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Report 1

Lilian Alameddine

Instructor: Dr. Karim Nasr

University of Balamand
Faculty of Engineering

September 24 2021
What is the engineering profession ?
Referring to 20th century many great engineering achievement that transformed our
world, Engineering actually electrified the nation.the enginering help us to travel from
the earth the space. It gave us vehicles and highways, It made our waters purifier and
more secure and revolutionized the manner we produce food.Engineering made our
houses greater snug and green with home equipment.Moroever it transformed the world
to a small planet by connecting to telephone, radio,etc.Engineering is the creative
design under constraint by applying several scientific principles and knowledge in
mathematics, science and technology, integrated with business and management and
acquired through education and professional formation in an engineering discipline.
Engineering is essential for the development of new knowledge and the creation of safe,
reliable, and innovative technologies that advance society and the human condition.
Solutions of societal problems require that these technologies be applied in innovative
ways with consideration of cultural differences, historical perspectives, and legal and
economic constraints, among other issues.[6] .An Engineer is needed to have earned a
bachelor’s diploma in engineering,this Bachelor of Science degrees are are available in
a wide selection of specialties, including aerospace, agriculture, biomedical and
engineering.. This non-income assures confidence in training programs that use
science, technology, engineering and math (STEM)[1], By taking courses approved by
ABET, students are prepared to enter the global workforce which focus on factors of
success focus, safety, precision,and quality of work.Obtening a degree in engineering
can help individuals seek employment as a: Obtaining a degree in engineering can be
a rewarding career move, opening many new doors for employment. Because the
engineering field holds diverse career opportunities, individuals can seek employment
as a:
 Mechanical Engineer design power-producing machines, such as electric
generators, internal combustion engines, and steam and gas turbines, as well as
power-using machines, such as refrigeration and air-conditioning systems
 Electrical Engineer design, develop, test, and supervise the manufacture of
electrical equipment, radar and navigation systems, communications systems, or
power generation equipment
 Civil Engineer, design, build, supervise, operate, construct and maintain
infrastructure projects and systems in the public and private sector, including
roads, buildings, tunnels, dams, bridges, and systems for water supply
 Environmental Engineer design systems for managing and cleaning municipal
water supplies.They work to improve recycling, waste disposal, public health, and
water and air pollution control
 Aircraft/Aerospace Engineer  are employed in industries in which workersdesign
or build aircraft, missiles, systems for national defense, or spacecraft. They work
primarily for firms that engage in manufacturing,[5]
An Engineer’s duties and responsibilities ensure the safety and effectiveness of a
process, system or product by considering the time, cost, and the physical limits of tools
and materials. Engineers work within a team and must be able to cooperate with other
coworkers to ensure the success of a project by Making plans using detailed
drawings,Preparing estimates and budgets,Creating accurate project
specifications,Designing engineering experimentsCreating technical reports for
customers,Completing regulatory documents concerning safety issues,Finishing
projects on time and within budget,Communicating with clients and coworkers about
analysis results.Looking forward how the technology growth in haste ,the world
expected to have many potential catastrophs such as which include organic terrorism;
water and food contamination; infrastructure harm to roads, bridges, and the energy
grid; and communications breakdown withinside the Internet, telephony,
etc.Therefore ,defenetly the demand of new engineer that have the core knoweledge in
advances in information technology, nanoscience, biotechnology, materials science,
photonics and necessite skills and attributes will increase to make a deffensive
solutions which decrease the risk of failure by creation an array of latest and probable
progressive equipment and technologies.In addition.the engineer are working to make
new advanced technololy such as making solar power economical, providing energy
from fusion, developing carbon-sequestration methods, managing the nitrogen cycle,
providing access to clean water, restoring and improving urban infrastructure,
advancing health informatics, engineering better medicines, reverse-engineering the
brain, preventing nuclear terror, recuring cyberspace, enhancing virtual reality,
advancing personalized learning and engineering the tools of scientific discovery
according to the National Academy of Engineering.[6]

What are the attributes of an engineer?

