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Republic of Iraq

Ministry of Higher Education

&Scientific Research
Al-Mustansiriyah University

College of Engineering Civil Engineering Department

Hydraulic and structures Design of box Culvert

A Project
Submitted to the Civil engineering department college of
Engineering/ AL-Mustansiriyah University
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of
B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
BY: - Alaa Mohsen Mohammed Ali

Supervised by: - Dr.

‫ِالر ِح ِيمِ‬
‫ِالر ْح َم ِن َّ‬
‫َِّللا َّ‬
‫س ِم َّ ِ‬
‫ِِب ْ‬

‫قِ(‪ِ)2‬‬ ‫عل َ ٍ‬ ‫ِم ْنِ َ‬ ‫س َ‬

‫ان ِ‬ ‫ِاْل ْن َ‬
‫ق ِْ‬ ‫قِ(‪َ ِ)1‬خلَ َ‬ ‫ِر ِبِّ َكِالَّذِيِ َخلَ َ‬ ‫اق َرأِْ ِبا ْ‬
‫س ِم َ‬ ‫ْ‬
‫س َ‬
‫انِ‬ ‫ِاْل ْن َ‬ ‫ِاْل َ ْك َر ُمِ(‪ِ)3‬الَّذِيِ َ‬
‫علَّ َمِ ِبا ْلقَلَ ِمِ(‪َ ِ)4‬‬
‫علَّ َم ْ ِ‬ ‫اق َرأْ َ‬
‫ِو َربُّ َك ْ‬ ‫ْ‬
‫َماِلَ ْمِيَ ْعلَ ْمِ(‪)5‬‬


‫سورة العلق‬
‫اآليات (‪)5-1‬‬

‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

‫اهدي ثمرة نجاحي وتخرجي والجهد المبذول في السنيين الماضية الى بقية‬
‫هللا االعظم صاحب العصر والزمان االمام الهادي المهدي (عجل هللا تعالى‬
‫له الفرج) والى نائبه بالحق سماحة اية هللا العظمى السيد علي الحسيني‬
‫الخامنئي والى لقمان العراق سماحه اية هللا العظمى السيد علي الحسيني‬
‫السيستاني والى سماحه االب الروحي سماحه حجة االسالم والمسلمين السيد‬
‫هاشم الحيدري (ادام هللا ظلهم الوارف)‬

‫إلى القلب الحنون من كانت بجانبنا بكل المراحل التي مضت من تلذذت‬
‫بالمعاناة وكانت شمعة تحترق لتنير دربنا ‪ ...‬إلى أمي الحبيبة‪.‬‬
‫إلى من علمنا أن نقف علئ يدنا اليمني إلى من علمنا الصعود وعيناه تراقبنا‪..‬‬
‫إلى أبي العزيز‪.‬‬
‫💜 الئ من كانت لكي تبقى الئ من بقيت ألنها كانت 💜‬
‫الئ أصدقائي وأحبتي ومن سهروا معنا في مسيرتنا العلمية إلى من مدو‬
‫أياديهم البيضاء في ظالم الليل وكانوا عونا لنا‬
‫شكر وتقدير‬

‫الشكر هلل سبحانه وتعالى ثم للمبعوث رحمة للعالمين إمامنا وقدوتنا محمد‬
‫(ص) ‪ .‬البد لنا ونحن نخطو خطوتنا األخيرة في الحياة الجامعية من وقفة‬
‫نعود إلى اعوام قضيناها في رحاب الجامعة مع اساتذتنا الكرام الذين قدموا‬
‫لنا الكثير باذلين بذلك جهودا كبيرة في بناء‬
‫جيل الغد لتبعث األمة من جديد‪ ...‬وقبل أن نمضي نقدم اسمى آيات الشكر‬
‫واالمتنان والتقدير والمحبة ألى الذين حملوا أقدس‬
‫رسالة في الحياة ألى جميع أساتذتنا األفاضل‪...‬‬
‫وأخص بالتقدير والشكر أستاذنا ومشرفنا الدكتور ‪ /‬رسول مجبل خلف‬
‫الذي نقول له بشراك قول رسول هللا ‪( " :‬إن هللا ومالئكته وأهل السموات‬
‫واألرضين‪ ،‬حتى النملة في جحرها‪ ،‬وحتى الحوت؛ ليصلون على معلم‬
‫الناس الخير)"‬
‫كما اتقدم بالشكر إلى ذلك الصرح العظيم وافتخر أن اكون من خريجي‬
‫الجامعة المستنصرية‬
‫كلية الهندسة المدنية‬
‫والشكر من قبل و بعد هللا سبحانه وتعالى‪....‬‬
In this research, we dealt with the identification of the forms, types and parts of
Culvert , and a study of the design of concrete box Culvert . The Culvert were
designed using the mathematical method using the American code. (ACI 318-11)
The Culvert were also designed using a computer program (SAP 2000 ) and the
two methods were compared.
Chapter one

Hydraulic structures are man-made systems that interact with runoff in urban
and rural environments including structures to help drain rainwater, mitigate
floods, protect coastlines, or enhance and control flows in rivers and other
water bodies. A hydraulic structure is a structure that is submerged or
partially submerged in any water body, which disrupts the natural flow of
water. Can be used to divert, deactivate, or completely stop the flow. The
hydraulic structure can be constructed in rivers, sea or any water body where
there is a need to alter the natural flow of water. A structure may be
constructed via a natural stream to divert, control, store and manage the flow
of water: for example, dam through a stream and control the upstream
reservoir both of the Upstream and downstream water levels .(Fig.1-1)

Fig 1-1 : structure of the dam

Hydraulic structures can be designed proactively to control the movement of
water flow: for example, a series of projected structures are constructed
along the course of a mountain river to stabilize the river bed by dissipating
the flow energy along the droplets.

The construction of dams and hydraulic structures is perhaps the oldest and
most important civil engineering activity. Life on our planet depends entirely
on water and there are only two types that build hydraulic structures: humans
and beavers. They are called "engineers of nature".

Although the date and location of the oldest hydraulic structures (see Figure
1-2) are unknown, some famous heritage structures include the Sumerian
irrigation canals in Mesopotamia (3000 BC), the atonement dam dam in
Egypt (2500 BC), the Ma'rib dam and canals Irrigation in Yemen (750 BC),
the irrigation system in China (256 BC), and a canal and diverted structure
in the Mochi Valley, South America (200 AD)

Fig 1-2 : Some of the famous heritage buildings

The two main technical challenges in designing a hydraulic structure are the
transmission of water and the dissipation of kinetic energy. Transportation
means carrying water, for example, downstream of a dam. The transmission
of the structure is closely related to the design of the inlet, for example the
top of the drainage channel and the design of the chute (Fig. 1-3). Its
estimation is based on basic fluid dynamics calculations, with a combination
of proven solutions. Figure 3 shows a rounded gutter top designed to
increase the drain capacity at the design flow compared to a wide top.
Energy dissipation occurs along the chute and at the downstream end. The
available energy can be very large and kinetic. The energy must be safely
dissipated before the water returns to the natural riverbed

Fig 1-3 : The soup structure


Hydraulic structures are classified according to their purpose of function as

follows :-
1- Storage structures: their function is to store water, such as dams
and reservoirs, see Figure (1-4)

Fig 1-4 : Dam structure and reservoir

2- Flow diversion structures: their function to regulate and convert the

flow quantities to other structures or channels such as arches and
regulators (Fig.1-5)

Fig 1-5 (a ,b) : Arches and canal regulation structures

3- Transport structures: Its function is to transport water from one
place to another, such as pipelines, siphons, canals, tunnels, channels
and open channels.Fig 1-6

Fig 1-6:

4- Energy dissipation structures: its function is to protect hydraulic

floor from erosion and damage caused by intense waves hitting a
structure body such as static basins, boom tanks, check dams, vertical

5- Power plants: The function of these structures is to transfer energy

from one state to another, such as pumps, turbines and rams.
6- Chemicals and sediment control structures: their function is to
control or remove sediments and other pollutants such as
sedimentation tanks, filters, traps, filters, and mixing basins.

