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Strong opening
Everybody knows that physical education should be decreased. sentence stating the
author’s point of
Australian students are becoming extremely low in numeracy and literacy. view
Children all over the world are involved in a sport after school, both in Introduction briefly
states the three main
primary school and high school. There’s also a high risk that our youth arguments.
could become injured for the rest of their lives. These points will be Links to the main
explored further in the text below. body.

Firstly, Australian students are becoming extremely low in Opens with “firstly”.
numeracy and literacy. If Australian schools provide more time for Persuasive tools
used include
physical education, our children will become as dumb as a doorknob. rhetorical questions,
Would you want your children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren to inclusive language,
be as dumb as a doorknob? We want schools to help our children become facts/statistics, and
appealing to the
intelligent and competent in literacy and numeracy so that they can get a reader’s emotions.
good job when they grow up.

Furthermore, most children today are playing sports after school. Opens with
Some of these sports include dance, netball, football, soccer, horse riding,
Provides real life
tennis, swimming, basketball, and hockey. Every child can find a sport to data.
love and play. Children are playing these sports after school to keep fit Uses second person
pronouns such as
and healthy. Almost every single student in our school plays a sport after ‘our’, to include the
school. If they increase physical education and your children also play reader. Includes the
simile ‘thin as a
sport after school, they will become as thin as a needle from over- needle’ to create a
strong visual image.
exercising, which is incredibly unhealthy.

The last and final reason why physical education should be reduced Strong emotive
language such as
is that many students obtain atrocious injuries as a result of playing “atrocious” and
sport. Sometimes these injuries are so dreadful that they require an “dreadful” captures
the reader’s
ambulance to be called. Some children will have these painful injuries for attention. Rhetorical
the rest of their lives, which could even prevent them from walking questions involve the
reader and gets
correctly. Do you want your child to be unable to walk for the rest of them thinking.
their life?
“Only a fool” makes
Only a fool would think that physical education should be increased the reader feel silly
if they don’t agree
in schools. We need to spend less time on physical education to raise our with the author.
Sums up the main
literacy and numeracy levels. Almost all students are already dedicated to arguments to make
sport outside of school, and school sports can cause students to be them stick in the
reader’s mind.
seriously injured. You should believe that physical education must be Strong final sentence
reduced in our schools today! which restates the
point of view.
CHANGE OUR SCHOOL UNIFORMS Name: __________________

Write your own persuasive notes in the space next to the piece.
It is blatantly obvious that the uniforms at our school __________________________________________________________
need to be changed for numerous reasons. Throughout this
text, you will learn why many people think that our school
uniforms need to be changed. Do you want your kids to be __________________________________________________________
uncomfortable, smelly, and self-conscious at school? __________________________________________________________

If you have ever had to wear our school uniform, __________________________________________________________

you would know that the t-shirts are too heavy and thick. __________________________________________________________
Students have to carry that weight all day, every day. __________________________________________________________
Also, when kids play at recess and lunchtime, they don’t
want their clothes sticking to them so everyone can see __________________________________________________________
their stomachs. In addition to that, the t-shirts can be too __________________________________________________________
tight under the arms, which is terribly uncomfortable. __________________________________________________________
Furthermore, in shorts, the pockets are really baggy, __________________________________________________________
making the boys look silly and daggy. Long time school __________________________________________________________
student Sarah Camera states, “I have been at this school
for seven years, and I have heard numerous complaints
about how our uniforms look ugly and unfashionable.” __________________________________________________________
Children today are already feeling self-conscious enough, __________________________________________________________
and they don’t need ugly uniforms, adding to that burden. __________________________________________________________
In addition to the above points, our uniforms are __________________________________________________________
incredibly plain and boring. They have no shading or __________________________________________________________
patterns except for blue. When our students go on
excursions, people think that our school uniforms are
poorly designed, and as a result, we are getting a bad __________________________________________________________
reputation. When kids go to school, they want to wear __________________________________________________________
comfortable and fashionable clothes that make a good
impression. Not plain, boring uniforms that are making our
school look awful in the community. __________________________________________________________
In conclusion, many students and parents want to
wear comfortable, bright, and light and breezy clothes. Our ________________________________________________________
uniforms are gross and ugly. They are plain and boring, __________________________________________________________
which is making us look bad in society. They are also __________________________________________________________
causing students to feel self-conscious and insecure. Do
you want your kids wearing horrible uniforms that are so
dull they are ruining our school reputation? Please change __________________________________________________________
our school uniforms immediately. __________________________________________________________
STOP THIS HORRENDOUS CRIME Name: __________________

Write your own persuasive notes in the space next to the piece.
Do you believe that scientists should perform cruel __________________________________________________________
tests on animals? This piece will explain the reasons why
we should ban animal testing forever. Animals are often
injured during the testing process, they shouldn’t be __________________________________________________________
treated like guinea pigs, and the results will always be __________________________________________________________
different on humans than animals. These horrible tests __________________________________________________________
are so inaccurate because animals and humans are
completely different and will have completely different __________________________________________________________
reactions! __________________________________________________________