Engineering is a demanding field. And to be a successful engineer, a person must have

several attributes:[6]

 The first and most important characteristic of a good engineer is creativity. The
ability or the skill to invent, be innovative, thinkoutside the box is an
indispensable quality for engineering. And creativity will grow in importance as
the scope of the challenges ahead and the complexity and diversity of the
technologies grow.
 Another crucial feature of an engineer is to have strong analytical skills. When
designing and executing a project, engineers need to employ principles of
science, mathematics, and domains of discovery and design to a particular
challenge and for a practical purpose.
 In addition to being creative and analytical, and engineer needs to master
practical ingenuity in planning, combining, and adapting. Using science and
practical, ingenuity, engineers identify problems and find solutions. . For
example, issues related to climate change, the environment, and the
intersections between technology and social/public policies are becoming
increasingly important. The need for practical solutions will be at or near critical
stage, and engineers, and their ingenuity, will become ever more important.
 Additionally, good and accountable engineering will require good communication
skills. In the world of work, communicating orally, visually and writtenly is
fundamental for the continuity of the business.
 Other vital attributes including  dynamism, agility, resilience, and flexibility.
technology is changing quickly and continuously and so is the social-political-
economic world in which engineers work. In this context it will not be this or that
particular knowledge that engineers will need but rather the ability to learn new
things quickly and the ability to apply knowledge to new problems and new

Finally an engineer needs tto be passionate about the profession .Loving your work is
one way to be successful in it.

What is a mechanical engineering all about?

Overview of mechanical engineering

Mechanical engineering is one of the most important and oldest engineering

disciplines. Even though this field’s growth is just a couple of centuries old, but its
revolution can be traced back several thousands of years . Not only it is centuries
old, but it is also perhaps the most diverse discipline of all engineering disciplines. .
Engineers in this discipline work on power-producing machines such as electric
generators, internal combustion engines, and steam and gas turbines. They also
work on power-using machines such as refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment,
machine tools, and robots used in manufacturing.Technically, mechanical
engineering is the application of the principles and problem-solving techniques of
engineering from design to manufacturing to the marketplace for any object. In this
process ,the mechanical engineer in an industry do the Analyzing problems to see
how mechanical and thermal devices might help solve a particular problem.[1]

- Designing or redesigning mechanical and thermal devices or subsystems, using

analysis and computer-aided design.
- Developing and testing prototypes of devices they design.
- Analyze the test results and change the design or system as needed,
- Oversee the manufacturing process for the device
- Develop and test prototypes of devices they design[2]

During this Process the Mechanical engineers analyze their work using the
principles of motion, energy, and force—ensuring that designs function safely,
efficiently, and reliably, all at a competitive cost. For example,to design and build a
new car, you consider the power, weight, size and shape, materials, reliability, and
safety using,then put all the factors together in a design to ensure that designs
function safely, efficiently, and reliably, all at a competitive cost, that can be
successfully manufactured,.finally The designer engineer needs not only to develop
competence in their field, but must also cultivate a strong sense of responsibility and
professional work ethic.[1]

What qualifications does a mechanical engineer need ?

This branch provides several careers opportunities not only in all the previously
mentioned industries but in other domains as well.Mechanical engineers typically need
a bachelor's degree in. Mechanical engineering undergraduate programs usually
include courses in mathematics and life and physical sciences, as well as engineering
and design courses. These programs may stress the importance of internships and co-
ops to prepare students for work in industry where most employers prefer to hire
students from an accredited program.Moroever,mechanical engineering technology
programs focus more on the practical application of engineering principles and less on
theory. Internships and co-ops are emphasized more to prepare students for work in
industry. Most employers prefer to hire students from an accredited programs such as
ABET, EIT and PE which provide candidates with certificates ,licenses and the
sufficient practice and training required to be a competent engineer.[3]

What are the work opportunities for a mechanical engineer?

Mechanical engineers work in several domains including power- producing machines

and power- using machines. Moreover, mechanical engineers role also extend to a wide
range of industries including automotive, aerospace, biotechnology, computer and
electronics, automation, and manufacturing industries. An experience for an engineer in
an industry empower students with creative thinking skills , analytical tools , and the
ability to overcome all constraints; and the communication skills needed and improve
hia skills in the software programs Computer-aided engineering (CAE) covers
everything from typical CAD techniques to computer-aided manufacturing to computer-
aided engineering, involving finite element analysis (FEA) and computational fluid
dynamics (CFD). Some new core engineering subject areas such as thermodynamics,
fluid mechanics, expertise in composites, mechatronics, and nanotechnology are in
increasingly high demand and are prerequisites for several emerging and promising
fields, including artificial intelligence, biomechatronics, and nanotechnology.

