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V Series #5l) SYMBOL sa ™ Model Code/ #! 5 a 85 Vo 15 A1RB S-A 10 Port Threading RZIESFEE s0:eT 40: BSP (6) ‘0:NPT 60: SAE (O-Ring) Votag ®t ‘AL ACTOOV(SOI6OH) B: Acs 0v(e0H2) ©: Aczo0v(s060%2) .acazovisotz) Eber Foc Shalt typo FBI None: 88 Key Si 78 Spline SAE. 14986 Direction of pipe connections. AUS 714 None: side port mE ACI BiAxial port PR Shaftrotalon 1°75 R: clockwise BSI Ceounterclockwise 2k Pressure adjusting SARE 4: 8-70 kaon 2 18-140 aflem 3: 20-240 kattem 14: 20-250 ken Contral types #2, Refers iopage 3.4 GIES.461 Displacement itt 15,18, 23, 25, 38, 42,50, 70 (ervirov) vA ariable Displacement Piston Pumps a st 1.Combining special internal designs and strict engineering disciplines has reduced noise level to new lows in whole pressure zones. 2. Depending on variety of application needs multiple, optional unique control methods are available. It does not only reduce a number of unnecessary hoses, pipes and control valves but also increase efficiency and save horsepower, and cost. 3.Less capacity reservoirs can be selected and applied because of performances of low pressure loss and less head generation. 4.Wide application ranges: it is very suitable for machine: tools, plastic injection molding machines, forging machines and other industrial machines ete, 5 Mounting flanges are made to SAE A or B 2-bolt (V15, 8, 23, 38 types) and SAE-C 2 & d-bolt (V/50, V70 types), EXE L.VRSIEIER » DUITARET SURE SECIINE » BZ ARSmEM 2S ESRB + RAGE IEE IASERAIDRES RR ARES AME HWBF » RAROER ABS = EAR GOI viscosiy ranging trom Témmiys to 400mms and oF temperature ranging ftom 0°C to 60°C are recommended, 3.Alignment and installation of pumps Eecenticty between the driving shat! and purnp sha should bbe under 006 112, and operate the pump in such o way thet ‘he pump shaft not subjected fo orthogonal force. It centering between the dtiving shaft and pump shatt is inconect, the bbeatng ond oll seal may be damaged and noke ond vibration may occur, which couse trouble with the pump, GAVeld diving the pump in the lateral drection by bet, chain goats. (This may cause nose and damage the bearing) {Tne pump con be operated wth is shat mounted perpendievy OWENS 0 my/S + HEO-60 CM RRIAER « RRA ALI EGA RAAA RRIVTEO. OSM E+ ERAL AMAL n ‘ORMUR—RS SELK ORR RE » UREA ORAL ATTRA » GUMERITE « CBRE RE ALRAIROURA) AP iping work Use parallel tread pibe Joins Tor The suction whet ane discharge outlet. Do not use taper thread piping joints, or fir may intrude or abnormal nolge be produced {hin case where steel pipes are used, lay piping with core so {as not to put force on the pump. ‘Eccentrtly of o pump berg forced by piping may cause serous trouble with nowe, SDrain piping Tilay the crain piping Independently not joined with oTher return lines, in such a way that the pump internal pressure Is under OpaMIPa (35Kat/er?, {Lay the ol return piping under the olllevel of the tank and {95 for as possiole from the suction piping, (tefer fo the table below) Cautions for starting ‘Before staring the