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Marc Efren A.

Roxas CWTS
BSME-1 July 10, 2022

“Mental Health Awareness”

CWTS Reaction Paper

My reaction about this webinar is very motivating and helpful since it explains and
encourages us to follow and implement those mental health solutions. This webinar is all about
informing everyone to be aware of those mental health problems to make our lives inspired and
motivated. And speaking about the two speakers, they are really helpful to uplift our mental well-
being, encourage self-care and to enjoy our lives despite those inevitable problems that will be
tackled later in this reaction paper. For this webinar, it is a really helpful one to bring hope and joy
towards our mental lives. Without further ado, let’s get this webinar summary started.
The first speakers of the Mental Health Awareness webinar are Mx. Rolf Gian Marcos
and they talk about “Mental Hygiene”. First, they talk about the definition of mental health that is taken
from the American Psychological Association or APA. Speaking of APA, they were members from
January 2021 until January 2022. They also talk about the three important factors of mental health
which are thoughts, behavior and emotions together with the “Beck’s Cognitive Triad” which consists
of the world, future and self. And finally, they talk about the “Biopsychosocial Model” that it even
includes a 3-circle venn diagram to explore and compare the concepts of biological, social and
environmental, and psychological perspectives together with a little talk about the lifespan model.
Many more topics in their webinar session are mental hygiene vs. mental distress, common stigma
about mental health, how to practice mental hygiene and ABC’s of self-care that contains awareness,
balance and connection. Overall, their first webinar is really encouraging to learn the value of self-
care despite the inevitability of mental stressors around us. The second and last speaker of this
webinar is Mr. Kharll Lewis Quizon and he talks about “Managing the Instability”. First, he talks about
the definition of mental instability together with a certain quotation about mental instability and stress.
He also talks about the definition of stress together with the differences between eustress and
distress, fight or flight response and acknowledging the presence of stress. And finally, he explains
about the state of mental health in the Philippines during COVID-19 alongside some interesting topics
such as identifying the source of stress, self-caused stress, “Birth Order” by Alfred Alder that consists
of first born, middle born, last born and the only child, the urgent and important quadrant, and series
of techniques in handling anxieties such as butterfly hug, retail therapy and asking for help by sharing
their problems, using “catharsis” when needed, be optimistic but avoid too much positivity, be a “safe
place”, and offer help. Overall, his second and last webinar is all about learning those helpful
solutions to cope with those mental instabilities.
To conclude about this webinar, we should take care of our mental health by
encouraging self-help and coordinating with parents and friends to fix those mental health problems.
Logically, it’s up to our inner selves on how to solve those mentally-related problems such as
depression, anxiety and insecurities. Those mental health issues are highly inevitable so we need to
rely on those effective mental comfort measures to ease their depressing lives and make their
everyday lives go on despite many countless problems in life. And at the end of the day, it is important
that we should stay calm and peaceful despite the pretty miserable life problems. That’s all of my
takeaways about this webinar and as always, stay safe.

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