Deities of Darastrixoposs

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Deities of Darastrixoposs

Gods and Goddesses all fallow unique rules in how they function that differ from normal NPCs and the
players. They are also much more powerful than mortal beings and are not bound by all the rules and
limitations that normally bind and limit the player’s characters. While this itself isn’t every possible rule
or mechanic deities can have nor that they might fallow, it is most the general rules that apply to gods
and goddess of Darastrixoposs. The Dimension Master is quite free to make alterations to theses rules
when makes deities for their own worlds and settings, but these rules should make a good general
guideline on making gods function in a universe where they are often active in the material plane, but
are not really killable.

Divine Rank: A deity’s divine rank is used to gage the relative power level of a deity compared to others
and is used to determine, the category, number of avatar, divine powers, and armor bonus. A deity
always adds a divine bonus to armor class equal to their divine rank, they can have a number of
portfolio’s equal their divine rank or less to a minimum of one, and their senses outside of their home
plane extend a number of miles equal to their divine rank.

Table 1: Deities Rank, Number of Avatars, and Powers

Divine Rank Category # of Avatars Divine Powers
0 Quasi Deity None 2
1-5 Demi Deity None 3
6-10 Lesser Deity Divine Rank – 5 (1-5) 4
11-20 Intermediate Deity Divine Rank – 5 (6-15) 8
21-30 Greater Deity Divine Rank – 5 (16-25) 16
31+ Over Deity Unknown Unknown

Divine Immunities: All deities are immune to fallow spells and conditions, including effects of spell-like
abilities, wand, rods, and staves that replicate these spells or conditions: advanced image, all mortal
poisons, alter gender, blind, bliss, charmed, charm monster, charm person, confusion, destruction,
diminish, disintegration, dominate monster, dominate person, enthrall, exterminate, instant death, know
alignment, lover’s heaven, maiden’s judgement, maiden’s kiss, maiden’s oath, maiden’s wrath, mass
charm monster, mass charm person, paralyzed, phantasmal image, phantasmal killer, polymorph others,
power word kill, power word stun, programmed image, smite evil, smite law, soul bind, suggestion,
thrall, and weird.

Spellcasting: All deities can cast all spell on the spell list for any domain they have access to and special
spells as a spell-like ability at base level as a swift action. They also can use the channel divinity power of
any domain or their own channel divinity power once per day, plus any additional times they might have
because of class level. The deities can use intelligence, wisdom, or charisma as their spellcasting ability
for these spells and powers, unless they have access to a spellcasting class in which case, they use that
classes spellcasting ability.

Divine Powers: Deities all have access to a number of divine powers of their choice with the number of
powers they have access to based upon their rank as a deity. Divine powers can take an action, swift
action, free action, or reaction to start, though they may take longer than a segment to finish using.
Extremely powerful divine powers require a deity to rest for a set period before they can use it or any
other divine power again. Some divine powers can only be taken by a deity of a certain minimum divine
rank and are thus unaccusable to lower ranking deities.

Sizeshifter: This divine power allows the deity free control over the size of their body, including
individual body parts, using this divine power uses a reaction and at the deity’s option they can also
affect any gear, items, or clothing they are carrying. The deity takes all changes to reach, space,
movement speed, strength, or dexterity that might have resulted by their change in size. The deity can
alter their size at a rate of six inches per segment either growing or shrinking in size.

Sizeshift Other: This divine power allows the deity to alter the size of another creature, either
their whole body or even individual body parts. Using this divine power uses a swift action and at the
deity’s option they can allow the creatures gear, items, or clothing they are carrying to also be affect.
Mortal creatures and other creatures from the material plane are immediately affect by this divine
power with no saving throw allowed, if the creature is immortal and from a plane of existence other
than the material plane they must make a saving throw vs polymorph with a DC of 10 + the deity’s divine
rank, failing means they are affected by the divine power while succeeding means the power has no
affect and they cannot be targeted again for 24 hours, all creatures who are allow a saving throw against
this power get a penalty on their saving throw equal to a -1 for each divine rank the deity using this
power has. The creature size shrinks or grows as desired by the deity at a rate of six inches per segment
and a deity cannot use this power against a deity of the same or higher category (thus a lesser deity
cannot use sizeshift others against another lesser deity nor does it have any affect against an
intermediate or greater deity). The creature takes all the adjustments that is required of its new size.