7. River training and watercourse stabilization structures: its

function is to maintain the river canal and water transport such as
dams, cuts, locks, dams, ditches, breakwaters and piers. Fig (1-7)

Fig 1-7 : Barrier and breakwater


Water drainage facilities in its various forms, such as bridges, ferries
and sewers, constitute an important part of the roads because they
help to overcome the obstacle of waterways and connect the different
parts of the cities under conditions.

Road Accidental Drainage Faciliti :- As the road usually intersects along

its length with a group of natural drainage streams, the necessary facilities
must be made so that the moving water in these drains can cross the road
accidentally without affecting its safety. To do so, we use one of the following



The two types (ferries and bridges) are carried out by means of which
the road is carried over the watercourse, i.e. it extends the water
crosswise down the road and between them is confined to two points:

1.In terms of the length of the sea, the sea for the ferry does not pass, usually
an old amount of about 6 meters, and if it exceeds that, it is preferable to use
a large one.

2.The ferry can be designed hydraulically so that its entrance is completely

submerged below the water level in the front.

The expressions differ from each other in form, claim and

effectiveness, and can be constructed on the whole site, where the
drilling and casting process takes place. It can also be constructed on
parts of precast concrete because of its advantages in that it is used in
longitudinal seas and for its high tensile strength, ease and speed of
installation on site. But it needs speed of operation and its exposure to
weather conditions and high temperatures, which leads to a process of
bleeding and separation and cracking on the surface of concrete and
needs skilled workers for the process of construction and manufacture
and a lot of time until the completion of the construction process.
Ferries are used in the process of getting rid of water and controlling
its flow, whether it is from the road surface or from the right of the road.
Therefore, care must be taken to get rid of surface water that may flood
the road surface quickly to reduce the risk of traffic accidents and avoid
water leakage damage to the pavement layers and the natural ground
and be This cross section of the road and a transverse slope to the
sides to the outside or inward, and the work of lateral inclinations on
the sidewalks and shoulders. This water is collected by long side drains
and then disposed of after that in the nearest major drain.

Therefore, the process of establishing covered drains is considered a

necessity that must be taken into account when designing and
constructing the road as a result of the presence of the facility's
pavements, the presence of separating islands, the presence of many
intersections and the presence of offers Specific to the streets, the
work of exposed drains becomes more prominent and appropriate
phrases must be made to cross the waterways that intersect with the
path of the road, and the openings must be sufficient to pass the largest
and highest water discharges without the road surface being exposed
to flooding or submerging the water. The water in the soil causes a
decrease in the strength and stability of the soil, which causes it to
collapse and leads to a decrease in the durability of many paving
materials, and soil moisture causes instability of paving and this is
reflected in the paving sector and in some types of soils, the increased
humidity percentage causes significant changes in Size and this often
leads to the collapse
of the pavement.
1-4 THE IMPORTANCE OF THE RESEARCH:- The importance of
the research lies in reducing the damage of highways, preserving and
protecting them from collapses, in reducing water on the road surface, and
in preserving soil layers from fragmentation and collapse.

1-5 THE OBJECTIVES:- of the research are to identify the types of

expressions and their forms. Learn about hydraulic design of box Culvert .
Learn the structural design of box Culvert manually.

1-6 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY:- Data and information were

collected from scientific references and pages, and based on previous
graduation projects, scientific hypotheses and theories were used in addition
to using the American code as a method for designing the phrase. The data
and information were arranged in a logical sequence to take advantage of
the research contents With its various chapters which contain a first chapter
in which the introduction and the second chapter contain the theoretical
framework, and the third chapter which contains the hydraulic design of the
phrase, and the fourth chapter contains the structural design of the phrases,


It is a facility built under high street sidewalks or under railway roads so that
rainwater can pass and be discharged. The bridge is constructed when a
road intersection with a waterway occurs where the road continues as it is
and the water is passed down the road through a concrete structure or inside
a pipe This is called the phrase



The channel consists of the following parts:‫۔‬

1. The body of the bridge, which is the part of the bridge that is located under
the fill of the road.

2. The front walls define the entrance to the channel.

3. Back walls and adequately constructed in order to prevent slotting behind

the arch. It is possible in some cases that the entrance to the canal is
provided with an entry barrier in the form of a net barrier to prevent entry of
the rubble so as not to cause it to close

1. Concrete channels

2. Reinforced concrete

3. Corrugated metal tubes

4. Metal tubes, which are divided into: galvanized steel metal tubes,
aluminum alloy tubes

5. PVC is available for small diameters.

Plastic arches are cheap. As for concrete and metal, the prices are similar
and they are expensive. As for the concrete bridges, they require more labor
for installation than metal gateways and also need larger and heavier
equipment to transport them. The resistance of special iron and steel
increases by galvanizing the individual panels before forming the pipe.
Individual (usually enough width to give sprays of lengths of 2 feet) to the
selected cross section. The connections are neglected from the overlapping
ends, either by welding or by cold rivets made of the same material of the
pipe. The surrounding ripples are sucked out in the metal during its
formation. These vary according to the diameter of the pipe and are
assembled. The individual sectors in the workshop have lengths suitable for
transportation operations. The Ashto specifications for acceptable materials
for different metal springs stipulate the use of pure galvanized iron with an
added percentage of copper, iron spike or aluminum spike. All of them have
high wear resistance.

Phrase selection factors:‫۔‬

1. Installation materials and costs

2. The site's characteristics, including the highest and least behavior.

3. Soil and soil salts

4 Ease of installation

5- The need to pass fish and other organisms in some cases

6., Environmental considerations

7. Corrosion

2-2-3 ARCHES SHAPES :‫۔‬

There are several forms of cross-sections for expressions, but the most
common shapes are shown in Figure (2-1) which contains circular, box and
elliptical sections, arc tube sections and arc expressions. The choice of
shape depends on the cost of implementation, the limits of the water level
reaching them and the height of the body Road and hydraulic performance

Phrase Forms:‫۔‬

1. Circular sections

2. Box sections

3. Arc sections

4. Oval sections

5. The elliptic syllables

6. The metal box sections are easy to install

Factors for choosing the shape of arches:‫۔‬

1. The depth of the water

2. Backfill height

3. Hydraulic performance

4 considerations related to fish and life


The layout of the ferry axis with respect to the road axis in the horizontal
plan, which can take one of two modes:
1. Regular planning: - in which the longitudinal axis of the ferry is
perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the road in this case, the length
of the ferry is as small as possible, but there are bends in the flow at the
entrance to the ferry and at its exits, which leads to increased slurry in
these areas.

2. Diagonal planning: - in which the longitudinal axis of the ferry is not

perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the road, and in this case it is
possible to fluctuate the problem of slotting that may occur in the front
and back in relation to the ferry, but the length of the ferry is longer than
the first case, and the construction of the front and back walls is More
difficult than the first case

Various shapes and can be summarized in:-

1. The body of the gantry takes the position that the bottom of the arch is
applied to the bottom of the junction as well as the inclination of the
body of the ferry is equal to the inclination of the bottom of the stream.
This position is considered the best position for the body of the ferry
where turbulence does not occur to the flow, as well as reducing the
problems of slurring behind the phrase.

