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2021 学年第一学期九年级期中检测英语

1. 本试卷分试题卷和答题卷两部分, 满分 120 分, 考试时间为 100 分钟。
2. 答题前, 必须在答题卷的密封区内填写校名、班级、姓名、座位号等。
3. 所有答案都必须写在答题卷标定的位置上, 务必注意试题序号和答题序号相对应。
第一部分 听力(共两节, 满分 30 分)
第一节(共 5 小题, 每小题 2 分, 满分 10 分)
听下面 5 段小对话。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选
项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后, 你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下
1. What did the man do yesterday? 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】

A. He went to the museum. B. He enjoyed the art show. C. He cleaned the window.



【原文】W: John, did you go to the museum to enjoy the works of art yesterday?

M: No, I helped my mother clean the window.

2. What are the speakers mainly talking about? 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】

A. A robot. B. The food. C. The customers.



【原文】W: Look! What is the robot doing?

M: Wow! It’s serving food to customers. How interesting it is!

3. How did Tom go to school this morning? 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】

A. On foot. B. By bus. C. By bike.



【原文】W: Tom, how do you go to school every day?

第 1 页/共 21 页
M: I usually walk but this morning took a bus because of the bad weather.

4. Why is Linda happy? 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】

A. She’ll buy something. B. She’ll see her mother. C. She’ll travel on weekend.



【原文】M: Linda, you look happy today. Anything new?

W: Well, my mother is coming to see me this weekend.

5. What present will the man give his mother? 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】

A. A box of chocolates. B. A coat. C. A book.



【原文】W: Mum’s birthday is coming. I’ll buy her a coat. What present will you give?

M: I’m wondering what to buy. Will a box of chocolates be OK?

W: No, I don’t think it’s a good choice. What about a book? She reads a lot.

M: That’s a good idea.

第二节(共 10 小题, 每小题 2 分, 满分 20 分)

听下面 3 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中
选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前, 你有时间阅读各小题, 每小题 5
秒钟。听完后, 各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

6. What day is it today?

A. Wednesday. B. Thursday. C. Friday.

7. Who is Billy?

A. The woman’s brother. B. The woman’s friend. C. The woman’s classmate.

8. What will the woman do the day after tomorrow?

A. Attend a party. B. Stay with her family. C. Go to Jeanie’s house.

【答案】6. A 7. A 8. B


【原文】W: Dad, can I go to Jeanie’s party on Friday night? All my friends are going.

M: I see no reason for you not to go. But wait, is that the day after tomorrow?

第 2 页/共 21 页
W: Yes, why?

M: Billy called this morning saying he’ll be home tomorrow.

W: Billy is coming home?

M: Yes. After a month’s training in the army, your brother needs some quiet time with the family.

W: He surely does.

M: Mum and I are planning a family weekend away in the country.

W: That sounds good. I’ll call Jeanie and tell her I won’t be able to go then.


9. What happened to the woman on the first day?

A . Her bag was stolen. B. Her ID card was lost. C. Her money ran out.

10. What did she do on the last evening?

A. She had a big meal. B. She joined in singing. C. She went out for a walk.

11. What are they talking about?

A . The concert. B. The accident. C. The holiday.

【答案】9. A 10. B 11. C


【原文】M: How was your holiday?

W: To be honest, I’m really happy to be home!

M: Why?

W: Well, on the first day at the hotel, someone stole my bag.

M: Did you catch the person?

W: No. Luckily, I’d packed my ID card and money in a different bag, so as soon as I’d bought some new clothes I

went sightseeing.

M: Great!

W: The rest of the holiday went well until the last evening.

M: What happened then?

W: Suddenly it became dark in the hotel. The manager had some candles, then all the hotel guests sat in the

reception area and sang songs from different countries. That was fun.


12. What is the man speaker doing?

A. He is presenting the news. B. He is taking a note. C. He is giving a class.

第 3 页/共 21 页
13. What was stolen last night?

A. A black shirt. B. A school computer. C. A set of Beats earphones.

14. Who saw the tall man at 11:00 last night?

A . A student. B. A policeman. C. A taxi driver.

