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Marc Efren A.

Roxas CWTS
BSME-1 January 22, 2022

“Education in the Time of Pandemic”

To be honest in my own personal opinion, education during the COVID-19 pandemic

has a really rough start that forces me and even my fellow family members to prioritize and focus our
passion for education towards the younger ages. First of all is to obtain a necessity such as a desktop
computer to use it as a main online learning device for my then-Grade 4 sister. Desktop computers are
included as one of the types of essential consumer electronic gadgets together with smartphones and
laptops. Around the same time when the online classes began to be implemented, I already had my
existing smartphone as an online learning device to keep up with the hustling and demanding online
schooling days. To be pretty specific, consumer electronic gadgets aren’t created equal. The rule
regarding different gadgets is the more expensive that I can buy, the better and faster the experience
that I can embrace. It is also the same thing with the Internet services in our country which is
relatively expensive and sometimes, occasionally disconnects compared to other countries until now.
Regarding parental guidance, they have a hard time since they are pretty much inexperienced in
teaching and using modern gadgets so to ease their painstaking problems, they rely on others that
have better teaching and intelligence for themselves to keep up with the demands of every desperate
student. And to make matters worse, online learning sessions are coupled with various health
concerns such as uncontrollable addiction and sudden eye strain. So, in my personal experience until
this day, online learning is a bit of a mixed bag since there are issues such as connectivity and
accessibility problems, but its effectiveness including virtual social interaction and constant staying at
home from the deadly virus outweigh the cons. So, in my summary, technology is ever-evolving to do
those online classes for the sake of pursuing our precious dreams in the near future.

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