
3 3 3
3. 8 terms of , , ,…
2 2 2

C. Find the sum to infinity of the geometric sequence 64, 16, 4, 1, …

What I Have Learned

Find the indicated term in each of the following geometric sequence;

1. , -2, 2/3, -2/9, … 7th term
2. 1/3, 1/9, 1/27, …6th term

B. What is the geometric mean between 12 and ¾?

C. Find the sum of each geometric series

a. 4 + 8 + 16 + …up to the 10th term

b. +…
c. 15 – 15 + 15 – 15 + … up to the 21st term
What I Can Do

1. In a basketball tournament, how many rounds are

needed if 8 teams joined in the competition?
2. Express 0.36363636… as a fraction in its lowest term


Assess Yourself

Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. What is the third term of the geometric sequence with a1 = 90 and r= – 1?

a. b. c. d.

2. Find the positive geometric mean between 4 and 100.

a. 10 b. 20 c. 30 d. 40

3. What is the geometric mean between and ?

a. b. c. d. 1
4. What is the sum of the geometric series when a1 = , r = 2 and n = 6? 2
a. 63 b. 62 c. 31.5 d. 35. 1
5. Find the sum of the first 13 terms of geometric series − 21 + 21 − 21 + 21 +
a. 21 b. -21 c. 42 d. 0

Additional Activities
Post Test
Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. Find the 5th term of the geometric sequence 2, 4, 8, 16,…

a. 20 b. 24 c. 32 d. 64
2. Find the positive geometric mean between 7 and 343.
a. 14, b. 49 c. 63 d. 70
3. Determine the geometric mean between 1 and 9.
a. 3 b. 6 c. 9 d 10
4. Insert a geometric mean between p and 1/p.
a. 1/p b. p c. 1 d. p2
5. Insert three geometric means between 2 and 32.
a. 4, 8, 16 b. 3,4,5 c. 4.6,8 d. 8, 16,24
6. A geometric series is finite when the number of terms in the sequence is _.
a. limited b. limitless c. > 1 d. < 1
7. Find the sum of the first 6 terms of the geometric sequence 3, 9, 27, 81
a. 3280 b. 3208 c. 1092 d. 1290
8. A ball tossed to a height of 8 meters rebounds to its previous height. Find the
distance the ball has traveled when it strikes the ground for the 5th time.
a. 32 b. 175 c. 21.88 d. 24.4

9. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

a. A finite series has no sum.
b. Some infinite arithmetic series has a sum
c. Any infinite series has a sum
d. Some infinite geometric series has a sum.
10. The sum of an infinite geometric sequence exist when the value of r is __.
a. ≠ 1 b. 1 c. between -1 and 1 d. -1
11. In finding the sum of the terms in a geometric sequence the common ratio r
should not be equal to __.
a. zero b. one c the first term d. one-half
12. What is the sum of the first 20 terms of the geometric sequence 12, 12, 12, …
a. a. 120 b. 240 c. 420 d. 210
13. Find the sum of the first 18 terms of the geometric sequence
a. b. c. 0 d.
14. A man who is on diet losses 16 lbs. in 3 months, 12 lbs. in the next 3 months,
9 lbs. in the next 3 months and so on for a long time. What is the maximum
total weight loss?
a. 72 b. 64 c. 54 d. 81
15. What fraction reduced to lowest term equals 0. 24242424…?
a. b. c. d.
1. Nivera, Gladys C and Lapinid, Minie Rose C. Grade 10 Mathematics
Patterns and Practicalities . Makati City: Don Bosco Press
2. Department of Education . Mathematics Learner’s Module ( Grade 10
) 2015 First Edition. Pasig City: REX Book Store Inc.
3. Department of Education, Culture and Sports Mathematics III
Textbook for Third Year High School
4. Dilao, Soledad Jose and Bernabe Julieta G. Intermediate Algebra
Textbook for Second Year
5. Zara, Ivy F. Worktext in Intermediate Algebra 2nd year. 2005 Lipa
City: Eferza Academic Publications
6. Deauna, Melecio C. and Lamayo, Florita C. Integrated Mathematics
IV. Philippines: Phoenix Publishing House
7. Larson, Roland E., Kanold, Timothy D. and Stiff, Lee. Algebra 2 An
Integrated Approach. 1998, Illinois: McDougal Littell.

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