2. The body of the ferry takes a shape where its inclination is less than
the inclination of the bottom of the stream. This reduces the length of
the ferry and saves construction costs. Therefore, in this case, the back
inclination of the road at the exit of the ferry must be protected from the
slurring expected to occur.

3. The body of the ferry is set aside from a high place from the bottom of
the stream. In this case, the road acts as a stream blockage where
water collects in front of it in the form of a pool. One of the advantages
of this situation is to reduce the discharges passing through the ferry
as well as reduce the loads affecting it.



1- The volume of services performed

2- The condition of the soil on which it is built

3- Loads that come from the roof

4-The amount of load increases that occur as a result of the construction


1- Suitable for large quantities of flow with a small column of water with
heavy loads
2- Reducing the period of traffic stoppage if compared with the
construction of bridges or on-site execution tunnels, usually
3- It is considered economical compared to other alternatives because of
its high rigidity and work as one piece and there is no need in some
types of foundations due to the fact that the substrate based on soil will
serve as an exclusive basis for the origin

4- Its design life is relatively long

5- Easy to create and design

6- High quality control, since most of them are ready to be poured

7- It can be manufactured with good quality and medium experience.

8- Environmentally friendly, the pre-cast is non-toxic and works from

materials found in nature and has no effect on ground and surface
9- Its external shape is generally acceptable, the fact that its concrete is
poured into iron molds and is well stacked, which makes its external
surfaces smooth and the angles accurate, which does not provide an
opportunity to be affected by the surrounding conditions and for long
10.The bridges are ready-cast and their construction is not affected by the
weather conditions, as in the concrete bridges, which makes them fast and
successful solutions in all circumstances



1.Concrete pipelines, single or multiple:-

Pipe conduits are widely used and round shaped channels. The sewers may
be single or multiple. Whereas, if a single-tube conduit is used, a conduit of
larger diameter is installed. If the channel width is greater than the width of
the multiple pipe channels. They are very well suited to larger streams.
Pipeline ducts range in diameter from 1 meter to 6 meters. These are made
of concrete, steel, etc.

2.Single or multiple concrete pipe arch conduit:-

Tube arches mean nothing but they are like semicircular arches. Whereas,
tube arc conduits are suitable for large water flows but the flow must be
stable. Due to arc-shaped fish or sewage in the drainage it is easily carried
to the outlet without being stored in the inlet or down the channel. This type
of sewer can also be supplied in multiple numbers based on requirements.
It also enhances the good looks.

3.Single or multiple concreted concrete pipe ducts:-

Box gateways are rectangular in shape and are generally constructed by

concrete. And the reinforcement is also provided in the construction of a box
channel. As these are used to get rid of rain water. Therefore, this is not
useful in a dry period. They can also be used as railroad or road crossings
during dry periods for animals etc. Because of the sharp corners, it is not
suitable for higher speeds. Box phrases can also be supplied with multiple

4.Concrete pipe bracket:-

An arc duct is similar to a tubular arc conduit but in this case an artificial floor
is provided under the arch. It is widely used for narrow corridors. Also the
synthetic floor is made of concrete and the arch is also made of concrete.
Steel arch ducts are also available, but they are very expensive.

5.Concrete piped sewer bridge:-

Bridge canals are provided on canals or rivers and are also used as road
bridges for vehicles. For this, the foundation is placed under the surface of
the earth. A series of channels were laid and the surface of the berth was
laid over this series of sewers. In general, these arches are rectangular in
shape which can replace box arches if a synthetic floor is not necessary

A-According to the method of casting:-

1- cast in place

As all the stages of casting and processing take place on site, and this
method is not commonly used because of its many disadvantages, starting
with the high costs of transporting construction materials and their need for
storage and damage places, the effect of the work by the surrounding
conditions and the weak quality control, up to what is related to the
completion period, which affects the cost, quality and time. Necessary to get
the work done.

2- ready-to-cast (precast)

In this method, units are poured into special laboratories under the control of
high quality, as they bring the pieces to the site after completion of their
hardening and acquire the necessary resistance, usually with one or two
holes to reduce weights and facilitate the process of transportation and

B-According to the number of openings

It has one or two (twin cell) or three (triple cell) openings, and the latter is
less manufactured due to its large weight and dimensions.

C- According to the structural design:-

1- Full Box

2- Inverted U-Shaped (Duct And Lid)

3- Border shape with a ready-made foundation or the two portal and base
casting sites

4-Two pieces, one U shape and the other two portals


Box arches are the ideal solution for many cases, including:-

1- Making fast-constructed bridges with minimal disruption to traffic, and

it is either small with a single opening or wide using a group of
individual units and interconnected ceilings between them. This means
that traffic can be resumed as soon as the process of putting the pieces
in place and filling the soil around it ends
2- They are used as pedestrian crossing paths under streets and railway
lines in congested areas and as emergency exits under industrial
workshops and other industrial and commercial establishments
3- They are used as closed water channels to transport drainage water,
rain water, household sewage, or irrigation channels under roads or
heights, or for long distances underground transportation, as in
residential areas. Box arches are ideal for flowing with a small water
column compared to circular tubes.
4- It is used in industrial fields to transport electricity, steam, air, hot water
and fuel lines underground and across roads.
5- It is used as an economical and quick solution in the form of ground
tanks for rain water if they are arranged in long parallel groups, and at
the same time their surfaces are used as parking garages.
6- They are used as crossing roads for livestock and wild animals under
highways, and some of them are created with details that allow wild
animals to be used as hiding places in times of high heat and heavy
7- They are used as septic tanks for homes or as places to place lifting
stations for heavy water or rainwater network.


Inlet and outlet control are the two basic types of flow control defined in the
designed methods. The basis of the rating system was the location of the
censorship department. Characterization of pressure and subcritical and
supercritical flow systems have an important role in determining the location
of the control section and thus the type of control. The hydraulic capacitance
of the conduit depends on a different set of factors for each type of control.
a. Entrance control:-
Inlet control occurs when the channel barrel is able to transmit more flow
than the inlet will accept. The inlet control channel control section is located
inside the inlet. The critical depth occurs at or near this site and the flow
system is immediately downstream supercritical. Water surface height at
upstream and inlet geometry are the main flow controls. The entrance
geometry includes an entrance shape, a cross-sectional entrance and an
entrance configuration (Table 1).

B. Control the outlet

Outlet control flow occurs when the channel barrel is not able to convey as
much flow as it will accept the inlet opening. The outlet control flow control
section is located in the barrel exit channel or further downstream. There is
either a subcritical flow or pressure flow in the channel barrel under these
conditions. All the engineering and hydraulic properties of the duct play a
role in determining its capacity. These characteristics include all factors
governing inlet control, water surface height at outlet and barrel
characteristics (Table 1).

Sewer repair and rehabilitation is of importance as many of the structures

nationwide are in or out of the service life of the original design. Assessing
existing sewer conditions is an important first step in the design process for
repair and rehabilitation efforts. Many of the existing epididymis factors and
indicators must be evaluated and taken into consideration when selecting
the appropriate repair and rehabilitation methods and techniques. Many
rehabilitation techniques are intended to treat sewage degradation, which
will also affect the hydraulic performance of the duct.
Given the accurate assessment of duct condition, the decision can be made
between repair and replacement. Typical results of this decision-making
process are a repair with a liner, an insertion based repair, or simply
replacing it. The Culvert Pipe Lining Manual and Specifications (FHWA
2005b) provides information on common lining techniques and methods.
Culvert's Evaluation and Decision Procedures Manual (FHWA 2010b)
provides information about evaluation procedures and reform options.


