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Brain Stimulation (2008) 1, 60–66


Modifying motor learning through gating and

homeostatic metaplasticity
Ulf Ziemann, MD, PhDa, Hartwig R. Siebner, MD, PhDb

Department of Neurology, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Department of Neurology, Christian-Albrechts-University, Kiel, Germany


Synaptic plasticity in the motor cortex is involved at least in some forms of motor learning. Recent
evidence showed that the extent of practice-dependent plasticity in the motor cortex can be purposefully
enhanced by experimental manipulation. One way of improving motor learning is to transiently increase
the excitability of the motor cortex during motor learning. This can be achieved by weakening the
excitability of intracortical inhibitory circuits concurrently with practice. This principle is being referred
to as ‘‘gating.’’ Another strategy to boost learning is to decrease the threshold for induction of synaptic
plasticity by lowering neuronal activity in the motor cortex before practice. This approach invokes home-
ostatic metaplasticity. Here we highlight how transcranial brain stimulation can exploit gating and home-
ostatic metaplasticity to enhance motor learning in healthy subjects and in patients after stroke.
Ó 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords motor learning; motor cortex; gating of plasticity; homeostatic metaplasticity; transcranial
brain stimulation

Synaptic plasticity in the form of long-term potentiation cell. LTD was induced by this tetanic stimulation protocol
(LTP) and long-term depression (LTD) is involved at least in whenever the postsynaptic depolarization exceeded a critical
some forms of motor learning.1,2 Experiments in slices of rat level but was below the threshold for LTP induction. Depolar-
visual cortex established for the first time, that the same high- ization above this threshold resulted in induction of LTP.3
frequency tetanic stimulation protocol resulted in LTP or In motor cortex similar observations were made: LTP was
LTD, depending on the level of depolarization of the post- only induced if postsynaptic neurons were disinhibited
synaptic cell.3 The level of postsynaptic depolarization was by local injection of bicuculline.4 The crucial point of
manipulated either pharmacologically by injection of the these experiments is that an identical induction protocol
gamma-aminobutyric acid A (GABAA) receptor antagonist can result in opposite expressions of synaptic plasticity
bicuculline, or by current injection into the postsynaptic (LTD or LTP), depending on the excitability level of the
stimulated neurons at the time of conditioning. This thresh-
Address reprint requests to: Prof. Ulf Ziemann, Department of Neurol- old dependence is referred to as gating (Figure 1A). Cortical
ogy, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University, Schleusenweg 2-16, D-60528 LTP and LTD are typically mediated by N-methyl-D-
Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
E-mail address: aspartate (NMDA) receptor activation.4-6 The NMDA recep-
Submitted August 3, 2007; revised August 22, 2007. Accepted for tor is characterized by a voltage-sensitive magnesium
publication August 22, 2007. block.7 One potentially important mechanism of gating

1935-861X/08/$ -see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Modifying motor learning through gating and homeostatic metaplasticity 61

Figure 1 The curves show change in synaptic strength (1, potentiation; 2, depression; dashed horizontal line, no change) as a function of
the integrated postsynaptic response. (A) Gating. Upper diagram: A given stimulation or learning protocol (arrow) may not result in any overt
change in synaptic strength (indicated by open circle on the dashed line) if applied under ‘‘normal’’ postsynaptic excitability conditions (in-
dicated by the cyan rectangle). Lower diagram: In contrast, if applied at a time when the integrated postsynaptic response of the stimulated
cortex is enhanced (indicated by the rightward shift of the cyan rectangle) by disinhibiting or depolarizing experimental manipulation such as
temporary ischemic nerve block or excitability-enhancing transcranial brain stimulation then the same stimulation or learning protocol (arrow)
results in an increase in synaptic strength (indicated by green circle). One important mechanism of gating is the removal of a voltage-sensitive
magnesium block from NMDA receptors during depolarization,7 which results in enhancement of intracellular calcium entry and hence
enhancement of the postsynaptic response by the same stimulation or learning protocol. (B) Homeostatic metaplasticity. Upper diagram:
A given stimulation or learning protocol (arrow) may not result in any overt change of synaptic strength (indicated by open circle on the dashed
line) if applied in the context of ‘‘normal’’ previous postsynaptic neuronal activity (indicated by the cyan rectangle). Lower diagram: In con-
trast, if the preceding postsynaptic neuronal activity was low (indicated by the leftward shift of the cyan rectangle), for example, by means of
low-frequency rTMS or cathodal tDCS, the LTP induction threshold (crossing point of the curve with the dashed horizontal line) slides to the
left and the same stimulation or learning protocol (arrow) then leads to LTP (indicated by the green circle). One potentially important mech-
anism of homeostatic metaplasticity is a shift in the subunit expression of the NMDA receptor by low levels of postsynaptic activity from the
NMDA receptor 2A subunit (associated with fast kinetics of NMDA receptor mediated excitatory postsynaptic currents) to the NMDA recep-
tor 2B subunit (slow kinetics, resulting in stronger intracellular calcium entry and stronger postsynaptic activation).10 NMDA, N-methyl-
D-aspartate; rTMS, repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation; tDCS, transcranial direct current stimulation; LTP, long-term potentiation.