15. When will the swimming match begin tomorrow?

A. At 9:30 am. B. At 3:00 pm. C. At 6:30 pm.

【答案】12. A 13. B 14. C 15. B


【原文】M: Hello, everyone. This is our Saturday Radio Programme. Today is March 12th. Now for the news:

First, some bad news. One of the school computers was lost last night. We don’t know who did it. But a taxi driver

said he saw a tall man hanging out at the school gate last night at 11 o’clock. The man was wearing a black shirt

with a black hat. Do you know who he could be? If you do, please call the police at 7932107. That’s 7932107.

Now for some good news. The new Sports Center will open at 9:30 tomorrow morning. In the afternoon, at three

o’clock, there will be a swimming match. If you can swim, go there and try to win. The first prize is a set of Beats

earphones. Good luck!

第二部分阅读理解(共两节, 满分 40 分)
第一节(共 15 小题, 每小题 2 分, 满分 30 分)
阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中选出最佳选项。
On the bottom of most plastic packaging(包装), there’s a small triangle(三角)with a letter or a number

written inside. These little symbols are not easy to be noticed, but are really important. They tell you what kind of

plastic it is and whether it can be recycled or not.

Can it be
Types of Plastic

PET is the plastic that you often see on supermarket shelves! It’s used to

第 4 页/共 21 页
make plastic water bottles and biscuit boxes.

HDPE is a stronger type of plastic. It is what milk bottles are made of

LDPE is a very soft plastic which is not easily broken. It is what shopping

bags are made of.

PS is the plastic that is often seen in our daily life. You’ll probably have seen

it as those cheap white cups you get hot drinks in, or as takeaway food packaging.

第 5 页/共 21 页
16. Which is a stronger type of plastic?


17. Which of the following uses PET plastic?

A. Milk bottles. B. Hot drinks white cups.

C. Drinking water bottles. D. Takeaway food packaging.

18. What is the text mainly about?

A. Different types of plastic. B. Plastic drinking cups.

C. Plastic recycling methods. D. Necessary information on bags.

【答案】16. B 17. C 18. A



【16 题详解】

细节理解题。根据“HDPE is a stronger type of plastic.”可知 HDPE 是一种强度更大的塑料。故选 B。

【17 题详解】

细节理解题。根据“PET is the plastic that you often see on supermarket shelves! It’s used to make plastic water

bottles and biscuit boxes.”可知饮用瓶装水使用的是 PET 塑料。故选 C。

【18 题详解】

主旨大意题。根据文章内容可知文章主要介绍了四种不同类型的塑料。故选 A。

Oliver Kent is a thirteen-year-old student, but he doesn’t go to school. He’s homeschooled. His dad is his

teacher and teaches Oliver at home.

“People always ask me the same questions,” says Oliver, who lives in London. Things like “What time do you

have to get up? When do you start? When do you finish? Do you like it?” They don’t understand homeschooling,

but for me it’s normal. I love it! I can get up when I want to, and I have lessons at different times every day.

“Dad doesn’t work. I study at home with him, and we sometimes go to museums and talk about what we see. I

go swimming three times a week. I have a teacher because Dad can’t swim. I’m in a football club too. I have

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internet lessons on English, maths and politics. Dad teaches me the other subjects.”

Homeschooling is popular in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the United States and

many other countries. Can parents homeschool their children in every country in the world? No. Brazil, Greece,

Cuba, Turkey and 24 other countries say no to homeschooling.

What about friends? “People often ask me that question,” says Oliver. “I have lots of friends. Most of them go

to school and that’s the right thing for them. My friend Ella is homeschooled by her mum. We can discuss things

about homeschooling that other people don’t understand.”

Does Oliver think he is different to other thirteen-year-olds? “Of course not. I watch the same things on TV as

other kids my age. I play the same games, I worry about the same things and I eat the same food! I learn the same

things. It’s just that I learn them in a different way.”

19. What does Oliver do in daily life?

A. He gets up early every day.

B. He only does sport during the weekend.

C. He stays at home every day.

D. He has lessons at different times every day.

20. What can be learned from the text about Olivers’ dad?

A. He has a job in London.

B. He doesn’t go to museums with Oliver.

C . He is good at swimming.