pump. flthe pump cose with hyeraule cilusing the cose drain charging port on the pump boy. {800 not operate the pump at fullspeed right away. Instead, tum the motor input switch on - off several tmes s0 as to extract air from the piping, then operate it continuously. At the start, be sure to reduce the pressure or operate it Unloaded, Z.Revolution direction "ighof rotation s clockwise wewed fom The end of pump shail. In case reverse revolution is quid, indicate it by Model No, at « time of your orden, Suction pressure “IAGIUSt suction pressure To wilhin-T67KPa (-T25mmnH GHigh suction pressure may cause cavitation, damage of prs, noise ond vibfalion which greally shorten the lle of pumps oFiter Deterioration of the hyaroule oll may couse Trouble with the pump and shorten i ie, Catetuly control the quality (of the ols0 05 to maintain the deterioration ofthe oll within Grose NAS®. {280 sure fo atlach a suction fiter of 160 mesh to the suctlon side and ¢ Ine titer of 25 tothe ratum tne of the alschaxge sid. 1OMax. workng pressure Operating peed of maximum working pressure shoud bs Under 10% of one cycle and the retaining period should be under 6 seconds. workng pressure ate desctbed In the ‘operation manual ariable Displacement Piston Pumps » HAVE CREA RIS BER» DARI TELARAT HORE HENS BLES SERRA OSE » DRC RENEE > CORTAUHOML SELRAORARA » 5 Sene ORRRE RAUDORETEAR BPR FRAGT ED. 36koF fom» CORRES ERE T + Arm - Re A. Saye OBDRA ROTO RED SRMAER Com ORM - AECRADSRGL » LADERA OFF » FRECHEVEDSR HE: AS AROS = HEUER RE SBRIEREE » b 285a OREM + NESS RACK TSI) » GLOBES » STRSTR HAS ERCEE'L TA + WR RIEII CBRL DAB RIB 2Emig DAP « OBST + RIANA TEAR» EIR + Sh BE Di» HES REAR PRUE RRA RAD STRRACRIISR » RSI NAS ORRIN « OFREI EH NAARENE - TORE EOE 25uLL FEO RERE » 140KaF fom ELE EORE » SAGER OURS ame +> 8SERED ORE LTT FNS + EOLA» CRRA SSSR « RSMO « TRIED + CST RE me VIS, V18, V23 vse v0, 70 Sze of pipe jonts ‘378 (ID. B5 or more) T/2.4D. 12 or more) 3/4 (1D. 16 oF more) HERI (A 98.5DUb) (Bo 12DLb) (eB 9 16DLE) 1D of pipes Dia, 12 or more, Dia 15 or more Dia. 19 or more ane 12h o1sbLe #19RLE Tengih of arain pipes Under inn Under Irn Under 1m Imbk Imbtr Ime pump bea Za plat cover aa 2._pump Body, ena Save 25. sleeve swash pie =a 3._swash plate, 25.6K am “4. swash shaft 27 lock nal a 5._sleeve,swash pists 28. washer Gyinder 7 8._shatt 29. washer cylinder =o 7._eylinder bio 30. contol spring im cylinder block ower 31. serve spring ee '3.__sipper retainer 32. votainer spring) Seem 70: piston and sipper, cimpe 33. pearing front 11. slipper plate. 34. peanng rear 72. valves plate, ‘35. snap ring 13. sleave piston 36. snap ring Tor bore. 714. servo piston sleeve rsa 37. o-ng El 75. pressure compensator ae 38. 0-rNg ae 718. compensiater spool pea 39. 