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Btech Biotechnology


Environmental science

Ex - Situ conservation

Ex-situ conservation involves maintenance and breeding of Endangered plants and animals
underpartially or wholly controlled Conditions in specific areas including zoo, gardens, nurseries,
etc.That is, The conservation of selected plants and animals in selected areas outside

Their natural habitat is known as ex-situ conservation. The stresses on Living organisms due to

competition for food, water, space etc. can be Avoided by ex-situ conservation there by providing
conditions necessary For a secure life and breeding.The different advantages of ex-situ conservation
areEndangered plants and animals under partially or wholly controlled Conditions in specific areas
including zoo, gardens, nurseries, etc. That is, The conservation of selected plants and animals in
selected areas outside Their natural habitat is known as ex-situ conservation. The stresses on 1
organisms due to competition for food, water, space etc. can be Avoided by ex-situ conservation there
by providing conditions necessary For a secure life and breeding

This are the endangered species

✓ Butterfly



✓Flame Lilly

Butterfly :Captive breeding has been suggested as a method of conserving many threatened vertebrates,
and is increasingly being proposed as a valuable conservation strategy for invertebrates. Potential
genetic problems associated with ex situ conservation are widely recognized, but a further issue has
received less attention: the possibility that populations will undergo adaptation to the captive
environment, rendering them less well adapted to survival in the wild. We investigated six traits related
to dispersal and reproduction in a culture of the large white butterfly Pieris brassicae (L.), that had been
captive for c. 100–150 generations, and in recently wildstock reared simultaneously in a common
environment. Individuals in the captive culture were heavie
Cactus :

In addition to botanic gardens, there are also important ex situ collections of cacti in private hobbyist

Collections and commercial nurseries. Unfortunately, there are relatively few organized collections With
large numbers of documented cactus species other than the National Collection of Endangered Plants
maintained by member institutions of the Center for Plant Conservation in the United States. Cactus
growers and botanic gardens with significant collections of cacti, with the encouragement of The
International Organization for Succulent Plant Study, are working to improve their Documentation and
the genetic diversity of their collections. These cooperative efforts are not only Providing greater
assurance of the long-term protection of rare cacti


Freshwater ecosystems worldwide are highly threatened. As a consequence, many dragonfly

Species are also threatened. The threats to them are many and varied, including invasive alien

Plants and habitat loss. Global climate change is also beginning to affect them, with some species
Changing their geographical ranges. Worldwide assessments are being made of dragonfly Conservation
status. They are one of the highest profile invertebrates in conservation awareness, Planning, and
action. One reason for this is that they are highly valued, being iconic, aesthetic, and Sensitive

bioindicators of landscape change

Ex-Situ Conservation resources solution

Ex-situ conservation means the conservation of species outside their natural habitats. It involves

The transfer of genetic material away from the location where it is found. It ensures easy

Accessibility of germplasm for evaluation and utilization. Seeds of lentils are generally orthodox in

Nature, and can be dried to a lower moisture content of ± 6% with minimum loss of viability. Seeds

Are stored at sub-zero temperature for maintaining viability for decades. Seeds are conserved for >

50 years without any loss of viability (Usberti and Gomes, 1998). In ex-situ conservation of seeds,

Seeds can be stored as active (medium term) and base (long term) collections. For conservation of

An active collection, viability must remain above 65% for 10–20 years, whereas in a base

Collection, seed are stored at – 20°C to ensure long-term viability of seeds for > 50 years.

Role of Botanic Gardens

Ex conservation has several purposes:situ

•Rescue threatened germplasm.

•Produce material for reintroduction, translocation, reinforcement, habitat, and landscape

Restoration and management.

•Produce material for conservation biology research.

•Bulk up germplasm for storage in various forms of ex situ facility.

•Supply material for various purposes to remove or reduce pressure from wild collecting.

•Grow those species with recalcitrant seeds that cannot be maintained in a seed store.

•Generate skills and knowledge to support wider conservation aims.

•Make available material for conservation education and display

Ex Situ Conservation Methods

Ex situ conservation methods for vegetatively propagated woody species traditionally relied on

Field or glasshouse collections. Such collections are expensive to maintain, are susceptible to

Environmental changes, and do not present a safe long-term option. Consequently, some 25 years

Ago, alternative in vitro approaches were considered. Shoot tip culture methods were modified to

Slow down growth rates and hence reduce maintenance costs. This was achieved most conveniently

By employing reduced temperatures and was carried out initially with herbaceous crops. One major

Advantage of restricted growth techniques is that they utilize the same basic facilities as

Micropropagation. Cultures can be readily switched to rapid multiplication regimes

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