D. He doesn’t teach Oliver maths.

21. According to the text, where is homeschooling allowed?

A. In the U. S. B. In Brazil. C. In Greece. D. In Turkey.

22. What is Oliver’s opinion in last paragraph?

A. Homeschooling is only for rich family.

B. He learns the same things in different ways.

C. He is different from other teenagers.

D. Every parent should homeschool their child.

【答案】19. D 20. D 21. A 22. B



【19 题详解】

细节理解题。根据“I have lessons at different times every day.”可知,奥利弗每天在不同的时间上课。故选

第 7 页/共 21 页

【20 题详解】

细节理解题。根据“I have internet lessons on English, maths and politics. Dad teaches me the other subjects. ”

可知,奥利弗的爸爸不教授数学,故选 D。

【21 题详解】

细节理解题。根据“Homeschooling is popular in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the

United States and many other countries.”可知,家庭教育在美国是被允许的,故选 A。

【22 题详解】

细节理解题。根据“I learn the same things. It’s just that I learn them in a different way. ”可知,奥利弗认为他

以不同的方式学习同样的东西。故选 B。

March 2 is Old Stuff Day(旧物日). It is all about old stuff. Things you used have been forgotten for ages in

your home. You must have some old stuff around. And today is all about enjoying it. Because what’s better than

finding something really great from days gone by?

It’s so easy to forget things you have. If we don’t use them every day, some things can be put away and stay

there. And that’s not just the things in your home— technology grows so quickly, new toys come out all the time,

new books keep coming out. In the age of new information, we can have so many things easily. Today is all about

remembering the things we sometimes leave behind.

We’ve learned to value what age can bring to things. Wines, for example, are more valuable and tastier as they

grow older. It’s certain that old things still have their uses, value or charm. People today will pay a pretty penny for

stamps, toys, video games, board games, books, coins, and clothes of yesterday.

You can really get into the charm of old things by visiting a junk shop (旧货店). Another person’s old stuff

could be your new stuff! Or maybe now is a good day to clean up? Old stuff could become a great gift for someone

else, or you could always send your old things to a charity shop. If you’re free, you could turn your old clothes into

new ones with just a little change.

Today could be a good day to visit your older families. You could ask your grandparents to tell you stories

about family history, their childhood and their youth. Learn about what was going on in the world when they were

growing up.

Most of all, remember that today’s new stuff will one day be old stuff.

23. What is Old Stuff Day?

A. A day to throw away old things. B. A day to follow new technology.

C. A day to get together with families. D. A day to enjoy and reuse old things.

第 8 页/共 21 页
24. From paragraph 3, we know that ________.

A. age brings people new things B. people love buying new things

C. people always clean up old stuff D. old stuff is still valuable and useful

25. Which of the following is a proper way to deal with old stuff?

A. Breaking them into pieces. B. Sending them to charity shops.

C. Forgetting them in some places. D. Turning them into waste things.

26. The author’s purpose in writing the text is to make people ________.

A. realize value of old stuff B. explore new technology

C. produce more old things D. remember family history

【答案】23. D 24. D 25. B 26. A



【23 题详解】

细节理解题。根据“March 2 is Old Stuff Day(旧物日). It is all about old stuff. Things you used have been

forgotten for ages in your home. You must have some old stuff around. And today is all about enjoying it.” 可知,

旧货日是一个享受并重复使用旧东西的日子。故选 D。

【24 题详解】

主旨大意题。根据“We’ve learned to value what age can bring to things...It’s certain that old things still have

their uses, value or charm.”可知,本段主要是说旧东西是有用的有价值的,故选 D。

【25 题详解】

细节理解题。根据“Old stuff could become a great gift for someone else, or you could always send your old

things to a charity shop.”可知,旧东西可以送到慈善商店,故选 B。

【26 题详解】

推理判断题。根据“March 2 is Old Stuff Day(旧物日). It is all about old stuff.”以及“Most of all, remember

that today’s new stuff will one day be old stuff.”及整个文章的理解可知,文章的目的就是让人们认识到旧东西

的价值,故选 A。

According to research, more than 130 billion pounds of uneaten food go to waste in Laura’s country each year.

That is about 30% of the yearly food supply (供应). It is a sad fact, especially when you consider how many

families and homeless people are in hunger.

When Laura saw her school dining hall throw away food that was not eaten at all every day, she came up with

an idea. She started a project to help her school dining hall to give away uneaten food to homeless shelters ( 庇护

第 9 页/共 21 页
所) in her community. In the past three years, the same project has spread to other schools and some fast food

restaurants throughout the city. The project is called Feet & Find, and has already fed thousands of people in her


How does it work? Through an app, Feed & Find matches local homeless shelters with school dining halls and

restaurants that have uneaten food to provide. When dining halls or restaurants have uneaten food left, they can use

the app to share the information about the food. A truck driver working for the project is then sent to pick it up and

take it to a shelter.