Firstly, the results of tests on animals will always be __________________________________________________________

different than the results on humans. Surely the __________________________________________________________
scientists who do tests on animals would know that the __________________________________________________________
results will not be the same as humans. It is crazy to
think that just because they get good results on animals, __________________________________________________________
they can put their products up for sale. How do they __________________________________________________________
know that humans won’t have a bad reaction to the __________________________________________________________
Do you honestly believe that these poor, defenceless __________________________________________________________
animals don’t get hurt by these tests? Well, you’re
mistaken. These tests torture animals. They are poked __________________________________________________________
and prodded by needles and have poison put into their __________________________________________________________
bodies. How would you feel if you were locked up in a __________________________________________________________
cage and lathered in weird lotions and potions all day,
every day?
Thirdly and finally, animals should not be treated as
test subjects. How would you like it if you were being __________________________________________________________
experimented on as though your feelings meant nothing? __________________________________________________________
You would most likely feel completely miserable and __________________________________________________________
depressed. This is not a fair life for anyone! These animals
deserve freedom and compassion.
In conclusion, there are endless reasons why
everyone should fight to end cruel testing on animals. The __________________________________________________________
results are inaccurate because animals will always be __________________________________________________________
different from humans. The animals will certainly feel pain __________________________________________________________
throughout these tests, and they are locked in tiny, little
cages, only to be treated like mindless test subjects. So
join me in the fight to release these poor, helpless animals. __________________________________________________________
Persuasive Writing Notes
Remember your persuasive piece must have an
introduction, a main body, and a conclusion.

Your strongest argument should always go first.

You should use a range of persuasive tools such

as; alliteration, rhetorical questions, groups of
three, facts and statistics, repetition, inclusive
language, exaggeration, imagery, and emotive

Make sure your introduction hooks the reader in

by having a strong opening sentence that states
your point of view in a convincing way.

Remember that your conclusion is

the last thing that the reader will
See, so make sure you leave a strong,
lasting impression.
Persuasive Writing Tools
Rhetorical Questions
Rhetorical questions are questions that don’t need to have an answer.
They get the reader thinking about your point of view.
How could you sit back and let this injustice continue?
How would you feel if you were in this position?

Emotive Language
Emotive language is powerful descriptive language that involves the reader and
makes them feel different emotions as they read.
Horrific, devastating, soul-crushing, terrifying, abysmal, joyful, ecstatic,
thrilling, adrenaline.

Exaggeration is a statement that is over-the-top and makes a situation seem
worse or better than it is.
If we don’t do something soon, we will all die a devastating death!
Just thinking about this horror makes me want to explode!

Facts and statistics include information that has been proven and has evidence
to back it up. You use facts and statistics to make your piece more believable
and to reinforce your point.
On average, only three people die per year from shark attacks.
There are 160,000 fast-food restaurants in America.
Persuasive Writing Tools
Alliteration is when three or more words start with the same letter.
This captures the reader’s attention and makes your writing interesting.
Foul, filthy, fast-food.
Terrible, taunting, teachers.

Groups of Three
We use groups of three to reinforce our point of view and highlight certain
words. We use three words that mean similar things to each other (synonyms).
Awful, horrible, nasty.
Thrilled, excited, happy.

Inclusive Language
We include our readers and make them feel like they are part of the argument
by using inclusive language such as “we”, “us”, “you”, and “as a community”.
We, as a community, need to come together to fix this issue.
Help us to make a difference.

Often we repeat phrases, words, or sentences in a different way to help highlight
our point of view and to ensure that the reader understands our argument.
Sport is essential to our health.
Fitness is vital for improving our wellbeing.
We must exercise to stay strong and healthy.
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Google Slides Access

1. Make sure you’re logged in under the Google Account that you
want to use the file with, which is most likely your school
2. Click on the link at the bottom of this page to access the
digital file. The webpage will ask you to make a copy. By default,
Google Drive will save your copy in your main drive, not a folder.
3. I recommend you make a master copy of the file and put it
in a folder so that you have it to access later on. This is helpful
if you plan to only assign a few pages at a time to students in
Google Classroom.
4. To assign students pages from the Google Slides file, make a
copy of your master. (You can do this by right-clicking on the
file, or while the file is open, going to FILE > MAKE A COPY.)
5. Rename your new copy. I recommend you rename the copy
with a relevant heading. For example: Persuasive Writing: Change
Our School Uniforms. Delete any pages you don’t want to assign.
6. If you’re using the file with Google Classroom, make sure
you make a copy for each student or give clear instructions to all
students to make a copy before editing. Otherwise, all of your
students will be editing the same copy.


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