Tenancy Agreement

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SCHEDULE, (Geetion 1) FORM ‘TENANCY AGREEMENT Residential Tenancies Act |. PARTIES - Landlord and Tenent(s) ‘This Tonaney Agreement is between: Landlord ill egal name of landlord) (landlord's phone member) -AND- ‘Tenant ‘Geame(s) af fenantt) (anant’s phone mubery PREMISES - Rental Unit ‘The Landlord agrees torent to the Tenant and the Tenant agrees torent from the Landlord the following rental ull commaliy address ofrental premises -Tadicate fa lt for a mobile home) TERM (Complete either (a) oF (2)) (2) Fised Term Tenancy ‘The tenanoy is for a fixed term beginning on. -20,_and ending on (Gian dare) (end date) 20. INOTE: A term tenancy agreement is automaticaly renewed as a monthly period agr (@). the tenancy has ended in accordance with the Residential Tenancies Act, (i) the Iandlord and tenant have entered into @ now tenaney agreement, or (Gi) the tenant isan employee ofthe landlord and the rental premises are a benefit of employment (Section 49 ofthe Act)] 4 (b) Perlodie Tenancy ‘The teneney is periodic beginning om +20 __and continsing from Gort dave) (ion to month or ‘week fo week) RENT ‘The Tenant agrees o pay the Landlord $ on the, ary ofevery : plus the following eherges: 8 {for parking for exch vehicle 3 for s for the Tesaney Agreement i made for a iced tem and the rental premises are not subsidized public housing check one of he following: [C1 the rent shall not be increased during the term of the Tenancy Agreement. the rentmay bo insreasd daring the erm of te Tenancy Agresmet 12 months aftr the lst rental ines to Bete rental prose adit aio foto Tenant. (eatin 47 oF Act) ‘The date ofthe last retal increase forthe ntl premises was, 520, INOTE: A tenant who doesnot pay his or her renton the date penalty, (Section 41 of Act)] fied Inthe enancy agreement may be Hisble to SERVICES AND FACILITIES ‘The folowing services and foilties ere included inthe rent: ‘The following services and facilities are the esponsibility ofthe Tenant: 6, SECURITY DEPOSIT A scout dopositot 5 Is requted ‘The Landlord acknowledges rceip of 161. Yof the sesurity epesitewing which was paid on 20, The romaining S. 1 0f___%is due on 20, INOTE: A tenant may pay 50% of the required security deposit atthe commencement ofthe tenancy apresinent and the balance within three months. Inthe case ofa weekly tenancy a(exant shall pay tothe landlord a security deposit nat exceeding one week's rent For olber terms of tenancy, the tenant shall pay othe ndlord a security deposit not exceeding one month's rent, ‘A tenantof subsidized public housing or employee who receives houslag from his or her employer may be required to pay a security deposit that is calculated on the market-value rent ofthe rental remixes. (Section [4 of Act)] A pet security deposit ofS isrequired INOTE: A tenant who recelves permission to keep & pet may be required to pay apet security deposit thats equal {o 50% of the weokly (in the cate of weekly tenancies) ormonthly ent. A landlord can only ask for ono pet security Aeporit regardless of the number of pets tht the londlord bas agreed the tenant may keep, (Section 14.1 of Act) A endloed forfeits the right to retain any part of the security doposit or pet secusity deposit for repairs of damage to the rental premises if entry and exit inspection reports are not completed or if the landlord fails, without reasonable excuse, to give a copy of each repot tothe tenant (Section 18 of Act} 17. LANDLORD'S OBLIGATION TO MAINTAIN PREMISES ‘The Landlord shall provide and maintain the rental premises and residenti! complex in a good slate of rps nd fit forhabitation. (Section 30 of Act) [NOTE: Where a residential complex is composed of only one rental promises, «landlord and tonant may agree ‘that some or all ofthe landlord's obligations shall be performed by the tenant exceptrepuirsxequired as eresultof ‘reasonable wear and tear oras a resul of fire, wate, tempest or other act of God. (Section 31 of Act)] The js agree that the Tenant shall perforea the following obligations: 8, OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE ACT “The Landlord and Tenamt shall comply with all obligations imposed on them. Obtigations under the Act include, but are not limited to, the following: Landlord Tenant Notalterichange locks oxcept with agreement of tenant. (Section 25 of Act) Not sllerchange locks except with agreement of landlord, (Section 25 of Act) ‘Notenterrentt walt exceptas provided in Act. (Sections 26 and 27 of Act) Permit exty oflandlord es provided in Act. (Sections 26 and 27 