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Seasonal Variations in Public Inquiries into Laryngitis:

An Infodemiology Study
David Tianxiang Liu, Gerold Besser, Matthias Leonhard, Tina Josefin Bartosik, Thomas Parzefall, Faris F. Brkic,
Christian Albert Mueller, and Dominik Riss, Vienna, Austria

Summary: Objectives. Acute laryngitis is a common disease with self-limiting nature. Since the leading cause
is attributed to viral infections and thus self-limiting, many affected individuals do not seek professional medical
help. However, because the major symptom of hoarseness imposes a substantial burden in everyday life, it might
be speculated that web-based search interest on this condition follows incidence rates, with highest peaks during
winter months. The aim of this study was to evaluate global public health-information seeking behaviour on
laryngitis-related search terms.
Methods. We utilized Google Trends to assess country-specific, representative laryngitis-related search terms
for English and non-English speaking countries of both hemispheres. Extracted time series data from Australia,
Brazil, Canada, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America, covering a timeframe between
2004 and 2019 were first assessed for reliability, followed by seasonality analysis using the cosinor model.
Results. Direct comparisons revealed different, representative laryngitis-related search terms for English- and
non-English speaking countries. Extracted data showed a trend of higher reliability in countries with more inhabi-
tants. Subsequent graphical analysis revealed winter peaks in all countries from both hemispheres. Cosinor analysis
confirmed these seasonal variations to be significant (all P < 0.001).
Conclusion. Public interest in laryngitis-related, online health information displayed seasonal variations in
countries from both hemispheres, with highest interest during winter months. These findings emphasize the
importance to optimize the distribution of reliable, web-based health education in order to prevent the spread of
misinformation and to improve health literacy among general populations.
Key Words: Laryngitis−Seasonality−Google Trends−Cosinor−Infodemiology−Google.

INTRODUCTION behavior. Consequently, there is a need for assessment and

Acute laryngitis is a common disease and can be defined as monitoring of the general interest for this topic in order to
an inflammation of the larynx and vocal cords.1−3 The most optimize online information distribution.
frequent type of acute laryngitis is caused by viral infections, Infodemiology is an emerging research area which involves
which are generally linked to a common cold and winterly the analysis methods of web-based inquiry attitude to gain
weather conditions.4−7 Hoarseness represents the hallmark more insight into human behavior and to provide informa-
symptom of vocal cord inflammations and can not only tion to health-professionals and policy makers.15,16 Assessing
have a profound effect on social life, but also imposes a risk the role of seasonal variations and awareness of public inqui-
of mental distress in affected individuals.8−12 It was specu- ries into specific diseases can be useful to understand the
lated that only a minority of patients with acute laryngitis mechanism of public attention triggering. Given the promi-
seek professional medical help. This might be explained by nent role of Google web search as the most frequently used
the self-limiting course of this disease, which usually subsides search engine worldwide,17 it is not surprising that search
within three weeks without further medical treatment.3,13 query analysis tools, such as Google Trends (GT) have
Considering that more than two in three adults have already emerged as powerful instruments to gain more insight into
used the Internet to learn more about health-related issues,14 public interest in health-related issues. The wide range of pos-
it seems plausible that web-based interest on laryngitis- sible applications for the healthcare sector is also mirrored by
related search terms might follow annual incidence rates of the considerable number of publications in recent years.18,19
acute laryngitis, with peaks during winter months.4 Although For example, GT was used to track the outbreak of the sea-
significant advances have already been made in improving sonal flu20 and to complement traditional data sources by
quality of care for patients with dysphonia,13 there is cur- assessing seasonal variations in public interest for various
rently no evidence on related online information-seeking medical conditions.21−24
Over the last two-decades, progress has been made in
Accepted for publication April 21, 2020. understanding more about the epidemiology of laryngitis. A
From the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Medical
University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria. nationwide study in Greece on laryngitis epidemiology
Address correspondence and reprint requests to David Tianxiang Liu, Department revealed an association of higher incidence rates in winterly
of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Medical University of Vienna,
W€ahringer G€ urtel 18-20, 1090 Vienna, Austria. E-mail: david.liu@meduniwien.ac.at weather conditions.4 Conversely, global patterns of acute
Journal of Voice, Vol. 36, No. 1, pp. 98−105 laryngitis incidence have not been reported yet, possibly due
© 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of The Voice Founda- to the self-limiting nature of the disease, keeping patients
tion. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license. from seeking professional medical help. However, there is at
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jvoice.2020.04.018 least preliminary evidence that individuals affected by
David Tianxiang Liu, et al Seasonal Variations in Public Inquiries into Laryngitis 99

