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Those are some basic data structures

and implementations and it seem quite elementary and simple but actually right
away we can get to some very sophisticated applications of these basic concepts and
that's what we're going to consider next. Now, first thing to mention is that often
the kinds of data types and data structures that we implement or found in a
Java library. So, that's true in many programming environments. So, for example
stacks and queues you can find those words mentioned in the Java library so there's
Java collection library and the so-called List interface which is displayed here.
Java has general API for sequences of items and its got things like a, append at
the end, remove from the beginning, and so forth. Any uses of the resizing array,
so many of the principles that we consider does also a, a link list interface. So,
why not just use those? Why use our own implementations? Well, the problem is
often in such library code is kind of designed by committee phenomenon that more
and more operations get added and the API becomes too broad or bloated. It's not a
good idea to have lots and lots of, you know, operations in the same API. And
we'll see example in a second. The problem, the real problem is that when you
do that you can't know much about the performance or you can't assume much about
the performance. And so you can kind of immediately arrive at that performance
even for simple clients. So our best practice that we recommend is so few that
these basic data structures that we use and there's so simple is to go ahead and
use the implementations that we've just discussed for these fundamental data
structures. Maybe later, later on, after an experienced programmer who knows what
he or she is doing could use some of these library collections effectively. But
inexperienced programmers often have trouble with it. Here's a war story from
students Programming assignments not that long ago. So, we have an assignment where
you need to generate a random open sites in a percolation system. We have one
student who was paying attention to what we're saying and uses an array and can
pick the indices into that array at random check whether they're open and, and
repeat. And so the array is N by N, it's N^2 things and it takes about N^2 time,
which is actually a linear time for this application. But then we have another
student who had some Java before coming to us and considered himself an expert and
said, well, I'm going to use linked list because I could use Java's library and I
don't have to worry about downloading your stupid code. And so, I'll just use that
one and pick an index at random and delete and that program took quadratic time and
poor Kenny, when trying to run his program for the huge instance that we asked
out that it wasn't finishing. And the reason is that the Java linked list
implementation takes a linear time to find an item with a given index. Not constant
time like an array. And that's difficult for Kenny to think about and difficult to
drive that information from the implementation so program is just too
slow. And with the Swiss knife implementation with so many operations
it's hard to know whether or not the particular set of operations that your
client needs is efficiently implemented. So our insistence in this course is that
students should not use the library until we've implemented it in class. At least
that some indication that you understand the performance characteristics. So now,
let's look at some applications then of, of stacks. There's the stacks are really
actually fundamental underlying computation because they implement ,
recursion and so, you use stacks often everyday when you wrote, use the Back
button in the Web browser, the places that you've been are saved on a stack. Right
now we will look at two examples. One, having to deal with compiling from a
programming language or interpreting into an actual computation and then the other
one is the PostScript language which is widely used for, for printing and
publishing. So, so the way the compilers implement functions is using stacks. When
there's a function call the whole local environment is pushed and then along with
the return address and then the function returned is pop the return address in the
local environment. So there is the stack there that contains all that information
and whether the function calls itself or not is not relevant. The stack contains
the recursion. In fact, you can always use an explicit stack to make a recursive
program non-recursive. So, this is so when we have the GCD function, computing the
greatest common denominator, greatest common denominator p and q is greatest
common denominator of q and p mod q and it just calls itself until q gets to be
And as this graphic integrates, it just does it by saving the information on a
stack. Now a specific example that really shows this off and also will illustrate
the utility of being able to process multiple types of data with the same code
is this example is Dijkstra's two-stack algorithm for arithmetic expression
evaluation. So the goal is, you got an arithmetic expression this is just
actually like a simple stand in for a program and we'll talk about that in a
second but let's say, arithmetic expressions. We have operands and
operators and you want to evaluate it. And Dijkstra's algorithm is very simple to
express. You processes through the expression from left to right. If you see
a value, you put it, you maintain two stacks and if you see a value, you put it
on the value stack and if you see an operator, you put on the operator stack.
Left parenthesis you ignore. Right parenthesis, you pop the operator and two
values and push the result. Now that's a lot of words let's look at a demo. So we
start out with the empty value stack and operator stack and we're going to move
from left to right. So, and those are the a top is summarize the four type of
that we could wind up with and what to do so the left parenthesis we've ignored, a
value we put on to the value stack. So, that one goes right in to the value stack.
Operator, we put on to the operator stack. And plus it goes on the operator stack.
Left parenthesis you ignore. It seems strange to be ignoring parenthesis and we'll
back to that in a second. Value, put in the value stack. Operator, put on the
operating stack. Doesn't seem like we're doing much except putting stuff on stacks
and now, when we come to our right parenthesis and that's when it gets
interesting. What it says is to you have the top operator and the top two values
and that's what you want to do. Supply that operator to those values and put the
resulting value that you get back on to the operation stack. So, we take off the
two things, we do the operation and then we put the thing that we get onto the
stack. And that's right parenthesis. So now continuing along we put a star on.
Left parenthesis, we ignore. Four on, star. The right goes to the value stack and
we got a lot of stuff on the stacks and we got through right parenthesis and that's
going to finish up the computation, take the top two items off the stack and the
top operator off the operator stack, perform the operation, put the result
back on the value stack. Another right parenthesis, take the top two values off.
Perform the operation. Put the value on to the value stack and finally, the last
right parenthesis, take the two operators of the value stack, operators of the
stack, and operator of the operator stack, perform the operation, put the result
on the value stack. And we're at the end of the computation and that's the result.
The value that arithmetic expression is 101. Okay? Yup. Here's the code that
implements Dijkstra's two-stack algorithm. We have two different stacks. The
stack the operator stack is string, it could be characters which is just our
operator. Then our value stack is doubled so that's the same stack code but with
generics, we're using, using two different types of data. And then simply perform
Dijkstra's algorithm. If we have a left parenthesis... Read a new string. If we
a left parenthesis, do nothing. If we have plus or times, push it. If we have a
parenthesis, then go ahead and pop the operator. And if it's plus, add the result
of the two values at the top of the value stack and if it's a star, multiply the
values on the top of the stack and, and then push the result. So and then when
you're done then simply print out the value on the stack and that's a fine and
elegant implementation using stacks for any arithmetic expression. And it's easy
to extend that to handle other types of things and so, why does this work? Well,
when the algorithm encounters an operator, say, in the inside, we got the
operand, operator, operand, parenthesis its easy to see that what its going to do
inside there is put the at the top of the stack whatever it is, is to put the two
and three on the top of the value stack and plus on the top of the operating stack
and when it hits that right parenthesis, it's going to perform the operation and
it's going to proceed then exactly as if the original input where that, where the
value replaced. So, just go in from the inside out for every operation enclosed
within parenthesis like that it's just repeat the argument that's exactly as if
the original expression were (one + five) twenty and then again, replacing that
one + 100, 101. That's, that's why Dijkstra's algorithm works. Actually
fairly easy to understand why it works. And you can go ahead and extend this
algorithm to add functions like logs and sines or other operators and have
precedence among operators, have them associate and multiple operations, and so
forth. And actually that's on the road to developing a compiler or a way to
translate a, a program from a programming language to a computation, so
Dijkstra's algorithm that uses stack is one way for entering and understanding of
the basis of computation.

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