0-1Ng Eu} 7. port plug. ein 400-06 a 718. spring seat rma 41. shaft seal Some 79. screw. co 42, boll-and caver me 20. gasket ai 43, p9l-sig6 cover aoe 21. servo spring seat == 44. bolt-compensater REE 22-cover-ow controler ae 45. boltow controller ma 73. flow adjusting screw ae 46.0-7195 En ariable Displacement Piston Pumps V15 Series #5l) VIS: = o 0 B70 I ry 2 oe SD “ee : salt 4 i ep s °o aa 38108 487 472 0B pas 5 GO 105 (40) 75) G10) Bsa) — Pressure 88) MPa {kgt/em!) Typical performance characteristics H#AB4StE General performance characteristics ‘ehh Dead head shaft input SERS z ace ab i | ‘ i ieee =: i Sa ne Ea ta 1578 t 2 role os eet: | Ge ae as TE pe ase 3543 6a daa 08 Gio 35 03 daa Gao oo Gro res 7 WP tet res BED MPa on) Shat input characteristic Drain volume characteristic as < SRST i aa Fo le i ee ; a ; SI fo pc seo ts a re ie [+ Ze J G5 oo dow dag 7m Ia, Presse M77 MPs hem) G5 G8 don aaa 7a Ba Prose BZD Wea balm) “Inputspeed —fUNBRR 1 000in “on ‘BAD 150 E32 *Oitemperatve 38 50°C Dimensions }H/RYEH : (Mounting Surface: SAE ‘A' 2-bolt) V15, V18 A Type ariable Displacement Piston Pumps Unit BEtils mm pore Br ass a) gee Le La . ah ¢ @ #0 LA TT 4 Stier oes a Ruste a0 saved |[ ws || lito V15,V18 B Type Sitar V15, V18 C Type aoe Prctre stn wa 23 A 40 uit ag Aer ARV 3 da ao OuneT 09s, wey AD ose INE 22s Dimensions }H/RYEH : (Mounting Surface: SAE ‘A' 2-bolt) V15, V18 D, E Type axa Pile rd Sais vate V15, V18 F Type a a. = 18M on ¢\\ xaane SEEEnel Unit BBtii: mm RRR Serenure Bouse W056 a 55 ibs 2s 168 aff 5 ia | 4 ZI 168) V15, V18 G Type a0 . ce [Bese ue rs — = EE “Flow Adjustment ke wae iam N ry “| Pas “ese V23 Series #5] Typical performance characteristics HEARNE General performance characteristics ene Be pat Hoo| & 300 Too 0415 22) ay10 10 L fee] 10]5 0346 103 ta 47a pe Bee G8 Gay doa dea a7a ta Bo Pressure BE MPa ate) ‘Shaft input characteristic ROR NE : 5 z 4 aa 3 Kao i, °% a 7a E24 oom anes > Prseute RID MPa hon ves io z se 8 oo -— , J aq t Sp] 3 cut 3 Phe Seo OSE aE TE TAT TTD Os &% G8 3 dad 8 BS BS — Pressure M7) MPa (kal/ern’) Dead head shaft input BERR 85 a 0) ca Gra) Br sa — Provste BE MPa tion) Drain volume characteristic amt fc paras > brn lune In) JUL e658 108 187 172 308 3h 5) 7O) Hos Gao, 75) Biel st eres RD Peete “Input speed RAAB: 1800r/in soi #8 150032 *Oltempertue IB 50°C 1" ariable Displacement Piston Pum a Unit BDimensions AWRY : (Mounting Surface: SAE "B" 2-bolt) iit BBE: men V23 A Type ome Eiieban ran ean ort seo Een nt V23 B Type ome Poste serene sno) Exe ran go Suet oa 23 C Type a See Dain PTE ey of #0 OUTLET 07 ariable Displacement Piston Pumps Unit BEALE: mm Dimensions AHR VE : (Mounting Surface: SAE “B" 2-bolt) Anon V23 DE Type auuene Epa wes ome 5SR oeorrae Pe Dawental resus ‘tng See PT — a : As os om tne 23 F Type Seite vee oman (oon set 2m eas ae (Ar oss V23 G Type Feats ddustret meme . Bp gies om | | ge 2 a4 3 Ho 4 Sher os om (AEE os ariable Displacement Piston Pumps V38 Series #5 Typical performance characteristics HEHEHE Sa Rae B. General peromance HPs characteristics ao ‘CEBERHER 3 2 9 ‘ol oefancy MB | | ‘ Ze Hoo 7035 z V2) softs 2 asf i Pa ‘tle 5 Go (0a ied a8 Bro Bsc) Pest RED MPa hater ‘Shaft input characteristic SORE z a a a te O38 68 103 187 177 TOE 7A G8 ta, fesneanra areas, Presse HI MPa have) ‘Input speed REDE: 1002min so (BR 150 V62 *Ollternpertue 50°C 14 V38 a Zz jn z