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Michael G.

Roskin: A Professor in Department of Political Science, Lycoming College,

Williamsport, Pennsylvania. Author of Political Science: An Introduction, Countries and

Concepts: An Introduction to Comparative Politics, and others. ("Michael G. Roskin,


In this reaction paper, chapter 5: regimes, from his book Political Science
An Introduction will be analyzed

he discussed the 3 regimes:

1. Democratic regime

2. Totalitarian regime

3. Authoritarian regime

He asked main question: What is democracy, totalitarianism, and Authoritarianism?

He answered, and he differentiated between the 3 regimes, and I will analyze his answer.

● Democracy

"Democracy is the government of the people, by the people and for the people" Abraham


I criticized and analyzed some points in that section.

1. Representative Democracy

I could say that Representative Democracy is a good way but by some strict conditions, and

government must follow constitution NOT their ideas.

G.Roskin mentioned that democracy doesn't mean only freedom but also other things, one

of them is Election. I am totally with his opinion about that point, and I want to give an

example that shows the flawedity of election : At Mubarak time, the system men liked to

show Egypt as a democratic country so, in 2005 first elections in Egypt held since 1952

revolution, although it seems a democratic event but, after seeing results, anyone will be

surprised, how Mubarak got 88% from votes, it is a huge percentage and unreasonable. By

that, there is no form of competition, only one man, only one party and only one opinion.

2. Popular Accountability of Government

Unfortunately, Arab world doesn't have this culture, to account the government. The

government isn't A Holy thing, they are just officials working for people.

the government must work for majority not for decision.

3. Uncertain Electoral Outcomes

I believe, Election is election, not based on tripes or castes or religion, if Lebanon or Iraq

were studied, it is a disappointing case. Are you sunni or shia, Christian or Maronite? With

Hizb ALLAH or not? And all of that caused the chaos to these countries.

4. Elitism VS Pluralism.

If I stated elitism, I would state the decision based on elite interests. If any system chooses a

specific group from the same class, it will lead to corruption, but how? Imagine, these group

will take a decision in taxes issue. They will take it but, in favor of their interests.

But, if Pluralism, here the whole people from different classes will participate in the political

life. And they will do their best for the country not only themselves.
So, I see pluralism is good to represent a political life.

● Totalitarianism

"I love my country, not my government."

Jesse Ventura

"It is a political system in which the state attempts total control of its citizens."

He discussed that in that system, elites are totally uncountable, they state their position as a

holy position, and I agree with that opinion.

And I would like to give a comprehensive example That shows how bad this regime is.

● North Korea

Power equals the ruler.

North Korea has its Ideology,“communism” and “socialism” have been mentioned less

frequently by the regime, they made their own ideology, which is Juche then since 2012

they transferred to “Kim Il-sung- and Kim Jong-il-ism” and stated it as a leading ideology.

("history and characteristics", 2022)

It has only one party called Korean Workers’ Party ("political participation", 2022)

As Roskin stated, media or press in north Korea is managed by state only.

After all of that, I totally believe that Totalitarianism is the worst regime
● Authoritarianism

“The real division is not between conservatives and revolutionaries but between

authoritarians and libertarians.”

George Orwell

"Authoritarian is Nondemocratic government but not necessarily totalitarian."

It differs from totalitarianism as authoritarian governments usually have no highly

developed guiding ideology ("authoritarianism", 2022)

There is a thought by a political scientist called Jeane J. Kirkpatrick, which is when an

authoritarian state return to democracy, it may succeed.

I would state an example of a country suffered from authoritarian and turned to a

democracy whether it succeeded or failed.


Some are confused either Iraq authoritarian or totalitarian, because of fear during

Saddam Hussein regime, I called it Republic of Fear.

Saddam reached the highest level of authoritarianism, a puppet prime minister working

in favor Saddam, legislations in favor of Saddam, a dominant party (Arab Socialist Ba'ath

- Iraq Region) and of course controlled media.

For 24 years, Iraq was suffering. Then in 2003 Saddam regime collapsed.

Here, new era of Iraq has begun with religious conflicts between Sunni and Shia.

Theoretically, Iraq turned to democracy. But a failed democracy practically,

List of citations

● Michael G. Roskin, BIOGRAPHY. (2022). Retrieved 17 October 2022, from

● history and characteristics. (2022). Retrieved 17 October 2022, from https://bti-

● political participation. (2022). Retrieved 17 October 2022, from

● authoritarianism. (2022). Retrieved 17 October 2022, from

● Michael, G. (2022). Political Science an Introduction chapter 5: regimes (14th ed.). Pearson.

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