Item Crafting Test Document

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Item Crafting

While crafting general items are handled through the general skill craft, the crafting of a magical items is
handled a little bit differently though in the case of making magical arms and armor you might have to
also use a general craft skill in part of its creation. Magical items generally have a set of requirements,
this includes spells needed to be casted, ingredients, and overall gold cost. Magical arms and armor also
have a equivalent enchantment bonus rating which is how many enchantment bonus the magical
weapon property is equal to. Magic-users are the only class that can create magical items, though they
might need other classes to assist them in crafting magical items as not all spells using in crafting magical
items are in the magic-users spell list. Like with when magic-users are using their spells to create magical
items assisting spellcaster must have the spell needed from crafting the item prepare for each day it is
required to craft the item casting it on the item during the enchantment process. It takes gold equal to
the items cost to craft it in addition to any ingredients. Successfully crafting an item awards the magic-
user with experience points equal to 1/4 th its experience point value. Buying a magical item cost as much
as the cost for creating the magical item, while selling a magical item is worth only ½ its cost if it still
works or 1/4th if it is has only ½ or less charges or content.

Table : Ingredients cost to purchase and value

Ingredients Cost Weight Bulk
Vial of micro dragon gland fluid 4 gp ¼ lbs. None
Vial of Troll Blood 8gp ¼ lbs. None
Leaf of parsley 2 cp - Fairly
Vial of semen from a grey dwarf 3 sp - None
Seter tree bark 1 sp 1 lbs. Bulky
Grounded seter tree bark 5 sp ¼ lbs. None
Vial of Ogre Magi Blood 15 gp ¼ lbs. None
Thread from a saint’s garments 1 gp - None

Potions unless stated in its description takes 1d4+1 segments for their magical properties to take effect
and if the potion have a limited duration, its duration will be stated in its description.


Cost: 500 gp

EXP Value: 300

Ingredients: Fluid from the gland of a micro dragon and a leaf of parsley.

Description: This potion causes the drinker to diminish in size and weight, this doesn’t affect gear carried
by the individual only the creature quaffing the potion. The amount the creature shrinks is dependent
on the amount of the potion quaffed, if a small sip is taken the creature will shrink to 95% of its original
size, if half of the potion’s contents are swallowed the creature will shrink to 50% of its original size,
likewise swallowing 1/4th or 3/4th of the potion would diminish the creature to 75% and 25% of its
original size respectively. Taking the whole potion causes the creature to diminish to 5% of its original
size. The effects of the potion last for one hour plus 1d4+1 minutes, if less than the full dosage is
swallowed then the duration is reduced to 45 minutes plus 1d4+1 minutes if 3/4 th of the potion is
consumed, 30 minutes plus 1d4+1 minutes if half of the potion is consumed, 15 minutes plus 1d4+1
minutes if 1/4th of the potion is taken, and 1d4+1 minutes if the potion is sipped.


Cost: 800 gp

EXP Value: 400 gp

Ingredients: Cure major wounds spell and troll blood or a potion of healing and a ground bark of a seter

Description: This potion when imbibed heals a living creature drinking the potion of wear, exhaustion,
and physical damage much like a cure wounds spell does. The amount it heals the imbiber is dependent
on the portions of the potion consumed. If one third of the potion is downed only 1d8+1 points of
damage is healed, if two thirds of the potion is drunk then 2d8+2 points of damage is healed, and if the
whole potion is consumed 3d8+3 points of damage is restored. This potion has no effects on undead or


Cost: 300 gp

EXP Value: 250

Ingredients: Semen from a grey dwarf or enlarge spell and ogre magi blood.
Description: When consumed this potion causes the creature to grow in both height and weight, but it
doesn’t affect their garments or other worn and carried gear. The amount of growth the imbiber is
dependent on the portion of the potion consumed, if sipped the creature grows by 1 foot, however if a
quarter of the potion is consumed the creature grows by 6 feet in height. Likewise for each quarter
consumed the creature grows by 6 feet to a maximum growth of 24 feet if the whole potion is
consumed. This potions effects last for 40 minutes plus 1d4+1 minutes when fully consumed or 1/4 th as
long if 1/4th of the potion is taken as so on. If only a sip is taken its effects last for 1d4+1 minutes.


Cost: 400 gp

EXP Value: 200

Ingredients: Cure light wounds spell and a thread from a saint’s garment.

Description: The potion has no effect if consumed in portions and if sipped the creature feels a little
refreshed, but nothing else. However, if the entire potion is drunken the creature that imbibed the
potion is healed of 2d4+2 points of damage. This potion has no effects on undead or constructs.

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