The design of the sewer installation must always include an economic

evaluation. A wide spectrum of flood flows with associated probabilities will
occur at the sinkhole site during its service life. The initial construction costs
usually outweigh the benefits of building a stream of large capacity to
accommodate all these events with no adverse effects of flooding. Thus, an
economic analysis of the trade-offs is carried out with varying degrees of
effort and precision. Optimum duct selection reduces the total annual cost of
installation over the life of the road. The annual cost includes capital
expenditures, maintenance costs and flood risks. The need for cost
comparison is well understood when designing a berth. You probably don't
understand the need to consider durability, maintenance and replacement
costs along with the initial construction cost in place. Choosing an epidural
material that tolerates wear or corrosion may cost better at first, but a longer
service life will reduce your overall annual cost. Anticipating future
maintenance requirements can also save you money in the long run. For
example, it may be better to increase the barrel volume initially under high
filling to better accommodate potential cushioning in the future, so as to avoid
the cost of replacement at that time. Available shapes and sizes


The purpose of the expressway channel is to carry water across the road
bridge. The main benefits of the canal are reduced traffic outage time due to
road flooding and increased driving safety. The main costs are related to the
construction of the road bridge and the canal itself. Facility maintenance and
potential flood damage must also be considered in the cost analysis.



The comparisons of materials and shapes differ between different materials

and shapes according to region and time. It is recommended to periodically
compare costs of channels with equal hydraulic capacity to help guide
material selection. Requesting alternative bids for the many acceptable
materials is economically beneficial in most projects. A detailed economic
analysis of the sewer material selection requires site-specific considerations.
Structural strength is of concern under high fullness. Steep channel slopes
produce high exit speeds that are accelerated with smooth tubing. The acid
drainage will enhance the corrosion of some materials. Some materials
cannot withstand the attack of abrasive bed loads. Water tightness in the
joints may be an important consideration. All these factors have an effect on
the annual cost of the channel based on the chosen material. Sewer shapes
are as important in cost assessments as are sewer materials (Fig.1.5). Many
shapes can be produced from a variety of materials; Other forms require
specific materials. Prairie ring is the most common form. They are generally
affordable, can support high structural loads, and are hydraulic efficient.
However, limited packing height may necessitate the use of a tube arc or
ellipse. Pipe arcs and ellipses are more expensive than round tubes.
Parentheses require special attention to their foundations, and failure due to
Scour is a concern. However, braces provide a natural conduit which is an
advantage of AOP. Structural panel channels can be constructed in a variety
of shapes, quickly and with low transportation and handling costs (Fig.1.20).
Boxed expressions also have flexibility in high span ratios with multiple cells
(Fig.1.21). Pre-cast box sections overcome the disadvantages of longer
construction periods associated with in-place-cast fixtures; However
handling costs are increasing.

The required service life of the duct must be taken into account in the
selection process. If the duct is in a place where replacement or lining is
impractical, then the service life of the conduit should equal the service life
of the highway. If rehabilitation is possible, or if it is decided to rebuild the
highway in a relatively short time, then a channel with a shorter service life
should be chosen. The service life of the duct must match the installation.
There is no need to pay for an "eternal" airway as one lasts for a short time,
and vice versa.


Traditional economic assessments of small flow crossings have been

somewhat simplified. Sewer design flows attention to other economic and
locational factors. A more rigorous investigation, called risk analysis, is
sometimes performed for large sewer installations or for sites with potential
flood damage. The aim of risk analysis is to find the optimum channel
capacity on the basis of a benefit-cost comparison (Fig.122). The designer
should be familiar with the risk analysis process and consider using it to
analyze alternatives where flood damage is significant or sewer cost is large.
Depending on the importance of the road the little benefited from it.
The construction of the stream represented an encroachment on the flood
plain with associated flood risks and initial construction costs. Each design
strategy can be evaluated for annual capital cost and annual economic risk
(cost), and their sum is called the total expected cost (TEC). Improved
economic and engineering analyzes will result in the least anticipated
alternative design cost (LTEC) (see HEC-17, FHWA 1981). The impact of
risk (cost) in the decision making process is the main difference between
conventional design and LTEC design. In traditional design, the level of risk
is an integral part in establishing design standards such as floods of specific
design frequency or mitigation that these design parameters vary with site
conditions. In LTEC design, there is no random design frequency. The
design process determines the response of each alternate design to discrete
points on the entire flood frequency curve. The flood frequency at which the
bypass occurs is more important than the design flood frequency. Influent of
risks in specification An essential part of the risk analysis process is the
creation of acceptable design alternatives. Engineering, legislative, and
policy constraints may limit the range of alternatives. Examples of these
restrictions include:

1-Minimum flood standards specified for the design, as in the case of

interstate highways

2-Road engineering restrictions such as maximum or minimum gradient

lines, site distance, and vertical curvature

3- Flood plains decrees or other legislative mandates that limit stagnant

water or infringe on considerations of channel stability in flood plains that
would limit the flow of the course or the amount of constriction



Its aim is to find the maximum economic dimensions that enable the required
amount of rainwater to be drained without increasing the permissible water level.


There are many and varied arrangements used at Culvert entrances, including
both pre-fabricated and cast-in-place types. Usually, Culvert entrances are made
either by highlighting part of the Culvert outside the backfill, or by implementing
vertical walls at the entry hole of cast-in-place concrete, or by placing
prefabricated Culvert terminal pieces or By making an end wrap around the
Culvert section in proportion to the slope of the backfill body, as shown in Figure

Figure (1-3): The different arrangements of the phrase entries

Structural stability, architectural form, erosion control and backfill preservation
are taken into consideration when choosing shape arrangements within the
Culvert it is possible to increase the capacity

Culvert hydraulics With appropriate selection of inlet arrangements, the beveled

ends of the Culvert inlet are more efficient than square ends. As well as the
slanted sides and the extra slope of the phrase entrance indicates the quality of
the entrance because it increases the hydraulic efficiency of the Culvert by
decreasing the flow losses. Figures (3-2) and (3-3) represent the beveled sides and
the slanted sides and the excessive slope of the phrase entrance and their effect
on flow

1- The condition and speed of the approaching flow of the Culvert .

2- Dimensions of the phrase segment.
3- The speed and condition of the flow at the exit of the Culvert .


1.Straight wall:

It is used as an entrance for small Culvert with a simple inclination inclination, and
when the axis of the outlet is almost identical to the axis of the Culvert , this type
can also be used as an exit for the Culvert if the speed of the water exit is small
and its back wall is of a strong material that is difficult to eat and slither.

2.Wall shaped corner:

It is used as an input for the Culvert if the Culvert layout is such that it requires a
sudden change in the direction of the flow approaching it

3.The wall is shaped like a duct:

Which is used as an entrance to the Culvert as it is easy to implement and is

sometimes used as an exit for the Culvert if the exit speed is small and the back
canal is made of a strong material that is difficult to sculpt.

4.Obtuse walls:

It is used as an input for the phrase if the incoming discharges are relatively large.
In this case, the value of the diffraction angle is not determined by a specific value
and can be taken within (30_75) degrees. This type of walls can also be used as an
exit if the value of the velocities at the exit is large, it is preferable that the walls
be Obtuse so that it tends with the direction of the longitudinal axis of the Culvert
It should be noted that if the velocity of the outgoing flow of the Culvert is very
large, the energy of the outgoing flow must be dissipated using one of the
dissipation facilities such as a calming pond or the use of inclined bottom.