Pretty cool, right? It’s not surprising that people in other cities have got in touch with Laura, hoping that she

could have develop similar projects for their communities.

Some people, however, have concerns about the safety of the uneaten food. They think such food may not be

clean enough. Still, this project is a clever way to help solve the problem of food waste and it helps those in need.

27. What does the numbers in paragraph 1 tell us?

A. Some people are poor. B. The population is large.

C. Food waste is serious. D. The research is interesting.

28. Where did Laura’s project first get food?

A. From her school dining hall. B. From her family.

C. From a fast food restaurant. D. From homeless shelter.

29. What does the underlined word “concerns” in the last passage mean?

A. Ways. B. Secrets. C. Decisions. D. Worries.

30. Which can be the best title for this passage?

A. A Dining Guide App B. A Food Sharing Project

C. A Driving Service APP D. A Food Safety Project

【答案】27. C 28. A 29. D 30. B




【27 题详解】

推理判断题。根据“According to a research, more than 130 billion pounds of uneaten food go to waste in Laura’s

county each year. That is about 30% of the yearly food supply”可知每年有超过 1300 亿磅的未食用食物被浪费

掉, 这大约是每年食物供应量的 30%,这些数字说明了食物浪费是非常严重的。故选 C。

【28 题详解】

细节理解题。根据“She started a project to help her school dining hall to give away uneaten food to homeless

第 10 页/共 21 页
shelters (庇护所) in her community.”可知为了帮助她的社区,她开始了一个项目,以帮助她的学校向无家可

归者收容所赠送食物,因此项目的食物来自她学校的食堂。故选 A。

【29 题详解】

词义猜测题。根据“They think such food may not be clean enough”可知他们认为这样的食物可能不够干净,

这是他们对这些食物安全的担忧,故此处划线部分和 worries 意义相近,意为“担忧”。故选 D。

【30 题详解】


个问题,故以选项 B“食物共享项目”为标题更合适。故选 B。

第二节(共 5 小题, 每小题 2 分, 满分 10 分)

下面文章中有五处 (第 31—35 题) 需要添加小标题。请从以下选项 (A、B、C、D、E 和 F) 中选出符合意思

How to Be Good at Sports

If sports are something that interests you, it stands to reason you would want to be good at them. Succeeding

at a sport takes skill, and skill takes patience. However, there are other things you need to think about if you want to

be a good sports player.


If you want to become a sports superstar, joining a team is a good way to start. Even if your skills are low now.

Sports teams are everywhere, and most of them are free to join.


This one should come as obvious, but you might be surprised how important proper sleep is. This is especially

true during times of intense (紧张) practice or training, where things get so busy it becomes hard to cram (挤满)

everything into a usual day. However, your body needs its full rest.


Everyone should make a point of eating a diet that does good to their body. This is especially true if you want

to be great at sports. Eating junk food will work against whatever efforts you make in the gym.


No matter what you do, skills are often slow to build. If you’re not patient, you will try to jump into more

advanced (高级) skills long before you’re ready. Keep the long-term in mind, and try to make it come true.


One of the biggest reasons people join sports teams in the first place is to make friends with new people. If

you join a team, you will run into a lot of people. Chances are you’ll develop friendships with at least some of


第 11 页/共 21 页
A. Warm up

B. Be patient

C. Get enough sleep

D. Eat a healthy diet

E. Join a sports team

F. Make friends with other players

【答案】31. E 32. C 33. D 34. B 35. F



【31 题详解】

根据“joining a team is a good way to start.”可知此段应是建议加入一个团队,选项 E“加入一个运动队”符

合语境,故选 E。

【32 题详解】

根据“However, your body needs its full rest.”可知此段应是说需要休息,选项 C“得到足够 睡眠”符合语境,

故选 C。

【33 题详解】

根据“Everyone should make a point of eating a diet that does good to their body.” 可知此段是说应该重视饮食,

选项 D“有一个健康的日常饮食”符合语境,故选 D。

【34 题详解】

根据“ If you’re not patient, you will try to jump into more advanced skills long before you’re ready” 可知此段强

调耐心的必要性,选项 B“要耐心”符合语境,故选 B。

【35 题详解】

根据“Chances are you’ll develop friendships with at least some of them.” 可知此段是建议和队员发展友谊,选

