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BY MANOS KARTSAKIS At this point you must look away. Only when the spectators indicate that they have completed these actions will you turn to face them. At this point, both spectators should be holding their hands behind their back. “Ok, in a few moments I will be asking a couple of simple questions, using your responses to those questions I will try to figure out if you are lying or telling the truth. Your only job is to answer each question in character, whilst trying not to give anything away. From experience, I have found that it is those who have chosen to lie that usually need a little more time to think about how they should answer. So, to give you a fair chance, I will give you some time to think about your answer before you say it. Lam even going to tell you what my first question will be, so you have time to think about your answer and then I am going to ask one of you this question. My first question is extremely simple, I am going to ask you “Do you have the object?” remember to answer in character. Take a moment to think about your answer. Good.” Note: For clarity, we will refer to the two spectators as spectator A and spectator B. Performer to Spectator A: “Do you have the object?” Spectator A: “Yes”. Performer: “Good. Now I will ask one of you another question. I will touch one of you on one of your hands and ask you if it contains the object. You must take a few seconds to think about your answer and then give me your answer when you are ready.” ‘The performer touches spectator B on his right arm and says: “Is the object in this hand?” Spectator B answers: “No”. The performer turns to spectator A, touches him on his right arm and says: “I PAGE 31

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