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Part 1


Inlay, Onlay, Overlay

-Cast metal restoration

Gold 22 karat
Gold (platina) alloy
Ag-Palladium alloy
-Esthetic Inlay/Onlay/Overlay


/indirect method/

1. Preparation
2. Impression, Temporary filling
3. Tray-in (finishing, polishing)
4. Cementation
5. Finishing, polishing
Consideration of making metal inlay

► In most cases we have to remove more toothstructure.

► We can not leave big undercuts into the cavity.

► The retention is macroretention /friction/

► The place in direction is important. Orientation of the

bur! MOD

► The occlusal contact with the antagonist tooth may not

be at the cavosurface margin of the inlay.
Class II preparationen for Metal Inlay

Class II Inlay involves the occlusal and 1 or 2

proximal surfaces. OD, MO, MOD

► Illustration:
upper premolar OD

OD :
1 occlusal Part
1 proximal Part
OD Cavity
► Bevor and after
Primer (initial) preparation
► Instrument:
- Speed, Handpiece
- Burs
► Tapered fissure bur
hard metal/ diamond
► With slightly rounded

► Conicity: 3-5 °
General rules
for occlusal box

► Width:The occlusal extention is not more, than the

half of the vestibulo-orale distance between the cusps
► Depth: of the cavity is 1,5 mm.
► The outline form: includes the central fissures.
► Walls: have to diverge in occlusal direction.
The divergency of the walls depends on the depths of
the cavity, the length of the crown….. (3-5°)
► The contakt with the antagonist teeth may not be at
the area of cavosurface margin.
Occlusal Preparation
Lower arch
Upper arch premolar

► Bur enters into the

fissure, close to the
involved marginal ridge,
a depth of 1,5 mm on
the occlusale cavity.
► Bur is held prallel to the
long axis of the tooth
► Orientation!
Occlusal preparation
► Making the mesial
extension, we have to pay
attention not to remove
the dentin support under
the marginal ridge.

Occlusal preparation

-Preserve the strengths of the cusps

and its dentinsupport!

The vestibulo-orale walls of occlusal

cavity have to go around the
cusps, in mild curvature, and the
prepared isthmus has to be only
slightly wider, than the bur.

The dovetail retention form resist

distal diplacement of the inlay.
General rules
for proximal box
► The extension of proximale carious lesion gives
the extention of proximale cavity.
► The contakt with the neigbouring tooth has to be
eliminate. (minimum distance of 0,5mm)
► Between the proximale laterale walls and the outer
elevation of the tooth has to be 40° degree.
► The divergence depends on the depths of the
cavity, the length of the crown.
► The gingival wall stays supragingival,
if it is possible.
Proximal Preparation
Proximale ditch/cut:
1.We extend and widen the
preparation distally, untill
the enamel-dentin junction,
and we leave a small part of
occlusal enamel untouched.

2.We cut a dich, moving the

bur in facio-lingual and
gingival direction.
Proximal Preparation
► Proximale ditch/cut: the mesio-
distal width of the ditch should be
0,8 mm, and 2/3 (0,5mm) in
Dentin, und 1/3 (3mm) in
► We prepare gingivally, until the
caries and we extend the ditch in
vestibulo-orale direction
► The proximal enamel will be
thinner, and thinner, and starts
breaking, if not we remove.
► The ideal clearance with adjacent
tooth (minimum distance) of
Cavity after the primer preparation
Final (secondary) Preparation
► Removal of any remaining infected dentin
and/or old restoration and Pulp-protection
► Preparation of cavosurface margins in different
angle (Preparation of bevels and/or flares)
- in occlusal cavity
- in proximal cavity
- on the vestibulo-oral walls
- on the gingival walls
► Secondary retentionselement:
proximal grooves, slot, skirt
► Finishing the walls
Final (secondary) preparation
Removal of any remaining infected dentin and/or old
restoration and Pulp-protection

With round metallbur (hard or steel)

(Calcium-hydroxid )+ Glassionomer
Final (secondary) Preparation
Preparation of occlusal cavosuface margin
(bevel or flare)
► The enamel (cavosurface margin) must be prepare
in at about 140°. This should result in 40° marginal
metal on inlay.
► Flame-shaped, fine-grit diamond
► Cusp incline!
Final (secondary) Preparation
Preparation of gingival cavosurface margin in
the proximal cavity. (bevel or flare)
We have to tilt the flame
shaped, fine-grit diamond
mesially, to produce a
gingival bevel. It means a
30° marginal metall.
-In this case the thickness
of cement is thinner than
50 µm, at about 20µm.
-Enamel with dentinsupport
Gingival bevel:0.5-1 mm wide
Final (secondary) preparation
Preparation of proximal cavosurface margin
on the buccale, linguale Walls.
(bevel, flare)

► Proximalcavosurface
margin has to result in
40° marginal metal,
and 140 ° marginal
Final (secondary) Preparation
Secondary retention-element „proximal grooves”
In the proximal cavity

► Possibility!

