English 7 - Sept. 14

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(September 14, 2022)


At the end of the lesson, students are to:

 know the past perfect tense;

 write about past events and experiences using the past perfect; and
 do the tasks related to the past perfect tense


Past Perfect Tense


English 7 Quarter 1 Module 4: Past Tense


 Preliminaries
 Review

What is a verb?
What are the tenses of verb?
What are the two types of verbs?

 Motivation

Last year I___________ to Boracay with my friends.

Have went
Have gone
Answer: B- went ( Simple Past tense)

We ________ our parents in the province before the classes started.

Had visited
Has visited
Answer: A- Had Visited ( Past Perfect tense)

What is the difference between the two?

 Activity

Fill in the blanks.
Last night I was walking home next to the river Thames, when something strange happened to me. It was late at night and I
_________________ (have) a long and difficult day at work. There was a large full moon in the sky and everything was quiet. I was
and lonely and I _________________ (just have) a few pints of beer in my local pub, so I decided to stop by the riverside and look at
the moon for a while.
I sat on some steps very close to the water’s edge and looked up at the big yellow moon and wondered if it really was made of
cheese. I felt very tired so I closed my eyes and after a few minutes, I fell asleep. When I woke up, the moon _________________ (move)
behind a cloud and it was very dark and cold. The wind was blowing and an owl hooted in a tree above me. I rubbed my eyes and
started to get up, when suddenly I heard a splash. I looked down at the water and saw something. Something terrible and frightening,
and unlike anything I___ ever____ (see) before. Something was coming out of the water and moving towards me. Something green
and strange and ugly. It was a long green arm and it was stretching out from the water to grab my leg. I was so scared that I couldn’t
move. I _________________ (never be) so scared in my whole life. The cold green hand was moving closer and closer when
suddenly there was a blue flash and a strange noise from behind me.

 Analysis

PAST PERFECT TENSE is form by using the word “had” + past participle of the verb. It expresses
activities that existed or occurred before another activity in the past.

Ex. We had finished dinner when James called.

Event 1 – I stepped outside.
Event 2 – It started to rain.

It started to rain when I had just stepped outside.

 Abstraction

What are past perfect tense of verbs? Give one example and use it in a sentence.

 Application

 Why do we need to study Past perfect tense?

 What is the importance of knowing them?
 How are you going to relate it into real life situation?


Supply the blank with past perfect form of the verbs in parentheses.

1. This virus COVID19 ________________ havoc to the lives of humanity in the world.
2. After days of preparation, we finally finished the English 7 Module we __________
_______________. (make)
3. Writing poems ________________ my skill in writing literary pieces. (enhance)
4. Ms. Cruz said that she ___________________ many countries before her retirement.
5. Due to the new normal norm of educational system, many of our colleagues _____________
webinars for the enhancement of online and modular classes. (attend)


Use correct forms of past and past perfect tense.

_______1. Sussie said she (wash) the car before she (sell) it.
_______2. The milkman (put) the bottles down before he (ring) the doorbell.
_______3. They (live) in the village for ten years when they (decide) to move.
_______4. We (spend) two weeks in the spacecraft when we (land) on the moon.
_______5. She (put) out the cat before she (start) to clean the flat. Source: Language practice

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