Shapeshifter: This divine power allows a deity to change its form to that of any creature they
have see, they can even shapeshift into a unique individual of a species. They can remain in that form
indefinitely and they gain all the abilities of the species of the form they turned into provided it’s a
function of the species and not a class function, feat, etc. It takes a reaction to change shape, but the
deity can change shape at a rate of one per segment for up to a one minute. This divine power requires
a divine rank of 3 or higher.

Create Avatar: This power allows a deity to create a body that is endowed with a portion of the
deity’s power , this avatar needs not look the same as the deity, but it does have access to all the same
classes as the deity does. The avatar’s level is one tenth the level of the deity in each class, the avatar
takes one year to create and the deity can have a number of avatar equal to their divine rank – 5. After
creating an avatar, the deity must rest for one month before it can create a new avatar, though they
may still use their other divine powers during this rest period. An Avatar is always created with
maximum hit points and like the deity itself gain 1 hit dice for each level past 20 th level unlike mortal
creatures who stop gaining hit dice after 20 th level in their classes. Only lesser deities or higher may take
this divine power.

Give Life: This power allows a deity to revive a single dead creature regardless of how long they
have been dead for and without needing the creatures body to be intact. It can also be used to give life
to a body that doesn’t already have a soul or wasn’t even alive to begin with (essential they are able to
turn a statue in the image of a creature into a actual flesh and blood living creature). It can also be used
to restore the health of any mortal being instantly to full health, being cured of all diseases, conditions,
and damage done to hit points, as well as restore ability score damage. It can also be used to restore
undead, or spiritual beings to life. Any mortal creature affected by give life who is older than adulthood
is immediately restore is middle age in addition to appropriate affect. Using this divine power is an
action and the deity must rest for one week after using this power and cannot use any other divine
powers during the rest period. This divine power requires a divine rank of 5 or higher. This power cannot
revive any creature killed by the divine power Divine Vengeance, unless the deity with this power has
more divine ranks than the deity that killed the creature.

The Elven Pantheon

Perithmarixpathagin, Shiela Heartfellow,

Ssiness’barra Roo’lar, Ssin’urn Tralayila, Tet
Varn An’ar
Drathir, T’puuli An’ar, Unol Grungron, Ur’Hark
Lesser Dark Elf Goddess The First Orc, Zav Shebali, and Zinzaxzarmmath.

Titles: The Lady of Order, Sword of Justice, Our Home Plane: Celestial Forest of Talshibad
Lady Protector, Lady Justice, Law Maiden, (Castle Vilshemthiel)
Maiden of War, and The Child of The Creator.
Favored Weapon: Arming Sword (Maiden’s
Divine Rank: 10 (Lesser Deity) Heart, a +5 holy arming sword of defender)

Alignment: Lawful Good

Holy Symbol: A large metal kite shield with an Varn An’ar’s Channel Divinity Power: Maiden’s
unsheathed arming sword laying on top. Word