(enhancement of LTP) is the removal of this magnesium Uncontrolled LTP and LTD tend to destabilize the activity
block by disinhibition or depolarization, resulting in of neuronal networks. On the one hand, the induction of LTP
stronger NMDA receptor-mediated postsynaptic responses increases neuronal excitability which in turn would ‘‘gate’’
by virtue of increased intracellular calcium entry, and in the induction of subsequent LTP. This runaway potentiation
turn stronger LTP (Figure 1A). would cause an excessive increase in neuronal firing rate. On
62 U. Ziemann, H.R. Siebner

the other hand, an analogous problem would be caused by disinhibition of the contralateral sensorimotor cortex can
uncontrolled LTD. The LTD-induced decrease in neuronal be obtained by temporary ischemic nerve block of parts
excitability would favor the subsequent induction of LTD, of a limb.14 For instance, a cuff inflated over the proximal
and so on. The result would be a reduction in postsynaptic forearm to a suprasystolic blood pressure leads to ischemic
activity until the firing rate decreases to zero. Because of their nerve block with deafferentation and deefferentation of the
positive-feedback nature, LTP and LTD tend to destabilize hand.15-19 If healthy subjects practiced a ballistic elbow
the activity of neuronal networks. Therefore, mechanisms flexion movement (one movement every 10 seconds over
must exist, which stabilize synaptic excitability in a neuronal a period of 30 minutes) in the absence of this experimental
network in the long run and keep neuronal firing rates within manipulation, then peak acceleration of the trained move-
a physiologic dynamic range. Recent work has identified ment did not improve. However, if these subjects performed
numerous mechanisms at the cellular and cell population the same motor practice in the presence of disinhibition of
level that ensure the stability of neuronal firing rates.8-11 the training motor cortex induced by ischemic nerve block,
These mechanisms comprise the homeostatic regulation of then peak acceleration of the trained movement increased
intrinsic neuronal excitability, scaling of synaptic strength, significantly.20 This suggests that disinhibition of the train-
and Hebbian plasticity itself. This stabilizing form of plastic- ing motor cortex gated motor learning in healthy subjects
ity is referred to as homeostatic metaplasticity. (increase of peak acceleration).
One currently influential theory of homeostatic meta-
plasticity is the Bienenstock-Cooper-Munro (BCM) theory
of bidirectional synaptic plasticity.12 The crucial assumption Gating of motor learning by disinhibition
of the BCM theory is that the threshold for LTP induction is in stroke patients
not constant but varies as a function of previous activity of
the postsynaptic neuron. The BCM theory postulates the ex- Similar observations were made in six chronic stroke
istence of a sliding modification threshold for synaptic plas- patients.21 The patients practiced repeatedly a pincer grip
ticity. According to the BCM model, the threshold for LTP movement with their affected hand. Motor learning (as
induction increases if the previous level of postsynaptic neu- expressed by increases in peak acceleration of the trained
