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Institutional Vision (IV)

A Center of Development for professionals in medical allied courses

imbued with adequate technological information, professional
competencies, and behavioral attributes that commend them to excel in a
competitive workplace and model a meaningful community life.

Institutional Mission (IM)

Sustain a quality education that addresses the diverse career goals of local
and foreign students, by empowering them with professional work
information and competencies as well as behavioral attributes that should
prepare them to perform excellently in the workplace and to assume
responsibly a respectable peaceful community life anywhere in the country
and in the world.

Institutional Goals (IG)

CADOCIAN graduates who are excellent partners of the school and
community in the implementation of national and global socio-economic
growth programs and projects.

Core Values

Graduate Attributes
Responsible leader of one’s profession
Excellent performer
Patriotic member adaptive to relevant socio-cultural ideals
Globally competitive
Institutional Intended Learning Outcomes
1. Exercise leadership skills.
2. Engage in research activities.
3. Adopt research results in decision-making.
4. Establish exemplary performance in the workplace
5. Contribute to nation-building through active community involvement.
6. Exhibit globally acceptable professional skills.

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