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Political Party Thesis

Socialist Advanced Modern State party


➢ Increase Meritocracy (equal rights from birth)
➢ Consistency and truth telling
➢ Increasing foreign trades
➢ Abolish/Reduce Death Penalty
➢ Hierarchy based on: seniority, education and
occupational status
➢ Prevent monopolizing leadership positions
➢ Eliminate corruption, punish the corrupts
➢ Influence Gender Equality not feminism
➢ Improve Diplomatic Power
➢ Increase Economic Power (wealth)
➢ Quality Education
➢ Political Influence
➢ Public Safety

Motto: “We must learn to live together as brothers or

perish together as fools.”
Qualities we seek in our leader:
• Integrity: People want leaders they can trust to act for the
greater good and tell the truth.
• Empowering Others: Great leaders trust the people on their
team and coach them to make important decisions
• Accountable: History is filled with leaders who credit their
teams for their successes and accept personal responsibility for
team’s failures

What we strongly believe: “No Man will make a great leader who
wants to do it all himself or get all the credit for doing it.”

What Our Ideology Actually Says

• Meritocracy: Everyone should be equal since birth. People

should be ranked on the basis of their education, merits, talents
and efforts. People with higher qualifications should get better
and higher paid jobs.
• Consistency and Truth: Our party will stick to our words
and not form a hypocrite Govt. With ironic ideologies.
• Increasing Foreign Trades: International trades will have
reduced price over good consumption, creating welfare gains.
• Abolish Death Penalty: Controversies are made against
Death Penalty claiming it violates the condemned person’s right
to life and is fundamentally inhuman and degrading.
• Heirarchy: Seniority is an important factor in the chain of
command at an organisation. It can have impact on your pay,
responsibilities, promotion, opportunities, title and the roles
you are eligible for.
• Prevent monopolizing leadership positions: Enable talented
individuals to succeed to the most responsible positions and
prevent one group from dominating the leadership positions in
the market.
• Eliminate Corruption: We would launch awareness programs
against corruptions. People will be taught to act morally and
virtuously through our campaigns. The corrupts will be boycotted
and not be allowed to participate in the elections.
• Why Feminism shouldn’t be promoted: It promotes a sense
of sexist perceptions amongst the society with people getting
wrong ideas of gender equality. We are promoting gender
equality to let people know that why no gender deserves any
more or less right and deserve equal rights based on their merits
and efforts and not their sex.
• Improving Diplomatic Power: As a Nation it is important for
us to have peaceful relations with other nations.It has become
essential to have better relations and negotiations with
international affairs.
• Increase of Economic Power: Our country’s economic power
becomes a major asset when it comes to increasing the standard
of living. To ensure that our country becomes more financially
free and independent, we will accumulate more capital stocks,
increase our labor inputs, and gain more technical advancements.
• Quality Education: It may be hard, but not impossible. We will
ensure that all primary and elementary schools have annual
orientation for the teachers. Educators who are using
technologies to impart training should be well trained.
• Public Safety: For the safety of people, we will ensure to take
good care of children who get lost, display easy to understand
signs and maps in public.
Role of each member in the party:

• Adhayan (Speaker, Chief Justice)

• Mohul (Education Minister)
• Sanchit (President)
• Sanvi (Vice-President, Finance Minister)

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