ronal activity was high, but decreases if it was low (Figure movement and a increase in maximum isometric force
1B). The opposite principle applies to the threshold for in- between thumb and index finger) reached a plateau after
duction of LTD. The threshold for LTD induction decreases extensive practice but could be enhanced further if the
if the previous level of postsynaptic neuronal activity was patients continued practice during selective anesthesia of
high, but increases if it was low.12 One potentially important the upper cervical plexus,21 an experimental manipulation
mechanism of homeostatic metaplasticity is a shift in the that leads to hypesthesia and paresis of the upper arm but
subunit expression of the NMDA receptor: during low levels leaves the training hand unaffected. This transient deaffer-
of postsynaptic activity the NMDA receptor 2A subunit entation and deefferentation very likely resulted in disinhi-
(associated with fast kinetics of NMDA receptor-mediated bition of the training motor cortex and gated motor learning
excitatory postsynaptic currents) is being replaced by the in this group of stroke patients.21 This is a first proof-of-
NMDA receptor 2B subunit (slow kinetics, resulting in principle study to demonstrate that motor relearning in
stronger intracellular calcium entry, stronger postsynaptic stroke is threshold dependent and can be gated by experi-
activation, and in turn stronger LTP, Figure 1B).10 Animal mental manipulation, in this case cortical disinhibition.
experiments provided evidence that the BCM rule operates
in several models of plasticity to stabilize the level of activ-
ity in a neuronal network.13 Gating of motor learning by transcranial
In the following sections, we will summarize how gating brain stimulation in healthy subjects
or homeostatic metaplasticity can be used to purposefully
enhance motor learning in healthy subjects and stroke Transcranial brain stimulation can be used to modify the
patients. The basic concept is that synaptic plasticity in excitability of the stimulated cortex.22-32 Certain stimulation
motor cortex is involved in these forms of motor learning, techniques typically increase motor cortical excitability
and therefore motor learning should be subject to modifi- such as high-frequency (R5 Hz) repetitive transcranial
cation by gating and homeostatic metaplasticity. magnetic stimulation (high-frequency rTMS), intermittent
theta-burst stimulation (iTBS), anodal transcranial direct
current stimulation (anodal tDCS), and paired associative
Gating of motor learning by disinhibition stimulation (PAS) at an interstimulus interval of around 25
in healthy subjects msec (PAS25msec).33 The increase in excitability emerges
during the period of stimulation and can last beyond the
In humans, cortical disinhibition cannot be achieved time of stimulation itself. In the context of ‘‘gating,’’ these
by GABAA receptor antagonists because of their procon- transcranial stimulation techniques may provide an effective
vulsive potential. Alternatively, an acute and transient means to induce a transient disinhibition or depolarization
Modifying motor learning through gating and homeostatic metaplasticity 63