laryngitis or their interested relatives searched for disease- different results for each new query. It was assumed that
related information online, given the fact that more than 70% GT uses a nondisclosed algorithm to select representative
of adults from the United States already have used the Internet data-samples for calculation of RSV, since the analysis of
for health-related issues.25 Therefore, we hypothesized that Google’s entire amount of collected data is not feasible
incidence peaks might also be reflected in public interest in in a short timeframe. Notably, there was evidence for an
laryngitis-related search terms. association between population size and reliability of
The aim of this study was to apply GT to test our hypoth- retrieved datasets. 23,27
esis that public interest in laryngitis-related search terms fol-
lows annual incidence-cycles, with highest search volume
during winter months and lowest interest during summer Search strategy
months in countries from both hemispheres. GT was there- Previous reviews on GT-related research objectives pro-
fore used to (i) evaluate representative, laryngitis-related vided a framework for online-based studies, which this
search terms for English, and non-English speaking coun- investigation followed.18,19 This study included countries
tries worldwide, (ii) evaluate the reliability of extracted from both hemispheres, in order to assess seasonal varia-
data, (iii) perform seasonality analysis, and (iv) compare tions globally.21,24,27,28 We therefore selected four major
interest-peaks with geographical seasons. The results are English-speaking countries (Australia, Canada, United
discussed in terms of validity for web-based instruments to Kingdom, and the United States) and two non-English
predict seasonal variations in information demand and speaking countries from both hemispheres (Germany and
strategies to improve current health literacy. Brazil). First, we entered [laryngitis] as primary search
term in all countries selected and used GT function
“Related queries” and “Top” category to note all [laryn-
MATERIAL AND METHODS gitis] related search terms (Supplementary Table 1). Sec-
ond, we compared all relevant search terms with each
Ethical consideration
other using the comparison function, in order to pick up
As this study utilized nonpersonally identifiable, publicly
the most representative search term with the highest RSV
accessible data, an ethical approval was not required in
for each country separately. The country specific search
accordance with the guidelines of the Ethics Committee
term with the highest RSV (Table 1) was then used for
of the Medical University of Vienna.
subsequent queries.
As mentioned above, searches done on different days
Google Trends showed (slightly) different results. Therefore, the country-
GT (Google Inc26) is an online analysis tool, which allows specific, most representative search term was entered on
studies of search-query frequency (volume) on various seven consecutive days (starting from November 1, 2019).
search terms entered on Google web search. Inquiries on Subsequently, monthly RSV’s were extracted on a daily
search terms using GT are specified for: (1) timeframe (real base as comma-separated value files (CSV) from November
time or customized timeframe, dating back to 2004), (2) 1, 2019 until November 8, 2019 in order to assess the reli-
geographical location (country, state, or worldwide), (3) cat- ability of GT-data. This resulted in 189 data points (15 years
egory (eg, travel or health), and (4) content (eg, web search x 12 + 9 months) for each country, term, and day. We
or image search). GT displays search volumes as normalized selected the following two fixed factors for all queries: Time-
“ratios,” namely relative search volume (RSV), with higher frame beginning from January 1, 2004 until September 30,
scores indicating more volume. GT therefore computes the 2019 and the “health” category. For purposes of compari-
number of inquiries for the requested term and divides it by son, winter months were defined as December through
all searches to account for countries with higher search vol- March and summer months as June through September for
ume. Following, this value is then rescaled as an integer the northern hemisphere. Summer and winter months were
ranging from 0 to 100 based on the share of a topic com-
pared to all searches on all topics. This normalized ratio
then allows comparisons between up to five different search TABLE 1.
terms simultaneously. In order to eliminate the potential Search Terms that Were Selected Based on The Highest
bias of repeated searches from the same person within a Relative Search Volume for Each Country and Used for
Further Data Retrieval
short time, GT filters out these duplicate searches. Another
feature of GT is “Related queries,” which displays search Country Highest Relative Search Volume
terms that users entered on Google Web search following Australia [laryngitis]
the specified one. Results of this feature can either be dis- Brazil [laringite]
played in the “Top” category, presenting the most popular Canada [laryngitis]
search queries or “Rising,” which displays search terms Germany [kehlkopfentzu € ndung]
with the biggest increase since the last time period. United Kingdom [laryngitis]
As already noted in previous works, search queries using United States [laryngitis]
fixed filters done at different timepoints lead to (marginally)
100 Journal of Voice, Vol. 36, No. 1, 2022

