Cerebral and Callosal Organisation

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505Journal ofNeurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry 1995;59:50-54

Cerebral and callosal organisation in a right

hemisphere dominant "split brain" patient
Helmi L Lutsep, C Mark Wessinger, Michael S Gazzaniga

Abstract formed better by the right hemisphere.4-6 The

Patients described in previous reports availability of a callosotomy patient with right
who have undergone corpus callosotomy hemispheric language dominance allows us to
for control of seizures have been left explore the hemispheric localisation of skills
hemisphere dominant for language. To when dominance is reversed, and to deter-
determine the hemispheric localisation mine whether language and perceptual skills
(and possible coexistence) of language can coexist in one hemisphere.
and traditional right hemisphere skills in The present case has been shown by MRI
reversed dominance, the first right hemi- to have 1-5 cm of callosal body remaining,
sphere dominant corpus callosotomy allowing specific function localisation within
patient was studied. Localisation of cal- the corpus callosum to be investigated.
losal functions was also investigated, as Although animal studies have shown
MRI showed 15 cm of spared callosal somatosensory interhemispheric fibres to run
body. The patient, KO, a 15 year old girl through the rostral part of the caudal half of
with familial left handedness, underwent the callosal body,7 in humans the transfer of
two stage callosotomy in 1988. tactile information has been generally
Lateralised visually presented stimuli localised by behavioural studies to the portion
requiring same or different comparisons of corpus callosum posterior to the foramen of
between visual fields showed chance per- Monro.8-" More precise correlations of func-
formance. Oral naming and reading tion with MRI localisation can be made in this
showed better performance by the right case. Moreover, reports have suggested that
hemisphere than the left, whereas both integrity of tactile information transfer
hemispheres were proficient in auditory depends on direction,'"113 which is further
comprehension. Active voice syntax was investigated in this study.
above chance only in the right hemi- In the present report, it is shown that lan-
sphere. Face recognition was signifi- guage and perceptual skills may coexist in one
cantly better in the right hemisphere hemisphere. Although both hemispheres dis-
than in the left. Tasks requiring tactile play certain language capabilities, complex
comparisons between hands showed grammatical skills are localised to only one
above chance performance except in the hemisphere. The mid-posterior body of the
instance in which the non-dominant right corpus callosum is shown to be the primary
hand was stimulated first in a point local- site of transfer of tactile information, and
isation task between hands. This case hypotheses for directional variability in tactile
showed hemispheric coexistence of lan- performance are proposed.
guage and traditional right hemispheric
skills in a corpus callosotomy patient with
reversed language dominance. Tactile Patient and methods
transfer was localised to the mid-poste- PATIENT
rior callosal body. The patient, KO, a left handed girl with one
left handed sibling, was a 15 year old high
(3 Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1995;59:50-54) school student at the time of testing. She dis-
played infantile spasms during the first six
months of life. These subsided until the age
Center for Keywords: corpus collosum; language; tactile recogni- of 6 years at which time she developed star-
Neuroscience, tion; face recognition ing spells and generalised tonic-clonic and
University of atonic seizures. The seizures became
California Davis, The surgical corpus callosotomy procedure intractable on medical treatment. At the age
Davis, CA, USA
H L Lutsep for intractable epilepsy has provided a unique of 9 KO underwent anterior callosal section,
C M Wessinger opportunity to study the functions of the indi- followed eight months later by posterior
M S Gazzaniga vidual cerebral hemispheres, and has allowed callosotomy. Although she has developed a
Correspondence to:
Dr Michael S Gazzaniga,
the illucidation of the corpus callosum's role new seizure type consisting of unresponsive-
Center for Neuroscience, in the interhemispheric transfer of informa- ness and stiffening of only one side of the
University of California
Davis, Davis, CA 95616,
tion.' Thus far the complete callosotomy or body, left or right, her seizure patterns and
USA. "split brain" patients have all been left hemi- frequencies have not changed greatly since the
Received 15 July 1994 sphere dominant for language.23 In these operations.
and in final revised form
28 March 1995. patients, visuospatial tasks, face recognition, Bedside tests of disconnection showed poor
Accepted 30 March 1995 or line orientation judgment tasks are per- verbal reporting of the right visual field during
Cerebral and callosal organisation in a right hemisphere dominant "split brain" patient 51

