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1. Define direction cosine and direction ratios of a straight line.

If (𝑙1 , 𝑚1 , 𝑛1 ) and
(𝑙2 , 𝑚2 , 𝑛2 ) are the direction cosine of any two lines then find the angle between
them. Also find the condition of perpendicularity and condition of parallelism.
2. Find the distance of (−1,2,5) from the line through (3,4,5) whose direction
cosines are proportional to 2,−3,6
3. Show that the lines whose direction cosines are gives by the equations
f g h
al + bm + cn = 0; fmn + gnl + hlm = 0 are perpendicular if + + = 0 and
a b c
parallel if af  bg  ch = 0 or
a 2 f 2 + b 2 g 2 + c 2 h 2 − 2bchg − 2cahf − 2abfg = 0
4. Prove that the general equation of first degree in 𝑥, 𝑦, 𝑧 represents a plane.
5. Find the equation of the plane which passes through the points (1,0,−1) and
(2,1,3) and is perpendicular to the plane 2 x + y + z = 1
6. Find the equation of the plane passes through the middle point of the join of the
points (2,−3,1) and (4,5,−3) and is perpendicular to the line joining the points.
7. A variable plane passes through a fixed point (a, b, c) and meets the axes in P, Q,
R. Show that the locus of point of intersection of the plane through P, Q, R
x y z
parallel to the coordinate plane is + + = 1
a b c
8. A variable plane is at a constant distance p from the origin and meets the axes in
A, B, C. show that the locus of the centroid of the tetrahedron OABC is
x −2 + y −2 + z −2 = 16 p −2 .
9. Find the distance of the point (1,2,3) from the plane 2 x + 4 y + 3z = 20 measured
x y z
parallel to the line = =
2 −2 1
10. Find the plane passing through the intersection of x + 2 y − 3z + 1 = 0 and
x −1 y + 2 z + 1
2 x − y + z + 2 = 0 and perpendicular to the line = =
1 −2 3
11. Find the distance of the point (−1,−5,−10) from the point of intersection of the
x − 2 y +1 z − 2
line = = and the plane x − y + z − 5 = 0
2 4 12
x −5 y −7 z +3 x −8 y − 4 z −5
12. Show that the lines = = and = = are coplanar;
4 4 −5 7 4 3
find their common point and the equation of the plane in which they lie.
13. Find the equation of the line of shortest distance (S.D.) and length of the shortest
x −1 y − 2 z − 4 x −2 y −4 z −5
distance(S.D.) lines = = and = =
2 3 4 2 4 5

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