5.Rubble Barriers:

The rubble barrier is designed to be placed at the entrance of the Culvert to

prevent the floating debris from entering the Culvert , causing its blockage. Of
reinforced concrete


Hydrological analysis includes estimating the design flow rate, which depends on
the characteristics of the run-off basin and climatic characteristics. This analysis is
one of the most important concepts in the design of the phrases. When there are
statistical doubts about the hydrological analysis, the results of the analysis will
not be as accurate as required for the hydrological analysis of the phrase.
1.Knowing the maximum permissible height of the water. In the event that a large
rise of the water is not allowed in front of the ferry, this leads to an increase in
the dimensions of its section, and thus to an increase in the costs of its

• The decrease in the dimensions of the Culvert leads to an increase in the height
of the water heading in front of it, which may cause problems for the road itself
and for the stream due to the erosion resulting from the expected high speeds.
Also, for the passage over the road as a result of the possible flooding of the
water collected in front of the Culvert .

Therefore, we find that the problem that must be solved in principle is limited to
determining the maximum permissible height of the water in front of the Culvert
while reducing construction costs as much as possible.

2.The highest design flow (peak flow): When the flood wave crosses a point along
the stream, the flow increases to the upper limit and then recedes, the higher
flow rate is called the peak flow and that the peak flow was and still is the main
factor in the design process of the phrase, in the design The traditional ferry
construction is done in the size that passes the peak flow from one side of the
road body to the other side, taking into account an acceptable level of water in
front of the Culvert entrance. The intensity of the peak flow depends on the
repetition time and the repetition time depends on the importance of the road
and the expected damages as a result of the flood. For the areas equipped with
scales, statistical analyzes are performed according to the flow recorded in the
torrent stream, in order to obtain the design peak flow estimate for a specific
repetition time. The accuracy of this estimate increases with the increase in the
measurements taken. As for the unmeasured areas, there are more difficult
design problems.

1.Location data: Location data to consider are:-

1. culverts location:

It is ideal to put the Culvert in the culvert to reduce the cost of earthworks.
However, this is not always possible. There are some families of streams that are
crooked and are not suitable for straight ferries, and in other cases the irrigation
canal has been diverted from its place to avoid the need for an unusually long
phrase. Figure 3-4 shows two examples of ferry location procedures, The first is in
which the phrase is compatible with the straightness of the natural channel and
the second represents the channel letter to shorten the length of the phrase

Figure 3-4: Culvert locating cases

2.Water course data:

The installation of the Culvert to carry water across the body of the road leads to
a reduction in the area of the flood level. In order to predict the outcome of this
modification, some precise data is required before the implementation process.
This data includes information on the cross-section, channel slope, channel
hydraulic resistance and flood level, any conditions that may affect the water
level in the area beyond the Culvert exit, and the water-collecting capacity prior
to the Culvert entrance. It is useful to take some photographs of the conditions
and condition of the site.

Required data about the Hungarian:

1.Cross sections:

It is preferable to take the data of the cross-section of the duct by means of the
field area. Data of at least three cross-sections must be taken to determine the
slope of the stream, and these sections are as follows:

• A section 30 meters before the intersection with the road (ie, before the
supposed Culvert entrance).

• A section 30 meters after the intersection with the road (ie, after the supposed
Culvert exit).
• A section located between the two previous sections at the axis of the road. The
width of the normal stream, the slope of the sides and the width of the flood level
can be obtained from the previous cross-sections. These sections are also useful
to ensure the accuracy of the available topographic maps. Figure 3-5 shows the

locations of the three cross sections to be made.

2.Regression of the gullet:

The slope or longitudinal inclination of the stream adjacent to the assumed

expression must be determined in order to fit the expression in the vertical
section and to determine the characteristics of the flow in the natural stream.
Often the phrase is placed with the same longitudinal inclination of the stream.
The depth of the stream points can be known from the cross-sections and by
knowing the distance between the cross-sections, the longitudinal inclination of
the waterway is calculated.

3.Resistance to flow:

The hydraulic resistance factor of the natural channel must be determined to

calculate the flow conditions. This coefficient is called the Mange factor and its
value is as follows:

. In the case of a regular cross-section ranging from (01._08.)

. In the case of irregular cross section, the previous value should be increased by

. In the case of flows from the highest mountains and at the peak flow rate its
value ranges from (04._05.)

4.Water level behind the Culvert exit:

The Culvert performance is affected by the water level near its outlet. Therefore,
it is necessary to verify that there is no significant rise in the level of this water
when the flood occurs. And making sure that there are no obstacles or any other
things that lead to a large storage of water behind the exit of the Culvert . Also,
the water level at the exit of the Culvert depends on the water level in the outlet
channel, and this level can be calculated accurately using water level calculation
methods, or it can be estimated using simplified approximations of water depth.
5.Storage capacity in front of the Culvert entrance:

The water storage capacity in front of the Culvert entrance may affect its design.
Storage capacity can be obtained from large-scale contour maps of the Culvert
runoff area. It is preferable that the contour lines of these maps be spaced no
more than 50 meters. If these maps are not available, storage capacity can be
obtained by making cross-sections of the stream in this area.

6.Route line data:

The existing road line, or assumed to be, affects the cost of the Culvert , its
hydraulic power and its direction. The longitudinal section of the road line, as well
as on the cross sections, can be obtained from the preliminary drawings of the
road or from the typical details of the road sections. The required data are:

1.Road cross section:

The vertical cross-section of the road line is typically available from highway
plans. In any case, the cross section that the phrase designer needs is the section
located at the area of intersection with the rail line. This section can be tilted at
an angle to the road axis as shown in Figure (3-6).
2.The length of the phrase:

The dimensions and measurements of the Culvert will become clear when
measuring and knowing the required cross section of the road. Culvert
dimensions will be known by applying the assumed Culvert line to the cross
section of the road and to the location of the flow line as shown in Figure 3-6. This
application will determine the level of the input and output base of the phrase
This ratio as well as the resulting phrase length will be approximate until the final
measurements of the phrase are fixed

3.Longitudinal section of the road:

The longitudinal section of the road shows the area of intersection with the flow
line and that the road body at the intersection with the stream acts as a dam, and
the Culvert represents a natural release gate for the waters of this dam, and the
top of the road represents an emergency flow nozzle in the excessive rise in the
water level in front of the road body and that the location of the top of the road
At the intersection with the flow line, follow the dimensional (geometric) studies
of the longitudinal section of the road, see Figure (3-7)
Figure (3-7): The longitudinal section of the road at its intersection with the

The longitudinal section in the road plans represents a longitudinal section

passing along the road axis. Therefore, the levels of this line may not be the
highest point in the cross-section of the road. Therefore, the designer of the
phrase has to select the longitudinal section that proves the levels of the flood or
spill points from among the available schemes.

4.The height of the water column in front of the Culvert :

The most economical Culvert is one that uses the height of its water column at its
inlet to pass the design flow. Therefore, the discharge capacity of the Culvert
increases with the increase in the level of the water column at its entrance. The
design of the water column level in front of the Culvert entrance depends on
several factors, the most important of which are economic considerations and
regulatory restrictions. Summarizing the data required in the design of the Culvert
1. Peak flow is measured or calculated by mathematical formulas
2. The location of the Culvert is based on the characteristics of the
location, including the information it contains about the duct (cross-
sections – slope – straightness).
3. Cross sections by field survey or by topographic maps.
4. Resistance to flow through inspection, photography and calculation.
5. The actual water level behind the exit through field survey or
topographic maps


1. First case: (inlet and outlet are immersed)

It occurs when the drain below the phrase is incomplete, so the design control is
at the outlet below the drain

2. Second case: (inlet is immersed and drain is free)

Occur when the discharge below the phrase is incomplete, the design control is at
the exit below the phrase

3. Third case: (the inlet partial discharge is immersed)

Occurs when the depth of the water at the outlet is less than its value, and thus a
partial flow occurs and the control is at the inlet.