bilateral simultaneous visual stimulation, of a picture flashed either to the RVF or LVF;
which corrected with pointing instead of ver- (b) auditory comprehension of a word spoken
bal reporting. She was able to transfer tactile by the examiner and assessed with lateralised
localisation information from one hand to the visual stimuli requiring pointing to one of two
other with her eyes closed and name items pictures flashed to the RVF or LVF; (c) read-
placed in either hand, and she showed no ing a three or four letter word flashed to the
apraxia or agraphia. The remainder of the RVF or LVF and pointing to the correspond-
postoperative general neurological examina- ing picture in a full field array of 12 pictures, or
tion was unremarkable. Preoperative psycho- seeing a picture flashed to the RVF or LVF
metric testing with the Wechsler intelligence and pointing to the corresponding three or
scale for children-revised (WISC-R) showed a four letter word in a full field array of 12
verbal IQ of 70, performance IQ of 78, and words; and (d) testing active voice and passive
full scale IQ of 72. Postoperatively she voice syntax by having the subject point to
achieved a verbal IQ of 74, performance IQ of "yes" or "no" flashed into one visual field
85, and a full scale IQ of 78. Early EEGs depending on whether an aurally provided
showed a hypsarrhythmic pattern with sentence correctly or incorrectly described a
bihemispheric sharp waves. Postoperative full field picture.
EEGs have shown independent and bisyn- The ability to compare visual stimuli
chronous frontal and generalised spikes on a between the two fields was tested by flashing
normal background. Preoperative carotid one picture to each field (simultaneously and
amytal testing suggested bilateral language. with an interval of 0-15 seconds); the patient
Postoperative three dimensional MRI showed stated orally whether they were the same or
corpus callosum section sparing 1-5 cm of different. Within field performance was tested
callosal body and occasional splenial fibres as well, by flashing two pictures to a single
(fig 1). field. Face recognition was assessed by flash-
ing a picture of a face to the RVF or LVF, and
PROCEDURES having the patient point to the same image in a
Lateralised visual stimuli were generated by a full field array of eight pictures. A set of men's
Macintosh II computer. The images were dis- faces and a set of women's faces were tested.
played for 0 15 seconds in random order to The ability to compare tactile information
the right visual field (RVF) or left visual field between hands was evaluated in two ways. In
(LVF) while the subject fixated on a central the first method, a small wooden shape was
point on the screen. All pictures were selected palpated by one hand out of view, then
from Snodgrass drawings-a series of pictures searched for with the other hand in a bag of
standardised for consistent naming 10 similar objects. In the second method, the
responses.'5 In tasks that required pointing, examiner touched a point proximally or dis-
the right hand was used to maximise the per- tally along each finger of one hand (a total of
formance of the left hemisphere. nine sites per hand, comprising three sites on
Language tasks included: (a) oral naming the index finger and two each on the other
three fingers), and the patient attempted to
find the corresponding point on the other
hand with the thumb of the opposite hand.
Within hand performance was also tested,
using the ipsilateral thumb to point to the
location touched. No verbal reporting was
used in the tactile tasks.
A three dimensional MRI was obtained on a
1.5 Tesla General Electric superconductive
scanner. A total of 124 contiguous coronal
slices 1-5 mm thick were acquired, encom-
passing the entire brain. Parameters for the
Ti weighted pulse sequence included TR =
34 and TE = 5. Additional T2 weighted axial
cuts with parameters TR = 6000 and TE =
88 were used to screen for occult second
Statistical analyses were performed in each
case by the x2 method. Significance was deter-
mined through the application of standard
tables. 16

Oral naming (P < 0.001) and reading (P <
0-001) showed significantly better perfor-
mance by the right hemisphere than the left
(table 1). The left hemisphere was, however,
able to name 50% of items, and displayed
Figure 1 Sagittal MRI of the cerebral hemispheres in patient KO, showing a resected reading comprehension above chance perfor-
corpus callosum sparing 1 5 cm of callosal body and rare rostral remnants. mance (P < 0-01). Both hemispheres were
52 Lutsep, Wessinger, Gazzaniga

