Tawana Resources Press Release - July 13, 2011

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13th July 2011

Corporate Directory Warwick Grigor Non-Executive Chairman

Acquisition of Additional Highly Prospective Ground in Liberia


Julian Babarczy Non-Executive Director Euan Luff Non-Executive Director

Tawana has secured binding exclusivity and exclusive rights to due diligence on a significant, highly prospective Birimian land package in Sinoe County, South-Eastern Liberia referred to as the Sinoe Project. The Sinoe Project area covers 400km2 within arguably one of the most prospective Birimian gold structures currently being explored in Liberia; the Dugbe Shear. There are extensive alluvial and hard rock workings within the licence area which has seen no modern day exploration. The Sinoe Project area is 20km along strike from Hummingbirds (AIM:HBR) Dugbe Resource (0.8Moz) and 40km along strike from NT Resources (ASX:NTR) Bukon Jedeh advanced exploration project. Ongoing geochemical sampling and mapping at Lofa and Nimba has identified additional artisanal workings within the Nimba licence and younger hematite dusted porphyritic granites. Full assay results are expected late August. A highly experienced Senior Geologist has been recruited to manage field exploration activities in Liberia as well as target generation and due diligence on prospective opportunities both in Liberia and throughout West Africa.

Matthew Bowles Non-Executive Director Len Kolff Chief Executive Officer Winton Willesee Joint Company Secretary Aaron Finlay Joint Company Secretary Contact Details Principle & Registered Office: Suite 25, 145 Stirling Highway Nedlands, Western Australia Postal Address: P.O. Box 3144 Broadway, Nedlands WA 6009 Website www.tawana.com.au Phone +61 8 9389 3140 Facsimile +61 8 9389 3199

ASX CODE: TAW Cash Balance (12/7/11): $4.7m

The Directors of Tawana Resources NL (ASX: TAW) are pleased to announce the acquisition, pending successful due diligence of a highly prospective land package in Sinoe County, south-eastern Liberia referred to as the Sinoe Project. This represents Tawanas ongoing commitment to future growth.

13th July 2011

The mineral exploration licence covers 400km2 of Birimian aged rocks along arguably the most prospective gold mineralised structure being explored in Liberia today; the Dugbe Shear.

Sinoe Project

Sinoe Project

Project location in SE Liberia showing road access (black lines; sealed and laterite) on topography (hot colors higher elevation, cool colors lower elevation) on left and regional tectonic setting with major shear zones marked on right.

The project area is 25km along strike from Hummingbirds (AIM:HBR) 0.8Moz Dugbe Project and 40km along strike from NT Resources (ASX:NTR) Bukon Jedeh Project. Both projects are hosted along secondary and tertiary order structures adjacent to the main Dugbe Shear. Similar structural targets have been defined in the government regional aeromagnetics data over the Sinoe Project area. The area is characterised by numerous artisanal gold workings observed in the field during recent site due diligence activities. The area is also characterised by numerous quartzite, graphite and manganese occurrences on the USGS Geological map of Liberia; all favourable indications for gold prospectivity.

Artisanal workings observed within the project area

13th July 2011

An aggressive field sampling and mapping programme is being designed to commence within the coming weeks. Blanket, wide spaced soil traverses within the license area and closer spaced soil traverses over high priority targets including hard-rock artisanal workings are being planned. Assessment of access, artisanal workings in the area and geological mapping will also be undertaken. A communitys consultation programme will be undertaken on commencement of field work to ensure a social license to operate.

Sinoe Project area on regional total aeromagnetic imagery showing approximate locations of advanced projects along strike to the east, access and two workings visited during site due diligence (white hammer and pick symbols).

Access is via paved and laterite road from Monrovia to Greenville and access track from Greenville to the project area. Under the terms of the agreement, the Company has secured the services of the vendors expatriate site manager to build access tracks, additional camp facilities and maintain logistical supplies to facilitate exploration activities. Tawana Resources has paid an initial exclusivity option fee to Global Mineral Investment Incorporated, the tenement holder of the Sinoe Project area, securing binding exclusivity and exclusive rights to due diligence. The details of the transaction remain commercial-inconfidence with full acquisition details to be provided on completion of successful due diligence by Tawana. Lofa and Nimba Projects Field work including regional mapping and stream sediment sampling and targeted soil traverses across high priority target areas defined by geology and artisanal workings is almost complete on the Lofa and Nimba projects. Additional artisanal alluvial gold workings have been located

13th July 2011

and confirmed within streams draining coincident topographic high, aeromagnetic high anomaly and favourable greenstone lithological and structural settings in the central and northern portion of the Nimba license. These are in addition to the workings already defined and currently being sampled in the south of the Nimba license along a 30km strike length structural ridge and magnetic high.

