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Seasons and weather!

Activity 1
Learn the following words and word-combination

СТР. 1
Запам’ятай! Займенник it замінює іменники, що означають назви
предметів, а також назви деяких живих істот, рід яких не вказується. It
перекладається займенниками він, вона, воно залежно від роду
відповідного іменника в українській мові.
This is a bus. It is big. – Це автобус. Він великий.
That is an egg. It’s bad. – То яйце. Воно погане.
This is a lamp. It’s red. – Це лампа. Вона червона.
This is a dog. It’s black. – Це собака. Він чорний.

Activity 2


There are four seasons of the year. They are: spring, summer, autumn and
winter. Each season has three months.

S pring begins in March and ends in May. The spring months are
March, April and May. In spring the air is fresh, but it often rains. The
grass is soft and green. The days become longer and the nights shorter.
Many people try to spend more time out of doors. Nature awakens from
her long winter sleep.

СТР. 2
The s ummer months are June, July and August. When summer comes
the weather gets warmer and sometimes its hot. The sky is clear and
cloudless. The days are long and the nights are short and warm. Summer
is a good season for swimming in a river or sea. Besides, summer is a
good time for holidays.

A utumn comes after summer. September is the first month of autumn

and we go to school. A school year begins. When autumn comes the days
get colder. The trees turn yellow. The leaves begin to turn yellow, red,
green and fall to the ground. Some animals collect food before winter
comes. It is rather warm in the daytime, but it is already cool at night. But
it's a tasty and beautiful season. Autumn is harvest time. There are plenty
of fruit in our garden: apples, pears, grapes, plums. The farmers gather
crop and pick fruit. It often rains in autumn. Autumn is a rainy season.
The days become shorter and the nights longer.

W inter is the coldest season. The winter months are: December,

January and February. In winter we have often hard frost. It is a cold

season. It often snows. In winter the sun shines rarely. It rises late and
sets early. The temperature is low. The sky is often covered with grey
heavy clouds. The rivers and lakes are covered with ice. The nights are
long and the days are short. Winter is the season for winter sports and
games. Every season has its own charm and is good in its own way. I
think all seasons are beautiful.

Запамятай! Щоб показати наявність особи або предмета у

певному місці, вживається зворот “there is” (для однини), “there
are” (для множини).

СТР. 3
There is a book on the desk. – На парті (є, лежить) книжка.
(Для порівняння: The book is on the desk. – Книжка на столі.)
Після звороту there is вживається іменник в однині з неозначеним
артиклем, після звороту there are іменник у множині без артикля.
У питальних реченнях is або are стоїть перед there.
Is there a book on the desk? – Чи (є) книжка на парті? (Книжка на
Are there books on the desk? – Чи (є) книжки на парті? (Книжки на

What do you think?
What was the most interesting fact about autumn? What’s the weather
like in your country in this season? What can you do in autumn in your
country? Do you like autumn? Why?

 Tongue twisters:
Whether the weather:
'Whether the weather is warm, whether the weather is hot,
we have to put up with the weather, whether we like it or

СТР. 4
Match the phrases with pictures:

- It is cold. The trees

change their colour,
and you can see
leaves everywhere.
- It is warm. You can
hear the birds singing
and the trees begin to
- It is very cold and
snowy. You make
snowmen and play
with snowballs.
- It is hot and sunny.
You go to the beach and play in the water.

Read and answer “true” or “false”

1. In winter the children make snowmen.
2. In spring the children wear gloves.
3. In autumn the children pick up fruits.
4. In summer the children play in the water.
5. In summer the weather is cold.
6. In spring the trees are full of leaves and flowers.
7. In winter there is ice everywhere.
8. In autumn the children fly their kites.

Запам’ятай! Займенник it вживається в безособових

реченнях. Займенник it дозволяє описати ситуацію, висловити певну
характеристику. Коли той, хто виконує дію відсутній в реченні на
допомогу приходить займенник it з додаванням дієслова is – є (для
It is a pen – Це (є) ручка.

СТР. 5
It is a big flag. – Це (є) великий прапор.
It is winter. – Це (є) зима.
It is cold. – Це (є) холодно. – дослівно від холодно.
It is a scarf. – Це (є) шарф.

Spring to winter

Buds and shoots are pushing up

Flowers opening to the sun
Bright green freshness everywhere
Lambs and ducklings having fun
Kites are flying on the wind
Sudden showers make us run.
These are things that tell us when
Spring’s here again.
Days that last a long, long time
Children swimming in the sea
Ice cream in the hot bright sun
Shining leaves on every tree
There’s no school so every day
All my friends can play with me.
These are things that tell us when
Summer’s here again.
Leaves are falling on the ground

СТР. 6
All the trees drop their disguise
Squirrels gather up their nuts
Sleepy creatures close their eyes
Days are short: afternoons and
Mornings have much darker skies.
These are things that tell us when
Autumn’s here again.
Stars like snowflakes in the sky
Robins sit on leafless trees
All the children wish for snow
Waiting for the lakes to freeze
Cheeks and noses turn bright red
Many people start to sneeze.
These are things which tell us when
Winter’s here again.

СТР. 7

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