It is calculated from the relationship:

𝐴 2 1
𝑄= × 𝑅3 × 𝑆 2 … … … (3 − 1)



N = Manning coefficient

R = hydraulic radius

R=A/P ………. (3-2)

P = wet ocean

S = surface inclination

Q=Flow rate m3/s

The discharge can be calculated from the following:

Q=A×R×I………. (3-3)

Whereas :

A = wet area

R = intensity of rain

I = intensity rate of rain

The intensity of rain is calculated from:

𝑅= … … … (3 − 4)
𝑇 + 16

T = rain time (minutes)


Entry energy losses:

𝐻 𝑖𝑛 = 𝐾 × … … … (3 − 5)

Output power losses:

𝐻 𝑜𝑢𝑡 = … … … (3 − 6)

Flow energy losses:

H f=I×S………. (3-7)

Whereas :

K = coefficient always taken (0.5)

V = running speed

G = Earth's gravity

I = length of the arch

S = inclination of the bridge surface

Total energy losses = inlet energy losses + inlet energy losses + flow energy losses

H t = (K×V^2/2g) + (V^2/2g) + (I×S)………. (3-8)

Q = A×V………. (3-9)

V = Q/A……… (3-10)

Substituting the value of V into equation (1), we find that:

V = 1/n × R^(2/3) × S^0.5………. (3-11)

S=H/L………. (3-12)

V = 1/N × R^(2/3) × (H/L)^0.5………. (3-13)

V^2 =1/N^2 × R^(4/3) ×H/L………. (3-14)

H = V^2 × N^2 × L/R^(4/3) ……….(3-15)

Total losses =

Ht=(K×V^2/2g)+(V^2×N^2×I/R^(4/3) )+(V^2/2g)………(3-16)

Ht=[I+K+N^2×I×2g/r^(4/3) ]×V^2/2g………..(3-17)

From the continuity equation we find:

V^2=Q^2/A^2 =(16Q^2)/(D^4 × π)……….(3-18)

Compensating in the equation for losses:

Ht=[I+K+N^2×I×2g/r^(4/3) ]×(8Q^4)/(D^4×π^2×g)……….(3-18)


Y=3m B=8m Z=1.7m Q c = 30 m3/s

Whereas :

B=road width

Y = height of the arch

Z = lateral tilt

Q c=flow (discharge)

1. We find the area of the watercourse from the following relationship:

A c = [B+Z×Y]×Y

=[8+1.7×3]×3=39.3 m^2

2. We calculate the velocity of discharge into the waterway from the following

=30/39.3=0.76 m/s

3. We calculate the velocity of the bridge:


Vculvert=2×0.76=1.52 m/s
Conditions must be met:

1.2<V culvert <1.8


4. We calculate the area of the drop:

A culvert=Qc/(V culvert)=30/1.52=19 7 m^2

5. Calculate the area of the arch opening:

A culvert=3^2=9 m^2

6. Calculate the speed of the bridge for the selected aperture:-

The speed of the gantry must be achieved for the selected aperture:

2>V culvert >0.8


So the speed is acceptable

7. We calculate the safety of the hydraulic design of the bridge from the
𝐻 𝑢𝑝 = 𝑉 𝑐𝑢𝑙𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑡 2 [ 𝐶 𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟 + 𝐶 𝑒𝑥𝑖𝑡 + 𝐶 𝑝 + 𝐶 𝑠𝑐 ]

Whereas :-

C enter = Depends on lost entries

C exit = Depends on the loss of entries and its value is (1)

Calculate a value that was from C sc, C p from the following relationships:
𝑏 1
𝐶𝑝 =𝑎 (1+ )×
𝑟 𝑟
𝐶 𝑠𝑐 = ∅ [ ] sin(𝑎)

Whereas :-

L = length of the arch

R = wet perimeter – calculated from the relationship :- R = s/4

∅= Factor dependent on the skewers sector

A= The angle of inclination of the grid is usually 60°

T = diameter of rebar

B=distance between rebar

Substituting in the previous two equations, we find that: - R = 4/4 = 1

A table showing the different values of friction coefficients:

Concrete Steel
A 0.005 0.004
B 0.03 0.02

0.003 8
𝐶 𝑝 = 0.005 (1 + ) × = 0.041
1 1
Assume :-

T=12 ∅ = 1.7

B=25 sin(60) =

12 √3
𝐶 𝑠𝑐 = 1.78 ( )× = 0.739
25 2

Substituting in the equation, we find that:

𝐻 𝑢𝑝 = × [0.05 + 1 + 0.041 + 0.739] = 19.47 𝑐𝑚 < 20 𝑐𝑚
2 × 9.81

The integrity of the design has been confirmed, and therefore it is safe and usable




This guide presents the structural design procedures for ferries in compliance
with the LRFD method (Load and Resistance Factor Design Method).


Clearances are generally determined by both vertical and horizontal types for
large installations on water and navigational crossings, such as bridges and
Culvert , in consultation with the relevant government agencies (Coast Guard or
any other relevant authorities).

As for the regular expressions (tube – box – arc – elliptical .. etc.), there are
minimum limits for these clearances that the designer must abide by and take
into account when designing.

1.Horizontal clearances:

The horizontal clearances of the Culvert represent the width of the Culvert which
may be equal to or greater than the width of the road, here we have two cases

A – If there are safety zones on both sides of the road, as shown in the figure

This case is characterized by the absence of protective barriers and it is here:

CULVERT width = width of the road + width of safety zones

B. In the absence of safety zones on both sides of the road:

This case is characterized by the presence of protection barriers, and the display
of the phrase is according to the type of barrier as shown in the table

Table (4-1): Display the phrase by type of protection barrier Type of barrier

Barrier type Culvert width

A metal barrier a W syllable or Road width + 3 m

a thrie

Concrete barrier type porta Road width + 2.3 m

Solid concrete barrier Road width + 1 m


2.Vertical clearances:.

There are two cases:

A-Vertical clearances for ferries on waterways other than canals:

Vertical clearances can be shown in the following table

Type of Culvert Aperture length Vertical clearance Fulfillment of the
following additional
Tupe Culvert Less than 3.65 m The ratio of the depth of To pass the calculated
water flowing into the flow for a return period
Culvert to the diameter of 100 years without
of the Culvert is less flooding the road
than or equal to 1.25 for
a calculated flow for a
return period of 25 years
Closed box Culvert Less than 3.65 m The ratio of the depth To pass the calculated
of water flowing into the flow for a return period
Culvert to the diameter of 100 years without
of the Culvert is less flooding the road
than or equal to 1.25 for
a calculated flow for a
return period of 25 years
All other types of Lerger or Equal 6 m No less than 6 meters
bridge and Culvert for a flow calculated
structures over a return period of
50 years

B. Vertical clearances for Culvert on water channels:

The vertical clearance of all Culvert and bridges on aqueducts shall not be less than
3 m, with the additional condition that the highest flow passes from under the
lowest element of the structure.

Design of cast-in-place concrete must comply with "section 5" and section 12" of
the AASHTO LRFD bridge design specification


Class 40 concrete and Class 60 steel reinforcement will be used in this design

It is possible to use Class 40B concrete for the foundations, the floor of the gate
and its walls. Class 40A concrete is used for the roof slabs, up to the height of the
backfill not exceeding 0.6 m, but in case the backfill height exceeds this limit,
concrete must be used (Class 40B(


The main armature shall be placed in the case of ferries inclined at an angle of
more than 25 from the axis of the road, so that it is perpendicular to the
longitudinal axis of the ferry. In the case of ferries inclined at an angle less than or
equal to 25 from the axis of the road, the main armament is placed diagonally from
the axis of the road with the same inclination of the ferry, and the length of the
Culvert opening is calculated on the basis of the existing slope.