Table 1 Language results only the dominant right hemisphere performs

RVFv RVFv LVFv active voice syntax. Face recognition is also
RVF LVF LVF chance chance significantly better in the right hemisphere.
Oral naming 18/36 35/36 P < 0001 Between field picture comparisons show
Reading visual disconnection. Most of the between
Word flashed, point picture 6/12 11/12
Picture flashed, point word 4/12 10/12 hand tactile comparisons (object comparisons
Total 10/24 21/24 P < 0-001 P < 0-01
P < 0-001
P < 0-001
P < 0-001
and point matching) do not show tactile dis-
Auditory comprehension 33/36 36/36 NS
Active voice syntax 31/48 38/48 NS NS P < 0 005 connection, although performance deterio-
Passive voice syntax 12/24 15/24 NS NS NS rates in the case in which the right hand is
RVF = Right visual field; LVF = left visual field. Chance performance could not be determined stimulated and the left hand finds the corre-
for the oral naming and reading tasks. Chance was 18/36 for auditory comprehension; 24/48 for sponding point of stimulation.
active voice syntax; and 12/24 for passive voice syntax.
This and previous studies suggest that
unlike other language functions, complex
Table 2 Perceptual task results grammar skills are localised to only one hemi-
Bilateral v RVF v
sphere. Whereas callosotomy patients LB and
RVF LVF Bilateral chance LVF NG have shown comprehension for nouns
Picture comparison
and the affirmative or negative distinction
Non-simultaneous 30/32 32/32 22/32 NS NS with their non-dominant right hemispheres,
Simultaneous 15/16 16/16 8/16 NS NS active, passive, and future tenses as well as
Face recognition 6/32 20/32 P < 0-001
plurals are not recognised.17 Callosotomy
RVF = Right visual field; LVF = left visual field. Chance performance was 16/32 for the non- patients VP and JW both have complex right
simultaneous and 8/16 for the simultaneous picture comparison tasks; for the face recognition
task chance was 4/32. hemisphere lexicons, and VP's right hemi-
sphere is also able to carry out verbal com-
mands and access speech."' 19 On the other
hand VP's right hemisphere is not able to per-
proficient in auditory comprehension of single form the active and passive sentence task
words (P < 0-001). Active voice syntax described in this paper, and JW's right hemi-
(P < 0 005) was above chance only in the sphere achieves an above chance performance
right hemisphere. Passive voice syntax tasks only in the active condition.20 As in VP, the
could not be mastered even after multiple present case illustrates the ability of the non-
practice trials and full field training, rendering dominant, in this case left, hemisphere to
comparisons of the two hemispheres unhelp- access speech and to comprehend single
ful in this condition. words. Moreover, whereas the dominant
Face recognition was significantly better in hemisphere performs the active sentence
the right hemisphere than the left (P < 0-001; grammar task, the non-dominant hemisphere
table 2). Tasks requiring picture same or dif- does not. The non-redundant, fundamental
ferent comparisons between visual fields nature of grammar is further supported by
showed chance performance (P > 0-10). tantalising evidence of its genetic inheritabil-
Tactile object comparison tasks between ity, provided by the discovery of an autosomal
hands showed above chance performance in dominant pattern of inheritance in a family
each direction (P < 0-001; table 3). In the with poor grammar but otherwise generally
point matching task between hands, stimula- intact language functions.2' 22 Left hemidecor-
tion of the left hand and finding the corre- tication also results in a deficiency in manipu-
sponding point with the right showed above lation of grammatical structure by the isolated
chance performance (P < 0.005); stimulation right hemisphere, which shows basic lexical
of the right hand and matching with the left capabilities.23 Comprehension of passive nega-
showed chance performance. There was no tive constructions, as well as use of morpho-
significant difference between the two direc- logical markers and other grammatical
tional conditions of point matching. Within structures, are impaired in hemidecortication
hand performance was above chance in each patients. Performance on passives may, how-
hand (P < 0-001), although more accurate ever, be a misleading measure of linguistic
within the left hand. capabilities, as chance performance on
reversible passives in neurologically intact
adolescents has been shown to be associated
Discussion with low mental age to the degree seen in
The language data (oral naming, auditory patient KO.24 The chance performance of
comprehension, reading, and active voice syn- both of her hemispheres on this task is thus
tax) indicate that patient KO is right hemi- not surprising.
sphere dominant for language. Although the It is of interest to learn whether cognitive
left hemisphere seems to have some capability functions characteristically associated with the
for speech production and comprehension, non-dominant hemisphere in patients with