Worshippers: Business owners, paladins, The cleric can utter as a free action the
survivors, the grieving, survivors, warriors, and words “The maiden Varnaiel gives her
widows/widowers. protection to” and speak a single creatures
name. For one minute per cleric level the
Cleric Alignments: LG, LN, CG, and NG. named creature gains a bonus on all saving
Sacred Prayer Time: Day throws equal to your proficiency bonus and
they gain a divine bonus to armor class of +1
Portfolio: Contracts, Family, Grief, Justice, Law, and an additional +1 for every three cleric levels
Oaths, Order, Protection, Unity, and War. you possess to a maximum of +9.
Domains: Good, Healing, Law, Protection, and Varn An’ar Special Spells
War. Spell Level Spell Name
Enemies: Arsthyrtiaurathearvoral, Ashendarlon, 1st Smite Evil, Smite Chaos
2 Maiden’s Kiss
Geneva Xzelia Ebony, H’uok B’kithnekthal,
3rd The Maiden’s Oath
Kune’ilk Ngrokuk, L’Jallil D’Vhid, Sulmus Zotan- th
4 Zone of Truth
lufutatar, and The Masked Lady.
5th Blade of Justice
Allies: Anistrial, Anulo Che, Bahamut, Distrophia 6 Maiden’s Armor
Nellthime, Galfuk Jublic Dawn, Gildeon Pheniox, 7th Maiden’s Judgement
Gythyrax, Harlia Nearshade, Hulie Tassenburge, 8 Comfort
Killian An’ar, L’Barra An’ar, Mana Tessa 9th Maiden’s Wrath
Allitressa, Meifft D’Arlathil,
History: Born to the elven god Killian An’ar and castle Vilshemthiel which as been the home of
his then wife L’Jallil D’Vhid almost a century her and the L’Lodias d’Tauren for her whole life,
after they had the twins L’Barra and T’puuli, now she guards it and all within as the official
Varnaiel An’ar (VAHRN-ai-EL AN-OUR) was a Lady of the castle.
young shy goddess for most of her early life,
Worried for her little sister’s safety,
both of her elder sibling adored her to no end,
T’puuli An’ar made a set of full plate armor, a
both taking time to help the child get out of her
kite shield, and an arming sword out of moon
shy streak on their own. While she didn’t
steel using techniques devised by the now
outwardly show it, she loved her family greatly.
drow, dark elves. She enchanted each item
Unfortunately for the young goddess, her
personally to ensure the strongest evil could do
mother was planning to over throw her father,
Varn no harm. This was quite fortunate for
even tricking L’barra into helping out with her.
Varnaiel as she had grown into a women, but
When L’Jallil’s plan failed she tried to make the
her beauty was so immense that all creatures
L'Lodias d’Tauren think that the attempt on
mortal and divine who looked upon her fell in
Killian An’ar’s life was the work of her daughter
love with the young goddess. The powerful aura
T'puuli, however Killian knew his daughter had
she extrudes was beyond her ability to control
nothing to do with the assassination plot.
and her natural shy nature made it difficult for
Angered by this L’Jallil D’Vhid accidentally let
her to interact with the other members of
slip her wicked scheme as well as L’Barra
L’Lodias d’Tauren or even the mortals who
involvement. Shocked by this Killian decided to
worshipped her. When the Silver Dancers gift
banish L’Jallil D’Vhid to the abyss and told
had arrived, Varn An’ar was blown away by the
L’Barra to leave and not to return until he is
workmanship of the items, putting on the armor
willing to atone for his action. T’puuli An’ar
she felt a degree of comfort she hadn’t felt
despite everything realized her mother will
since she was a child with her brother and
attempt to convert mortal elves to her to cause
sister. The armor was the best gift T’puuli could
since she could directly get rid of Killian
have giving her sister as while she was clad in it
anymore, so she decided to leave and go to the
and kept the visor of her helm down her
elven people living on the material plane to
powerful aura of beauty couldn’t affect anyone.
protect them from her mother.
Thus, Varn An’ar rarely removes her armor,
Being unable to do anything about her unless by herself or in the company of her
sibling’s fate and full of anger and hatred father Killian who is the only creature she
towards her mother, the young child goddess knows isn’t affect by her beauty.
Varnaiel An’ar decided she will spend the rest of
Physical Description: Varnaiel “Varn” An’ar is a
her life protection her father, L’Lodias d’Tauren,
short, athletic built dark elf standing around 4
her siblings, and all who could need her even
feet 10 inches tall. She has a modest bust,
forsaking the use of her birth name taking on
though she is rarely dressed in a way to make it
the nickname Varn to symbolize her separation
visible. Her skin is a light brown unlike her
from her mother. Over the millennia Varn has
sibling’s obsidian color skin, with pure white
become a skilled swordswomen, a powerful
hair that is smooth, well kept, looking like fresh
magic-user under the teachings of Mana who
snow that she keeps long, hanging down past
was grant asylum by Killian after the
her butt. When she is wearing her armor, she
dragonwars, a stalwart defender of order and
keeps her hair in a low hanging that appear
justice. Her father realizing her dedication to
outward from underneath the back of her helm,
protect every has granted her Ladyship of the
she doesn’t keep the bundle visible however as Creatures have a right to live a good life, free of
her cloak of elvenkind is worn over her hair. pain and suffering caused by other. While evil
When unclad in armor or clothing she keeps her should be stopped, killing evil creatures should
hair loose, which tends to hang completely be a last resort, and only when lives are in
behind her except for a couple strands of hair immediate danger and talking cannot resolve