Left: Alluvial workings in Nimba with sub-angular to sub-rounded polymict quartz and mafic lithology coarse gravels piled in front of photo and more extensive workings covered by new growth in background. Workings cover approximately 400x100m area, Nimba. Central: washed gravels; sub-angular to sub-rounded monomict quartz gravels, Nimba. Right: exposed gravels in cut face; angular polymict occurrence suggests limited travel distance and conceivably to originate from surrounding hills, Nimba.

Maps showing Nimba license area over USGS geology (left) and government aeromagnetic survey total magnetic intensity (right). Additional artisanal workings found to date denoted by red hammer and pick symbols.

13th July 2011

The Nimba license area is considered highly prospective for multi Moz gold deposits due to: i. Proximity to and on splays off the Cestos Shear; a major scale crustal structure which hosts known gold deposits and projects ii. Proximity to the Ity Gold Mine (5Moz) iii. Structurally complex zone at contact between the Archean Craton to the west and Birimian complex to the east with inferred in-folding of Birimian aged rocks into Archean Craton and emplacement of Palaeoproterozoic granitoids into the folded rock package along major splay structures of the Cestos Shear. Recent mapping along soil traverses cut on the Nimba prospect has identified younger hematite dusted porphyritic alkaline feldspar-quartz-mica composition granites cross cutting the gneiss basement further enhancing the prospectivity of this area. Assay results for the full programme are expected late August. Senior Geologist Recruited The Company is pleased to announce the recruitment of Rockson Coffie as Senior Geologist primarily accountable for field programmes and target generation in Liberia as well as review and assessment of prospective opportunities throughout West Africa. Rockson is a Ghanaian national with in excess of 10 years experience in grassroots exploration, resource evaluation and mine geology both in Ghana and Liberia. Rockson has 5 years experience in Ghana with Ashanti Goldfields and Redback Mining (now Kinross Gold Corporation NYSE:KGC & TSX:K) working on Birimian gold systems and with a broad range of responsibilities including grassroots exploration programs to production critical mine geology roles. Over the last 5 years Rockson has been working on grassroots and advanced gold exploration programs throughout Liberia with Liberty International Mineral Corporation, Hummingbird Resources Ltd (AIM: HBR) and Shankill Resources Ltd over a broad range of Birimian and Archean geological settings throughout the country. Rocksons skills and relevant experience especially over the last 5 years in Liberia in similar geological and logistical settings we are working in now will be critical to Tawanas ongoing success and growth pipeline in Liberia and elsewhere throughout West Africa. We are very pleased to have Rockson on board, Len Kolff (CEO) commented. Tawanas new look website is live at www.tawana.com.au in line with its new management, new focus; new beginnings vision. About Liberia Liberia is a democratic country run by Her Excellency President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf; Africas first elected female head of state in 2005. The country is hugely prospective and hosts several world class iron ore deposits but yet is completely underexplored for gold and non-ferrous metals. Liberia has a modern and transparent mining code and the government is supportive of foreign investment especially in the exploration and mining industry to help unlock the value of its potential mineral wealth. Tawana will be one of the first ASX listed junior companies into Liberia following in the footsteps of mining majors BHPBilliton, Arcelor-Mittal and Severstal.

13th July 2011

Liberia is located in West Africa dominantly within the Archean aged Kenema Man Domain and lesser Birimian sediments to the east. There are a large number of world class mineral deposits located in the Archean and Birimian rock types throughout West Africa including Obuasi (40Moz+) and Tasiast (18Moz+). West Africa is one of the fastest growing mineral provinces in the world and Liberia currently hosts several world class iron ore deposits and is underexplored for gold. For further information, please contact: Lennard Kolff van Oosterwijk Chief Executive Officer
Competent Persons Statements The information in this report in so far that it relates to Liberian Project Exploration Results, Mineral Resources or Ore Reserves is based on information compiled by Lennard Kolff van Oosterwijk, who is a Member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists included in a list promulgated by the ASX from time to time. Lennard Kolff van Oosterwijk is a full-time employee of the company and has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2004 Edition of the Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves. Lennard Kolff van Oosterwijk consents to the inclusion in the report of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears.

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