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Topic 2- Management

 Managing is one of the most important activities of human lives.

 To accomplish aims that could not achieve individually, people start forming
groups and dito na nag sta-start iyong management.
 Top person we called is the Manager
 Management applies to all kinds of organization as well as the manager.
 Manager is the top hierarchy in terms of management.
 “Management is guiding human and physical resources into a dynamic, hard-
hitting organization until that attains its objectives to the satisfaction of those
served and with a high degree of morale and sense of attainment on the part of
those rendering the service.”- Lawrence A. Appley
 “Management is the art of getting things done through people.”- Mary Parker
 MISSION: the purpose or reason for the existence of an organization
 Management- it is where the manager decides in advance what to do, how to do,
or who should do the tasks, kailan dapat gawin ang task at kung saan gawin ang
 Management- this is the planning phase in which gina solve ang mga gaps kung
saan nila gusto or where they want to be in the future. This the process in which
kailangan nila ma-achieve iyong mga goals ng isang organization.
 Mission- This is the goal of the organization or the sub-unit expected to
 Goals is bigger than objective.
 Goals are broad, long-term ambition of the organization or the mission.
Objectives are tasks na gi set or designate in which these are the sub-task
designate para ma achieve ang overall goal, narrow.
 Objectives are precise
 Goals are intangible. Objectives are tangible.
 Goals are abstract. Objectives are concrete.
 LABORATORY MANAGERS- sila iyong may mga specialized skills and they
often serve multiple overlapping roles within the healthcare system.
 Laboratory managers are chief laboratorian or chief MedTech. They specialized
in technical expertise within the medical laboratory. Sila iyong tinatawag na
extenders ng physician at ng clinical laboratory scientist directors.
 Laboratory managers also oversee the business aspect of the laboratory as well as
the personal supervision, staff recruitement, retention of the staff, budgeting,
purchasing and etc.
 Chief MedTech must be experts and have knowledge in terms of this job
 The manager as a person- Born leaders or natural leaders.
 The manager as a servant- Supporter of his/her staff. Encourage the development
of his/her staff
 The manager as a representative- Coordination and communication link between
admin and staff.
 A good manager must be a strategist, problem solver, teacher, and director.
 Strategist- Managers specifically lab managers should be a strategist or naga look
forward siya in the future and make gueses on what trends or pwede nilang
maging problema para makita nila kung ano ang dapat nila gawin sa loob ng
laboratory. This will give them the opportunity for growth and progress.
 Problem solver- The manager should be a problem solver. If there is problem,
they should know what to do.
 Teacher- Laboratory manager should be a teacher in terms of guiding their
 Director- Siya ang top ng hierarchy. Mayroon siyang authority to direct his or her
team towards the goal na kailangan nila i-achieve. Accountable for using
resources inside the laboratories such as the personnel, equipment, supplies and
 Manager- person responsible for supervising and motivating their employees.
They are the one who directs the progress of the organization specifically the
Leaders needs to progress and learn skills along the way.


1. Organizational skills- This is the ability to conceptualize and apply
management process as well as systematized workflow and also make
decisions and communicate with co-workers. They have the ability to apply
proper management process and systematic workflow.
2. People skills- This is where the manager should understand the basic human
needs or ano ang work motivation ng kaniyang personnel to accomplish the
goal within the organization.
3. Financial Management skills- This is the skill involved in the effective use of
the money or the monetary assets of the company.
4. Technical skills- combined skills. It involves the first three skills and of
course put into action. It is also the skills in managing personal resources such
as the supplies, equipment, and facilities.

1. Scientific management- Manager uses scientific approach towards the organization.

Analyze, synthesize the workflow. Apply science to process or to lead or manage the
laboratory. Main objective is to improve the efficiency of the lab as well as the labor
2. Bureaucracy- It is where the organizational structure or way na ipalakad ang
laboratory or organization. It is characterized by group of rules, standardized
processes, procedures, requirements, meticulous division of labor responsibility.
There is a clear hierarchy, boss, personnel. Many rules and standards within the
organization. This theory is use to have a systematic workflow, paano dapat mag
function ang isang organization. Ito siya ang dapat i-follow.
3. Organizational Behavior Management- This is where they put in the management na
human behavior. This is the management approach in which they look at the
performance and interaction of people within the organization. They look sino nice
mag gawa ng certain task, how this person interacts with this person, what is the
performance of this person. They look at the behavior side or the human behavior
side within the organizational environment.
4. System Analysis Management- This is the analytical view of the organization. It is
like a broad theory. This is where they know how various parts and levels of the
organization will interact with each other. Like how the higher position interact to the
lower position. How they will have a continuous process and how they interact within
theirselves or itselves. If naa silay makita mali kay ila renew or change ang process.
 Management Process- How do manager manage the laboratory or any organization.