项 F“和其他运动员交朋友”符合语境,故选 F。

第三部分英语知识运用 (共两节, 满分 25 分)

第一节∶完形填空(共 15 小题, 每小题 1 分, 满分 15 分)

通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C 和 D) 中选出一个最佳选项。

Last Saturday, I went to a coffee shop to meet a friend of mine. I got there ten minutes earlier. So I

____36____ a cup of coffee and sat by the window, watching people. There were some boys playing football on the

street and a small boy was ____37____ the ball as it rolled across the road. ____38____, there came a car. It was

going very fast. When the driver saw the boy ____39____, he braked (刹车) hard. But it was too late. . . The small

第 12 页/共 21 页
boy was ____40____ on the street without moving. To everyone’s surprise, the car didn’t ____41____. It drove

away quickly.

People ____42____ to the boy. There was a ____43____ on the boy’s head and he lost a lot of blood. The

coffee shop owner ____44____ the police. Soon an ambulance (救护车) arrived and took the boy to the hospital.

At 6:30 pm, the police arrived and started ____45____ people. About half an hour later, they asked me to go to the

police station because I ____46____ everything. I gave them all the ____47____ I knew because I really wanted

them to ____48____ the driver. I didn’t leave the police station until 8:00 p. m. After that I went home because I

didn’t want to talk to anyone.

The next day, the boy’s parents called me to say ____49____. They also told me their boy was ____50____

and the driver was at the police station now.

36. A. made B. ordered C. sold D. checked

37. A. washing out B. knocking at C. putting away D. running after

38. A. Suddenly B. Carelessly C. Certainly D. Typically

39. A. in his way B. all the way C. by the way D. in one way

40. A. standing B. speaking C. lying D. sweeping

41. A. burn B. pass C. miss D. stop

42. A. walked B. ran C. listen D. point

43. A. hat B. coat C. cut D. touch

44. A. sent B. trained C. telephoned D. remembered

45. A. questioning B. forcing C. guarding D. introducing

46. A. posted B. saw C. made D. kept

47. A. pictures B. secrets C. stress D. information

48. A. invite B. provide C. bring D. catch

49. A. hellos B. thanks C. words D. news

50. A. fine B. lovely C. happy D. noisy

【答案】 36. B 37. D 38. A 39. A 40. C 41. D 42. B 43. C 44. C 45. A 46. B 47. D 48. D

49. B 50. A




【36 题详解】


第 13 页/共 21 页
made 制造;ordered 点;sold 卖;checked 检查。根据“I went to a coffee shop”可知应是点了咖啡,故选 B。

【37 题详解】

washing out 清洗;knocking at 敲;putting away 收起;running after 追赶。根据“as it rolled across the road”

可知应是追赶球,故选 D。

【38 题详解】

Suddenly 突然;Carelessly 粗心地;Certainly 当然;Typically 典型地。结合备选项可知应是突然来了一辆车。

故选 A。

【39 题详解】

in his way 挡他的路;all the way 一路;by the way 顺便问一下;in one way 在某种程度上。根据“he braked

hard”可知应是挡住他的路,故选 A。

【40 题详解】

standing 站立;speaking 说话;lying 平躺;sweeping 打扫。根据“without moving”可知应是躺在街上,故选


【41 题详解】

burn 燃烧;pass 通过;miss 错过;stop 停。根据“It drove away quickly.”可知车没有停。故选 D。

【42 题详解】

walked 走;ran 跑;listen 听;point 指。结合备选项和语境可知应是跑向男孩,故选 B。

【43 题详解】

hat 帽子;coat 大衣;cut 伤口;touch 触摸。根据“he lost a lot of blood”可知是头上有伤口,故选 C。

【44 题详解】

sent 送;trained 训练;telephoned 打电话;remembered 记得。根据“At 6:30 pm, the police arrived”并结合备

选项可知应是报警,故选 C。

【45 题详解】


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questioning 盘问;forcing 迫使;guarding 保卫;introducing 介绍。根据“the police”可知应是盘问大家,了

解情况,故选 A。

【46 题详解】

posted 邮递;saw 看见;made 制作;kept 保持。根据上文可知作者看到了事情经过,故选 B。

【47 题详解】

pictures 图片;secrets 秘密;stress 压力;information 信息。根据“I really wanted them to...the driver”可知应

是提供一切信息,故选 D。

【48 题详解】

invite 邀请;provide 提供;bring 带来;catch 抓。根据上文可知司机逃跑了,所以结合备选项应是作者希望

抓住司机。故选 D。

【49 题详解】

hellos 你好;thanks 谢谢;words 话;news 新闻。结合备选项应是男孩的父母感谢作者提供线索,故选 B。

【50 题详解】

fine 好的;lovely 可爱的;happy 高兴的;noisy 吵闹的。根据“and the driver was at the police station now.”

