2016 3 Pah State

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Section A [ 45 marks ] Answer all questions in this section .

1. A researcher counted the number of mosquito larvae in each of 42 randomly chosen areas of
1 metre by 1 metre in a large construction site. The results are summarised in the following stem and
leaf diagram.
Number of mosquito larvae
1 1 2 2 3 4 4 4 (7)
1 5 5 6 7 8 9 9 (7)
2 0 0 1 3 3 3 3 4 (8)
2 5 5 6 7 9 9 9 (7)
3 0 0 1 2 4 4 (6)
3 6 6 7 8 8 (5)
4 1 3 (2)
1|1 means 11 mosquito larva
(a) Find the median and the quartiles of these data. [4 marks]
(b) On graph paper and showing your scale clearly, draw a box plot to represent these data.
[3 marks]
The researcher moved to another construction site and collected similar data from that site.
(c) Comment on how the researcher might summarise both sets of raw data before drawing box plots.
[1 mark]

2. (a) State in words the relationship between two events P and Q when P(P  Q) = 0. [1 mark]
1 2
The events A and B are independent with P(A) = 4 and P(A  B) = 3 .
(b) P(B), [3 marks]
(c) P(B | A). [2 marks]

3. A random variable X has probability density function given by

, 0≤x <1 ,
x− , 1≤x≤k ,

0 otherwise,
f(x) =
where k is a positive constant.
(a) Sketch the graph of f(x). [2 marks]
(b) Show that k = 2 (1 + √5). [3 marks]
(c) Define fully the cumulative distribution function F(x). [3 marks]
(d) Write down the median of X [1 marks]
4. A computer company that recently developed a new software product wanted to estimate the mean
time taken to learn how to use this software by people who are somewhat familiar with computers.
Assume that the times taken by all persons who are somewhat familiar with computers to learn how to
use this software are normally distributed.
A random sample of 10 such persons was selected. The following data give the times taken
( in minutes) by these persons to learn how to use this software.
147 159 153 146 144
148 163 153 143 158
(a) Calculate unbiased estimates of the mean and variance of time taken to learn how to use this
software. [3 marks ]
(b) Find a 99% confidence interval for the mean time taken to learn how to use this software
[4 marks ]

5. A food company is planning to market a new type of frozen yogurt. However, before marketing this
yogurt, the company wants to find what percentage of the people like it.
The company’s management has decided that it will market this yogurt only if at least 35% of the
people like it. The company’s research department selected a random sample of 400 persons and asked
them to taste this yogurt. Of these 400 persons, 130 said they liked it. Testing at the 2.5% significance
level, can you conclude that the company should market this yogurt ? [6 marks ]

6. A weed killer is tested by applying it to batches of 6 weeds and counting the number of weeds that
survive. The results were :
Number of weeds that survive 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Frequency 12 41 87 85 41 10 4

Test at the 5% level of significance , whether or not the binomial distribution with
parameters n = 6 and p = 0.4 is an adequate model for these data. [ 9 marks ]

Section B [ 15 marks ]Answer one question only in this section .

7. A tenant wishes to enter his apartment unit. To do this it is necessary to type a key
code in the form of a PIN number into the touch pad on the door. The tenant is unsure
of this number. If the wrong number is typed in, the tenant can try again up to a
maximum of four attempts in total. Attempts to type in the correct number are independent and the
probability of success at each attempt is 0.6.
(a) Show that the probability that the tenant types in the correct number at the third attempt is 0.096.
[2 marks]

The random variable X represents the number of attempts made to type in the correct PIN number,
regardless of whether or not the attempt is successful.
(b) Find the probability distribution of X. [2marks]
(c) Calculate the probability that the tenant types in the correct number in four or fewer attempts.
(d) Calculate E(X) and Var(X). [5 marks]

(e) Find F(1 + E(X)) where F( X )=P( X≤x ) [2 marks]

8. (a) The masses of a type of microchips produced by a factory are normally distributed with mean 
g and standard deviation 1.4 g.
(i) If  = 8 g , find the probability that the mean mass of a random sample of
7 microchips is less than 7 g . [3 marks]
(ii) Determine the smallest sample size required so that the value of estimation error
of  acquired is less than 0.4 at the 95% confidence level. [3 marks]

(b) The length of time ( minutes) that customers spent shopping in supermarket has a standard
deviation of 3.5 minutes. In testing H o :=18 versus H 1 : <18 , a random sample of size 100 is
(i) Why was it not necessary to know that the length of time ( minutes) that customers spent
shopping in supermarket were normally distributed before carrying out the test ? Determine the
distribution of the sample mean. [2 marks]

(ii) What is the level of significance if the rejection region is set as X <17.186 .
[3 marks ]
(c) The length of a particular type of iron nails produced by a manufacturer is normally distributed
with standard deviation 5.2 mm. A sample of 40 is taken in testing
H o :=45 mm versus H 1 :≠ 45 mm . Find the numerical value of c so that the test with rejection
region | X|>c , has a 1 % level of significance. [4 marks]

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