that hang down her face reaching down toward things peacefully. One should always believe
her chest, which she is constantly move behind that everyone can change and be better, while
her ear. evil creatures are dangerous, they should be
given the chance to change and helped to do so
Her eyes are incredibly strange as the
if they are genuinely trying. The weak and poor
Scalera of her eyes are purple, while the iris is
should be protected and provided for, dreams
silver, when wearing her armor her eye is all
and ideas are important so encouraging them in
that can be seen of her face through the glass
those less fortunate help improve the state of
steel visor of her helm. Her armor is ornately
the world. When you make a deal or give your
decorated, being made of moon silver the
word, you should make good on it and everyone
drowcraft full plate is silver with gold trimmings
should be treated with respect.
on the edges and her helm covers her full head
with a visor that has small vertical strips to Holy Celebrations/Special Rites: Every years
allow breathing and a eye level horizontal strip starting on the first full moon of spring, clerics
of glass steel that allows her to see through the and paladins who serve Varn An’ar are expected
helm without putting her eyes at risk from to go out and spend the next month fighting evil
debris during jousting or other kinds of combat. creatures, protecting the weak, and provide for
She always wears her dark elf cloak of elven the poor with food, shelter, and aid in a rite
kind, when wearing armor, she will keep it called the “Spring Journey.” Clerics of Varn
hanging from her back, so as to not have it An’ar celebrate during the last day of summer
interfere with her arms during combat, if unclad with a massive feast called “Summer Mass”,
she will have it covering her body usually with each cleric is expected to invite at least one
the hood down to cover her face so as to avoid poor or needy to attend who are given fresh
creatures falling to the effects of her beauty. clothes, access to baths, and shelter for the
fallowing weak after during which the cleric is
If she is caught on the rare occasions,
tasked with helping their guest improve the
she isn’t wearing her armor or cloak, she will be
quality of living in any way possible. All guest
wearing a silver and blue dress with a high
and members of the church eat, drink, dance,
neckline that keeps her from showing as much
and generally have marry time all night long
skin as possible. Regardless of wither she is clad
into midday of the next day. Every morning
in armor, clothing, cloak, or completely nude
after waking clerics and paladin sing a quiet
she always carriers her arming sword Maiden’s
song while standing over their armor, the song
Heart with it sheath attached to a thin belt that
asks for a blessing from An’ar for the day’s
is wrapped around her waist leaning on her
tasks. 30% of the time An’ar will grant a bless in
the form of granting non-magical armor a
Dogma: Law and order is necessary to a degree, temporary +1 enchantment bonus as if it was
but it shouldn’t intrude into peoples right to magical for 24 hours and 5% of the time she
live. Any laws or rules must be fair and applied give a blessing to the singer of while wearing
equally to all, if the law isn’t fair or isn’t being the armor they were singing over they gain a +2
applied equally then it should be removed. divine bonus to saving throws against spells,
charms, compulsions, psionics, breath weapons, forbidden from wearing light armor unless it is
and area of effect, this armor song is elven chainmail. While clerics and paladins can
performed, but once a day and takes 30 use any weapons available to them, they must
minutes to perform. own and keep on their person at all times an
arming sword in honor of Varn and when
Church and Clergy Organization: Varnaiel’s
defending the poor and weak they must use the
Church is rather small, having only a handful of
arming sword first in their defense unless it is
temples and shrines throughout the elven lands
not ready on hand, in which case other
as most who worship her are lay worshippers.
weapons may be freely used.
As such her clergy is organized into four rings,
the lowest ranking rings called the apostate is
all apprentice clerics and paladins in training
Avatar of Varn An’ar
who each have a teacher of the next higher
level ring. Experience clerics and paladins form Varnaiel “Varn” An’ar
the second ring called the Lady’s Blade, these 30/30/25/20 level Paladin/Fighter/Cleric/Magic-User
experience clerics and paladins range from 1 st to Dark Elf
8th level and can freely move from temple to
Type: Humanoid (Elf, Goddess)
temple or shrine to shrine. They are expected to
train at least one cleric/paladin in training at Frequency: Unique
each shrine or temple to go to, they also work # Appearing: 1
to maintain each place of worship. The third
Armor Class: 35 (+15 +5 Drowcraft Full Plate Armor bonus,
ring is called the Justiciar and are only clerics of +10 Dexterity Modifier, and +10 Divine bonus), 43 with +5
9th through 14th level, they each stay at a shrine Drowcraft Kite Shield of Deflection.
or temple and functions as the manager of the
Movement Speed: 180 Feet (+60 feet from Boots of
place of worship seeing that it is properly Jumping and Speed)
maintained by lower ranking clerics and
paladins, they are also in charge of providing aid Hit Dice: 60d10+420 , 25d8+175 , 20d4+140 (1,615 Hit
to the local area. The fourth level is called the
Blade masters and is comprised up of 15 th level % In Lair: 60%
or higher clerics and 9th level or higher paladins Treasure Type:
who form a great council once a month where