defined vice versa for countries from the southern control for the Type I error rate. Data were analyzed and visu-
hemisphere.21,24,28 Finally, the number of inhabitants (in alized using the “season” and “ICC” package in R 3.5.1 (R
million29) from included countries were also assessed on Development Core Team, 2008; R Foundation for Statistical
November 8, 2019: Australia, 25; Brazil, 211; Canada, 37; Computing, Vienna, Austria).
Germany, 83; United Kingdom, 67; United States, 329. All
datasets generated during the current study are available
from the corresponding author upon request. RESULTS
Reliability of GT data
The reliability of GT was assessed using the ICC for single
Statistical analysis time series data queried over seven consecutive days, as speci-
Reliability of daily-retrieved GT data was assessed using the fied above.30 We then performed a correlation analysis to
intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC; two-way random determine the association between the reliability of single time
model) according to Shrout and Fleiss.30 We interpreted ICC series data and the number of inhabitants for each country.
values as follows: ICC < 0.5 was considered poor, 0.5 ≤ ICC The results showed moderate to good reliability for single
< 0.75 moderate, 0.75 ≤ ICC < 0.9 good, and 0.9 ≤ ICC excel- time series data of Australia, Brazil, and Canada. Excellent
lent reliability.31 Bivariate correlation between reliability of reliability was found for single time series data of Germany,
single time series data and number of inhabitants was per- the United Kingdom, and the United States. Averaged time
formed using Spearman rank sign correlation. We interpreted series data demonstrated higher reliability than single
correlation coefficients as follows: r(s) > 0.4 was considered time series data, showing excellent reliability for all coun-
weak, 0.4 ≤ r(s) < 0.7 moderate, 0.7 ≤ r(s) < 0.9 strong, and r tries (Table 2). Correlation analysis revealed a strong
(s) ≥ 0.9 perfect correlation.32 Subsequently, cosinor analysis correlation between single time series data and popula-
was used to determine annual seasonal variations in RSV for tion size (r (5) = 0.81, P = 0.07).
single and averaged time series data.33 Single time series repre-
sented all data queried on the first day of data retrieval
(November 1, 2019) and averaged time series data were calcu- Winter peaks in search volume using single time
lated as mean of single time series data extracted from seven series data
consecutive days (November 1, 2019 until November 8, 2019). To determine possible seasonal patterns in GT search vol-
The cosinor model is a parametric seasonal model that fits a ume for laryngitis related search terms in countries from
sine wave based on linear regression using only a sine and both hemispheres, we performed our analysis using single
cosine parameter. Those two parameters are used to determine time series data queried on the first day of data retrieval,
the Amplitude A (Size) and Phase P (Peak) of the sinusoid. November 1, 2019.
Since we evaluated annual seasonal variations and the cosinor Seasonality analysis revealed significant patterns and win-
model assumes the seasonal pattern to be symmetric and sta- ter peaks in countries from the northern hemisphere: Can-
tionary, a peak and low point (peak § 6 months) was defined ada (A = 13.95, P = 1.4, P < 0.001), Germany (A = 14.56,
once a year. Detailed descriptions of this method are available P = 1.6, P < 0.001), United Kingdom (A = 14.38, P = 1.2,
elsewhere.33 Statistical significance can be tested as part of the P < 0.001), and the United States (A = 18.45, P = 1.3, P <
generalized linear model. The P value was set at 0.025 to 0.001). Similarly, significant winter peaks were found in