7 steps:

1. Identifying goals
2. Evaluating the current situation
3. Establishing the time frame
4. Setting objectives
5. Forecasting resource needs
6. Implementing the plan
7. Creating feedback mechanisms


 Planning- It is the process where we formulate the objectives- This is the narrow
plan or narrow task to achieve the goals because the goal is the mission or the
broad that must achieve by one organization. Dito gina determine kung ano ang
mga steps na dapat gawin to obtain the goal. No healthcare organization will be
effective without an overall plan of action.
-Strategic planning- This is the process in which one organization identify their
goal or mission, objectives, saan silang direction pupunta, ano iyong approach na
dapat nila gawin, what are their long and short goals, and who must be
accountable in certain tasks and allocating of the financial resources or money.
There are 2 strategic planning.
-There several points to consider when planning.
1. Always involve your staff at every level in developing your strategic plan
because you also need feedback from individuals who will do the plan that you
made. The staffs are the responsible for executing the plan. Other people also
have certain ideas on how to mapadali and effectively achieve your goal.
2. To be flexible in your plans. You need to allow people to provide feedback. If
there is a problem be flexible in fixing your plans. Plan A and B are really
3. Ensure that everyone know their responsibility with the plan. Also, dapat ma
implement iyong feedback mechanism. Dapat always gina instruct and pa remind
ang staff to execute the roles. Deadline is deadline.
 Organizing- ang pinaka kalaban kay TIME. A good manager should always be
conscious of how their time will be spended and paano siya i-maximize. Dapat
mag organize ka nang activities sa laboratory in such a way the use of time is
carefully considered. Effort will be minimized while the output is maximized.
 Organizational Chart- A chart that shows hierarchal relationship between
any organization. The formal hierarchy of work groups, job, assignments,
and line of authority. The network of informal relationships that forms in
any organization.
 Time Management- Dapat maximize iyong time. Manager should have
time management.
 Policies- These are the rules or laws inside the laboratory. Policies must be
fair with everyone and equally applied sa lahat ng nasa organization. It
must be review regularly.
 Procedures- These are the formal steps para ma guide iyong employee to
do their specific job task. Mostly, it is written para makita talaga ng
employee iyong workflow or steps to perform a specific job task.
 Workflow- Manager should know the workflow inside the laboratory. She
must know the interconnected processes in the lab.
 Staffing- It is one of the important functions of the management process because
this is the time that you need manpower because good leadership is dependent on
the quality and loyalty of his/her employees. The manager is responsible for
recruiting new staff
 Finding the right person for the right job
 Selecting the personnel
 Placement, training and developing new skills required for present and
future jobs.
 Creating new positions.
 Appraising the staff and planning their growth and promotions etc.
 Directing- This is where the manager direct or leads the people towards the define
 Communication- this the clear communication between the manager and
employee and employee to manager.
-There must be an effective way of communication between two parties.
-It must be that the staff or employee or manager can articulate their
expectations with each other as well as express their concerns, provides
feedback and of course the manager should ensure that policies are
-It must flow in all direction.
-It must be concise, clear, consistent and continuous
-Process of passing information and understanding form one person to
 Delegation- It is where you select people to perform a certain task. The
manager deligates their work to their employee
-Delegate task to people accorsing to their performance.
-Assignment of responsibilities to others
 Leadership- guides and influences the work of his subordinates
 Motivation- This is where the manager motivates their employees.
-arousing desire in the minds of employees of an organization to perform
their best.
 Controlling- It is the process in which everything should be according to plan.
Dito gina measure and correct iyong ginagawa ng mga subordinates niya para
matapos ang kanilang plano.
 Establishing standards of performance
 Setting performance standards
 Measuring performance and comparing with established standards
 Evaluating employee performance- manager gives feedback
towards the progress of employee.
 Taking necessary corrective action to meet the set standards.
 Problem solving and decision making.

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