of the stimulated motor cortex. The working hypothesis is be potentially disruptive, resulting in interference with task-
that the stimulation-induced disinhibition or depolarization related neuronal processing. It is conceivable that such a
transiently increases motor cortical excitability, and thereby, detrimental effect may outbalance the positive effect of
boosts motor learning. stimulation-induced gating. However, there is so far rela-
The timing of transcranial stimulation relative to the tively little experimental evidence for this contention.
learning period may have an important impact on the Anodal or cathodal tDCS applied to the training motor
stimulation-induced ‘‘gating’’ of motor learning. Because cortex during a practice period of ballistic thumb move-
gating requires the acute increase of cortical excitability at ments interfered with the development of practice-
the time of the learning period, it is important that dependent plasticity as measured by the magnitude of the
excitability-enhancing transcranial stimulation is delivered practice-induced change in the direction of TMS-induced
either during the period of learning (referred to as online thumb movements toward the training direction.42 This
stimulation) or immediately before the learning period finding points to the notion that any stimulation during
(referred to as offline stimulation). task-related neuronal processing may potentially produce
There is cumulating evidence to suggest that transcranial interference because anodal and cathodal tDCS of motor
brain stimulation can effectively gate learning-induced cortex have typically opposite effects on motor cortical
plasticity in the human motor cortex. In healthy subjects, excitability: anodal tDCS enhances it and cathodal tDCS
online subthreshold (80% of resting motor threshold) high- decreases it.25,26 On the other hand, subthreshold low-
frequency (10 Hz) rTMS of the training motor cortex given frequency rTMS (1 Hz) applied over the training motor
during the practice period improved the performance (ac- cortex to reduce its excitability23 during practice of finger
curacy and speed) of sequential finger movements when tracking movements did not interfere with learning perfor-
compared with a sham stimulation control session.34 Online mance.43 Low-frequency rTMS applied over the training
anodal tDCS of the primary motor cortex contralateral to motor cortex immediately before a practice session of
the performing hand enhanced implicit motor learning reaching movements in a force field also did not affect
when compared with tDCS of the contralateral premotor the learning process per se, but degraded the formation of
or prefrontal cortex.35 Similarly, online anodal tDCS but a long-term memory.44 Furthermore, low-frequency rTMS
not cathodal tDCS of the training motor cortex or visual given over motor cortex after learning of a ballistic motor
area MT, which is involved in processing of visual motion task degraded the retention of this newly acquired skill,45,46
perception, facilitated learning of a visually guided tracking whereas retention of dynamic force-field learning was not
task.36 In accordance with this work in the motor system, affected.46 These data suggest that a potentially detrimental
spatial-discriminative tactile learning was boosted when effect of transcranial brain stimulation on simultaneous or
excitability-enhancing high-frequency rTMS (5 Hz) was subsequent motor learning is difficult to predict and likely
applied to the primary somatosensory cortex during the depends on the characteristics of the transcranial stimula-
learning phase.37 tion protocol, the exact learning task, and when stimulation
Single-pulse TMS given in strict synchronicity with is applied relative to learning.
ballistic directionally specific thumb movements enhanced Another potential, but as of yet not specifically tested,
the longevity of practice-dependent plasticity when com- concern is that a transcranial stimulation protocol resulting
pared with training without TMS or with TMS applied in an in strong enhancement of excitability in the training motor
asynchronous manner.38 A similar strategy was applied in cortex may elicit a homeostatic response that raises the
the somatosensory system where a short burst of high- threshold for subsequent learning-induced plasticity. This
frequency rTMS (15 Hz) was repeatedly given immediately concern was supported indirectly by one study that dem-
before each trial of a tactile spatial-discrimination task. In onstrated that online excitability-enhancing anodal tDCS of
this instance, the high-frequency rTMS bursts enhanced the training motor cortex did not disrupt the simultaneously
cortical excitability for several seconds, and by this means ongoing formation of a motor memory of a movement
may have gated practice-dependent plasticity while the sequence but degraded its recall after the end of the
subject performed the task.39 stimulation.47
Finally, a short train of subthreshold 5-Hz rTMS (,600
stimuli) can attenuate intracortical inhibition for several
minutes without inducing a lasting change in the excitability Gating of motor learning by transcranial
of corticospinal output neurons.40,41 Although not tested yet, brain stimulation in stroke patients
this rTMS induced regionally specific, transient disinhibition
of the stimulated motor cortex may be particularly suited to Several recent proof-of-principle studies suggest that it is
gate learning-induced plasticity when learning is performed possible to gate motor relearning by transcranial stimulation
within five to 10 minutes after rTMS conditioning. in stroke patients. In 15 chronic stroke patients, a two-
When online or offline transcranial stimulation is used second train of subthreshold (80% of resting motor thresh-
to produce gating, it needs to be kept in mind that the old) high-frequency (10 Hz) rTMS was given to the affected
stimulation itself or its effects on neuronal excitability may motor cortex immediately before patients performed a
64 U. Ziemann, H.R. Siebner

