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Sous-detail des prix

Replacement existing Wooden pole with

101 SET 125222,00
Concrete Pole

Replace existing wooden pole and install an new 9m Concrete Pole

1.Including excavation & backfilling, pole planting work, The soil must be compacted after backfilling to ensure the pole is
2.The new concrete pole with C20 concrete plate at the base(Detailed design as below), 800mmx600mmx150mm
3. 9m Concrete pole need to buried 1.6m,1.5m around the pole should be cleaned after installation ,After installation o
tension the PD line;
4. PO according to the actual quantity of survey.
5.No matter the wooden pole is single pole/double pole/support pole,only use one concrete pole to replace it .
6.SBC need remove the old wooden pole and put all the old wooden poles at the place designated by SE for reuse in the f
All cable connection & accessories should be the same as before the replacement, including single phase and three phase

Categories Détails sur 10 poteaux / jour

Description Nbre
Superviseur Telecam 1
Technicien Telecam 2
Chauffeur Pick up 1
Main d'œuvre Chauffeur Yap 0
Manœuvre Fouilles 10
Manœuvre Levage et tirage 4
Manœuvre GC 3
Total Manœuvre 1
Description Nbre
Fer de 08 8
Sable 7
Gravier 14
Ciment 7
Total Materiaux 1
Moellons 1
Total Materiaux 1
Description Nbre
Matériels Fouilles 0,002
Matériels Lévage 0,002
Materiel Matériels Tirage 0,002
Matériels GC 0,002
Matériels ISDP 0,002
Total Materiels
Description Nbre
Frais transport pour le site 1
Frais transportsur site 1
Location yap 2
Location Pick up 5
Essence yap 1
Essence pick up 1
Caisse d'amortissement chantier
Total Logistique
backfilling to ensure the pole is vertical,
installation ,After installation of poles,SBC must

ete pole to replace it .

signated by SE for reuse in the future;
ng single phase and three phase and grouding

ur 10 poteaux / jour
Target/jr P.U. P.T
4 12000 48000
4 11000 88000
4 9000 36000
2 9000 0
1 5000 50000
2 5000 40000
1 5000 15000
1 1 277000
Nbr/Jr P.U. P.T
1 3000 24000
1 2000 14000
1 3000 42000
1 5000 35000
1 1 115000
1 20000 20000
1 1 250000
Nbr/Jr P.U. P.T
1 50000 100
1 0 0
1 20000 40
1 20000 40
1 20000 40
Nbr/Jr P.U. P.T
1 0
1 0
1 150000 300000
1 25000 125000
1 200000 200000
1 100000 100000
1 10000 0

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