可知此处应是同样让作者欣慰的事,故选 A。

第 II 卷
第三部分英语知识运用 (共两节, 满分 25 分)
第二节(共 10 小题, 每小题 1 分, 满分 10 分)
阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。将答案填写在答题纸的

Before going back to work one afternoon, Policeman Li took a big bite out of the red apple ____51____ his

desk. He had no time to eat his lunch that day. He was busy dealing with ____52____ traffic accident report.

It seemed that a man named Wang Jie had run a red light, running into another ____53____ (person) car. But

he said that the light had been green ____54____ he drove across the crossing.

Li decided ____55____ (question) Wang Jie again. Maybe he could get some ____56____ (many) information

about the accident. This time Wang Jie still insisted (坚持) that the light was green when he drove across the

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crossing. Li had no reason to doubt ____57____ Wang Jie said. ____58____ (final), he told Wang Jie that he was

free to go.

“Thank you so much, Policeman Li. By the way, that green apple on your desk ____59____ (look) delicious! I

hope you enjoy it!” Wang Jie said with a smile.

Li stopped for a moment. “Wait. Sit back down. I think we need to talk some more.”

When Li’s red apple _____60_____ (describe) as being green, Li realized that Wang Jie must have run a red


【答案】51. on 52. a

53. person’s

54. when 55. to question

56. more 57. what

58. Finally

59. looks 60. was described



【51 题详解】

句意:一天下午,李警察在上班之前,咬了一大口桌子上的红苹果。根据“his desk”可知,这里是桌子上

的红苹果,on the desk 意为“在桌子上”。故填 on。

【52 题详解】

句意:他正忙着处理一份交通事故的报告。作为介词宾语的 report 是可数名词单数,且被以辅音音素开头

的单词 traffic 所修饰,故用 a 修饰限定,表示 “一份(报告)”。故填 a。

【53 题详解】

句意:看起来一个叫王杰的人闯红灯,撞上了另一个人的车。空后的 car 是名词,这里需用名词所有格修

饰,person 的名词所有格为 person’s。故填 person’s。

【54 题详解】

句意:但他说,当他开车穿过十字路口时,绿灯一直亮着。分析句子结构可知,这里是由 when 引导的时

间状语从句。故填 when。

【55 题详解】

句意:李决定再次询问王杰。这里是:decide to do sth.意为“决定做某事”,需用动词不定式,question 意

为“问”,其动词不定式为 to question。故填 to question。

【56 题详解】

句意:也许他可以得到更多关于事故的信息。根据前面的提示词 again 判断,这里是李警官想再次询问是

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为了获得更多的信息,因此用 many 的比较级 more。故填 more。

【57 题详解】

句意:李没有理由怀疑王杰说的话。分析句子结构可知,这里是由 what 引导的宾语从句,且在从句中作宾

语,表示事物,指王杰所说的话。故填 what。

【58 题详解】

句意:最后,他告诉王杰他可以走了。分析句子结构可知,这里是副词作状语,final 意为“最终的”,形

容词,其副词为 finally,句子开头,首字母大写。故填 Finally。

【59 题详解】

句意:顺便说一句,你桌子上的那个绿苹果看起来很好吃!根据“I hope you enjoy it!”可知,这句话陈述

客观事实,因此用一般现在时,主语 that green apple 是单数,因此谓语用三单形式。look 的三单形式为

looks。故填 looks。

【60 题详解】

句意:当李的红苹果被描述为绿色时,李意识到王杰一定闯了红灯。分析句子结构可知,这里的主语 red

apple 与动词 describe 是被动关系,故用被动语态(即:be done 形式);本句说的是过去的事情,因此用

一般过去时的被动语态,其结构是:was/were+动词的过去分词;主语 red apple 是单数,因此 be 动词用

was,describe 的过去分词为 described。故填 was described。

第四部分写作(共两节, 满分 25 分)
第一节∶单词拼写(共 10 小题, 每小题 1 分, 满分 10 分)
根据下列句子及所给的首字母, 在答题纸上按题号写出各单词的正确、完全形式(每空限填一
61. Do you prefer American English or B________ English?