• The length of the opening of the concrete Culvert poured in the place with closed
box sections must not, in any case, exceed 4.5 m. . The length of the opening in the
case of sections with legs (open box) should not, in any case, exceed 7.6 m.

Figure (4-2) Box sections and open sections.

When the length of the aperture exceeds the previous limits, other sections must
be selected, such as the multi-slot sections.

If the distance between the finished paving surface and the ferry slab surface is less
than 100mm, the thickness of the concrete covering of the top layer of iron shall be
less than 65mm. All iron located at a depth of less than 100 mm from the surface
of the slab shall be epoxy coated.
However, if the distance between the finished paving surface and the Culvert slab
surface is greater than 100 mm and less than 600 mm, the thickness of the concrete
covering of the upper layer of iron must not be less than 65 mm. It is not required
that the iron be epoxy coated.

If the distance between the surface of the finished paving and the surface of the
ferry slab is greater than 600 mm, the thickness of the concrete covering of the
upper layer of iron must not be less than 60 mm, and it is not required that the iron
be coated with epoxy.

• The thickness of the Culvert walls shall not be less than 254 mm and shall be
armed with reinforcing nets

• The thickness of the slab must not be less than 205 mm or 30/(3000+S),
whichever is greater, as the length of the opening S (mm) represents the net
distance between the sides of the walls and through it the minimum thickness is


The structural design of the statements must be consistent with the state of the
service boundary (1 – Service) and the state of the resistance limit (Strength-I).
According to the tables that give the load coefficients, we form the following table:
Table (4-3) Factors of design loads in the two service cases – and the resistance
limit condition -

The following is an explanation of all types of payloads in the previous table and
how to calculate them

1. Dead weight of reinforced concrete (Concrete Member D.L)

The weight of reinforced concrete is assumed to be 2.4 tons/m.
2. Backfill dead weight (Earth Fill D.L)
The self-weight of the backfill is taken. The self-weight of the backfill must be
adjusted by multiplying it by a factor that takes into account the interaction
between the facility and the backfill. This overlap factor is given as:

 For the case of the backfill body (typical case): so that the value of F does
not exceed 1.15 when installing with the presence of the backfill stacked on
both sides of the box-section. And that its value does not exceed 1.4 for
other cases

Fe = 1 +0.2 (H/Bc) ----- (4-1)


H = Height of the backfill above the slab surface (m).

B = the measurement of the phrase aperture between the faces

• For the case of installation in a trench:

𝐶𝑑 × 𝐵𝑑 2
𝐹𝑡 = ≤ 𝐹𝑒 … … . (4 − 2)
𝐻 × 𝐵𝑐


Cd : factor

Bd : horizontal width of the trench

Figure (4-3) Finding Scheme of C

3. Lateral soil pressure

It should be assumed that the soil pressure is linearly proportional to its depth,
depending on the coefficient of rest pressure given by the following relationship

𝐾 = 1 − sin ∅ … … … (4 − 3)


∅ = Soil internal friction angle

4.Earth Surcharge

When the structure is buried, the backfill above the slab constitutes additional
pressure, and then a uniformly distributed horizontal soil pressure must be added in
addition to the basic soil pressure. This additional lateral pressure depends on the
comfort pressure factor k.
5.Live Load Surcharge The additional lateral pressure on the Culvert wall due to
the live load is compensated for, assuming an equivalent additional backfill height
as shown in the table

Table (4-4): Additional Soil Height Equivalent to Lateral Pressure Due to Live

The height of the structure from the Equivalent additional soil height
surface to the bottom of the (Heq)
foundation (H)

So high 1.5 m 1.5 m

From 1.5 m So 3 m 1.2 - 0.2 (H - 1.5)
From 3 m So 6 m 0.9 – 0.1(H – 3)
Larger from 6 m 0.6 M

6.Live Loads.

When the Culvert opening is greater than 4.5 m, the design live loads will be either
a truck with a lane load or a TANDEM load.

When the Culvert opening does not exceed 4.5 m, only the axle load of the truck or
the axle load of the two-wheeler will be applied.

The applicable live load will be for one traffic lane, taking into consideration the
multi-existence probability factor and its application to the live load.
7.Shock factor

The impact factor is taken as follows in the relationship

𝑀𝐼 = 33(0.1 − 4.1 × 10−4 𝐷𝑒) ≥ 0% … … … (4 − 4)


D: the minimum depth of the soil cover above the origin. (mm).

The shock coefficient applies only to truck or tandem loads.


There are two cases:

a. If the backfill height is less than 0.6 m:

Here are also two cases:

1- Traffic parallel to the Culvert opening (normal case):

The analysis will be done by loading a single lane and then entering the probability
factor of multiple presence (Being in more than one lane at the same time).

The axial load will be distributed on the top of the slab in order to calculate the
torque, thrust and shear forces as follows:

E = 2440 +0.12 (S) ----- (4-5)

Espan = LT + LLDF (H) ----- (4-6)


E: Width of the lateral distribution perpendicular to the origin opening mm.

Espan: width of the lateral distribution parallel to the origin aperture, mm.

S: net hole length mm.

Lr: the length of the area of contact of the tire with the asphalt, and this length is
parallel to the opening of the Culvert m.

H: depth of backfill from the top of the Culvert to the top of the pavement m

LLDF: Backfill Distribution Factor and Taken 1.15 or 1.

 The width of the parabolic slab used for the upper slab, is also used for the
walls and the lower slab

2- The traffic is perpendicular to the Culvert opening:

Here the live payload will be distributed according to clause 4-6-2-1 of MA-100-

B. If the backfill height is greater than or equal to 0.6 m:

* In this case, the tire load can be considered as a uniformly distributed load over
a rectangular area with dimensions equal to the dimensions of the contact area
between the tire and the pavement with an increase of 1.15 times the depth of the
gravel backfill or by the amount of the backfill depth in cases of backfilling from
materials other than gravel.

* As for the heat load, it is distributed over a width of 3.56 m for all cases.

 The dimensions of the tire contact area with the paving are 508 mm in the
transverse direction and 254 mm in the longitudinal direction. When the
spaces overlap each other, the total load will be distributed within the
perimeter resulting from this interference

 The live load can be ignored if the backfill depth is greater than 2.4 m and
exceeds the total length of the structure.
* And if the value of the bending torque resulting from the calculated live load,
depending on its distribution within the backfill depth, is greater than 0.6 m,
greater than the calculated turning torque for a backfill depth of less than 0.6 m
(the first case), then the value of the turning torque resulting from the case of a
backfill depth less than 0.6 m is adopted.

4-2-6 Armament requirements

1. Minimum area for longitudinal armament:

See paragraph 3-4-11-12 of (AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design

In all cases, the minimum armament area must adequately resist the value 1.2 Mcr
or the value 1.33 Mu whichever is less.


Mcr : the torque that leads to the occurrence of cracking

Mu : torque due to applied loads

2. Cross-sectional reinforcement area:

𝐴 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡 = 1750 × ≥ 0.5 𝐴𝑠 … … … (4 − 7)


A dist : the area of the transverse reinforcement (mm),

As : the area of the longitudinal reinforcement (mm).

L: the length of the ferry opening (mm).

3. Cracking Control:
In order to adjust the crack the value is taken 𝛾𝑒 = 0.75 No To compensate for it
in the relationship, the spacing of the reinforcing bars in the layer close to the
tension face must be achieved:

𝑠≤ … … . (4 − 8)
𝛽𝑠 × 𝑓𝑠𝑠
𝛽𝑠 = 1 + … … … (4 − 9)
0.7(ℎ − 𝑑𝑐)

Where :-

𝛾𝑒 =exposure factor

Equals 1 for Class 1 exposure status.