practice block of sequential finger movements. This proce- train of high-frequency (20 Hz) rTMS, when given alone,
dure was repeated eight times. In concordance with a gating had no overt effect on the excitability of the stimulated mo-
effect, real but not sham rTMS of the affected motor cortex tor cortex. However, when preceded by anodal tDCS, the
enhanced learning of sequential finger movements of the same 20 Hz rTMS protocol resulted in a depression and if
paretic hand.48 Another study showed that intermittent TBS preceded by cathodal tDCS in an increase of motor cortex
of the affected hemisphere resulted in a shortening of simple excitability,67 suggesting that it is possible to shape the
reaction time of the paretic hand.49 However, because the direction of rTMS-induced after-effects according to the
experimental design involved no learning task, this effect rules of homeostatic metaplasticity. Similarly, a paired-
was likely caused directly by TBS rather than reflecting a associative stimulation protocol that under ‘‘normal’’
gating effect. Furthermore, anodal tDCS of the affected mo- conditions induced LTP-like plasticity resulted no longer
tor cortex improved performance in the Jebsen-Taylor hand in LTP-like plasticity or even LTD-like plasticity if preceded
function test (JTT) when compared with sham stimula- by the same LTP-like plasticity inducing protocol.68 Alto-
tion.50,51 In these studies, anodal tDCS was given while pa- gether, these findings are compatible with homeostatic
tients performed subtests of the JTT that comprised tasks of metaplasticity according to the BCM theory: high activity
relevance in everyday life, such as turning over cards, pick- (enhancement of motor cortical excitability by high-
ing up small objects and placing them in a can, picking up frequency rTMS or anodal tDCS or LTP-like plasticity in-
beans with a teaspoon and placing them in a can (mimicking ducing paired associative stimulation) favors the induction
a feeding function), stacking checkers, moving large light of synaptic depression by a subsequent stimulation protocol
cans, and moving heavy cans. Of note, repeated practice that by itself would induce no synaptic plasticity or even
of the JTT alone, or practice under sham stimulation, failed LTP-like plasticity, whereas low activity (decrease of motor
to induce a measurable improvement. It is thus plausible to cortical excitability by cathodal tDCS or LTD-like plasticity
assume that anodal tDCS of the affected motor cortex effec- inducing paired associative stimulation) favors the induction
tively gated motor learning. In addition, it seems also possi- of synaptic potentiation by a subsequent stimulation proto-
ble to gate motor learning in chronic stroke patients by col. It shall be noted that one recent report put to question
decreasing the excitability of the unaffected motor cortex, the general validity of a homeostatic interaction between
thereby decreasing inhibitory action from the unaffected two subsequent transcranial stimulation protocols.69 In
to affected motor cortex and in turn enhancing excitability that study it was found that preconditioning anodal or
in the affected motor cortex. Cathodal tDCS50 and low-fre- cathodal tDCS interacted with motor cortical excitability
quency (1 Hz) rTMS of the motor cortex in the unaffected enhancing PAS in a homeostatic manner, but only if the
hemisphere52 resulted in performance improvement in the two stimulation protocols were applied simultaneously. In
JTT in small groups of chronic stroke patients when com- contrast, if PAS immediately followed tDCS, then a syner-
pared with a sham stimulation condition. Taken together, gistic rather than homeostatic interaction was observed, ie,
these findings strongly suggest that gating of motor skill per- anodal tDCS led to an enhancement of the PAS induced
formance and motor learning is possible in healthy subjects increase in motor cortical excitability, and cathodal tDCS
and in chronic stroke patients by means of transcranial stim- to a decrease.69 It is currently unclear how these findings can
ulation techniques that transiently disinhibit or depolarize be explained, but they show that interactions between two
the training cortex.53-64 transcranial stimulation protocols may be more complex
than hitherto thought, and whether homeostatic metaplastic-
ity occurs may depend on the exact nature and effects of the
Enhancement of motor learning by stimulation protocols and when they are applied relative to
homeostatic metaplasticity each other.
It is a currently intriguing question how homeostatic
Several recent studies provided converging evidence that metaplasticity affects motor learning. As motor learning
homeostatic metaplasticity occurs at the level of human can be conceived as an at least partially LTP-dependent
motor cortex. Ten minutes of subthreshold (90% of resting process,1,2,70,71 it would be plausible to expect, according to
motor threshold) preconditioning high-frequency (6 Hz) the rules of homeostatic metaplasticity, that a stimulation
rTMS enhanced the suppressive effect of subsequent supra- protocol that induces depression will result in enhancement
threshold (115% of resting motor threshold) low-frequency of subsequent motor learning. Preliminary data in healthy
(1 Hz) rTMS on motor cortical excitability.65 Ten minutes of subjects are in agreement with this hypothesis: subjects
low-frequency (1 Hz) rTMS, when given alone, had no practiced a rapid thumb flexion movement. Motor learning
effect on the excitability of the stimulated motor cortex. was measured by an increase in the peak acceleration of the
In contrast, when preceded by excitability-enhancing anodal trained movement. Motor learning was significantly stron-
tDCS, the same 1 Hz rTMS protocol resulted in a depression ger if subjects performed the practice subsequent to an
of motor cortex excitability, and vice versa, if preceded by LTD-like plasticity inducing PAS protocol compared with
excitability-decreasing cathodal tDCS, it resulted in an in- when they performed the same training subsequent to a
crease of motor cortex excitability.66 Similarly, a 20-second control stimulation protocol that did not induce synaptic
Modifying motor learning through gating and homeostatic metaplasticity 65

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