Rane S| ade seter | pt ar a a | 4 payin Be Sadar : { oh Se | ss 9 0 34 Ga 103 197 472 206 85) 0) (108) 140) 175) 1) — Pressure M7) MPa {kgl/cm) Dead head shaft input HE ont nat nt RED °o aaa ia aa 172 Bees G5 03 doa daa da dra at) Presse I MPa lem) ees 2 Best é PC paekee [dete § 12] i sheep | [fF t JOP °o—aa 68103 107 11 208 Bhs (85) oes Gao) 175) tl st ees BID Paton ariable Displacement Piston Pumps a Unit Bt: Dimensions }2R UH : (Mounting Surface: SAE "B* 2-bolt) . _ V38 A Type Sida erie BE bent Bennison - Ye 69 3 as Peat suemen 2 Siheron ered V38 B Type a0 (ae ao 280 NET eat ariable Displacement Piston Pumps a Unit BHT: mm Dimensions +2R UH : (Mounting Surface: SAE “B* 2-bolt) V8 DE Type TEE oe oe ae RES nee RE at (Presa Auiment ans =DO4 EI Mito 4 t & LC | 8 l; q - = Shes oT ale Ne ‘eoue ua - vs \200\ Aion: V8 F Type Hae ere exams = SEER net Tee ae AE a axa! E| sors 4 a 4 | “el a sae 160 sso \ Rt 081 V38 G Type us ses 2 am fe “| 88 reactions a eongaa b | BEB snore amas | * TE nee bad — fs a 8 “os A Bam Ah AM IOXI6 me wa . an R00. cate wh im aa 233, 160 neces) 8 V50 Series A5)) z fy soorh 3 gn te co * Bes Q Pq cut-of peti g Poa Seo ss 9 03468 Tos 137 172 Dom G5 (a) 108) ag 175) GIO) — Pressure 7) MPa (kgf/cm’) Typical performance characterisitics HABE General performance characteristics ‘eReehAR Dead head shaft input BERR > Dietssmane em ‘iy — stg ie Za & | be cal Tso 60420 = soln °0 20419 ogi as aaa ua re pee °° a (5 70) (os) Gad 75) Gta wr ee Te pessue BED MPs tort “= Pose DD MPa ation Shaft input characteristic Drain volume characteristic mst : Eg Eas Bas] z 25| & 20} tos ° 8h G8 dBA dah d8 BG, PS 8 c8e i tS tree RT MPs blr > Prvnee BED Waban “Ioput speed H8HBHH 1 00uin soi (2B 180 va32 Oltomperstue 3B HB 50'S 7 Dimensions }2/R VE : (Mounting Surface: SAE *C* 2-bolt & 4-bolt) \V50 A Type Sarma Sanne um - a a . ease rae en - sce Son adit ae | rasan armoan a ie Fy 4 wo Ben = ea Ts ag a Nero. V50 B Type mao arena EEeonnm Reamer ap ta ag ‘| afl eo Suir w4o " AB aso 50 G Type mee Rotana vice * Eom a youn q 3 a3 AB ow ariable Displacement Piston Pumps Typical performance characteristics HEARNE General performance characteristics ed gases 20 10 —etconey RIB) 85 08 cow dad Gra Ge "> Posse BE) MPs hl) ‘Shaft input characteristic EE = i oa 6s 103 497 1 GS) Go) fos Gan 76) 10) Presse BE MPs lon) 15 2 Lee aaah co [wena 7% z. |_ —f wr a fi -cutatt peridd * loF Poh ge : 2 Zoo 86 ° 34 69 103 137 172 208 &H G3 05 83 8 BS — Pressure m7) MPa (kgf/cm) Dead head shaf input MDE i : Bo Ss E30] Bas 32 ths a as °o 4a 68 103-34 172 OB 3h Ga dea dad dra Bro Sera rn ego Drain volume characterise BRR 14 eteneel pom i i 7 2 & 20] 1 a5 85 09 fos had a7) Gra — Presse 7 MPa baler) 35 Ta a7 113 Bs “Input speed $8HBIR 1 8000in “ol BFE 150 va32 *Oiltemperatue 38 HH 50S 19 ariable Displacement Piston Pumps a Unit efi: Dimensions }2R YH : (Mounting Surface: SAE "C* 2-bolt & 4-bolt) " =m V70 A Type Sane re em a ws 02 Flow Adjustment | vi ts ‘73a:3a8 M1241. Dan 20 =n Pressure Asner a Stow = aa Zs AB oe V70 G Type aaa Reomepal posse ® ran Por mre" sae