Reliability of Single and Averaged Time Series Data on Laryngitis Related Search Terms
Country Measure Intraclass Correlation Lower Bound Upper Bound F Df1 Df2 P value
Australia Single 0.72 0.60 0.80 30.1 188 1128 <0.001
Average 0.94 0.93 0.97 30.1 188 1128 <0.001
Canada Single 0.72 0.60 0.80 30.1 188 1128 <0.001
Average 0.95 0.91 0.97 30.1 188 1128 <0.001
Germany Single 0.96 0.96 0.97 205.1 188 1128 <0.001
Average 0.99 0.99 1.00 205.1 188 1128 <0.001
Brazil Single 0.79 0.75 0.83 30.8 188 1128 <0.001
Average 0.96 0.96 0.97 30.8 188 1128 <0.001
United Kingdom Single 0.95 0.93 0.96 145.9 188 1128 <0.001
Average 0.99 0.99 0.99 145.9 188 1128 <0.001
United States Single 0.97 0.96 0.98 264.4 188 1128 <0.001
Average 1.00 0.99 1.00 264.4 188 1128 <0.001
Abbreviations: Average, Averaged time series data; Df1, numerator degrees of freedom; Df2, denominator degrees of freedom; F, F-test for significance of the
correlation coefficient; Intraclass Correlation, Intraclass correlation coefficient; Lower and upper bound, 95% Confidence interval of the intraclass correlation
coefficient; Single, Single time series data.
David Tianxiang Liu, et al Seasonal Variations in Public Inquiries into Laryngitis 101

Cosinor Analysis on Seasonality of Laryngitis Related Search Terms
Country Measure Amplitude Peak* Nadir* Standard error P value
Australia Single 21.06 7.4 1.4 0.016 <0.001
Average 18.6 7.5 1.5 0.016 <0.001
Brazil Single 8.43 6.1 12.1 0.015 <0.001
Average 10.73 6.2 12.2 0.015 <0.001
Canada Single 13.95 1.4 7.4 0.016 <0.001
Average 13.95 1.4 7.4 0.016 <0.001
Germany Single 14.56 1.6 7.6 0.016 <0.001
Average 14.61 1.7 7.7 0.016 <0.001
United Kingdom Single 14.38 1.2 7.2 0.017 <0.001
Average 13.09 1.2 7.2 0.017 <0.001
United States Single 18.45 1.3 7.3 0.015 <0.001
Average 17.84 1.3 7.3 0.015 <0.001
* Number corresponds to the respective month (ie, 1, January; 2, February).
Abbreviations: Average, averaged time series data; Single, single time series data.

countries from the southern hemisphere: Brazil (A = 8.43, conditions, such as decreasing temperature and humidity
P = 6.1, P < 0.001; Table 3) and Australia (A = 21.06, were strongly associated with an increasing incidence in
P = 7.4, P < 0.001). acute laryngitis. Since most cases of acute laryngitis are
Hence it would seem that single time series data attributed to self-limiting viral infections,2,7 our findings of
showed winter peaks for laryngitis-related search terms a single annual interest-cycle, with highest search volume
in countries from both hemispheres (Figure 1), which during winter months and lowest interest during summer
was in line with our primary hypothesis. We were then months were anticipated. Moreover, considering the associ-
interested to determine whether averaged time series ation between the presence of allergy and concurrent laryn-
data, extracted on seven consecutive days might also geal symptoms,34 it is thus not surprising that web-based
pick up winter peaks. search interest also displayed higher search volume in winter
transition months (at the beginning of the main pollination
period) compared to summer months.35−37 Based on these
Winter peaks in search volume using averaged time
findings, we speculate that an association between seasonal
series data
variations of laryngitis related search volume and the
The results of cosinor analysis revealed significant seasonal
incidence of acute laryngitis exists.
patterns with peaks during winter months in all countries
A plausible explanation for the considerable interest in
included, confirming the results of single time series analysis:
laryngitis-related search terms may be related to the high
Australia (A = 18.6, P = 7.5, P < 0.001; Figure 2A), Brazil
burden of hoarseness, which is the most common symptom
(A = 10.73, P = 6.2, P < 0.001; Table 3; Figure 2B), Canada
in patients affected by an acute laryngitis.9,13,38 Voice disor-
(A = 13.95, P = 1.4, P < 0.001; Figure 2C), Germany
ders not only impact social life and daily activities, but also
(A = 14.61, P = 1.7, P < 0.001; Figure 2D), the United King-
have a negative effect on quality of life.11,12 This may well
dom (A = 13.09, P = 1.2, P < 0.001; Figure 2E), and the
result in a higher disease-specific search query frequency,
United States (A = 17.84, P = 1.3, P < 0.001; Figure 2F).
given the abundance of health information online.
Noteworthy, although acute laryngitis represents a self-
DISCUSSION limiting symptom in the majority of cases, the financial bur-
The identification of seasonal variations in web-based public den of laryngeal diseases on the health care system are
inquiries for laryngitis-related search terms is described comparably high.13,39 This might also be attributed to addi-
herein. To the best of our knowledge, this was the first dem- tional disease entities, including neoplastic disease, involv-
onstration of annual cycles with winter peaks in Google ing repeated and costly interventions such as surgical or
search query frequency for laryngitis-related search terms radiation therapy.13
across different countries from both hemispheres. Additional Regarding the antimicrobial treatment strategies for
important results include the reliability analysis of GT data, acute laryngitis, clinical guidelines still lack high level evi-
also considering the number of inhabitants of each country. dence in regards to possible benefits.40 Hence, the first-line
These variations were also demonstrated for non-English treatment of uncomplicated acute laryngitis is limited to
speaking countries as a proof-of-concept. symptom control including vocal hygiene, air humidifier,
The role of meteorological factors and incidence of acute and analgesic therapy if needed.40,41 The fact that treatment
laryngitis have been described previously based on a nation- of this disease does not necessarily involve a physician office
wide study.4 The authors showed that winterly weather visit, highlights the importance of easily accessible, reliable,
102 Journal of Voice, Vol. 36, No. 1, 2022

