Summary Corporations

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1. Extension of the life of corporation 3 years prior to expiry date

2. Number of incorporators 1 to 15
3. Number of board of directors; board of trustees should not exceed 15; may exceed 15
4. Independent directors atleast 20% of such board
5. Restriction and Preference: open/ordinary corp; close must be indicated in AoI and Stock Certifacate;
corporation AoI, Stock Certificate and By-laws
6. Report in writing to the SEC if a director, officer or Within 7 days from knowledge thereof
trustee die, resign or cease to hold office
7. Corporate Opportunity Doctrine Bound to account the profits unless ratified by
2/3 of the OCS
8. Acquiring Adverse Interest on a Matter Reposed in him Not subject to Ratification
in Confidence
9. Self- Dealing Directors/Officers Generally, voidable except (transaction will be
valid) when 1) presence not necessary to
constitute a quorum, vote not necessary for
approval, contract is fair and reasonable 2)
ratification of stock holders representing 2/3
of the OCS
10. Interlocking Directors Generally, valid except when there is fraud,
interest exceeds 20%( substantial) and the
other is nominal
11. Executive Committees not less than 3 members of the Board
12. Special Committees Audit Committee- at least 3 directors, one
should be an independent director
Nomination Committee- at least 3 members,
one should be an independent director
Compensation Committee- at least 3
one should be an independent director
13. Compensation of Director (all directors???) shall not exceed 10% of the net income before
14. Corporate Officers President- must be a director,
Treasurer- must be resident
Secretary- resident and citizen
Compliance Officer- required for corp with
public interest, issue a cert every Jan 31 for
the corporate compliance with this Code

Not allowed at the same time- to be the

President and Secretary, President and
15. Founder’s Share exclusive right to vote and be voted for a
period not to exceed 5 years
16. Voting Rights of Preferred Shares AASIIMID
17. Delinquent shares of stock no payment within 30 days on the date fixed
in the contract


Chain Distribution Plans/ Pyramid Sales Schemes not be employed in the sale of
consumer products

Home Solicitation Sales Not valid without permit from DTI

only form 9:00 AM- 7:00 PM
with proper identification and authority

Additional labeling requirements for food, drugs, cosmetics and cigarettes

Guarantee too workmanship and replacement of spare not less than 90 days


Lemon Law Rights/ Period during which the consumer can 12 months after the date of delivery or
report any conformity 20,000 kilometers whichever comes
Motor vehicle any self- propelled, four wheeled road
vehicle designed to carry passengers
Repair attempts within the Lemon Law rights period, and
after atleast 4 separate repair attempts
Deemed successful repair not returned within the 30 calendar
days from the date of n otice of release

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