【详解】句意:你喜欢美国英语还是英国英语?由前面的提示词 American English 及所给的首字母可知,

这里指英国英语,British English 意为“英国英语”。故填(B)ritish。

62. Do e________ what your mom asks you to do, or she will get angry.



【详解】句意:完全按照你妈妈要求的去做,否则她会生气的。此处应用副词修饰动词,结合“or she will

get angry”可知应用副词“exactly”表示“准确地;完全地”。故填(e)xactly。

63. As a Chinese, I always take p________ in the success of our country.


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此处应用短语“take pride in”表示“为……感到骄傲”。故填(p)ride。

64. Don’t talk loudly in p________ and we should be polite.



【详解】句意:不要在公共场合大声说话,我们应该有礼貌。根据“Don’t talk loudly”结合首字母提示可知

此处应用“public”,“in public”表示“在公共场合”。故填(p)ublic。

65. In western countries people usually eat with knives and f________.



【详解】句意:在西方国家,人们通常用刀叉吃饭。根据“In western countries people usually eat with ...”结

合常识可知西方国家人们用刀叉吃饭,“叉子”fork,此处用复数形式 forks。故填(f)orks。

66. To make paper cutting, you should have some red paper and a pair of s________ first.



【详解】句意:要剪纸,你首先要有一些红纸和一把剪刀。根据“To make paper cutting, you should have

some red paper and a pair of s...first.”可知,用剪刀剪纸,a pair of scissors“一把剪刀”,故填(s)cissors。

67. Almost all the ________ on the trees turn yellow in autumn. But some are still green.



【详解】句意:秋天几乎所有树上的叶子都变黄了。但是依然有一些绿色的。根据“on the trees turn

yellow in autumn”可知,是叶子。leaf 名词“叶子”,其复数形式为 leaves。故填 leaves。

68. When riding a bike in the street, you should be careful enough to a________ knocking other people down.



【详解】句意:当你在街上骑自行车时,你应该足够小心避免撞倒别人。根据“…knocking other people

down.”结合首字母提示可知,此处应用动词“avoid”,表示“避免”,不定式符号 to 后接动词原形。故填


69. He read the letter a________so that the people at the back of the room could hear him.



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根据句意及首字母提示可知,此处表示“大声地”,可用 aloud 表示,此处用于句中修饰动词 read,所以

用其副词形式即可。故填 aloud。

70. During the Spring Festival, we always visit our r________ and friends.





第二节∶书面表达(共 1 小题, 满分 15 分)
71. 假定你是李明,请阅读以下邮件并回复。

1. 至少介绍两个方面的变化,并表达自己的观点。

2. 词数 80 左右,可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Li Ming,

How are you? It’s been five years since I last went to China. Next month, I will go to

China with my father. Could you please tell how people’s life has changed these years? And I

am interested in Chinese traditional art forms. Would you please introduce one to me? Look

forward to your reply.



Dear Alice,











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Li Ming

Dear Alice,

I am glad to hear from you. In my hometown Suzhou, people’s life has changed a lot. In the past, the roads

were narrow that people went outside only on foot or by boat. But now we can see wide and clean roads with many

trees on both sides. It is more convenient for us to go to work or go home. Besides, the streets are cleaner than

before and the air is fresher. People love the beauty and we also protect the environment well.

Chinese paper cutting has a long history. It has different shapes, such as animals, flowers and so on. People

usually put them on doors or windows during the Spring Festival. They are the symbols of good luck.

I’m looking forward to your coming.


Li Ming



① 题材:本文是一篇应用文,为电子邮件写作;

② 时态:时态为一般现在时和一般过去时;

③ 提示:注意根据所给邮件中提到的内容写作,除了介绍两个方面的变化,还要介绍一项传统工艺。可







①such as 例如

②symbols of……的标志

③look forward to 期望


①It is more convenient for us to go to work or go home. (it 作形式主语)

②In the past, the roads were narrow that people went outside only on foot or by boat. But now we can see wide and

clean roads with many trees on both sides.(古今对比)

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