# of Attacks: 4 (Maiden’s Heart) (+32 Attack Roll)
the status of each shrine or temple is brought
up and examined as well as their contributions Damage (Attack): 1d6+23 slashing damage, Medium or
to the local areas. It is this council’s job to make Smaller/ 1d8+23 slashing damage Large or larger
(Maiden’s Heart, +5 holy arming sword of defending, see
sure each shrine and temple is doing its duty to
Varn An’ar and to the community/
Special Attacks: Special
Vestments and Requirements: Clerics must
Special Defenses: Special
wear tunics of silver and black color when in
active service or when performing acts in Varn Magic Resistance: 95%
An’ar name, unless combat is expected or
Abilities: S 40 (+14), D 32 (+10), C 25(+7), CM 38 (+13), I 28
possible. Clerics and paladins of Varn An’ar are (+8), W 25 (+7), CH 30 (+10)
required to own at least one set of full plate
Saving Throws: CGT +34, PPD +27, PP +33, BWAOE +21,
armor, though they need not use it as their
WRS +28, CC +29, SP +27
combat armor. All clerics of Varn An’ar are
Alignment: Lawful Good forged them herself out of moon steel and enchanted each
item to ensure her beloved little sister will always be
Size: Medium (4 feet 10 inches) protected even if T’puuli cannot always be there for her.
Psionic Abilities: None Varn An’ar as a lesser goddess is immune to the
Tier: β fallow spells and conditions, this includes spell-like
abilities, wands, rods, staves, and scrolls that replicate any
Varn is a powerful and very beautiful goddess, of the fallowing spells or conditions: advanced image, all
being a very capable melee fighter and a skilled spellcaster mortal poisons, alter gender, blind, bliss, charmed, charm
makes her a very deadly threat to any who would monster, charm person, confusion, destruction, diminish,
challenger her avatar. disintegration, dominate monster, dominate person,
enthrall, exterminate, instant death, know alignment,
She always uses her ornately decorated +5 holy lover’s heaven, maiden’s judgement, maiden’s kiss,
arming sword of defender called Maiden’s Heart, this maiden’s oath, maiden’s wrath, mass charm monster,
sword is made of moonsilver, it deals +10 additional points mass charm person, paralyzed, phantasmal image,
of holy damage to evil aligned creatures and she can use phantasmal killer, polymorph others, power word kill,
the swords enchantment bonus for defense allowing her power word stun, programmed image, smite evil, smite
to use either none, some (+1 - +4) or all of it (+5) to Armor law, soul bind, suggestion, thrall, and weird.
class as a deflection bonus, doing so however reduces the
swords magical bonus on attack rolls and damage by the Varn can cast any of her special spell and all the
same amount. She can choose wither to use her swords spells from a domain she has access to at will as a spell-like
enchantment bonus for offense or defense at will at the ability as a swift action regardless of the spells normal
beginning of each melee round. casting time at the spells base level. She may also once per
melee round smite evil or smite chaos as a free action as a
Varnaiel wears a +5 Drowcraft Full Plate Armor spell-like ability, except it function as if casted in a 9 th level
made of moon steel that grants her immunity to all psionic spell slot. She can also use the channel divinity power of
attack modes and disciplines, it also reduces the damage her own or of any domain she has access to up to 7 times
she takes by 7 points of damage per dice of damage, and per day as an action (unless the power says it require a
more over it gives her full immunity to fire, cold, and acid different action). She has access to all the class features of
damage with her taking half damage against electricity, a paladin, cleric, magic-user, and fighter, her specialization
sonic, and negative energy damage. Once per hour, her weapons included arming sword, bastard sword, long
armor allows her to name any single spell of 1st through 9th sword, great sword, and dagger; her improved
level and for the next hour she becomes completely specialization weapons included arming sword, bastard
immune to the named spell as long as she continues to sword, and dagger; her greater specialization weapons
wear her armor. Varn An’ar can only be damaged by +3 or include arming sword. When every Varn An’ar rolls a
greater enchantment bonus magical weapons, weapons natural 20 or 19 on an attack roll with any of her
with less than a +3 deal no damage to her. specialization weapons she deals maximum possible
damage with that weapon, not including extra damage
She has a +5 Drowcraft Kite Shield of Deflection
made of moon steel, while she usually has the shield from magical weapon properties or class features like
sneak attack. Once per melee round as a action Varn An’ar
strapped to her back, if she dons the shield Varn’s Shield
will cause all arrows, bolts, and throw weapons to can compel any creature within 30 feet of her to answer
truthfully and fully any questions she asks, the creature
immediately get knock to the ground harmlessly when the
projectile gets within 30 feet of her(this includes spells like will find themselves unable to hold back any information
pertaining to the question as if they were in desperate
magic missiles, acidic arrow, etc. which creates a projectile
and shoots them at a target, though the spells simply need to tell the goddess everything, the creature doesn’t
get a saving throw if this is the first time Varn has use this
disappear in a poof of smoke when casted) , should a
creature within 30 feet of her tries to shoot or throw such power of them within the last 24 hours, but if she uses it
on the creature again before 24 hours have passed since
