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(September 13, 2022)

Most Essential Learning Competency/ies:

Employ the appropriate communicative styles for various situations (intimate, casual,
conversational, consultative, frozen)


At the end of the lesson, students should be able to identify various communicative styles.


Intimate and casual Communicative Style


English 9 Quarter 1 Module 4: Communicative Styles


 Preliminaries
 Review

What are the types of modals that we have discussed?

Construct sentences that express prohibition, obligation and permission using modals.

 Motivation

Good communication opens doors… and poor communication closes them.

The way you communicate has a big impact on how you get on with people
and get the things you want. Good communication skills can help you avoid
conflict and solve problems-they`re also important for making friends and
maintaining good relationships.

 Activity

Guessing Game!
The teacher will be presenting pictures of people. The students will guess the
relationship of those people in the pictures presented.

 Analysis

Why do you think proper communication is important?

Through communication we can transfer information to produce greater
understanding. We have different styles in communicating. And these are called
communicative styles.Communicative styles pertain to the style we are using when we are
communicating with other people.

 Abstraction
Discuss the five types of communicative styles.

1. Intimate Communicative Style

It is defined as the total absence of social interactions. Used by participants who know each other
well or share a very close relationship. They may use words of endearment. (Ex: Between friends,
siblings, husband-wife, parents& children)

2. Casual Communicative Style

This style uses a language used between friends, peers, colleagues, and family. Participants can use a
language that only them can understand. Jargon, slang or vernacular language are used. Nicknames
are used in addressing one another. Some gays speak to each other using gay lingo and that’s an example of
a jargon. Only them can understand that language. The way you speak to your classmate is an
example of a casual communicative style.

3. Consultative Communicative Style

This style happens in a two-way participation. This is used in semi-formal situations in which the speaker
needs to give information and the listener has to give feedback. This is often used in business or in other
professional situations. Have you experience being called by the guidance counselor? If yes, then the way
you talked to each other is an example of this.

4. Formal Communicative Style

A style considered to be a straightforward speech. There is no participation from the listener and often used in
situations with one-way communication. Examples of these are speech in graduation ceremonies.

5. Frozen Communicative Style

It is also called as the oratorical style. The very formal style and is reserved for the most formal occasions
such as weddings, court proceedings and etc. It uses prescribed or highly formal language. Examples are
Pledge of Allegiance and a ritual that involves certain fixed statements.

 Application

Express what’s on your mind by answering the questions.

1. How does your relationship with others influence the way you communicate with them?
2. What is your most favorite communicative style. Why?


Direction: Answer the following on a ½ sheet of paper.Identify the communicative style

being asked on each item.
_______1. It is characterized by the total absence of social interactions.
_______2. In which of the following situations does NOT use the frozen style?
_______3. A communication between best friends is an example of ________.
_______4. It is a communicative style in which participants use endearment.
_______5. The SONA of the President is an example of _________.


Choose a type of communicative style. Create a conversation using the style that you have

Prepared by: Checked by:


Teacher I School Head

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