► For improving the retention.

We prepare in dentin,
parallel with the axio-pulpal
wall, between this wall and
the facial/lingual walls

► „proximal grooves”.
Final (secondary) Preparation
Slot Preparation
► Indikation:
MO Inlay/Onlay
OD „
► Place of the slot:
is in Dentin (between the the Pulpa
and Enamel-Dentin junction.
► Bur:
► The extention of the slot:
- M-D Direction: the width of the bur
- F-L Direction: 2 mm
- Depth: 2 mm distance from pulpal
„Skirt” prepararion
► Skirt is a thin extension of Skirt
metal inlay on the facial or
lingual proximal margins. The Not skirt
preparation stays in the most
cases in enamel, if not it
removes very little dentin.

► Retention form und Resistence

form will be improved.

► The skirt extension is a

conservative method for
improving the retetion and
resistence form.
Final (secondary) Preparation
► Finishing the walls and rounded
the line angles
-the flame shaped, fine-grit
diamond or
-metal-finising bur with 18,20 or
more cutting ages

Rounded the
axio-pulpal line
Preparation of bevel on different cavosurface
margins (occlusal, gingival, and proximal)
Modification in Inlay-preparation

► faulty occlusal grooves and/or fissures that is
continuous on facial/lingual surface
► healty grooves/fissures but the crown of the tooth is small
► Retention is not enought

- Extension on buccal/oral surface, includes the fissure and
grooves into the cavity.
-minimal divergenc (2%)
-secondary retentionselement has to be prepared. Skirt,
slot, shoulder
faulty occlusal grooves and/or fissures

► Dentinsupport has to be preserved.

► Only beveling!
Facial or lingual surface groove Extension

Extension is till the
Beveling in enamel.
Strong obligate ridge (crista transversa)
(MO caries )

► We prepare MO cavity
-without skirt
-with skirt on the
palatal side
- no skirt on the buccal

► Obligate ridge stays

Strong obligate ridge (crista transversa)
► We prepare OD cavity
-with skirt or without skirt
► Obligate ridge stays untoucht
Strong obligate ridge (crista transversa)
(MO, ODP,)

► Crista transversa is strong, and healthy.

Capping only one cusps !
► Reason: the extension of occlusal caries is bigger,
than one half of the distance between the vestibular-
oral cusps.

► Caries extended under the cusp

► Lower first molar mesio-linguale cusps.

Lower first molar: mesio-linguale cusp
is reduced.

► Reduction with contra-angle.

► See at onlay preparation.

Lower first molar: mesio-linguale cusp
is reduced.

► „proximal grooves” is prepared for improving retention (a)

► Axio-pulpale line angle is rounded (b)
► Where contraanlgle and skirt meet, the place has to be
rounded. (c)

a b c
Beveling or/and skirt (Flare)
2. Impresson, temporary filling

What kind of impression?

What kind of temorary filling?

Part 2

Dr. Júlia Nemes

/indirect method/

► Definition:
► Indication:
-Extension of caries is big (2/3 rule)
-Big undercuts in dentin, and cusps
-Rootcanal treated tooth
-Occlusal correction is needed

► All cusps are reduced.

(Reverse bevel)


► Difference in the preparation in case of the cusps.

► Cusp reduction:
Collar with bevel (skirt)
collar (1 mm withs)
► Not cusp reduction

Difference in supporting, and non supporting cusps

General rules (onlay)

► Because of the cusp reduction

decreases the retention, (shorter
vertikal walls), therefore the
secondary retentionselement are
► For improving the retention, we
can prepare parallel with the
axio-pulpale wall „Secondary
Proximal grooves preparation
Class II cavity preparation for Metal Onlay

Lower 6, MOD caries (Class II)

1 occlusal cavity
2 proximal cavity

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