a projectile at her the arrow, bolt, or throw weapon will
immediately fly directly behind them away from Varn the creature was last affected it gets a saving throw vs
compulsion with a DC of 25, succeed on the save doesn’t
An’ar should another creature be within 5 feet behind the
creature launching the attack it must make a DC 20 Saving negate the effect to make a creature tell the truth, but it
does prevent the power from forcing the creature to
throw against Area of Effect or take damage from the
arrow, bolt, or throw weapon as if the initial creature had answer the question and the truth telling effect will wear
off after a minute has passed once the save was a success.
attacked them instead. Varn An’ar’s sword, armor, and kite
shield are all gifts from her older sister T’puuli An’ar who
Varn has shadow sight up to 120 feet and she she is either unclad or without her face covered must
can see full color while using it, she can also switch to her make a saving throw vs compulsion with a DC of 25 or fall
infravision as a swift action which has the same range as madly in love with her (functioning as if charmed), the
her shadow sight. She wears boots of Jumping and speed creature will do anything within reason that she asks
which gives her a +10 on any general skill jump check, treating them as if it were the suggestion spell, should
allows her to perform a second jump in midair effectively another creature attempt to attack Varnaiel while under
allowing her to jump up to three times her body height on the effects of her beauty the effected creature will attempt
a successful jump check or twice the normal long jump to protect her unless she order the creature not to or
distance, and her movement speed is increases by 50% her runaway, defending her to the death or tell she retreats. A
base movement speed to 180 feet per minute. She also creature the succeeds on their saving throw against her
has a dark elf cloak of elvenkind which makes her nearly aura of beauty finds her incredibly beautiful, but will feel
invisible while hiding in natural environments like forest, know compulsion to attempt to court her. Varn’s aura of
caves, etc. by pressing herself against a surface with her beauty is a continuous ability of hers that she has no
body and limbs tucked within the cloak, on a general skill control over and is keenly aware of its effect. She will
hide check of 10 or higher any creature making a spot never intentionally take advantage or abuse a creature
check must also roll a d% in addition to the check on a under the effects of her aura, even an evil creature she will
result of 90% or less the creature fails to notice the hidden avoid taking advantage of even if the lives of other
goddess regardless of the spot check results. creatures are in danger as she views using her beauty in
such a way immoral, as such when Varn An’ar sends one of
She has a goddess also has the fallowing powers: her avatars to the material plane they are almost always
detect magic at will, command at will (no saving throw, completely clad in armor with the face plate of her helm
but lasts only for two minutes), detect evil at will, geas at down to prevent her aura from affecting creatures.
will (with a range of 90 feet), teleport without error at will,
and true seeing at will none of which will function Spells Prepared
continuously, lasting as long as the spells effects normal
duration unless stated otherwise. She can also do any of 20th Magic-user (7/7/7/7/7/5/4/3/3/3)
the fallowing once per day as an action: regeneration, 0 Level: Exterminate x3, Fire Finger x2, Damp x1, and Dry
resurrection (no limit on the time the creature can be dead x1
for), suggestion, tongues, and zone of truth.
1st Level: Enlarge x1, Diminish x3, Magic Missiles x1,
She has the fallowing divine powers as a lesser Shocking Grasp x1, and Light x1.
goddess: Shapeshifting (she can change her form to any
living creature that she has seen or into a unique form of a 2nd Level: Avatar’s Acidic Arrow x2, Bustify x1, Rebust-tion
creature, thus she can choose to alter her appearance as x1, Vocalized x2, and Knock x1.
she wishes and stay in that form indefinitely), Sizeshifting (
she can grow or shrink to any size desired gaining the 3rd Level: Clairaudience x1, Clairvoyance x1, Dispel Magic
appropriate changes to her strength, dexterity, reach, x2, Lightning Bolt x1, Fireball x1, and Tongues x1.
space, and movement speed as appropriate for her new 4th Level: Dimension Door x3, Polymorph Other x2, Wall of
size, she can alter her size at a rate of six inches per Ice x1, and Confusion x1.
segment and can choose to gear, clothing, or other items
in her procession to grow or shrink with her), give life (She 5th Level: Cone of Cold x1, Hold Monster x1, Passwall x1,
can restore to living any undead, spiritual beings, or Stone Shape x1, and Telekinesis x1.
mortals without needing a intact body, doing so however
prevents her from using this divine power again for a 6th Level: Disintegrate x1, Enchant An Item x1, Geas x1, and
week, but the creature is restore to perfect health with the Stone to Flesh x1.
youth of middle age or less if the creature was younger
7th Level: Force Sword x1, Delayed Fire Ball x1, and Mass
than that when died), and create avatar (she can create a
Invisibility x1.
avatar, the process takes one year to complete and it
always has maximum hit points. Varn An’ar can only have 8th Level: Mind Blank x1, Permanency x1, and Polymorph
a number of avatars equal to her divine rank – 5, she Any Object x1.
hears, sees, and feels anything her avatar does and her
hearing and sight extends to 10 miles around her avatars). 9th Level: Meteor Swarm X1 and Wish X2.