Equals 0.75 For Class 2 exposure condition.

Dc: Concrete covering thickness (mm).

Fss: tensile stress in rebar (Mpa).

H: total thickness, element depth (mm).

Class 1 exposure condition applies when cracks are allowed due to reduced
concern for appearance or wear. Class 2 exposure condition shall apply to the
tangential design of modular concrete box beams for any loads applied before full
nominal concrete strength has been achieved and when there is excessive concern
for appearance and corrosion.
Reference Calculations Output

 Structural design account

 Box Culvert Design :-

ϒs=18 kn/m3 ϒw=9.81 kn/m3

ϒc=24 kn/m3
TS=TW=T=300 mm c=50 mm
H=0.5 m lspan=3000 m
w=1 m
 Loads :-
1. Dead load :-
S.w top slab :
Dctop = t* ϒc*w=0.3*1*24=7.2kn/m
S.w of two haunch :
DC haunch = 2*h*t2*w* ϒc=2*0.5*0.32*1*24=
2.16 kn/m
Ls= ϒs*ko* Heq*w

Reference Calculations Output

3- Water load :-

For top slap :-

Wa= zero

For bottoms slap :-

Wa=h*w* ϒw=9.81*3*1=29.43kn/m

4- Live load :-

 It is clear that the two-axle vehicle gives more torque

than the design truck
Reference Calculations Output


E =2440 +0.12(S) =2440+0.12*3000=2.8m
E span =Lt +LLDF(H)=254+1*500=0.754 m
52.381*0.75=40 kn

Mmax = 11.52 Kn.m


Vmax = 64 kn
Reference Calculations Output

Dca= 7.2 Kn/m

Ev = 9.27 Kn/m Dcb = 25.9 Kn

Ehmax = 4.5 kn/m

WA = 29.43 Kn/m Ehmin = 2.25 kn/m



SAP 2000 is an engineering program used in structural analysis and design,

produced by Computer and Structure Inc., known as CSI for short.

The program depends in the analysis on the theory of finite elements, and through
the program it is possible to analyze and design all kinds of simple engineering
facilities, including those with spatial engineering sentences, and in complex
facilities of floor buildings, drawers, tanks of all kinds, crustaceans and any
structural system in general.


1. Starting a new model:

2. Adjust units and insert grid lines

3. Definition of materials (concrete and steel reinforcement)

4. Define the used clips
5. Define load states
6. Definition of load combinations
7. Model drawing
8. Define soil pressure

9. Enter the loads on the members

A)Dead load B) Live lode
C) Earth pressure – vertical D) Earth pressure – horizontal - max

E) Earth pressure – horizontal min F) Surchage


G) Water pressure
10.Adjust analysis settings

11.Read the results of the analysis

12.Read design results

The following figure shows the area of rebar in each section

Figure (1-5) results of the analysis

Figure (2-5)

Top Slab :-

Comb. 1 :-

Max shear:- VSAP =146.9 Kn

VManual =181.44 Kn

Max negative moment :-

MSAP =69.59 Kn.m

MMANUAL =58.59 Kn.m

Max positive moment :-

MSAP =47.59 Kn.m

MMANUAL =48.33 Kn.m

Comb. 2 :-

Max shear:- VSAP =146.11 Kn

VManual =181.44 Kn

Max negative moment :-

MSAP =48.19 Kn.m

MMANUAL =42 Kn.m

Max positive moment :-

MSAP =68.93 Kn.m

MMANUAL =47.12 Kn.m

Comb 3 :-
Max shear:- VSAP =21.68 Kn

VManual =21.64 Kn

Max negative moment :-

MSAP =25.8 Kn.m

MMANUAL =18.44 Kn.m

Side wall :-

Comb. 1

Max shear:- VSAP =68.83 Kn

VManual =50.01 Kn

Max negative moment :-

MSAP =43.02 Kn.m

MMANUAL =44.66 Kn.m

Max positive moment :-

MSAP =6.03 Kn.m MMANUAL =10.61 Kn.m

Comb. 2 :-

Max shear:- VSAP =15.65 Kn

VManual =9.54 Kn

Max negative moment :-

MSAP =34.52 Kn.m

MMANUAL =46.32 Kn.m

Comb. 3 :-

Max shear:- VSAP =73.46 Kn

VManual =58.72 Kn

Max negative moment :-

MSAP =19.18 Kn.m

MMANUAL =18.44 Kn.m

Max positive moment :-

MSAP =29.84 Kn.m

MMANUAL =22.31 Kn.m

Bottom slab :-

Comb. 1 :-

Max shear:- VSAP =149.62 Kn

VManual =173.38 Kn

Max negative moment :-

MSAP =70.37 Kn.m

MMANUAL =58.48 Kn.m

Max positive moment :-

MSAP =46.99 Kn.m

MMANUAL =63.51 Kn.m

Comb. 2 :-

Max shear:- VSAP =147.245 Kn

VManual =184.59 Kn

Max negative moment :-

MSAP =45.79 Kn.m

MMANUAL =30.06 Kn.m

Max positive moment :-

MSAP =70.77 Kn.m MMANUAL =82.23 Kn.m

Comb. 3 :-

Max shear:- VSAP =42.81 Kn

VManual =30.26 Kn

Max negative moment :-

MSAP =36.9 Kn.m

MMANUAL =28.71 Kn.m

Chapter Six

1. Choosing the appropriate paths, opening all entrances and roads leading to
the Culvert , and making improvements to all existing roads.
2. When we study the design of Culvert , we recommend researchers to
address this topic because of its solutions Lots of problems and obstacles in
roads, trains and drainage networks.
3. In our study of the research, we did not address the tests of the types of
rocks found in the soil and the study of the types of rocks Different soils
4. We recommend researchers to use analysis programs and design Culvert .
5. We recommend researchers to know the difference in design results using
computer program and use Manual design.
6. To choose the appropriate design method for the Culvert according to the
results of the preliminary studies for the design of The Culvert. which
include road and soil studies, the type and location of the Culvert and the
purpose of its design.


The need to use box Culvert in neighborhood entrances and rain drains led to the
study of this type of Culvert and the work of this study, which found that there is
no difficulty in designing and constructing box Culvert using manual design and
using computer program.

1-HYDRAULIC DESIGN OF HIGHWAY CULVERTS First Edition The first edition of

this Hydraulic Design Series was published in 1985 (FHWA-IP-85-15). The authors
were J.M. Normann, R.J. Houghtalen and W.J. Johnston with Jerome M. Normann
and Associates, Norfolk, VA. The FHWA Project Manager was John M. Kurdziel and
the Technical Assistants were Phil Thompson, Dennis Richards and Sterling Jones
2-B.P. Tullis, DS Anderson, and S.C. Robinson. Entrance loss coefficients and inlet
control head- discharge relationships for buried-invert culverts Journal of
Irrigation and Drainage Engineer 134(6).831-839, November/December 2008

3-I.K. Tuncock and L.W. Mays. Hydraulic culverts and highway structures. In L.W.
Mays, editor, Hydraulic Design Handbook, pp. 15.1-15.71. McGraw-Hill Company,
New York, 1999

4-J.M. Normann R.J. Haughtalen and W.J. Johnson. Hydraulic design of highway
culvert Hydraulic Design Series no 5 (HDS-5). Federal Highway Administration,
Washington, DC. 2d ed., 2001. Revised 2005.


Pencil Engineering Consultants 19/20 Grosvenor Place London SW1X 7HP and PO.
Box 1046 Baghdad

6-Channel Design guide (Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs)

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