of Act) Provide and maintoln rental premises/eomplex and facilis ina good state of repair and fit for habitation. Make sure standards and laws ere complied with. (ection 30 of Act) Pay rent as required by tenancy agreement. (Section 41 of Act) ‘Not withhold vital services. (Section 33 of Act) Repalr damages to rontal premisesieomplex caused by wilful or negligent conduc! of tenant or fenant’s guests. (ection 42 of Act) ‘Not disturb tenant's possession or enjoyment ofthe rental premiseslcomplex. (Section 34 of Act) [Not disturb landlord's or other tanant’s postestion or ‘enjoyment ofthe cental premises/complas. (Section 43 of Act) Provide notice oflegal ame of andlord. (Section 36 of Act) Maintsin reatal promises in a state of ondinary cletaliness,and not permit overcrowding. (Section 4S of Ac) ‘Make available copy of Act when requested by tenant, (Se2tion37 of Act) Not oxrry on or permit someone else to cary onan illegal otvity in ontal premisesfoomplex. (Section 46 of Act) Tfeomplex het more than five renal premises, landlord shall draw up and keep up to date a directory of tenants ‘who require special assistance in an emergency. (Section 38 of Act) 9, ADDITIONAL OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTIES In daition to the obligations set out in the Residential Tenancies Act, the patties agree that the Tenant shall comply with the following obiig the Landlord shall comply withthe following obligations 10, OVERCROWDING ‘The Tenant sgrees not to permit mare than basis, (Section 45 of Act) persons to occupy the rental pramises on a continuing 11, SERVICE OF DOCUMENTS AND NOTICES INOTE: A notice or oer document to be served on or given toa landlord, enantor rental officer, must be served ‘or given by perzonal service, registered rail, fax ifs fex numberisprovided) or amethod set out in the regulations, (Section 71 of Aci) The regulations allow forservice by e-mail ifan e-mail address iprovided, & document served ‘by eal is deemed to have been received three days after itis ent. (Seetion 4)] ‘The Landlord provides the following informstion for service: (Candlord’s address for service of documents and notices) ‘The Landlord also agresstat tric ay be pro dei Fax [Baal LI 1 by the following means (check those that apply and provide ‘Candlord's fax nunaber Jor service of documents and notes) andlord's e-mail addres: for service of documents and notices) ‘The Tenant provides te following information for servic: (enant’s address for service of documeats gud notices) ‘The Tenal also atest service maybe provided byte following means (eheot tose tha apply andpronde teal te Cl email Cl (Wenant's fax number Jor service af documents and notices) (Genini’s e-mail address for service of documents and notices) 12, ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLETTING Unless the rental premises is subsidized public housing or rental premises provided by an omployerto an employee as a benefit of employment, the Tenant may transfer his ot her right to oocupy by assignment or sublet, ‘The permission of he Landlord which cannot be unreasonably withheld must be obtained and the appropriate sublelting or assignment agreement must be completed and signed. (Sections 2 and 23 of Act) (NOTE: These agreements ‘are approved forms and can be obtained from the Real Office] 13, TERMINATION BY NOTICE ‘This Tenancy Agreement may be temlasied by written notice es follows Housing Landlord rental term unless the term is 31 days or less, Notice given by: ‘Tenancy Notice Section Agreement Required of Act “Tenens Weakly Atleast seven days before te lst day 521K) of the reatal wook Moxthly ‘Atleast 30 days before the last day of 52(1)(0) the rental month Term ‘Atleast 30 days before the end ofthe si!) ental rm, Lendlord who bas Weekly/Montily ‘Atleast 90 days before the last day of 520) rented thelr only i «period of tenancy, ~V residence in the NWT ‘Term ‘Atleast 30 days before the end of the 512) i” rental ter Subsidized Pu Term Atleast 30 days before the end of te | 5103) and (4) ‘Term deemed renewed as monthly ‘Atleast 30 days before th last day of the rontal month, 5105) 14, TERMINATION FOR CAUSE ‘The Landlord may, at any time, fle an application to rene! officer seeking termination of ie tenancy agreement for cease (NOTE: A landio:d whe bas given notice of temination shall make an appl {o terminate the tenancy agreement. (Section 54 of Act)) tion toa rental offices for an order DATED THIS DAY OF 20_ AT, IN THE NORTHWEST TERRITORIES, (enani) (andiordy ~ Wenn) (Landlord) (Tenant) (onan a

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