Varn An’ar has a aura of beauty that surrounds 25th Cleric (11/9/9/9/9/9/8/7/5/5)
her body, any creature within 30 feet of that looks at her if
0 Level: Cure Scrapes x4, Aspiration x4, and Candle Light

1st Level: Cure Light Wounds x4, Darkness x3, Detect Evil
x1, Protection From Evil x1, and Purify Food & Drink x1.

2nd Level: Hold Person x3, Know Alignment x2, Resist Fire
x3, Speak With Animals x1.

3rd Level: Daylight x2, Deeper Darkness x2, Cure Disease x3,
Cure Blindness x1, and Remove Curse x1.

4th Level: Cure Serious Wounds x4, Detect Lie x3, and
Neutralize Poison x2.

5th Level: Atonement x3, Plane Shift x2, and Raise Dead x3.

6th Level: Heal x4, Speak With Monsters x1, and Word of
Recall x3.

7th Level: Holy Word x3, Regeneration x1, Restoration x1,

and Resurrection x2.

8th Level: Mass Heal x3 and Anti-magic Shell x2

9th Level: Gate x2, Full Restoration x1, and True

Resurrection x2.

30th Paladin (7/6/5/5/4)

1st Level: Smite Evil x2, Smite Chaos x2, Smite Humanoid
x2, and Bless x1.

2nd Level: Smite Demon x2, Smite Dragon x2, and Cure
Minor Wounds x2.

3rd Level: Daylight x1, Revive x2, Circle of Protection From

Evil x1, Smite Spellcasters x1.

4th Level: Zone of Truth x3 and Banishment x2

5th Level: Greater Smite Evil x2, Greater Smite Chaos x1,
and Raise Dead.

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