Table 3 Tactile task results

Within Within Stimulate L, L- > R v Stimulate R, R- > L v
R hand L hand find R chance find L chance
Object comparison 3/3 3/3 9/10 P < 0 001 10/10 P < 0 001
Point matching 13/18 18/18 10/18 P < 0 005 6/18 NS
R = Right; L = left. Chance performance for the object comparison task was 1/10; for the point matching task, chance was 2/18.
Cerebral and callosal organisation in a right hemisphere dominant "split brain" patient 53

left hemisphere language reside in the non-

dominant hemisphere in right language domi-
nant subjects as well. A left handed patient
with posterior section of the corpus callosum
for tumour of the third ventricle displayed
language in the right hemisphere and visu-
ospatial drawing abilities in the left hemi-
sphere.10 Although limited by the inability to Figure 3 Localisation of tactile transfer within the corpus
confirm all lesion locations with modem brain callosum based on combined reconstruction of all lesions
scanning capabilities, Hecaen et al, however, (studies A-F) in fig 2. The rostrum of the caflosum, or
found a right hemispheric lesion dependence anterior, is on the right side of the drawing.
for production of spatial function deficits as
well as cerebral ambilaterality of language rep-
resentations in left handers with familial sinis-
trality.2' Interestingly, in non-familial left the presence of prosopagnosia, supporting the
handers, lesions causing spatial function co-occurrence of language and face recogni-
deficits were not right hemisphere dependent. tion abilities in isolated left hemispheres.
Patient KO has a clear right hemispheric Patient KO also allows us to investigate
superiority for face recognition, a traditional transfer of tactile functions via the corpus cal-
right hemispheric specialised skill,6 which losum, as she has sparing of 1-5 cm of callosal
places this function in her dominant (right) body as well as almost intact transfer of tactile
hemisphere along with language. Thus it information. Although Bentin and Sahar8
seems that, especially in those subjects with have suggested that tactile information is
familial left handedness, language and percep- transferred in the anterior corpus callosum,
tual skills may reside in the same hemisphere. posterior to the foramen of Monro, combin-
Geschwind and Galaburda26 have suggested ing all available data (only one with MRI cor-
that certain right hemispheric skills rarely shift roboration) from lesioned humans8 9 11-14 better
to the left because the right hemisphere devel- localises tactile transfer to the mid-posterior
ops earlier in utero. The right hemispheric body of the corpus callosum (figs 2 and 3).
functions may then be joined by language, This finding is consistent with animal studies
which is more flexibly lateralised." Studies in reporting somatosensory interhemispheric
hemidecorticated patients also provide evi- fibres in the rostral part of the caudal half of
dence that language and visuospatial func- the body of the corpus callosum.7 The MRI
tions may coexist in the isolated right findings in KO support the mid-posterior
hemisphere.23 Likewise, only one of four stud- body of the callosum as the site of tactile
ied patients with right hemidecortication after transfer (fig 1).
disease acquired in childhood or later showed In addition to function location, an inter-
esting question is posed regarding the mecha-
nisms of tactile transfer. Information about
point locations on the hands is capably trans-
Figure 2 Callosal lesion ferred from left to right, but not from right to
data representing patients left in patient KO. This phenomenon has
with poor tactile transfer
from the foUowing studies:
(A) Bentin and Sahar; 8
A been described in two patients with probable
left hemispheric dominance as well, but in the
(B) Dimond et al; 9 reverse direction.'3 14 In reviewing each of
(C) Jeeves et al; 11 these cases, it is notable that the information
(D) Leiguarda et al;'2
(E) Gazzaniga;"I that passes more accurately begins in the
(F) Satomi et al. 14 The
rostrum of the callosum, or
anterior, is on the right side
B dominant hemisphere. In KO and in one of
the other patients, within hand performance
of each drawing. Note that was better in the dominant than the non-
except for one report dominant hand. In KO, no other lateralising
including MRI (study F) signs were seen either on neurological exami-
and another CT (study
D), imaging was not
available and lesions were
C nation or on the MRI to explain this discrep-
ancy. Elicitation of a mild form of neglect or
reconstructed solely from poorer internal verbal strategies generated by
surgical descriptions. the non-dominant hemisphere could be pos-
tulated, and could also have contributed to
D deficient transfer of tactile information origi-
nating there. Despite the possibility that there
may have been sparing of those callosal fibres
responsible for the integration of information
moving from the dominant to non-dominant
E hemisphere," the cortical origins of the tactile
information, especially input from the domi-
nant hemisphere, may be of ultimate impor-
Although it has been argued that epileptic
F patients do not have brains representative of
the normal population and caution should be
exercised in applying data from these patients
54 Lutsep, Wessinger, Gazzaniga

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