tale a” a5 = sens ana rae Belen) pa PE | pact 20125 sn 20 oe] po la E eras HE By rH 3 atlas ly sas a we INLET 40 Dimensions AHRVE : Axial Port HAS Unit B84: mm V15/18AXOKB us V23A%OKB-10 a wom ses 280 ove Dia het ] | ee! *; ‘ UY Sil GEES a TIEN theron tHE 21 Piston Double Pump Type VAD i435 8 iti ai: Model V15x15 V23x23 V15x38 V23-38 V38x38 V15x70 V23x70 V38x70 A geet | sept | serr | sept | vert | sept | oerr | 1/2PT 8 sept | spr | veer | Veet | 1vepr | s/4pT | 3/4pT | a/4-PT re SI BF 61 73 Br 6t 73. D B24 351 B24 387 35a 524 587 E 262 35.1 262 ‘302 35.1 262 302 EF 524 5B 587 ‘S87 699 699 699 G 262 302 ‘302 ‘30.2 357 ‘35,7 357 H M10x16_|_Mex20_| Mi0x16 | M1Oxt6 | Mex20_[ Mi0xi6 | Mi10x16 1 MiOxt6 | Mi0xi6 | M10x16 | Miox16 | M1220 | M1220 | M12x20, J 170. 147 170 170 147 170. 479 K 170. 179 179. 179. 2565 | 2565 | 2565 L 93 373 404 413. ‘447 ‘470. ‘479 M 443 419) 454 465. 493 520) 31 N 51 34 34 5t 34 51 51 oO 51 BI BI Bt 73 73. 73. P 9 9 Bl a 10) 10 10 Q A76xs2 | 6535 | 6535 | 65a5 | 65x35 | 7o4aas | 79438 | 794a8 R 13) 13 13. 13) 13) 185 185 185 Ss $1905 | g2229 | #2222 | pena | p2222 | s3i75 | #3175 | 631.75 T 2115 | 2508 2508 | 2508 | 2508 | 3535 | 3535 | 3535 U pe255 | o1016 | 61016 | 1016 | #1016 | 127 | e127 | #127 Vv. 624 $25 O31 ost oat 6.40 ‘540 3.40 Ww. B24 25. O31 oat at 40. AO 6.40) x 106 146, 146 146. 146. 181 181 181 ¥ 131 745.5 160. 160. 160. 208. 208) 208. Z 168. 180 196. 196 196, 2605 | 2605 | 2605 AL 40 38 39) 39 39 74. 74. 74. AZ B12 B12 Biz B12 312 40 40) 40) AB 5. 5 5 5. 5 8 & 8 Ad B05 710 al 721 21 a9 T15 119 AS 14 135. 135) 135 135 ig 18 18 AS 445 585 Bas 585 B85 57 37 37 ween se isa Sense aeeomne 22, AR Series 5] ™ Model Code/ #! 5f i 88 AR16 F R 01 C S K 10 ‘SYMBOL iBABEC SE. T__ trveads code te 10: PT(RC) theard PTS 40: 8SPP(G) thead BSPP 50: NPT theard—-NPTSE Shaft Type #OFE Ke Keyed ZR G:1682 DP-13T T1692 DP-sT InvOut Pon Postion 9 None: Axal Position 5:48) Side Postion 5:8] Pres. Ad) Range (katlom?) REZIHIET B12-70 C2160 Conto! Type 425aHs% Ot: Pressure Compensator Typo AES! HL Load Sensing Compensator REREAIST: G:Remote Pressure Compensator BRE FRR Direction of Rotation SFR) ‘Viewed from Shaft En 19325 RR Clocks (Standard) U Counterclockwise Mounting SB F: Flange ates Series Number FEI3E5 ARIB(15.8ems/0v) ‘AR2222.20m*H0¥) 23 Unit Bett: MDimensions }2/R Vl : (Mounting Surface: SAE “A* 2-bolt) 2e0 4 moRE mm Flow Aah Sorew” 44. i / panera se Th, Fray So \ ee fies yk Ags Ei aL sieg t 2 as 8 eye a F 7 A ? eel ee [20 NI i aaa | | we 120 Sbiter awe Typical performance characteristics HEARNE Performance Characteristics PERCE 109 ~4 zg al foafr z 0 Eo Poo Se pt Pomerat to os) wis tz tes) Shree ED Ps en Performance Characteristics ‘eet 2 von wis tate Prose BED MPa exon “Input speed RUBNIE 1.8001 so ‘BAN 80 V6: *Oltemperatve HH: 50°C 24 ~106--! 130 —+ Noise Level (importa ony Fm pune head cre) Rae z | boven | | Je -+ tals Bod neal * van gin ae on vee Noise Level (moter ney tm pump hea » mee z an eee eal ets von wi day ce snus MED MPa 995

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