How much do mechanical engineer earn?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), mechanical engineers earned

a median annual salary of $88,430 in 2019.[1]
In Lebanon, Mechanical engineers average starts with $800 and may reach over
3000$ per month.

Interview made by Liliane Alameddine with Charbel Nicolas

Are you working for an engineering firm or are you self-employed?

Hello I am charbel Nicolas ,I am currently working for a local company Unitech

international that deals with technologically advanced chromatography and
spectroscopy machines which used to shine a beam of electromagnetic radiation onto a
sample, and observe how it responds to such a stimulus. In addition to that, I am
developing my own startup that focuses on waste management.

What do you do with your current position?

At my employer's company, I am responsible for the configuration, installation, and

maintenance of the machines, as well as assisting the sales team,and Communicate
effectively with engineers, scientists,customers and colleagues, Use SolidWorks and
simulation tools to design,generate andmaintain product At my startup, I am a co-
founder and a design engineer working on the design of an organic waste management

What made you chose ME?

My love for science at an early age made me pursue physics and math at first, which is
when I realized I enjoy the practical side of science more ,after finishing the high
school ,I got deep and deep in the engineering fields ,after got a view on all the fields ,I
felt that the mechanical engineering is most suitable major for me.

How satisfied are you now with this choice

With the knowledge I acquired and the experience I am gaining, I am extremely satisfied
with the career path I chose.

How rewarding, and in which aspects, is it to be a Mechanical Engineer?

Being a mechanical engineer is rewarding in the sense that it gives you the tools to use
logical thinking and problem solving skills to tackle any issue whether in the professional
or personal life.

What is the most difficult project you have worked on, and how did you get
through the challenging tasks ?

After working in the field for a while, i see myself utilizing this experience and my
education to make a switch to consultancy. The reason for this switch is my desire to
always grow ,change and find new challenges in a diverse environment where I can
make a great impact.

What are the skills needed to be in this job?

 Proficiency with SolidWorks is required

(Simulations/Flow Simulations experience desired).

Very strong analytical and troubleshooting skills of
mechanical, pneumatic, and electrical systems
 Electronics design knowledge desired

Programming experience with C, C#, Verilog would be

Experience in physic and chemistry preferred.
The ability to design and execute experimental
set-ups and assemble prototypes for testing is
The world-renowned Mechanical engineer?
Elon Musk is an entrepreneur, investor and engineer. He founded SpaceX, an

aerospace manufacturer and space transport company. He has also stated his

commitment to reducing global warming through sustainable energy and reducing the

risk of human extinction by establishing a human colony on mars.,Here are the most

important accomplishments of spaceX:

SpaceX puts satellites into orbit and delivers cargo. The platform has implemented a

reusable missile and launch system to significantly reduce space costs. In 2012, the

company was the first private company to send a cargo ship to the ISS. The company

became the talk of the town in 2010,when it became the first private company to put a

payload into orbit and return it safely to Earth. On December 21, 2015, the platform

landed upright after its journey into space and back by the Falcon 9 rocket.Recently, on

May 30, 2020, SpaceX launched its first manned mission. After Four failed tests in May

2021, SpaceX successfully launched and landed its futuristic Starship and finally

conducted a test flight of the rocket with which Elon Musk wants to land astronauts on

the moon and send people to Mars. Since its inception, SpaceX's goal has been to

reach Mars, but the platform has also been involved in non-space-related projects.

Since Musk is not publicly traded, Musk does not intend to go public with the platform

until he achieves his ambitions on Mars. He wants to launch a cargo-only SpaceX

rocket to Mars by 2022. He has also considered sending a million people to Mars by
2050. He remains to be seen how the platform achieves its.Finally the Engineers in

spaceX are utilizing all their previous technological achievements and knowledge to

develop this next-generation craft with the promise to take humans to the Moon, Mars

and beyond..[4]
References:[2][3] [1]
Top Careers in Engineering (With Salaries, Job Duties and Education Requirements) | [5]

The engineer of 2020 visions of engineering in the new century book [6] [4]

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