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Republic of the Philippines



Module 1 Summative Test in MAPEH 10
Direction: Identify what is asked is the following statement. Chose the letter of the correct
1. It is a term in music field which is defined as a person who excels in musical technique or
a. Gifted b. composer c. maestro d. virtuoso
2. He is the German composer who influenced Schoenberg as evidenced in his symphonic
poem Pelleas et Melisande.
a. Maurice Ravel b. Richard Wagner c. Gabriel Faure d. Bela Bartok
3. The musical style of the 20th century music where in the composer records different
sounds in the environment to produce music.
a. Electronic music b. impressionism c. chance d. expressionism
4. The musical style considered as one of the earlier and concrete forms declaring the
entry of 20th century music.
a. Electronic music b. impressionism c. chance d. expressionism
5. A 20th century musical style which is described as there is an extensive use of colors and
effects, vague melodies, and innovative chords and progressions leading to mild
a. Electronic music b. impressionism c. chance d. expressionism
6. It is a music that uses tape recorder.
a. Electronic music b. concrete music c. chance music d. recording music
7. The French composer who have influenced Maurice Ravel when he entered the Paris
Conservatory of Music.
a. Schoenberg b. Richard Wagner c. Gabriel Faure d. Bela Bartok
8. Poeme Electronique is an electronic music composed by this composer.
a. John Cage b. Gabriel Faure c. Edgard Varese d. Maurice Ravel
9. He won the top prize at the Prix de Rome competition with his composition L’ Enfant
Prodigue (The Prodigal Son).
a. Claude Debussy b. Anold Schoenberg c. Edgard Varese d. Maurice Ravel
10. Claude Debussy’s most popular piano composition; a set of lightly textured pieces
containing his signature work. What is the title of this?
a. Enfant Prodigue b. Claire de Lune c. Bolero d. Three Piano Pieces
Test B. ARTS
11. It refers to the lightness and darkness from white through grays to black.
a. Value b. Balance c. Hue d. Shape
12. They always seem to be moving, and we follow them with our fingers, our
gestures, or our eyes.
a. Line b. Spatial c. Texture d. Hue
13. Artist’s use this element to heighten the emotional impact.
a. Texture b. Unity c. Value d. Balance
14. The last meeting of the lines on the horizon.
a. Vanishing point b. Pointless c. internal point d. value

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15. The mixture of two primary hues.
a. Primary Hues b. secondary hues c. tertiary hues d. none
16. The achievement of equilibrium, the condition in which acting influences are
held in check by opposing forces.
a. Balance b. landscapes c. scales d. animals
17. The artist used this principle to draw our attention to an area or areas.
a. Balance b. rhythm c. emphasis d. unity
18. In visual art, it is created through the regular recurrence of elements with
related variations.
a. Balance b. rhythm c. emphasis d. unity
19. It is the appearance or condition of oneness.
a. Balance b. rhythm c. emphasis d. unity
20. In visual elements this gives a composition unity, continuity, flow and
a. Balance b. rhythm c. emphasis d. repetition
21. The state of health of an individual.
a. Fitness b. Physical fitness c. exercise d. lifestyle
22. These are activities done during leisure time. Its purpose is to refresh oneself by doing
activities that are enjoyable to do.
a. Lifestyle b. recreation c. exercise d. dance
23. It is the way how an individual lives.
a. Lifestyle b. recreation c. exercise d. dance
24. The division of the components of physical fitness that contributes to the development
of health and functional capacity of the body.
a. Physical fitness b. Health-related c. sports-related d. Power
25. The process of food elimination in the body that can affect the weight of an individual.
a. Metabolism b. digestion c. lifestyle d. exercise
26. It has the formula energy consumed is greater than energy expended.
a. BMI b. Weight gain c. weight loss d. weight maintenance
27. It has the formula of dividing weight over height.
a. BMI b. Weight gain c. weight loss d. weight maintenance
28. Energy consumed is less than energy expended.
a. BMI b. Weight gain c. weight loss d. weight maintenance
29. Energy consumed is equal to the energy expended.
a. BMI b. Weight gain c. weight loss d. weight maintenance
30. It is the ability of an individual to do daily tasks without undue fatigue and with extra
energy to do leisure.
a. Fitness b. Physical fitness c. exercise d. lifestyle
31. It is a public health insurance mandated by the Philippine law.
a. SSS b. PhilHealth c. Pagibig d. PAGASA
32. Is any concept and advises from that various sources to give aid to the health status of
an individual.
a. Health status b. Health information c. Health care d. Health state
33. Sources of health information that comes from those health professionals who took up
specialized studies in the field.
a. Health care b. Reliable c.Health information d. unreliable
34. They are the licensed ones to practice medicine and allied health programs.
a. Nurse b. Midwife c. Physician d. Health professionals
35. A form of healthcare provider that makes use of prepaid money to cover the medical

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a. HMO b. PhilHealth c. SSS d. GSIS
36. This herb is used for cough and asthma.
a. Bayabas b. Lagundi c. Sambong d. Bawang
37. Herbs for high blood pressure control.
a. Bayabas b. Lagundi c. Sambong d. Bawang
38. The doctor who is specialized in the disorders and diseases of children.
a. Pediatrician b. orthologist c. opthalmologists d. gynaecologist
39. The doctor who is specialized in the treatment of heart related diseases.
a. Cardiologist b. pulmonologist c. urologist d. orthopaedist
40. A physician who is specialized in the prevention and correct problems that affect bone
and muscles.
a. Cardiologist b. pulmonologist c. urologist d. orthopaedist

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