FIGURE 1. Time series plot of Google based relative search volume for laryngitis related terms in Australia (A), Brazil (B), Canada (C),
Germany (D), United Kingdom (E), and United States (F) from January 1, 2004 until September 30, 2019. Points represent monthly means.

and plain information on the World Wide Web from reli- In view of the laryngitis-related search interest peak for Bra-
able sources. Such information will not only improve health zil, which was determined as June during our analysis, the
literacy among the general population but also allows the fact that the world voice day was optimally timed at the
public to recognize potential red flags (eg, stridor, prolonged beginning of winter may just be coincidence, but might also
hoarseness with history of smoking). have an additional positive impact on public awareness.
The reliability of GT has been addressed in a previous Although seasonal variations were consistent in all coun-
work on behavioral forecasting of suicide rates.23 The tries evaluated, this study also has limitations. First, GT
authors found evidence that GT-data from larger countries data does not reflect real-world incidence rates, but rather
display higher reliability compared to smaller countries and the variations in public inquiry into specific search terms. It
recommended the use of averaged time series data, retrieved is well known that news coverage and media reports on
on different days for research objectives. An association different topics generate significant public interest and
between the number of inhabitants and reliability of single response.43 Therefore, timeseries data should always be
time series data were also apparent during our study as assessed for unexpected incidence peaks prior to analyses.
revealed by the correlation coefficient. Hence, we also sup- However, since we covered a timeframe of more than
port the aforementioned recommendation on averaged time 15 years and found no outliers during initial data visualiza-
series data and would like to highlight the importance of tion, small variations in search volume should not have
reliability analysis when using GT data. affected our results to a large extend. Second, inherent to
The importance of voice in everyday life and efforts to the comparison of web-based interest peaks with winter
increase awareness for the human larynx and its pathologies months is the assumption, that weather conditions vary
among the general population have culminated in a “world only slightly across individual countries. We also included
voice day,” which now takes place every year on April 16. larger countries such as Brazil or the United States in our
Interestingly, the first voice awareness day was promoted by analysis, and thus our results may only represent regions
the Brazilian Society of Laryngology and Voice in 1999.42 with more inhabitants (and therefore higher search volume).
David Tianxiang Liu, et al Seasonal Variations in Public Inquiries into Laryngitis 103

FIGURE 2. Average seasonal variation for Google based relative search volume for laryngitis related terms in Australia (A), Brazil (B),
Canada (C), Germany (D), United Kingdom (E), and United States (F) from January 1, 2004 until September 30, 2019. The curve represents
the adjusted cosinor analysis model. Points represent monthly means and the two horizontal lines mark the standard error. Abbreviations: 1,
January; 2, February; 3=March; 4, April; 5=May; 6, June; 7, July; 8, August; 9, September; 10, October; 11, November; 12, December.
104 Journal of Voice, Vol. 36, No. 1, 2022

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